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King Saud University

Nursing College – Medical Surgical Department

Medical Terminology course 120 NUR
Student Name: Bassel Aljohani
Mark: /15
Medical term Prefix Suffix Meaning

The Reproductive system

1 Adnexa Adn exa Accessory parts of an organ

2 Anteversion Ante ion Forward tipping of the uterus

3 Estrogen Estro gen Hormone produced by the ovaries

responsible for female sex

characteristics and building of uterine

lining during the menstrual cycle

4 Gynopathic Gyno Pahtic Pertaining to diseases of women

5 Leukorrhea Leu hea White vaginal discharge, can

sometimes contain white blood cells

6 Mastoptosis - tosis Sagging breasts

7 Menarche - rche Beginning of menstruation

8 Myometrium - rium Muscular layer lining the uterus

9 Oligomenorrhea - rhea Scanty menstrual flow

10 Progesterone - rone Hormone produced by the corpus

luteum in the ovary and by the

placenta during pregnancy

11 Puberty Pub erty Beginning of the fertile period when

gametes are produced and secondary

sex characteristics become evident

12 Retroversion Retro ion Abnormal tipping backward of the


13 Salpingitis - itis Inflammation of fallopian tube

14 Antepartum Ante tum Before birth, in relation to the mother

15 Chorion - rion Outermost extraembryonic

membrane enveloping the fetus

16 Congenital anomaly - aly An abnormality or defect present at


17 Ectopic Ecto - Occurring away from a normal


18 Ectopic pregnancy Ecto - Pregnancy occurring in the fallopian


19 Embryo Emb ryp The product of conception up to the

eight-week period of gestation

20 Fetus Fet - The embryo from second month of

pregnancy to delivery

21 Galactorrhea Galacto rhea Discharge of milk from the breast

22 Gestation - ion Period of time from fertilization to

birth in a human pregnancy,

approximately 40 weeks

23 Gravida Grav ida A pregnant female

24 Intrapartum - Tum During labor and delivery, in relation

to the mother

25 Lochia - ia The vaginal discharge after childbirth

26 Meconium - ium First stool of the newborn

27 Multigravida - gravid Female who has been pregnant two or

a more times

28 Multipara - Para Female who has given birth to viable

offspring two or more times

29 Neonate Neo ate A newborn infant from birth to four

weeks of age

30 Nulligravida Null gravid Female who has never been pregnant

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