Rozdział 3 Słownictwo Grupa B

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Rozdział 3 Imię i nazwisko: 

Słownictwo Wynik/20
Grupa B Klasa: 

1 Wybierz poprawną opcję: A, B lub C. 3 Uzupełnij każdą lukę w tekście jednym wyrazem z ramki
w poprawnej formie. W ramce są cztery dodatkowe
0 When do you start to for your exams? wyrazy.
A  revise B  cheat C  sit

1 Is this project or just for those who want to do it? take get pass have learn
A  optional B  punctual C  compulsory make do hand revise wipe

2 If you work hard, you’ll soon progress.

My sister is a very good student. She always 0 does her
A  do B  make C  have
best and 1 an active part in the lessons.
3 Please copy what I have written on the .
A  table B  desk C  board She  2
in her homework on time, or even early,
and she never 3 silly mistakes. She studies hard
4 Walk quietly along the to your next lesson, please.
A  canteen B  playground C  corridor and she volunteers to help the teacher by 4

5 The first finishes on December 20th. the board clean after the lesson or taking the register.
A  term B  break C  timetable Last month she won a poetry competition. She had to
a long poem by heart – in Latin!

2 Uzupełnij każdą lukę w tekście tylko jednym wyrazem.

4 Uzupełnij wyrazy. Każda kreska odpowiada jednej
What are your favourite school 0 subjects?

I love 1 S : biology, chemistry and physics. Thank you for applying for a job as teacher at our
I’m also interested in f 2
l school. We are an experimental school with an alternative
like Spanish and French. style of teaching and learning. We don’t encourage
What kind of school do you go to? 0
s y s t e m a t i c learning. We think it restricts our students.

It’s a 3 m school with boys and girl together. Many of them are very 1 m n v and are able to

It isn’t private. It’s a 4 s school – what the create wonderful stories, poems and works of art. Your job

Americans call a public school. as a teacher is to be as 2 t v g as possible –

giving encouragement, being positive and helping the
What facilities does your school have?
students to have pride in their work. We also have
There are laboratories, computer classrooms, a library.
alternative discipline procedures. We aren’t 3 t t and
And the older students have got a 5 c room
prefer not to use punishment. We feel it is 4 f r to
where they can relax between lessons and during
force our rules on the students. We have found that they are
much more 5 p t v and well-behaved when
they are involved in decision making and rule making.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy

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