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Sensors and Actuators A, 25-27 (1991) 741-751 747

Electronic Circuitry for a Smart Spinning-current Hall Plate with Low Offset

Derft University of Technology, Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory, P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delfr (The Netherlands)

Abstract of about 2 mT is obtained by the incorpora-

tion of two or four orthogonally coupled
The offset in silicon Hall plates is reduced Hall plates which are nested closely together
by multiple orthogonal switching of a single PI.
symmetrical spinning-current Hall plate. The However, silicon allows electronic cir-
offset virtually cancels out when the current cuitry to be merged on the same chip as
direction is made to spin with steps of n/8, the sensor, resulting in a so-called smart sen-
while the consecutively available Hall voltages sor. Now this smart sensor as a whole needs
are averaged over time. The novel 16contact to match the demands on sensitivity, offset,
spinning-current Hall plate shows less than etc.
50 PV ( 100 pT) residual offset. A combination In this paper first the spinning-current
of the spinning-current Hall plate and the offset-reduction method and some new re-
hybrid electronic circuitry obtains a 10 times sults are presented and secondly the hybrid
lower offset (at maximum 200 pT) when com- electronic circuitry for implementing this
pared to optimized commercially available method is discussed. The experimental re-
Hall plates without electronics. sults on the offset of a 16-contact spinning-
current Hall plate itself and on the offset
when the hybrid electronic circuitry is added
1. Introduction are given.

Over the past few decades, a great variety

of Hall plates made of different materials has 2. The Spinning-current Offset-reduction
been realized [ 11. The general design proce- Method
dure was always to improve the sensor by
selecting a material with a high mobility, A Hall plate is a thin resistive sheet of a
which determines the magnetic field sensitiv- high-mobility material with two pairs of
ity, and then to adjust the geometry until the diametrically opposed contacts. The bias cur-
characteristics of the sensor matched the de- rent which flows straight across the Hall
mands. plate is deflected by a magnetic field and a
Silicon can also be used to make Hall Hall voltage arises at the Hall contacts, see
plates which show a relatively low sensitivity Fig. 1:
and a high offset. The unknown offset in
silicon Hall plates is mainly caused by pack- VI-&(P) = S(q)Z,B + V,K(cp) (1)
age stress, which cannot be compensated with cp the direction of the current flow with
for in the factory because the stress appears respect to the crystal orientation, S the sensi-
to change with time and temperature. tivity, Z, the bias current, B the magnetic
Several offset-reduction methods have been induction and V,,(cp) the offset. The sensitiv-
proposed, none of which solved the offset ity is also q-dependent via the piezo-Hall
problem completely [ 1,2]. The lowest offset effect [3]. The sensitivity varies 2.5% at the

0924-4247/91/$3.50 0 Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands


which fulfils the sampling theorem, in which

the current is made to spin with steps of K/S
[5]. The current is forced straight across the
plate and the Hall voltage is measured at the
contact pair which is perpendicularly oriented
to the current flow. An integrator averages
the consecutively available Hall voltages. The
total Hall voltage is given by
t ttAt
Fig. 1. Orthogonal switching of a Hall plate to itself.
At time I the current flows downwards, and at time
f + At the current flows perpendicularly to the initial
current flow direction. The Hall voltage is measured at
the contact pair which is perpendicularly oriented to the
current flow.
= S’Z,B + V,,,(cp), Aso=2n/N (3)
most by the piezo-Hall effect when the cur- with Vr,, the residual offset, S’ the average
rent is made to spin [ 31 in the ( 110) plane of sensitivity and N = 16 for a 16-contact Hall
silicon. plate. The integration takes place over mul-
The offset in a Hall plate can be viewed as tiple full rotations of the current.
an imbalance of a Wheatstone bridge. The
geometrical errors cancel out completely
when the bridge is switched orthogonally to 3. The Electronic Implementation
itself. The influence of stress on the offset can
be modelled using piezoresistances. The offset The spinning-current offset-reduction
becomes [ 41 method requires electronic circuitry to be
V&(P) = added to the Hall plate. To examine the
concept, a hybrid circuit is built. First the
+++ +;))
(rc’(V operating principle and next the various cir-
cuit sections are discussed.
+;))x R
xcos(2(o-yl z
The block scheme of the circuit is given in
Fig. 2. The current flow is made to spin by a
Hall s
MOS multiplexer, while another MOS multi-
plexer selects the proper Hall-contact pair.
The consectively available Hall voltages are
with 11,and 71,the longitudinal and transverse amplified and an integrator averages out the
piezoresistive coefficients in the cp + n/4 cur- offset. The offset of the ‘chopper’ amplifier is
rent direction, X the stress and 0 the stress cancelled by reversing the bias current in the
orientation. The piezoresistance coefficients Hall plate while the input terminals of the
in (lOO)-oriented n-type silicon show a n/2 amplifier remain connected to the same Hall
periodicity and the stress shows a n: periodic- contacts and the output terminals are ex-
ity. The offset is the product of these two changed. The Hall voltage is treated as a
periodic functions and consists of n and n/3 differential signal to obtain a maximum
periodic terms. power supply rejection ratio. Noise minimiza-
Any periodic signal with the smallest pe- tion requires a bipolar amplifier input stage.
riod T should be sampled at least every A dual-slope integrator yields a low offset,
T, = T/2, according to Shannon’s sampling requires no calibration, uses only a small
theorem. Thus in our case the sampling rate amount of space on the chip and is commer-
becomes 7c/6. Using bipolar technology a cially available [6 and refs. therein]. The
symmetrical 16-contact Hall plate was made, earth’s magnetic field of about 30-40 PT

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the electronic circuitry for

the smart spinning-current Hall plate. The polarity
reverser which follows the amplifier is part of the

with N the number of contacts used and fret

(a) the rotation frequency of the current.
The spinning-current offset-reduction cir-
cuit is given in Fig. 3. The CM voltage at the
Hall contacts is cancelled by connecting one
Hall contact to the virtual ground and the
output of the opamp feedback loop to the
‘upper’ current contact [7]. When the direc-
tion of the current is made to spin, first all
(b) switches open and next the selected switches
Fig. 2. (a) Microphotograph of the 16-contact spin- are closed. During the switching sequence,
ning-current Hall plate. (b) Schematic diagram of the the voltage across the Hall plate is memo-
implementation of the spinning-current offset-reduction rized by the internal capacitance of the plate.
The new Hall contacts are connected to the
Hall plate where the bias voltage across the
Hall plate is memorized. A large switching
results in a Hall voltage of about 100 PV peak results, which is proportional to any
(SIS = 0.5 V/T). The earth’s magnetic field de- resistive and capacitive asymmetries, where
termines the LSB of the integrator needed the resistive asymmetries include the Hall
and a 1Zbits plus 1 sign bit resolution covers plate’s offset. The integrator integrates the
all voltages up to the maximum initial offset peaks and a voltage appears at the output.
of 50 mV. The integration time is set by the The switching peaks are absent when the
quotient of the resolution and the reference direction of the current is reversed. The
frequency, fO, and has a minimum value of switching peaks cancel each other out when a
TCO”V = 4 ms (for 1Zbits and f0 = 1 MHz). proper switching sequence, that is cp from 0
The resolution (and consequently the conver- to x to ?r/2 to 31112,is used [S]. A better way
sion time) can be reduced by two to three bits to reduce these peaks is to short the input of
when the current is made to spin so that any the integrator during transients when the cur-
two consecutive Hall voltages have opposite rent is made to spin. Unfortunately, the sensi-
polarity, which results in a lower upper limit tivity is thus reduced proportional to the
of the dynamic range for the average input of duty-cycle (here 50%), which makes the offset
the integrator being almost zero. The current relatively twice as high. A high slew-rate am-
is made to spin with a maximum sampling plifier is needed to minimize the influence of
frequency the magnitude of the initial offset and the
magnetic field on the total offset and the
sensitivity respectively.
15op piezoresistance coefficients and arises when
the orientation of the legs of the Wheatstone
bridge is modified in such a way that they
give a better representation of the actual cur-
rent flow at these sectors of the Hall plate. A
virtually non-periodic offset of about 25 PV
is obtained when the current is made to spin
0 2n
with steps of n/8. The residual offset is non-
Current Orienta& v at I, = 5mA zero due to contributory factors, like the
(a) Peltier effect, which rotate with the current
1 OmV 15opv
like the magnetic field sensitivity and, there-
fore, are not cancelled out. The exact nature
of the residual offset can be extracted from
the bias current dependency (see Fig. 4(b)).
5mV 75p
The offset contribution of the hybrid cir-
cuitry can be evaluated using various Hall
plate models. The total Hall voltage at the
0 0 output of the integrator, with the offsetless
6 2.5
resistive Wheatstone bridge as Hall plate
Current I, (mA) at 4 = 0

model, shows solely the offset of the electronic
circuitry (see Fig. 5(a)). The total Hall voltage
Fig. 4. The offset of the spinning-current Hall plate
itself. The offset, the orthogonal offset and the residual
remains unchanged when a resistive bridge
offset after averaging over eight samples (a) as a func-
tion of the direction of the current and (b) as a function
of the bias current.

4. Experimental Results

First, the need for a 16-contact spinning-

current Hall plate for the optimal offset 2 4
reduction is confirmed. Secondly, the contri- Current I, (mA)

bution to the total offset of the hybrid cir- (a)

cuitry using orthogonal switching is discussed.

Finally, the possibility of merging the elec-
tronic circuitry and the Hall plate on one chip
is evaluated. A high-resolution digital multi-
meter with a multi-slope integrator input is
used as the integrator in the experiments.
The offset of the Hall plate itself clearly
shows a x-periodic term, while the n/3 peri-
odic term is significantly smaller (see Fig. 0 2 4
Current I, (mA)
4(a)). The two periodic terms are a result of
the periodicity of the piezoresistance co-
efficients and the stress. The ortogonal offset Fig. 5. (a) The total offset of the smart Hall plate as a
function of the bias current. The dashed line is for a
at cp, which is the average of the offset at cp
resistive Wheatstone bridge with offset comparable to
and at q + 7~12,is non-zero and periodic. The that of the real Hall plate, given by the solid lines. (b)
periodicity of the orthogonal offset is believed The total equivalent magnetic field as a function of the
to be a function of the periodicity of the bias current.
with offset is used because its orthogonal 5. Conclusions
offset is zero. The total offset becomes depen-
dent on bias current and rotation frequency The spinning-current offset-reduction
when a real Hall plate is used. The bias current method reduces the offset significantly. The
dependency is a result of the non-zero orthog- Hall plate with hybrid circuit using single
onal offset voltage and of the finite slew-rate orthogonal switching shows less than 200 PT
of the amplifiers. The orthogonal offset re- equivalent offset, which is a result of the
mains the same, independent of the rotation residual offset of the Hall plate itself and of
frequency. At higher frequencies the width of the finite slew-rate of the amplifiers. The inte-
the pulses decreases, which increases the rela- gration time limits the bandwidth of the
tive importance of the slew-rate errors. Conse- smart Hall plate to about 1 kHz. This spin-
quently, the rotation frequency dependence of ning-current Hall plate with circuitry can be
the offset is proportional to the magnitude of integrated with BiCMOS technology, so that
the initial offset and, therefore, proportional we can expect that a single-chip smart spin-
to the stress in the package. ning-current Hall plate is feasible.
The equivalent magnetic field is defined as
Beg = V,,/(SI,) and is used to compare the Acknowledgements
offsets of different Hall plates (see Fig. 5(b)).
The maximum equivalent magnetic field is less The author is grateful to several people:
than 200 PT at I, = 4 mA, S’ = 110 V/A T and the members of Professor Huijsing’s group
fr,, = 4 kHz. This rotation frequency corre- for their help on the electronics and the mem-
sponds to a 1 kHz rotation frequency when all bers of the Delft Institute of MicroElectron-
16 different current flow directions are used. its and Submicron Technology (DIMES) for
In that case the contribution of the residual fabrication of the Hall plates. This work is
offset of the Hall plate itself is somewhat supported by the Delft University Fund.
smaller, (see Fig. 4(b)), while the number of
peaks over which it is integrated remains the
same. The equivalent offset is a factor of 10 References
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