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Twodimensional electron gas magnetic field sensors

J. Heremans, D. L. Partin, D. T. Morelli, B. K. Fuller, and C. M. Thrush

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 57, 291 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.103717

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Two-dimensional electron gas magnetic field sensors
J. Heremans, D. L. Partin, D. T. Morelli, B. K. Fuller, and C. M. Thrush
General Motors Research Laboratories, 30500 l'Wound Road, Warren, Michigan 48090

(Received 26 February 1990; accepted for publication 7 May 1990)

We describe the use of accumulation layers of electron charge in applications as
magnetoresistive devices. We consider two such systems: an InGaAs/InP heterostructure in
which we identify a two-dimensional electron gas from the observation of the quantum Hall
effect, and InAs films, in which a strong surface accumulation of charge is inferred from depth
profiling studies of the galvanomagnetic coefficients. Magnetoresistive devices fabricated from
these materials exhibit outstanding field sensitivity and temperature stability due to the
existence of electrons of relatively high density and mobility in the accumulation regions. We
also model the magnetosensitivity of our devices.

Electronic devices capable of sensing magnetic field grown on an insulating InP substrate. The InAs film con-
strength are becoming increasingly popular and commer- tains a space-charge accumulation layer at the air interface.
cially important. The simplest such device is the magnetore- The growth of these structures is by low-pressure metalor-
sistor, When used in conjunction with a permanent magnet, ganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Details ofthe
for instance, a magneto resistor can be used as a potentio- growth of lattice-matched In O. 53 Ga0 .47 As/InP heterostruc-
meter and as a very accurate position sensor. Hall effect de- tures have been given elsewhere. 4 For the case of InAs,
vices give a voltage output that is more linear with magnetic growth was performed in the same reactor using arsine and
field, but the signal level is much lower than that which can ethyldimethylindium as reactive source compounds.
be obtained with magnetoresistors. Therefore, Hall sensors We have made two types of samples: Hall bars and mag-
typically require much amplification. Magnetoresistors are netoresistor devices. The Hall bars are mesa-etched six-point
not new; engineering applications were considered even 20 bridge patterns on which one can measure the galvanomag-
years ago. !.2 In this early work it was quickly realized that netic coefficients Pxx and Pxy' For each material, p xx and p xy
the most sensitive magnetic field sensors are those fabricated were measured from 0.3 to 350 K in fields from 0 to 2 T (7 T
from high mobility semiconductors, because the relative at 0.3 K). InAs films have room-temperature mobilities
change in resistance is proportional to the square of the mo- ranging from 15000 to 21 000 cm 2 /V s. Upon cooling, the
bility. The semiconductor with by far the highest mobility mobility of the InAs samples increases to 50 000 cm 2 IV s at
(at room temperature) is lnSb, and this was naturally the 100 K, then it decreases again. The InO. 53 G3t1.47As films have
most popular material for commercial applications over not a mobility of 11 000 cm 2 /V s at room temperature, which
too broad a temperature range. increases to 110 000 below 20 K.
If, on the other hand, one envisions using these sensors Magnetoresistive field sensing elements are typically
at more extreme temperatures, such as those experienced rectangles defined in the film by a mesa etch. The current is
near an automobile engine, one requires a material whose passed along the short dimension of the rectangle to give rise
resistivity and sensitivity to magnetic field do not depend to the "geometrical magnetoresistance effect". I Multiele-
greatly on temperature. This in principle can be achieved by ment devices were fabricated using photolithography. They
using semiconductors with large extrinsic carrier densities consisted of 12 single-element rectangular devices in series.
or large energy gaps. Unfortunately, in bulk semiconduc- The length to width ratio of each rectangle was 1:2. These
tors, the general trend is that electron mobility decreases were produced by first etching a dog-bone shaped mesa
with increasing electron density; indeed, magnetoresistors through the whole film and into the substrate. Gold ( ~ 1000
made from InSb are useful only over a rather limited tem- A thick) was then evaporated to provide both contact pads
perature range around and below room temperature, be- and contact areas between the individual InAs or
cause their resistance quickly becomes impractically low 1110 . 53 Gllo,47As elements. Active InAs or InC. 53 Ga0,47As rec-
above 125°C. The carrier mobility-carrier density trend ob- tangles are defined by the mesa on their short sides and by
served in most bulk semiconductors would seem to preclude the gold stripes on their long sides. The resistance of each
the existence of a semiconductor magnetoresistor with both magnetoresistor was measured from - 60 to 280°C (213 to
high field sensitivity and low temperature sensitivity. 553 K) in fields from 0 to 1.2 T.
In this letter we describe the use of a two-dimensional Evidence of accumulation of electrical charge in a thin
electron gas (2DEG) in magnetoresistive devices. The chief layer and the existence of a 2DEG in our InGaAs/InP het-
advantage of this approach is that the 2DEG contains elec- erostructure is provided by the observation of the quantum
trons of both high mobility and high density. This leads to Hall effect (QHE), as shown in Fig. 1. We observe plateaus
devices which are capable of maintaining a high level of sen- in the transverse resistance R~y and zeros in the longitudinal
sitivity over wide temperature ranges. resistance R xx (the current is in the x direction and the mag-
We have grown two types of III-V semiconductor de- netic field in the z direction). At 0.3 K, the areal carrier
vices: an InGaAs/InP heterostruture, which contains a high density, as determined by QHE, is 3.MX 1011 cm- 2 ; from
mobility 2DEG at the InP interface,3 and an InAs film also the ordinary Hall effect at low fields we measure

291 AppL Phys. Lett. 57 (3), 16 July 1990 0003-6951/90/290291-03$02.00 @ 1990 American Institute of Physics 291

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2 face has been the subject of some study over the years, 5 and it
has been shown that its thickness is -100 A. This means
that the local electron density at the surface is -4.5X 10 18
4 em -3, even though the density averaged over the entire film
6 is on the order of 10 16 cm - 3. The mobility of the electrons in
the InAs film studied in Fig. 2 is about 15 500 cm 2 ;V s; the
films used to make the device studied in Figs. 3 and 4 have a
room-temperature mobility on the order of 21 000 cm 2 ;V s.
This can be compared with the mobility of bulk samples
doped from 1 to 5 X 10 18 cm- 3 ,6 which is 10 000 cm 2 ;V s.
Thus there exists a rather high density electron layer offairly
oL------''-------l'-------''----'.L.l---'------l=---- high mobility at the InAs surface. The measurements of Pxv
o :1 4 6
Field EI at 20 K made on an unetched film give an areal electron
density of3.5 X 10 12 cm 2; at 300 K this density is 4.5 X 10 12
FIG. 1. Longitudinal and transverse resistance measured at 0.3 K on an cm -3. These mobility and density data bode well for tem-
InGaAs/lnP heterostructure. Numbers indicate quantum Hall indices. perature-stable magneto resistor operation.
Magnetoresistors were then made from both materials.
In Fig. 3 we show contour plots of the resistance of these
Nlotal 3.9X lOll cm- 2 . Thus, over 90% of the conduction
= devices as a function of applied field and temperature. We
electrons are confined to the 2DEG. The room-temperature see that both types of magnetoresistors are capable of main-
mobility and density of this sample are 11 000 cm 2 V-I S-1 taining a relatively flat response with respect to temperature.
and 4.6X 1011 cm- 2 , respectively. If one assumes that the In order to model the magnetoresistance of a rectangle
density of the 2DEG is temperature independent, then it can made from a homogeneous semiconductor, we must solve
be concluded that the galvanomagnetic properties of this the two-dimensional boundary value problem involving the
structure are determined primarily by the electrons in the flow of current in a solid when a Hall effect is present. This
2DEG. has been done by Wick. 7 In the case of our InAs and InGaAs
Turning now to the InAs films, evidence for the exis- films, in which the electron density depends on depth into
tence of accumulation of charge at the air interface is pro- the film, the two-dimensional modef no longer strictly ap-
vided by a depth profiling study of the sheet resistance and plies, and must be generalized. Wick's mode1 7 involves a
Hall voltage using the Van der Pauw technique. One of the conformal mapping of the rectangular geometrical device on
samples was etched away in steps using O. 5 vol % bromine in
methanol, with van der Pauw data taken at room tempera-
ture between each step. From these data the carrier density
and mobility were computed, and the results are shown in
Fig. 2. We see that while the mobility decreases with increas-
ing etched depth into the film, the areal density remains
nearly constant. These results are consistent with a thin elec-
tron accumulation layer of fairly high mobility at the sur-
face. Such a surface accumulation of charge at the InAs sur-

"--'10.00 25000
E 9.00 22500 ,--..
13.00 Q)
7.00 17500 >
0 c ...........
~ 6.00 .:'_-s--w 15000 N E

5.00 #< -0 >I< 12500 U

~ 'L
* /'b*
,. o * * '-"'

Vi 4.00 0
W / :J
0 J.oo I 7500
-' 2.00 I 5000
w I
0::: 1.00 ~ 2500
0.00 a
0 2 J 4 5

FIG. 2. Depth profiling study of an InAs film: (left, *) areal density vs FIG. 3. Resistance of magnctoresistors made from (a) an InGaAs/lnP het-
depth etched (right, D) mobility vs depth etched. The initial film thickness erostructurc' and (b) an InAs film, as functions of magnetic field and tem-
was 4.5 p,m. perature.

292 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 57, No.3, 16 July 1990 Heremans et al. 292

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2000 (here, L: W = 1:2) of a rectangular magnetoresistor element,
0..., __ T=-43 C we can calculate its magnetosensitivity. Figure 4 shows a
• ...r;;i? T=59 C comparison of the measured resistance of a 12 element mag-
E 1500 o
--;;;;;::T=76 C netoresistor with that calculated using the above theory
S from the geometry and the values ofPxx andpxy, in the tem-
~ 1000 perature range where the data overlap. There are no adjusta-
~ ble parameters in this model. The 7% difference between the
[f) calculation and the experimental data can be attributed to
Ct: 500 spatial variations of the mobility over the wafer, and uncer-
tainties in the processing of the devices.
In conclusion, we have shown that it is possible to make
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 sensitive and stable magnetoresistive sensors out ofmateriuls
FIELD (T) possessing a 2DEG offairly high mobility and density, and
that one can accurately calculate the sensitivity of such de-
FIG. 4. Comparison of calculated (full line) and measured (data points)
resistance of an InAs device at variOlls temperatures from ... 43 to 76°C. VIces.
We acknowledge the help ofK. Baucom, and many use-
ful discussions with D. Baker and T. Schroeder.

the real axis of a {; plane using a Schwarz-Christoffel trans-

formation. This step is unaffected by our thickness-depen-
IH. Weiss, Structure and Applications of Galvanomagnetic Devices (Perga-
dent electron density. A second step, however, involves an mon, New York, 1969).
additional mapping from this (; plane onto a parallelogram in 25. Kataoka. Circulars of the Electrotechnical Laboratory, No. 182, Tokyo
current-voltage space. In Wick's theory, the angle ofthe par- (1974).
allelogram is the Hall angle, f) = arctan [R lJB / P ], where 'L D. Zhu. P. E. Sulewski, K. T. Chan, K. Muro, J. M. Ballantyne, and A.
J. Sievers, J. Appl. Phys. 58, 3145 (1985).
RH is the Hall coefficient and p is the zero-field resistivity. In 4J. Heremans, D. T. Morelli, B. K. Fuller, C. M. Thrush, D. L. Partin, and
our case, at each field value B, the average Hall angle inte- K. C. Baucom (unpublished).
grated over the film thickness is given by p = arctan 5D. C. Tsui, Phys. Rev. Lett. 24, 303 (1970); Phys. Rev. 4, 4438 (1971);
ibid. 12, 5739 (1975).
[Pxy/Pxx ]. Therefore, by measuring the Hall resistivity Pxy "T. C. Harman, H. L Goering, and A. C Beer, Phys. Rev. 104, 1562
and longitudinal resi.stivity Pxx on a long, thin bar of the (1956).
semiconductor film, and knowing the length-to-width ratio 7R. F. Wick, J. App\. Phys. 25, 741 (1954).

293 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 57, No.3, 16 July 1990 Heremans et al. 293
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