Jammu Massacre Muslims

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Pic 1 : Jammu Massacre , The Untold Kashmir File

Aim of this article : Recently a propaganda movie

has been released in India named "The Kashmir
files" which shows the persecution, exodus, killing of
kashmiri pandits and over exaggerates it and
demonises muslims. In such times, it's very
necessary for muslims to know their history and be
intellectually prepared so that anyone can't fool them
by such cheap movies .

To get to know more about Jammu Massacre, we

need to get to the background of this situation. This
is October 1947, and the British have left India. Now
it's upon princely states to join the union of India or
Pakistan or just stay Independent. Kashmir was
being ruled by a Hindu dynasty named the Dogra
dynasty (see pic 3) . Hari Singh (see pic 2) was the
ruler of Kashmir in 1947. Kashmir had been under
the influence of Islam by Sufi scholars for centuries,
which is why most of the people in Kashmir were
Pic 2 : Hari Singh Dogra, the ruler of Jammu and
Kashmir princely states
Pic 3 : Dogra Royal Palace 👇

This (see pic 4 in next page) is the map of the

princely state of Jammu & Kashmir (1946). Mirpur,
Riasi, Jammu District, Kathua, Chamba, Udhampur,
Poonch make up the whole "Jammu Province".
These were the areas that were severely affected by
the atrocities inflicted upon Muslims in 1947.
Pic 4 : Map of Jammu and Kashmir princely state
and its surrounding territories

The demographics of the princely state of Jammu &

Kashmir from the census of 1941. This has been
taken from the book "Kashmir - The Unwritten
History" by Christopher Snedden. It shows how
Muslims are in Majority at 61.9%. (see pic 5 in next
Pic 5 : Demographics of Jammu in 1941, it shows
muslims were a clear majoriry

— In the book "Kashmiris Fight for Freedom",

Muhammad Yusuf Saraf tells us how the refugees
from the Pakistan region told exaggerated accounts
of suffering and plans were made for the

extermination of Muslims. He mentions Sikh Plan
— The attack at Udhampur District Headquarters.
Udhampur has been a hotspot in the region. A
vigorous drive going here for RSS. A militia company
left for Udhampur and occupied the houses of Col.

Abdur Rahman who suffered sword injuries, the
male members were brutally murdered.

— The flesh and blood were then cooked with rice

and mothers were forced to eat it. A lot of Muslims
were forcibly converted to Hinduism. Young girls
were abducted. 18 policemen were killed and Raja
Sarwar Khan SDM (a high ranking officer) was

— In Ramnagar Tehsil (Township) of Udhampur,

false reports were made that Muslims were
collecting money in this area. Muslims were brutally
killed in this area and the tehsildar proudly informed
the queen of Kashmir that no Muslim can be found in
this area anymore.The Massacre at Reasi. It is 45
miles from Jammu. Reasi sustained the highest
percentage of loss of life. Reasi, Katra, Manthal, and
Tikri had been the main centres of RSS activities.
— Police played a big role in organising this Hindu
militia. On 4th Nov 1947. Dogra Troops from Jammu
came to Reasi. This news caused disconcert among
the Muslims because the Dogra Army was
responsible for the killings of Muslims in other areas

of Jammu. The elders of Reasi went to meet with the
Gov officer to know about the situation.

— As soon as the elders stepped into the

magistrate, their heads were brutally chopped off.
The news spread panic in the town. By
mid-Afternoon, Dogra troops took up positions in
Hindu houses and started firing upon Muslims.

— The Muslims who took refuge in the house of the

Sub-judge were brutally killed by RSS. This
massacre continued for some days. Muslim women
were abducted and raped by RSS Hindus and the
Dogra troops. They inflicted so many atrocities upon
the muslimeen. The Carnage in the districts of
Kathua and Jammu. The number of refugees coming
to the Jammu Area started to increase after 14th
August (Independence Day of Pakistan). The

harassment of Muslims had already begun and by
October 2k Muslims moved to Sialkot.

— Hindu training centres were set up in Jammu

where the use of firearms was taught. All trained
personnel were issued with a 303 rifle with 50
rounds of ammo. Meanwhile, the border with
Pakistan was sealed too.
After that, the massacre began from Samba and
Kathua districts. The common technique they used
was - Surround a particular village, start firing and
killing to terrify Muslims and make them flee to the
city of Jammu (where they will get killed by the
Dogra Army). The main motive was to finish the
youth. Then abduct and rape Muslim women.

— Hari Singh's direct involvement in the massacre.

It is claimed that he is the one who initiated these
killings. Below is the full account of how Hari Singh
kills Muslim Gujjars with his own hands. A lot of

bloodshed followed after this. A lot of Muslim Gujjars
were killed.

— The roads leading to the city were strewn with

dead bodies. Dr. Abdul Karim was told by someone
that he had seen a small child suckling the breast of
his mother near Tavi; the mother was found slain
days ago and was lying naked on the sand near
Pir-khoh. Any Muslim who left the refugee camp was
invariably killed. Muslims who survived tried to
defend themselves with spearheads, some
unlicensed guns, pipes. On 1st Nov the military
attacked 300 refugees encamped in the house of
Baboo Abdul Hamid. All male inmates were killed.
Women were abducted and raped. Within a few
days, Mohalla Dal Pattian, Mastgarh, Talab Khatikan
(one of the worst affected areas), Bazar Qasaban
had been all cleared of Muslims.

— Attack on Villages of Amrey Chak, Atmapur,

Kochpura. The RSS and Akalis started the attack,
they killed a few Muslims and set their houses on
fire. Muslims in Naindhar went to the police station
for refuge but 2/3rds of them had been mercilessly
killed by Hindus.

— On 19th Oct, Hindus attacked Mohalla Ustad in

Jammu city, the same day Muslims were attacked in
Manawar (a city on another end of Jammu province).
The Hindus played a big trick here. They shouted
Allahu Akbar, which made Muslims think that Muslim
refugees from Pakistan had come.

— The Hindus deceived Muslims into opening their

doors. Some of them were brutally killed or
wounded. But, it's very important to know that Hari
Singh was in the city and still that happened. That's
why a lot of Muslims started to move out to Mohalla
Qassaban or Urdu Bazar. On 20th October, 15k
Muslims were brought from Akhnoor and were fired
upon by the Dogra Army killing a large number of
people. The killing was so extensive that the blood

actually flowed on the bridge. The Dogras and
Sanghis committed several atrocities like this.
— There is no doubt that a large number of Muslim

men were killed and a large number of Muslim
women were abducted in every attack by Hindus.

— This goes without saying that hundreds of

thousands of women were abducted by the Dogras
and Sanghis in the massacre, they were brutally
tortured and raped too. They were forced to convert

to Hinduism too. Below is an account of a Muslim
woman telling her story. (Next page)
— Hindu-Sikh goons were active in the area and
they had warned a mason named Atta Muhammad
that they were determined to carry off his three
daughters. He himself killed them to protect their
honour. It is claimed that his son wrote "Pakistan
Zindabad" with the blood of his sisters. 👇

— Hundreds were killed at Samba Canal. All the

Muslims, Muslim officers were disarmed. Many of
the Muslim officers were discharged from duty. This
happened on 28th October. Everywhere, the Muslim

gazetted officers were replaced with Hindu
officers. (next page)
— On 5th Nov, Muslims were ordered to assemble in
police lines immediately so that they may be sent to
Pakistan. 36 Trucks were brought in, 50-60 persons
boarded each truck. An account tells us how armed

Hindus and Sikhs were assembled on both sides of
the road to kill Muslims. (nect page)
—Meanwhile, there were Dogra soldiers moving in
jeeps too. 4-5 trucks were stopped on the way on
the excuse of petrol having exhausted or some other
defect. 4 trucks came in the evening near samba.

Ppl were ordered to sit, women were separated from
the men. (next page)
— There were soldiers with fixed Machine guns on
one side. There were groups with swords, rifles,
spears on the other side. The third group was
abducting women. Everything was so well planned,
there was no doubt that the Hindus received training
to commit these atrocities. Only 9 people could
make it to Pakistan, they report that Hindu-Sikh
goons killed Breastfed infants in the laps of their
mothers. Victims were told to strip because they
said: "clothes were the property of the Maharaja".
Even people with power couldn't save their
daughters.When Sanghis were about to abduct girls,
the young women tried to put up a resistance which
was of course ineffective because the Muslims didn't
have any weapons with them.
— Real Story -
A Sikh tried to drag away the newly-wed wife of one
sergeant Abdullah by one arm; her husband held the
other arm of the lady whereupon a Jan Sanghi cut it
off with the swift blow of a sword; other blows
followed on neck and head and the man died on the

— On Nov 6, Another Convoy left which had the

same fate. Everything was planned. A planned
massacre. A number of women jumped into the
canal to save their honour. Hindus waited anxiously

for the convoy to arrive so they can kill. Following
will tell more about this. (Next page)
— This account will tell us how the brothers of Dr
Abdul Karim were killed by the Sanghis. His
daughter was abducted and he himself received 11
wounds on his body. His wife was wounded too as
she was being dragged by a Sikh. The rest of his
family was killed on the 6th Nov only. 👇
— Dr Abdul Karim tells us more about his family.
The governor of the state ordered no Muslim was to

be admitted into the hospital. Turbans were used for
bandages. (next page)
— GK Reddy wrote this about what he saw in

Jammu. He tells how Dogra Army freely distributed
Ammo and guns. (Next page)
— Many Gujjar men and women who used to supply
milk to the city from the surrounding villages were
reportedly massacred en route. It is said that the
Ramnagar reserve in Jammu was littered with the
dead bodies of Gujjar men, women and children.
Who told the world about what had happened in

Jammu? It was Ved Bhasin, the journalist who
recorded the Muslim Massacre. (Next page)
— He reported how Muslims were massacred in
Chhamb, Deva Batala, Manawsar and other parts of
Akhnoor, with several of them fleeing to the other
side or moving to Jammu.Similarly from the Kathua
district, Bhasin reported the large-scale killings,
rapes and abduction of Muslim women.
— Anuradha Bhasin, tells about how his father did
— Bhasin reports about the Udhampur killings,
Reasi Massacre, and Kathua.

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