30 Days

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30 Days of

a month’s worth of one page one shots
“30 Days of Mörk Borg” is an independent production by
Rugose Kohn and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare
Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the
MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and

Stockholm Kartell.

Special thanks to Kevin B. for suggestions and inspirations.

You’ll always be my Niduk head…
This document is meant to be an inspirational tool for
game-masters, both visually and mechanically.
The pages that follow are a series of plot hooks, one shots,
encounters, beginnings, and maybe even endings. Each
page is meant to be expanded on/fleshed out by the GM
either beforehand or on the fly (assuming improvisational
play is your thing). Interpretation is a must. Combining
with other content is encouraged. Some of these are
complete and require very little additional content. Others
are rough storylines that simply set the stage.
It assumes some degree of familiarity with TTRPGs and
MÖRK BORG and makes use of the tables at the back of
the core rules, the Feretory monster generator, the amazing
DNGNGEN web tool, official MBC content, and 3rd party
licensed content. Any underlined text is possibly a
hyperlink, so try clicking.
Death’s Fort
R umors of a vast treasure lure you to an ancient fortress at the edge of the
swamps on the eastern shores of Lake Onda. The fort is slowly sinking
into the
 mud, so time is of the essence. Roll a d6 for every player action
outside of combat, on a 6 the fort sinks a little further. Critical fumbles during
combat also count. Reach 12 instances and the fort disappears beneath the
mud forever. Every two times the fort sinks, add +1 to DR, stacking.

T he walls of the fort breathe and bleed. Eyes watch your every move. All
enemies win initiative when fighting inside the fort and they cannot be
ambushed. Cut your way through the walls to escape if you have to. Don’t
get washed away in the bloody deluge. Cutting through will accelerate the

M ost of the fortress’ rooms are fire blackened and covered in soot. Some
of the original occupants remain, in a desperate bid to save the fort and
hold off the strange creatures that are trying to oust them. A vault exists at the
center of the fort, where d666 silver is kept. Unfortunately a Sarcopha-Ghost
guards it.

R ising up from the mud are strange and terrible beasts. First spotted
crawling out of the latrine, these spasmodically skittering beasts are
made of shit, mud, and phlegm. Giant eyestalks rise out of their backs and
tentacles, too numerous to count, flail about madly, propelling them forward.
HP 12, Morale 11
d6 damage tentacle attack, can grapple
-d2 armor, smells bad hard to get close for the kill
Encounter at random within the fort, sometime travel in couples (roll a d2)

From Eat Prey Kill

ThE ShattereD TunnelS
Your master’s son and the rest of the children from the nearby villages
have been stolen and spirited away. You’ve tracked them to a complex
at the edge of Bergen-Chrypt.
Entrance is at the top of a volcano. Make the steep climb and
avoid the lava flows.
Earthquakes and eruptions will kill the unlucky. If the players
dawdle too long, make an Agility check or face disaster.
Emaciated prisoners held here by the hundreds, free them, but it
won’t save you.

A blood wizard is using the children’s ichor to power

magikal suits of animated armor he is constructing in
the deepest levels. Suits patrol the complex at random.
The blood wizard uses a captive Magma Head from
Babalon's Hangover to keep his animated suits at bay.

a cohort of goblins have also decided to make the tunnel

system their home. They can often be found battling the
armor. If you encounter them fighting, roll a d6. On a 5 or
6, a goblin throws a javelin at the players. The curse has
been activated!


HP 25 Morale - Cut out the wizard’s heart
Heavy Armor -d6 Heavy Sword d10 for a special treat. When
relentless, won’t stop until destroyed you squeeze it in your
big swing, successful hit roll again to hand, ignore any damage
strike another combatant (friend or foe) you take until you put it
slow moving, DR8 to attack and defend down. Then take double.
Stands nearly nine feet tall, wields giant sword,
not very skilled warriors. Rely on enormous size
and strength to wear opponents down
The Shrine of Evil

Hired by a loyalist of King Fathmu’s to track down a traitorous
relative of the King’s, your search leads you to a shack in a secluded
part of the Sarkash. They must be stopped, no matter the cost.

A wretched, dilapidated building surrounded by an intricate series of

concealed trenches. Players must navigate the approach carefully or
risk falling in. Trench has, on a d4 - 1-2) nothing 3) spikes (take d6
damage) 4) d3 Zombies.

Doorway is inscribed with arcane runes. Passing through without protection

from their curse causes all Presence tests to be at +2 DR. Catastrophic spell
failure on rolls of 1 or 2.

Rm 1 Floor leaning, caving in. Black

nails strewn across floor, child on
the floor crying in the far corner.
Save them for a reward. Nails cause
d3 damage on failed Agility check.

Rm 2 Two horse skulls on the

mantle over the fireplace. They
converse about the end of time.
A zombie chained to the wall
sits on a chest filled with pearls
worth 150s.

Rm 3 Bloodied beds and the

smell of death. A violin on the
dresser. Play the violin, pass a 4
Presence test everyone heals
d4 HP, fail and everyone
suffers d4 damage.

Rm 4 In the basement. Table with (3) elixirs of life. Four sarcophagi. A

group of wretched royals use them as beds. All their victims are in the
crawlspace, coming to life. Zombie horde HP 12, Morale -, d4 damage,
ignores armor until reduced to 6hp.
ht. Powered by a
TOP FLOOR - The lig
into it and gain +3
In a lighthouse near trapped wraith. Look
ug hness check or go
Grift, the promise of Presence, make a To over
y test or get shoved
knowledge and blind. Pass an Agilit Fre e the wr aith
treasure has lured the side by fleeing pr ht an d sto p the
the lig
you to the shore. to forever extinguish
flo od of pr iso ne rs.
The prisoners held
here and forced to
operate the facility
have escaped their 
 THIRD FLOOR - Talking causes
your teeth
basement cells. With to turn black, maybe they fall
out too.
no where to go but Blasphemous paintings cause
reality to
up, they stampede distort. You might vomit.
the stairs and spill
out over the edge.
Pass an agility test
when changing h obscure
FL O O R - Shelves wit
floors or be SECO N D als a random
trampled for d4 ra tu re . Searching reve
damage and lose scroll.
a random item.
R - Entrance
scum from C guarded by
ore Rules. Th four
ink everywh ey argue. Bla
ere, makes th ck
ings slipper

The Spire of Malice

A local magistrate has sentenced you to death. Honestly your memory is a little
hazy on the subject of the events in question. Fortunately for you he’s willing to take
a bribe! Somewhere on the other side of a bridge that crosses a giant pool of boiling
tar is the object of his desire… a goat-head mask carved out of black granite.
But this isn’t just any bridge! No, it’s a ruined bridge! Crumbling stone and
rotting wood, falling apart right under you. This might explain why he wants you to
get the mask and not do it himself. Succeed and you live, fail and you die, if it’s at
the end of a noose makes little difference to anyone.
You must traverse the bridge broken up into the five sections between stone
pillars. Roll 2d6 on the following table for each section…

The Ruined Bridge

They can be retrieved.

table for objects stuck out in the tar.
the d100 Trinkets and Treasures
As you traverse the bridge, roll on
stuck in the tar
Wearing this mask gives you eternal
life, but you can only bleat like a
goat. Take it off to speak and you
granite goat-head mask

age a full year.

2-4 COLLAPSE! This section of bridge caves in, falls apart, gets destroyed. Fall
into the tar below on a failed Agility test. Suffer d3 wounds, ignores armor.
5-6 FALLING DEBRIS! Some of the stone archway on a support pillar breaks
away and falls on you. Make a Toughness test to avoid d6 wounds or choose to
lose an armor tier.
7 RELIGIOUS SYMBOL! An ancient arcane religious symbol, carved into the
stone by the builders revitalizes you. Heal to max health. Roll again.
8 HERETICAL EFFIGY! An effigy of a random party member is discovered. Pass a
Presence test or lose your omens or powers (if you have any) for the day.
9 MYSTERIOUS LEFTOVERS. Roll on the Corpse Plundering Table for something
left on the bridge by a previous traveler.
10 GOBLINS! A group of d4 goblins pours over the side walls, looking for
trouble and some new friends.
11-12 BY THE SKIN OF YOUR TEETH! You made it across this section of bridge
without disaster befalling you.
On a lonesome battlefield graveyard, a tomb
marked Arch Stanton reveals a deep, dark
complex. Narrow stairs descend into the dark. A
doorway covered by the membrane of sarkantha.


Beyond the membrane, a high ceilinged chamber.
Whispered arcane secrets in the dark, scale the
walls to learn the nature of your death (gain 1
omen). It stinks of death and decay here, nearly
impossible to breathe.

At random, rifts to the unmaking of the world

open without warning. Stare into them. Pass a
Presence test or suffer with the knowledge of the
next misery.

Within, the skeletal host rises and begins to

march, seeking revenge. d8 Blood-drenched
skeletons every time a die is rolled.

Labyrinthine tunnels spread out. Leading you to

horrors. A crypt with a sawn off leg nailed to the
wall; a charnel house with shelves lining the
walls, jars filled with internal organs and an
unclean scroll; A lich with an obsidian spear
wears a crown of jewels.
Through a sewer grate in Galgenbeck, you Fire is spreading through
are told a prophet lives. Only he can lift the the trash. Begins in a
curse, placed upon you by some wretched random room. Every time
hermit. Seek him out and find redemption! the players enter a new
room roll 2d6, on a 11 or
The prophet dwells within a strange and 12 it has spread to their
twisted shrine, built from the trash of the current location. Add +1
teeming city. Within its secluded heart he (stacking) for each new
contains the Black Prism. A shard of crystal, room entered.
so black it absorbs all light and twists all

A warren of rooms filled with debris,

terrifying inscriptions, corpses, and worst of
all… one of Tergol’s escaped experiments,
stalks the halls. A gibbering, shimmering
mass of protruding bones and bulbous
pustules, containing exact duplicates of

maybe here? Tergol’s Child

HP 16 Morale 11
-d2 armor, protruding bones
d8 damage, oversized ham-
handed fists
Spawn: For every 2 damage
inflicted, one of the pustules
bursts releasing a small
replica of Tergol’s Child. 2hp,
no armor, d4 damage from
bite. If they get wet from
trying to fight the fire, they
become full sized.
Saving the world is never easy. In Sarkash an ancient artifact spreads its
corruption. Whether contrary to the prophecies or for personal gain, you
have to stop it.

Rumor and gossip leads you to

Grittr’s plant experiments have
a crumbling, decrepit cave in a
spiraled out of check and are now
secluded glade. Vine covered and
barely controllable. Some of the
barely visible through the growth,
older ones are still subservient, but
a fungus encrusted rune-covered
the more recent creations are as
door. Within is the deranged
detached from reality as he is. If a
Herbmaster - Grittr, crazed and
group of three or more are
strung out on his own decoctions.
encountered, at least one will
His experiments have expanded
attack both friends and foes
from potions and salves to twisting
and corrupting the local foliage.
Now these abominations of nature
walk the halls
as barely
that don’t
The Doom Cave
always listen
to Grittr anymore.
Within his complex, past
rooms filled with caged birds,
shelves of obscure literature, dying
plant-people, and rotting
woodland fauna; sits the artifact. A
pyramid of basalt. Four sided
perfection of geometry, smooth
d6 Plant People - old
and seamless. The pyramid will
HP 3 Morale -
activate whenever a die of any
d3 damage, woody limb
type shows a 6.
If you take damage, DR8 Toughness
The pyramid has 20hp and is test or suffer allergic reaction -
automatically hit. Edged weapons itching, lose a turn.
do half damage, blunt weapons edged weapons get +1 damage
agains them
crit on 18-20. If the pyramid
“activates” everyone must pass a
Plant People - fresh
DR10 Toughness test or
HP 5 Morale -
permanently lose 1 Presence to
d6 damage, thorns
a maximum score of -3.
fibrous, -d2 damage
HE demands a gift!
Bring an offering of a dagger onto which
the condemned have carved their victims’ names.
Only at The Dismal Church of Nagla can you fulfill
HIS request and be allowed to survive to the end.
Strange powers have twisted this
ancient cathedral, dedicated to a
long dead and forgotten god. Scale
the inverted staircase of 666 steps or
fall to your death. Through the front
doors untold horrors await. Four
blood-drenched skeletons hide
behind them, waiting for interlopers.
Sentient vines have overtaken the
interior. Anyone near the plants will
have to pass a strength test or
become ensnared. The ensnared can
engage in combat at DR+3 or focus
on freeing themselves. Ranged
weapons are not usable, scrolls have
an increased chance of failure. The
plants will grab friend and foe alike!

At the far end of the church a group of horned hyena-headed skeletons

cavort. They hold the knife you seek! They commune with the skulls of
animals; horses, pigs, cows, and sheep. Gravity is at its strangest here,
ranged weapons are useless.
The side chapel to the west contains a trapped, heavy chest. Monkey feces
are everywhere and the beasts leap about, from vine to vine. They will
attack anyone trying to molest the chest.
The east side chapel is flooding with blood, but on the ceiling. Hidden
within the pool of blood is an arcane and powerful artifact. Roll on the
Tenebrous Reliquary or choose from the list.
The House of
A strange hovel near Grift, the only
place to take shelter from the worst
storm in centuries. The Black Salt
Wind blows through the air, tearing
at your lungs and eyes. Take refuge! lost hopes
This ramshackle cottage - a hunting
lodge; barely standing after decades of weathering the onslaught of being
on the edge of the Endless Sea, beckons you take shelter. At the door a
wounded Grotesque stands guard, one of its wings cracked and partially
missing. Straddling a statue of a priest, it weeps a sulphuric tear.
Inside, a group of cursed monster-hunters
have taken up residence. Slowly turning into Monster Hunter
amphibians, rapidly going mad. They spend HP 8 Morale 8
all their time plotting revenge and building -d2 armor, leather
traps. They sit around in a fire damaged d6 damage, sword
room on filthy sofas; a dead, chained dog
lies in the corner. Frogman: At 0HP roll
on the broken table.
In a back room, candles burn upside down - Results of eye or limb
gravity is reversed and a friendly Pale One takes loss, the Monster
audience. They can either give you absolution or Hunter immediately
they can drive you to the edge of madness, the sprouts a new one
choice is yours. and regains d4 hp.
Other rooms in the cottage are The hunters are
full of debris. All are trapped. cursed to become the
Some work, others don’t. All beasts they once
very experimental and hastily sought and can only
built. reverse the curse to
regain their humanity
Hopefully the Black Salt Wind passes soon. The by hunting the
cottage is slowly flooding with oil and the players.
monster-hunters really (really) like smoking.
Cellar will be full after d8 rolls have occurred.
The first floor after an additional d6. -4 to Agility
rolls after your level floods. 1 in 6 chance
someone lights it on fire. Take damage. Die.

Y ou wake atop a giant cracked sacrificial altar, your

head throbs. Where exactly you are is a mystery. How
you got here, you have no idea. Escape. Or die. Nearby, a
family of four; full of desperation, hungry, and afraid. Roll on
the reaction table, +4 if you offer them food, additional +2 if
you offer to protect them.
Outside the room, narrow windows set horizontally and
out of reach, line the hall. Cold air seeps in and the stench of
death. A stairway at the end of the hall leads down (or maybe
it’s up?). No other obvious ways out. Something seems, wrong.
Loose bits of clothing and your hair dangle the wrong way.
The ceiling (or is it the floor?) is coated with syrupy,
dripping acid. Make an Agility test or take d3 damage as it
rains down on you. Delving deeper, the temperature begins to
rise. The further down (or is it up?) you go, the hotter it gets.
Eventually metal begins to melt.
Other levels reveal more crypts. One filled with empty bird
cages and piles of feathers. Another stacked full with bones,
insects crawl around and between the spaces. Zombies and
blood-drenched skeletons wander at random. You keep
descending (or are you climbing?) until you find the way out.
The exit, a portal surrounded by seven dead trees in The Valley
of the Unfortunate Undead. The Unknown One waits for you

The Unknown One

Ash-grey, wide-eyed, ghost-gaunt, and with seven arms; The
Unknown One wears blood caked furs. Clucking twisted,
meaningless gibberish that sends your mind reeling.
HP 18 Morale 7
7d4 damage, a knife for every hand (choose the three lowest
rolls and the highest)
Arcane Being: Powers do not work in its vicinity
Stinking of sweat and regret, here lies the
entrance to the tainted cave of Knogbrüth,
hidden with an asymmetric structure on a
map of a place that should not exist.

The entrance is guarded by a sick, old troll who

longs for the forests of its youth. Perhaps you can
convince it to pursue its dreams.
A rift to an alternate Rumors persist that occult treasures are
plane exists within the hidden within, that just might, alter the
cave. Berserkers from world’s fate.
this place are appearing Others have come seeking them
at random through the and been corrupted by the cave.
portal. The heretics Now a group of heretics live
might be useful allies if here, lead by a man of glass.
they can be swayed. Knogbrüth. His sparkling gleam
reflects any light, five times
brighter.+4 to attack and
defense DR, but a single
blow is enough to
shatter him.

The Tainted Cave of

Inside the deepest part of the caverns,
the bony remains of the Basilisk’s spawn.
Collect the bones to make soup. Makes
d6 servings, receive max omens each
time you eat it. Permanently lose 1
The Canals
Canals of
of Antipathy

Along the river to the west, lies a marshy area where centuries ago a group of
powerful merchants made their homes. Like they tamed their charges, they
took command of the marsh and river to create a series of canals. Redirecting
the waters and creating land where there was none.

Gossip in the local flophouses has led you here searching for someone you
once knew. Roll on the People from Your Past table.

These once opulent homes sit empty and rotting now. A thin veneer of
wealth over the decaying stench. Depraved cannibals have crept out of the
marshes and taken up residence where the Lords once lived.

At the center of this place, all the silt

dredged to make the canals was piled,
HP 3 Morale 7
creating a great plaza. It was here the
merchants built their chapter house. A damage d8, long rending claws
place where they indulged their every and needle sharp teeth
desire. Now a foreboding low-octave Necrotic and rotting, their faces
note thrums out from this place. Slowly a mass of bulging raw flesh with
increasing in volume it drives you closer a gaping maw of razor sharp
to the edge of madness. Presence DR teeth, filed to fine points. They
will increase by 1 to a maximum of +6 croon disgustingly, yet somehow
seductively, calling you closer.
as you get closer to the source; a crystal
skull within the heart of the chapter They love to choke their victims
house. Its gaze piercing. Pass a Presence and observe the light fade from
test or fall under its thrall. If you can their eyes. -d4 hp per round.
capture it, you can harness its powers of Agility DR10 to avoid, Strength
DR14 to escape.
Lowly scum with a drinking problem is all
you’ve ever aspired to. But then you heard
tales of a basilisk effigy, located in a maze
of ruins, said to being SHE to tears.

The Godless Vault

Within the ruins is a former prison, fallen to rust and rubble. All
that dwells here now are the insane and forgotten offspring of the
prisoners. This place is their world.
Prisoner Offspring
HP d6 Morale 6
d4 damage, improvised weapon
1 in 6 will have a poisoned shiv, d6 damage
Glazed eyes and starving bellies. Travel in packs, d6. Often fight
amongst one another and can be manipulated into it.

The prisoners are guarded by row upon row of statues depicting people
being consumed by various giant insects. One (or more) are alive!
Basalt Statue
HP 12 Morale -
-d4, made of stone - edged weapons do 1/2 damage, blunt weapons do 2x
d6 damage, stone teeth grind your bones
A stone cockroach, abandons its meal of a granite woman and turns its
attention to your (hopefully) living, soft and squishy flesh.

As if the prisoners and living statues wasn’t enough to worry about, the
bubbling-boiling pits of tar are releasing gasses that distort your senses. All
Presence tests are at +1 DR everywhere and +3 DR when next to the pits.
Falling in will result in d6 damage that ignores armor.
Find the effigy within the prison and share it with your friendly
neighborhood inquisitor for a blessing from SHE. Perhaps SHE will take
favor on you, perhaps you will die.
A brighter, better world exists just on the other side of the door to
a simple inconspicuous shack. Enter and receive thine reward!

The front door is guarded

by two gambling dregs,
The Night Den
playing dice. Beat them at
a game of Three Dead II de
Skulls™ to gain entry. Or Inside, the walls are ma
of flesh, the furnit ure of
take the easy way out and
kill them.
I organ-meat and bone.
Everything pulses with

om is full o
The sitting ro vered The kitchen is soot
y and
d se
weapons an is
fire damaged. A lo
st ra nge sludge case with d66 silv
limbs. A
er is
flowing. trapped with pois
on gas.
The sludge thicke

The back bedroo

a bed made of w
to be a heart and
m, with
hat looks
a great
VI irror
sheet of flesh for ugh the m
a Climb thro
blanket. There is er room to
also a into anoth ge,
austic slud
mirror here… o id th e c
g heavily.
now flowin

Through the mirror is a room tiled in marble and lined with velvet
drapes. A lost creature from a dead continent greets you and offers
with a smile… learn the hour and time of your death and you will
always have an omen to save your skin, but you can never have
more hit points than you have right at this moment.
The Death Church of

Under an inverted cross, inside a church at the edge of
Graven-Tosk, you were forced into a sarcophagus at sword
point and left to die. A last hope, you discover a hidden
gateway. Survive and maybe you will find freedom.
On the other side is a warren of graves, pits, burrows, and
great cracks in the earth. This cannot be the material plane of
your existence. Your way is lit by candles overhead, in the sky
that is not a sky. They hang and somehow burn upside down,
dripping hot wax as you take your journey. Some notable
encounters on your travels through this nest of terrors…

A decapitated statue carries a basket full of

severed heads. They cry out to you for
salvation for their souls.

R oom after room full of corpses. Searching

might turn up something useful. But may
not be a healthy endeavor.

R ifts to another plane of existence open. The

undead drag corpses in. Be mindful that
they don’t take you with them.

G reat carrion birds circle overhead. They

scream with delight to see you struggle
across the broken landscape.

H eaps of rotting clothes and toys, discarded

possessions of the damned. Porcelain
Dolls hide within the decaying trash.

Items found here do not take kindly to new owners. Foul-

mouthed and vindictive, they will try to harm you. Maybe
you can find a way to master them.
There is no door to escape here. Freedom lies in accepting
your fate. Embrace death and be reborn in your own realm.
Gambling never was your forte, but you just
couldn’t resist the chance at easy silver. He kept
pushing and pushing and pushing. It was the
Double Basilisks Dare that shoved you over the
edge. Sadly it appears you’ve lost the bet. You drank
his damned potion, you thought you had showed
him. That’s when it all went sideways. You went
through the door with your eyes closed. Why? Now
you’re here, with four goblins - starved and manic.

You managed to get past, or maybe through, the

goblins, but things haven’t gotten any better. The
maze of catacombs twists and warps. The worst
part is wading through the waist
deep mass of larvae and insects
Pass an
(all physical rolls are at +2DR). test to a
or stren
void bei gth
All the while, something is and drag ng grab
ged unde
growing. You can feel it, sense d2 damag
e, then d
r. Starts
it. You know it’s hunting you. a n d finally 3, d4, d6, d8
d10. ,
You know it’s getting bigger. e -
The deeper you go the stronger Moral ashin
HP 18 d thr
cle d a n k ing
it seems to get. Make it to the center of Tenta t u n blin
these accursed halls to escape back to your gle g
A sin wants
reality; but here… here is where the great beast eyeball t h i ng it
lives and it’s sitting atop the portal you need. than r eye
More ct you
to co

The weirdest part about this place are the flowers.

You can’t remember the last time you saw a flower,
but here they bloom prodigiously. Strange bulbous
angelic faces in the center of every one. They sing.
Listen to their song and despair, pass a Presence
test or make your next roll at -2. Eat them and you
absorb their spirit, heal d4. Eat them a second time
and heal d6. Eat them a third time and you will
begin to become like them…

The Festering Pit

A song of treasure and death is whispered in your ear by a weirdly old
shamanic woman. She paints a picture of a great steppe plain, the
only landmark a circle of basalt obelisks. Within their ring, a hole in
the ground that leads to…

the dusk funnel

At the entrance rests a
petrified wyvern. Make an
offering that pleases it or suffer
its reanimated wrath. Fleeing
into the hole in the ground just
might save you, but beware
the horrors that lurk below.

Inside the chasm a group of soil

worshiping maniacs have taken G(R)OD GOLEM
refuge from the world above. Anyone HP 20
caught trespassing is a target for Morale -
torture. Or worse.
Slow, DR10 to hit
-d6 made of metal
The madmen (and women) of this cabal d10 damage, hot fist
harvest the poisonous spores emitted here Special: Every round
from the underworld. Grinding them into of combat the golem
“the powdah” that turns users into living gets hotter, going
zombies. from red to white.
Five rounds to
complete. White hot
will melt metal
Convinced they have discovered a living god, nearby (weapons &
they worship a mute beast, discovered in the armor).
fissures at the bottom of this hole. Here their
deity can be found, a mindless golem, made of
red-hot metal rods.
The Dismal Grave

The doors seal shut and won’t open for seven days.
what feels li
Isolated for rg ü s
on the Ke
an eternity n g e Forcin
find a stra
waste, you rs , w e dged o
g th
pen on e doors, they
b ra ss d o o
set o f
th e cracked ice chamb to a central
be tw e e n st, er. The
e lf y o u h u ddle on. Lo canno
penetr ld wind
sh e d ; u a
early starv nnatur te
al dark here. An
tired, and n u r c on n ess
e yo s u
could this b e ca rv ings
light d s the room,
tra n g
salvation? S oes litt torch
th e d o o r b eckon you to bay. Feeling le to hold it
on around your w at
te r… , f o u ay
en the len r archw
gt ays
side. R h of it, two t line
oll a d oa
archwa 4a
y. Use nd enter an
to add D
more r NGNGEN

First Arch
Leads into
a debris fi
wasteland lled
. Trash hea
everywhe p s
re. A bit o
hempen ro f Ghoul ay
pe is here
, Second Archw
chewed th d3 Visibly d a pile of
rough. A lo Sooty walls an
and starvin st necrotic living r. Someone
g Molar B the charred timbe
from Eat, ear corpses flit in , maybe
Prey, Kill is
s, fa di ng had a fire here
shadow To chase
you could too?
in and out of . H id den
thy away the cold
sight. Long fil A gi lit y
lik e spike pit, pass led
way claws im pa
Third Arch Stacked check or end
iled high. swords t occupant.
Corpses p mells of like the curren
another. S HP 8
one a top e
sh. Strang Morale 12
rotting fle ab ou t. Stone Fourth A
ir l d6 damage rchway
energies sw t black glass Cracked
a je
altar with w. Pick DR14 to hit sarcopha
elvet pillo up again
st the wa lined
orb on a v se nce ll .
pass a Pre Strange e
it up and w il l be ffig
various p y made of
our soul
check or y r b ody. arts of pa
from you visitors.
g moves,
in the co seen
rner of y
our eye.
It started at the last campsite. That feeling of dread,
that something is watching you. Now you are hunted by a
horrible mutant centipede-thing and after a day of running,
it’s clear that escape isn’t an option. You seek refuge within
a crevasse marked by a skull on a spear. Hoping against
hope you can get away or lure it into a trap.
But you aren’t the only ones here. Deep inside the
burrow are four black-haired men with painted white faces
and long knives. They sit around a fire on top of a pile of
bodies that they cut long strips from and hang to dry. A
drunken friend of theirs lounges in the next cavern playing
with a bottle of plague.
To make matters worse, poisonous gas is seeping out
from nearly invisible cracks. It is colorless, but smells like
spoiled cabbage. Pass a Toughness test or hallucinate for
d3 hours and vomit uncontrollably for 2d6 minutes. If the
puking lasts 9+ minutes suffer d3 wounds.

Mutant Centipede-Thing˝
HP 20 Morale 10˝
-d4 resilient exoskeleton˝
d4 damage mandible pincer˝
special: lighting fast, DR14 to attack and
paralysis, anyone bitten must pass a DR8
Toughness test or be paralyzed for a round˝
Skittering along, low to the ground the MCT is
a relentless hunter. With a head that looks like
a human baby, mandibles like two tiny arms,
and legs made of thin bony fingers - the nails
cracked and bleeding.
Fevered dreams reveal to
you a cathedral sized
crystal skull. It
calls to you,
bidding join
it in unholy

An unending swarm of hornets, wasps,

moths, and flies; buzzes about this
accursed place. Tasks requiring agility, are
at +1 DR and all presence tests are at +2,
In the center of the as the flying insects cloud your
skull, a giant rotting pile vision and fill your ears with their
of flesh. Grey and folded incessant cacophony.
in on itself many times, it
resembles a giant brain of The longer players spend in any
some behemoth. A ghost, one place, the insects will begin to
perhaps the former owner of infest their belongings and burrow
this grey matter, is tied to this into any wounds to lay eggs.
spot and seeking retribution. Should that occur, make a
Bring the brain to golem life by toughness test of DR10 or
using the strange powers of the take d3 wounds
artworks hidden in this terrible place.

Several valuable
They seem to have
artworks have been
a strange affect on
hidden here in this
their surroundings,

cathedral of horror.
causing reality to
Free them.
warp and shift.

3 you can use

them to
All the while, a This hammer can
lethal mechanism be found and made
threatens complete harmless, but it is
destruction of The protected by a Lich
Flayed Church. If and his retinue of
time runs out, a tiny skeletons. Destroy or
hammer will strike the convince them to help
skull and cause it to shatter to disarm the hammer
The Dying Shrine of
You have been tasked Unbeknownst to both
by the inquisition to you and the inquisition,
infiltrate a shrine and this mascot is actually a
bring them the mascot goat-headed demon
goat of a Nechrubelian that leads the entire
cult that has taken up operation.
residence there.

Somewhere in a Galgenbeck slum. A hidden entryway through a crack in a

statue of a dead philosopher. Too small to crawl through with armor on (or
a backpack). On the other side are rotting animal carcasses and a small
ruin-basilisk that claims HE is her father. Beyond this a long hallway, no
lights can penetrate its darkness, fish hooks hang at eye level. Various
rooms exist off of this hall, mostly used as dorms for the cultists (who
happen to be blind).
At the far end, the hallway opens onto a spacious chamber with soaring
ceilings. Giant braziers burn (mostly the cultists) to light the space. On the
far side of the room, a chair built of bones, atop it the goat headed demon -

Death is Blind Cultists Sumh-Nech the Goat Beast

HP 5 Morale 10 (6 if there’s loud
noises) HP 13 Morale 9
d4 damage, daggers -d2 heavy cloaks
Special: blades in the dark, adept d4 damage, hooves
fighters in darkness - DR16 to hit d6 damage and 1 round stun, head butt
and defend if there is no light.
Special: Exudes musk of randy goat.
Members of a Nechrubelian death Everyone in contact rolls a d20, dying on
cult. Sightless, no eyes, just smooth
socket-less heads. Operate by a1.
sound and smell. Sumh-Nech is a valuable jewel for the
crown of the inquisition. Captured he’s
worth 300s, dead 100s
The crazed butcher Kröttr has discovered a cure for the plague that, well,
plagues you. Navigate his revolving maze to get to the center and bargain for
his cure. Every time you enter one of the corner rooms, roll randomly for
which of the four it is as the maze rotates about the center.
Filling with BLOOD!
The maze is filling with blood. Once at the Room filled with caged birds.
center, start a timer. All agility tests at -2DR. Setting them free roll a d4 1-2)
When the timer runs out, everyone drowns! nothing, 3) get attacked by a
hawk, 4) gain a new hawk
Room with an
aquarium full of
octopuses. One talks
to you in your mind. MURDER



Troughs full of fungus. Eating it

roll a d4 1) hallucinations 2) take Room full of torture implements.
d3 damage 3) heal d3 damage 4) Prisoners here beg for release.
add +1 to Toughness if you are Whatever that means.
negative, -1 if you are positive

Kröttr gigantic, bald, fat butcher. He’s half-mad. Wields two cleavers and
wears a thick leather apron. He’s got a balm that’ll cure the plagues. The
remains of his handiwork have reanimated and wander the halls of the maze.
Mutilated piles of gristle, bone, and muscle. Roll on the Feretory monster
generator for stats (if you have it) or make something up at the table. Each
Deep within the sprawling necropolis of the Graven-Tosk, hidden
inside one of the many graves… an arcane black disk has crashed.
Local priests from the Church fear the potential for disaster is great and
have hired a band of n’er-do-wells to eliminate the threat of the disk.
Although marked by a simple headstone, an underground burial
complex is revealed beneath a cracked sarcophagus, leading you to…

The Unhallowed Tomb

The black disk is

swelling and absorbing the
essence of the tomb. A metamorphosis
is under way and a race against time begun.
Get to the crash site before the change finishes,
altering the black disk into a portal to the land of
the dead. But you also must race against nature.
The rain soaked ground threatens to cause the
entire complex to collapse, entombing the disk
and allowing for the portal to open unhindered.
Free the disk from the crash site and prevent
the portal from opening before the grave
collapses. Bringing the disk to the priests
will bring great riches. Destroying
the disk will bring great

This place has been warped by the black disc. It reeks of desperation
and regret, which only gets worse the closer you get to the disk. Inside
the complex, the living dead appear inverted, as though they absorb
the light around them, nothing more than walking silhouettes. Strange,
almost recognizable animals hunt you. The black disk’s malevolent
aura effects all. If taken, everyone must roll on the “Broken Bodies”
table (page 40 core rules). If destroyed, everyone must roll on the
“Arcane Catastrophes” table (page 45 core rules).
The Plague Keep The old keep was always a place you
intentionally avoided. Rumors were that
it was haunted or an old witch lived
there. It was all true. Drunk, bored, and feeling saucy; you’ve taken on a
challenge to face your fears and head on in. Only thing is, a bark-witch and her
root children live here now. They’ve been rounding up the local farmers’
livestock and burning them, to keep warm. The witch is none too pleased with
interlopers and will do anything to get rid of them. Beg, bargain, curse, or kill;
she wants them gone for fear that anyone coming in, is looking to steal her
secret recipe of plague. She’s been bottling it in anticipation of a bad winter
and doesn’t want to share her stash.

Sooty walls from the fire below. Three

vials of life elixir scattered on the

Murder holes. Root-children pour hot animal

lard rendered from the bonfire onto anyone
The walls close in! Walls begin to
close in as a long hallway is
traversed. Roll against strength to
resist DR18, using items to wedge
them will decrease the DR. Fail to
stop it and pass a toughness test or
suffer d8 wounds.

Large bonfire in center of the

room. Strange woody
creatures stand around it,
burning animal carcasses.

Rune covered entrance door, warning signs to

stay away. Two wickheads guard the doorway,
they wield wicked knives
hp 5* morale 8 hint: use the lich or wraith stat block from core rules or Pesta
-d2 bark from Babalon’s Hangover for the witch.
d4, wooden club
Tall thin humanoids made of what looks like tree branches, roots, and
shrubs. Tend to cluster in small groves of d6 kids. If “killed” it drops seeds
that sprout a fresh root-child in d4 rounds. Only fire will completely destroy
O rphn’s
Z IGguRt

It’s all been heard before. Finding shelter in a small town’s inn, a terrible storm,
a forlorn patron, the promise of riches. Tired tropes, playing out in your real
life. But the truth of the matter is a long dormant curse is about to be brought
back to life, somebody has got to do something!

Surrounded by a dead forest, lies an ancient fortress, from

before recorded history. Wild animals circle the ziggurat,
drawn to the powerful aura emanating from inside.
Compelled here, by some unknowable otherworldly force,
all the orphans from the surrounding countryside have
assembled within. They have been manipulated into
furthering the aims of their maniacal god-emperor idol.
Working to unleash a long dormant curse, one that will
inflict a painful, ugly death on anyone over the age of
Their god? A malicious, sentient statue from another realm;
placed here by the unwitting builders. A vision of youthful
beauty, a depiction of a young man, standing and wistfully
observing life. The idol is covered in pieces of armor,
weapons, coins, and jewelry. Its magnetism so powerful,
usurpers lie about in suits of crushed armor, rendered into
little more than a bloody soup.
Free the children it has already ensnared or destroy the
wicked idol before the curse can be awoken.

Ensnared orphans stumble about with white glazed eyes, unable to act
independently, only as a hive mind. They aren’t able to cause much harm as
individuals, but as a group could be quite deadly (death from a thousand cuts).
In the presence of the idol they are even more difficult to lure away.
The statues magnetic field is so strong; gear, weapons, and armor can be
ripped away or off of players. Make a strength test DR14 to keep a grip on
anything metal. Armor being pulled off could cause damage. A failed
toughness test will result in a damage roll equal to the armor’s tier.
Guided by a strange, hypnotic star, you wander
through a chaotic battlefield. At a gravemound marked
by an inverted cross, a crease in the ground opens across
the countryside. Dead hands reach out to drag you into the
channel. These are the failures of Haat, the damned he
sought to transfer his curse to. Now they serve him by
ensnaring more potential victims.
Traversing the serpentine earthwork a freezing draft chills
you to the bone. The walls alternately slick with blood,
oil, or ink, making it impossible to climb... the ground
thick with soupy mud. Passages spiderweb out from
the central corridor. Deserters from both sides
hunker down or fight to survive. Corpses in the
mud, some rising to walk again. A fear grips
both the living and the dead in...


Haat the Unwilling has been trapped here

for decades by a curse and seeks freedom.
He can only attain it by tying someone
else here to assume the curse's mantle.
Haat is bloated and fleshy, his distended
belly pushing through the narrow
trenches. His legs have atrophied to a
point of being useless, but his arms
continue their sinewy growth, snaking
through the mud, searching for a
successor to his plight. Escape his literal
clutches or be damned by his curse.
The Ruined Docks
Love. Always fleet 1-2. Thick, knee-deep silt. Moveme
ing. Never yours
to halved. Agility tests DR+3
hold for long. Unt
il you met Prügl on 3. Flooded with river water. Pas
that one afternoo sa
n some days ago. toughness test or suffer d3 wou
Now Prügl is at th nds
e bottom of a hole (ignores armor). Keep testing and
taking damage until you pass
Down by the river, a wa ! Hard to
, no one is 4. Crawling with bugs
began to fill with blood es en ce tests DR+1
or how. But concentrate, Pr
really certain from where
cave in on
it caused everything to 5-6. Full of debris and trash, pass an
(the drop
itself. Now, in a sinkhole Agility test or take a wound (ignores
fal l), sits a
down is perilous, don’t
ircase that . They beg for help
7. A trapped Prowler
small shack. Inside a sta pa rty
yss. and ask to join your
leads down into the ab
8. A locked and possibly trapped
This place had been a wealthy Might be rigged with explosives.
Might be
your imagination.
merchant’s storage facility for his line
of perfumes meant to make corpse 9-10. A random menagerie of anim
smell palatable. Now the floral from Eat , Pre y, Kill
stench permeates everywhere. Sick
ly 11-12. d6 blood-d
sweet, the air is overwhelming thic renched skeleto
k. d4 Scu m
Breathing is difficult here. Physica 13-14.
tasks become harder. 15. Shelves full of rot
ting food, some
of it might still be edible
d o o r a t th e bottom of
Through a partially 16. d3 vials of elixir of
life hidden in a
o u e n te r a maze of
stair s y oms, pile of caustic slu dge
tu n n e ls , flooded ro
collap se d atures
y in g (a n d terrified) cre 17. Fire damaged roo
m, slowly
and terr if flooding with blood. It’s
. slick like oil,
and animals Agility tests at DR+1
e! Pass a Toughn
Roll a d20 on the
chart to the right 18. Room is on fir co m e by
ing over
for every room or test to avoid be
“hallway” e, fa il an d ta ke d6 wounds
traversed or whene smok
feel like throwing
ver the hell you (ignores armor)
something into
their way. At leas 19. A lich! With a
t 1d6+4 times to crown worth 6d
build your hellsca silver 6 x6
pe. Make it to the sc ribe
end to rescue Prüg yers roll and de
l before she 20. Make the pla
succumbs to the er from the
inevitable and ris a random monst
as an undead horr es m on st er generator
or. Feretory™
2d6 Hex/Hourly Events
2: all is quiet, too quiet
3-4: weather change
5 -6: blizzard - move at
half rate
7-8: random Kergüs
9: d3 goblins
10: fall through the ice -
random player takes d3
11: frozen corpse
(human, goblin, or
12: supply cache

The Rancid Waste

Rumors of an enormous treasure have lured you to a cursed Kergüs waste. A small
valley surrounded on three sides by cliffs of ice. The gossip has been that a group of
treasure hunters went looking for the loot, only to descend into madness and
paranoia. Untrusting of one another, they split up and all met their demise in the
cold. Start somewhere not far from Lee and Kuack. Each hex takes an hour to cross.
Roll on the chart in the upper left every hex or hour.

The bodies The fire The flag and medicine chest

Players must inspect 3 of the Two locations. It’s your Lost in the wilderness is the groups
5 body sites to collect enough only hope of survival medicine chest. Contains twice the
info to find the records which once night falls. If camp number of supplies as typical.
will lead them to the treasure is made in a hex without The flag, a dismal icon owned by a
Lee & Kuack - died in an fire suffer d3 wounds nomadic group of goblins fleeing a
avalanche, pass agility tests or (ignores armor) on a foreboding darkness coming from
take d3 fall damage failed DR16 toughness the east. This is their campsite.
test. Could be dangerous.
Iversen & Dressler - died
fighting over the last of the The records
food, still some left The big X
Inspecting at least three
Boyd - killed by nomadic of the body sites will Location of the treasure. Contains a
goblins wanting to sit by his reveal clues that lead to random item from the Tenebrous
fire, still here the original camp. All the Reliquary and a sack with d666
Collins - killed by a hunters’ notes and maps silver. It’s buried under mounds of
megasloth, still rummaging can be found here in a snow and ice. Takes d6 hours to
through his camp trapped box. Pass a dig out.
Gortz - died from exposure, DR10 presence test to
maybe the black salt wind learn the location of the
On a small island off the coast of Grift, a group of corrupt, dissident inquisitors reign.
They worship a pantheon of false gods and while away their time torturing prisoners;
people stolen off the streets of Grift or taken from passing ships. One way or another
you’ve ended up here. Alone and afraid you must make your escape.
Painful traps litter the prison complex and grounds of the
island. They aren’t meant to be deadly, but painful. Each one
triggered should reduce stats or keep track of “shadow”
damage and at 0 or negative health roll on the broken table.
The island is full of prisoners driven mad by torture. Roll
reaction d6 times with each interaction. Each new reaction
roll should be made at random intervals or after every round if
in combat.
Several small boats are moored in a cove. The inquisitors use
them for fishing. These can be used to escape.

The Island Of Dying Gods

Each individual inquisitor believes in his own god. Every one of them is bestowed
with special abilities based on their belief. Each god can have multiple followers
Yesu - Followers of this false deity when struck down, will rise again after 3 rounds of
Hooba - Practitioners have an eire calm, their attacks are +2DR to defend against and
their stoic resolve makes them difficult to damage (additional d2 of armor).
Blygueh - Just when you think you’ve discovered them all, another one manifests.
Always another follower waiting in the wings when least expected.
Eyes of Ninevah - Most concerned about gaining converts and will do everything in
their power to capture and subdue. Love torturing people. Will try to grapple, must
pass a DR16 strength test to avoid being grappled.
“30 Days of Mörk Borg” is an independent production by
Rugose Kohn and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare
Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the
MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and

Stockholm Kartell.

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