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Code of Conduct


ibex Human Resources

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Document Information

Document #: PH-HR-COC20210805

Document Title: Code of Conduct

File Name: PH-HR-COC20210805–Code of Conduct–V2.1

Author(s): Benito Taguibao Jr.

Applicable Standard /
SOC 2 Type 2
Document Status: Final

Approved By: Sandra Cases

Date Approved: July 31, 2021

Date of Effectiveness August 1, 2021

Reference Document(s):

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Table of Contents
1. Purpose................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Scope..................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 3
4. Policy .................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Enforcement ...................................................................................................................................... 14
6. Revision History ................................................................................................................................ 14

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1. Purpose
IBEX Global Solutions Philippines Inc. (the “Company”) believes that it is critical to conduct our
business with the highest ethical standards that demonstrate legally compliant, professional and
ethical conduct. This policy enables us to provide the best possible customer service and operational
excellence to our clients and their customers. This Global Code of Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”)
covers a wide range of business practices and procedures, although it cannot address every situation
that may arise. The Code establishes operating principles that guide our behaviors and
communications in relationships with clients, their customers, external business relationships, and
our employees. The Code is not a contract, and it may be amended from time to time by the Company
through posting on our Company intranet. As with all policies, employees should check regularly to
ensure they remain aware of all requirements of the Code and ensure compliance.

2. Scope
The Code applies to all employees of the Company. “Employees” as used in this Code includes the
Company’s directors, consultants and contractors. In addition to operating under the Code, the
employees of our Company conduct business and engage in professional relationships according to a
set of Values that include Respect, Integrity, Transparency and Excellence. Operating under the Code,
and in accordance to our Values, creates a positive environment that drives individual and business

3. Roles and Responsibilities

a) All IBEX employees are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct and report violations.
b) Supervisors / Officers / Employees with Subordinates are expected to implement the policy to
their direct subordinates under the Doctrine of "Command Responsibility".
c) All Corrective Actions issued to employees as a result of violating the policy shall be reviewed and
approved by the Human Resources Department.
d) Extreme Offenses or those that have progressed to probable a Dismissal shall go through Due
Process, facilitated by Human Resources, before a decision is made.

4. Policy
While the Company is aware that not all misconduct may be anticipated, the following rules of
conduct are provided to serve as guidelines to employees. The Company reserves the right to amend
or modify the following rules of conduct in the exercise of its management prerogatives.

Level Category Behavior

Failure to wear Company ID and lanyard
Improper use of ID/ Use of unauthorized lanyard.
Failure to observe proper dress code.
Offenses against Littering inside the company premises and immediate
Minor Safety, Security surrounding area.
and Health
Willful disregard of office directive relating to sanitary
conditions, cleanliness and orderliness of the office, or
performing any act contributing to unsanitary conditions or
practice on company premises.

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Refusal to submit to reasonable inspection conducted

within company premises by authorized company security
Using non spill proof mug.
Bringing food and eating in production area (only hard
candies and drinks in spill-proof canisters are allowed).
Bringing personal items inside the production area
(including but not limited to bags, blankets, etc.)
Failure to log in or out except during system downtime.
Offenses against SOP.
Failure to update / notify change in employee information
e.g. address, telephone/mobile number, civil status, etc.

Failure to report for overtime work after having agreed to

work, without a valid reason.
Level Category Behavior
Issuing a company identification material to any person not
entitled to it, or assisting non-employees to enter the
company premises and restricted areas without company’s
Forced or unauthorized entry into restricted areas or
premises of the company.

Failure to undergo Annual Physical Examination as

Offenses against Safety, scheduled by the company and failure to obey Doctor’s
Security and Health. order or advice as directed or ordered by the company.

Violation or failure to follow a general safety rule and/or

practice, or creating or contributing to unsafe or unsanitary
Major conditions within company premises.
Smoking within company premises and other non-smoking
Bringing in writing material inside the production area.
Misuse of Company property.
Offenses against
Improper handling, through negligence, of company
Company Assets.
property in a manner that causes damage to said property.

Offenses against Failure to meet performance evaluation or standards set by

Company Interest. the Company through scheduled or periodic review.

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Malingering or feigning illness to avoid doing assigned work

or reporting for work.

Sleeping while on duty or in the production floor.

Offenses against Company Failure to follow work-related written or verbal instructions

Interest SOP. made by superiors, or failure to perform assigned work.

Directly and indirectly refusing to accept job assignments

(within job description) without justifiable reason.

Violation of any standard operating procedures.

Level Category Behavior
Giving misleading/false/wrong information or making
untrue or deceptive statements that employees make to
entice a potential customer to buy or send money.
Borrowing money or merchandise from customers, clients,
and vendors.
Making false, vicious or malicious statement concerning the
company or its services.

Failure to conform with established procedures, willfully

holding back, slowing down, hindering or limiting work
output or giving instructions to fellow employees to hold
back, slow down, hinder or limit output resulting in the
delay of operations and/or client complaints.

Grave Wasting productive time during official working hours,

Offenses against Company Interest. whether at or away from assigned work place; Leaving work
while on duty without permission from superior or proper
Call or Work avoidance.
Misleading information / Misrepresentation - providing
false and inaccurate information. Which may cause a
customer buy or to cancel a sale or discontinue their service
especially in reference to pricing, product/service details,
promotions and the likes.

Providing information about an account with incomplete

verification or inaccurate verification.

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Signing up a customer not qualified for product/service.

Persistently badgering a customer to generate a sale.

Making false, vicious or malicious statement against any

employee. Using immoral, indecent, abusive, offensive,
obscene or profane language addressed to a co-employee,
etc. during work or in reference to race or ethnicity, etc.

Disrespectful attitude whether shown by word or deed or

other acts of discourtesy, misconduct or misbehavior where
there is an overt or deliberate act which shows disrespect,
disobedience or contempt towards employees, etc.

Engaging in money lending business or lending money to co-

employees with interest; borrowing / lending money using
ATM‟s as collateral.

Offenses against Good Inciting or provoking a fight while within or outside company
Behavior and Decency. premises or during company sponsored activities, provided
such outside incident has relation to work in any way.

Reporting for work while knowing and having a serious

contagious disease which may endanger the health of other
employees. (dependent on the disease).

Concealing a known contagious disease or major illness

which may endanger the health or life of co-employees, etc.

Using, removing, or tampering fire protection equipment for

purposes other than fire prevention.

Committing act/s of sabotage in any form or manner.

Alteration or removal, without authorization, of any

Offenses against Company company property, or of other employees resulting to
Grave company loss.
Deliberate or willful destruction of Company property.

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Unauthorized use, or attempts to circumvent or bypass the

security mechanisms of information system/network. (e.g.
Changing the computer settings to access the internet.).

Any form of vandalism or posting of any derogatory articles,

prints, or drawings on any company property or premises,
or unauthorized removal of any company information from
the Bulletin Board.

Losing or failing to account for company property to which

the employee has permanent or temporary accountability.

Using company time or property to do unauthorized work

within or outside the company premises, for personal gain
and non-work related activities.
Neglecting or refusing to remit, pay, reimburse or liquidate
outstanding cash advances, petty cash funds entrusted by
the company.

Loitering, wasting time, leaving place of work during

working hours without permission from his/her superior, or
leaving the company premises without permission at any
Offenses against SOP. time before the end of his/her work shift.

Willful disobedience to the directives and/or lawful orders

of the company and/or any of its representatives.

Any acts of insubordination.

Causing loss of time and money to the company arising out
of negligence of duties, or persistently doing unsatisfactory
work. This includes violation of standard operating

Selling, buying, soliciting, collecting contributions for any

purposes or conducting private business solicitation inside
the operations floor and during office hours within company
premises or during company sponsored events without
Grave Offenses against SOP. proper authorization from the company. This includes
money-lending or asking for ATM cards as collaterals to their
loans and buying of items inside the OPS floor.

Allowing unauthorized passenger in company shuttles.

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Acts of gross negligence or carelessness committed on the

job that will prejudice the reputation of the company to its
Accessing non-work-related sites (including but not limited
to pornographic sites).
Unauthorized use, removal, transfer, switch, replacement of
company equipment. This includes, wires, power sockets
Offenses against Information
Technology. Violation against SOPs on Information Security Policy and
Internet Usage Policy.

Bringing in any electronic gadget inside the production area

whether or not it can store data (including but not limited to
mobile phones, tablets, etc.).

Level Category Behavior

Favoring suppliers or any other person in consideration of

kickbacks, personal rebates or any valuable consideration.

Directly or indirectly soliciting or receiving for anything of

value or any form of benefit in connection with any
business, contract, or transaction between the company
and any other party.

Directly or indirectly having financial interest in any

business, contract or transaction in connection with which
he intervenes or takes part in his official capacity.
Offenses against Company
Unauthorized actions clearly in excess of one‟s authority
such as but not limited to, acts of disbursing, releasing or
authorizing disbursement of company funds without
authority by one‟s superior or similar acts that go beyond or
outside his authority or responsibility, where the interest of
the company is prejudiced.

Disclosure of company information, practices, or any

valuable information to unauthorized persons, and
permitting or assisting unauthorized persons to have access
to such classified information, articles, or proprietary

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Participation and involvement in any business transaction

involving any person or business enterprise with which the
company has some commercial relationship, which would
involve any real or apparent conflict with their official duties
or in any way influence them in the discharge of their duties.

Engaging in business in competition with or in the same line

as that of the Company regardless of the extent of the
offender’s participation or interest therein; holding
employment, rendering services with or without
compensation in another organization which is engaged in a
similar line of business of the company; and/or involvement
in any business / activities resulting to or which may result
to conflict of interest.

Wilfully publishing or creating false, defamatory or

malicious statements against the Company, its officials,
employees or clients.
Publicly ascribing with malice a flaw or act omission or
circumstance, whether real or imaginary, tending to
discredit the Company or a fellow employee.
Any other acts of dishonesty which involves breach of legal
Offenses against Company duty, trust, or confidence and/or is injurious to the
Extreme employer or its representative and/or in connection with
the employee’s work.

Divulging valuable information of a confidential character

regarding he operations/activities of the Company, or any of
its officers or employees to unauthorized persons or

Engaging in open or clandestine recruitment of company

personnel, regardless of rank, to work or be employed in
another business or entity without regard to whether or not
the offender actually succeeds in his efforts.

Clear abuse of position, power or discretion for personal

gain or advantage against other employees.
Engaging in any act detrimental or tending to cause
prejudice or bringing ill repute to the company, its name,
goodwill, reputation or its operation.

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Not reading legal disclosure or disclaimers required by law

or client protocol to be read – especially those which should
be verbatim.
Modifying an account with incomplete verification or
inaccurate verification or without the client’s consent.

Creating an account or signing up a customer for a service

or product without the customer’s consent – Also includes
creating multiple or more accounts/products than what the
customer has agreed or signed up for.

The use of customer’s credit card or other payment card’s

information for purposes other than what the customer
agreed to – transactions which would indicate the credit
card information was stored (i.e. agent mentioning credit
card information during call back when credit card
information was provided on initial call) shall also be

The use of a dummy credit card or payment card (different

from what was provided by the customer) in order to
process a sale or make a payment for the customer.

The use of a dummy social security number or any false

identification other than what the customer provided in
order to qualify a customer or process a sale.

Processing a sale or signing up a customer for a service using

someone else‟s credentials.

Any unauthorized access, release or use of confidential

information, such as Customer account information. This
shall include, but not be limited to, accessing a Customer's
email account without permission and/or creating a
password for a Customer without authorization.

Retaining, collecting, accessing, and/or using Customer

information for reasons outside the scope of support of an
Offenses against Company Other cases analogous that are considered fraudulent
Interest. activities flagged by CIQ / Operations.
Intentionally disconnecting the customer during the call,
Intentionally giving inaccurate information in order to
release call without assisting costumer.

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Commission of a crime or offense by the employee against

the person of his employer or any immediate member of his
family or his duly authorized representative.

Flirting with a customer or other department

representatives including unofficial exchange of e-mails,
instant messaging, and uncharacteristic business discussion
thru phone.

Theft, robbery or misappropriation for personal gain,

benefit or profit of any company property or of a fellow
employee or a client of the company, regardless of the
amount involved.

Swindling or malversation (estafa) of company funds or

Offenses against Good Behavior
property or of a fellow employee or of a client of the
and Decency.

Any act constituting offense against honor (libel,

defamation, slander) committed while in company
premises, during company sponsored activities, or in
relation to work.

Engaging in any illicit or immoral or unethical practices of

offering services to clients or co-employees (like pimping,
providing male and female companion, etc.) or engaging in
any conduct which violates common decency or morality
like sexual exhibition, sexual intercourse, voyeurism, etc.
within the company premises or company sponsored

Giving false statements or testimonies, oral or written, in an

investigation or inquiry to avoid responsibility or to distort
the true facts and give undue advantage to one’s self or
Yelling, screaming, or uttering curses and abusive language
Offenses against Good Behavior at the client, vendor, employee or third party employee or
and Decency. even if not directed to anyone, including using of rude,
abrasive, or sarcastic comments or consistently interrupting
in a rude manner.
Planting evidence against another employee to make it
appear that he/she has committed an offense or to evade
responsibility for commission of an offense.

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Inducing another employee, by encouragement, threat, or

other means, to perform an act that violates company rules
and regulations and the provision of this Code; allowing
oneself to be induced by another to perform an act that
violates company rules and regulations and the provisions
of the Code.

Attempting or inflicting physical injury on any employee or

person, or having in fact inflicted physical injury while within
or outside company property or premises where such
outside incident has relation to work or company activities.

Any act constituting threat, intimidation or coercion against

any person, or in any manner unduly interfering with or
obstructing company operations or other employees from
performing their work while within company premises or
during company sponsored activities.

Fighting or actually engaging another in a fight while within

or outside company premises or during company sponsored
Offenses against Safety, Security activities, provided such outside incident has relation to
and Health. work in any way.

Unauthorized possession and carrying of firearms,

explosives or other deadly weapon while on company
premises or during company sponsored activities.
Reporting for work while under the influence of alcohol,
intoxicating drinks, or prohibited drugs.
Taking in calls while under the influence of alcohol,
intoxicating drinks, or prohibited drugs.

Drinking any intoxicating drinks within company premises,

and use of, bringing in or possession of prohibited drugs on
company premises or company sponsored activities.

Any acts of Sexually Harassment (refer to RA 7877).

Offenses against Safety, Security Violation of Dangerous Drugs Act (refer to RA 9165 or
and Health City Regulation).
Causing loss of revenue, property, spoilage or damage to
Extreme company property and/or its parts, assets, supplies,
Offenses against Company Assets. equipment, machinery, furniture or endangering the
efficiency of the machines and equipment through
negligence, carelessness or inefficiency.

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Obtaining supplies or materials on fraudulent orders.

Unauthorized substitution of company material or
equipment with another.
Falsification of documents detailing personal records or
data or misrepresentation of any information concerning
personal circumstances and qualification.

Falsification or any attempt of Falsification or unauthorized

alteration of personnel or company records or using said
Offenses against SOP. falsified records for personal gain.

Falsification or attempt to falsify or pad expense reports,

receipts, invoices or any other document, upon which
reimbursement is based.

Soliciting, offering, or accepting anything of value or service

in exchange for favorable condition of employment.

Any act constituting resistance, threat, intimidation or

assault against a person of authority in the company.
Deliberately logging in or logging out another employee or
“buddy punch in or out”, including sharing of personal
passwords and log-in information.
Offenses against SOP. Tampering or manipulating of statistic, scores, records
including tampering or manipulating of company equipment
such as computers, phones, dialers, software, etc.
Gross negligence in the company property resulting to injury
to employees.
Unauthorized copying of licensed software application
packages and all such acts that violate intellectual property
Offenses against Information Downloading non-work-related files (including but not
Technology limited to mp3s and videos).
Intentionally bringing electronic gadgets capable of
recording or storing confidential information inside highly
restricted areas such as Production Areas or Server Rooms.

Cleansing Period

The Company expects that performance infractions that warrant formal corrective action will never
require similar action. In the same vein, employees have the right not to have past performance problems
remain in their files forever, running the risk of an adverse effect on their careers. Accordingly, formal
corrective action levels remain active for the following time periods, beyond which, their 201 files shall be
cleansed thereof:

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5. Enforcement
Human Resources shall conduct a bi-annual Audit of random Incident Reports from Quality Assurance
Team, Compliance and Risk Management Team, Facilities and Security Management Team, and other
individual or group reports, either as a formal IR, escalation, minutes from FGDs or one on one sessions,
Open Door Policy, or from any other means of reporting, to determine if said reports have been acted on
and followed through.

6. Revision History
Details of
Version Date Change By Reviewed By Approved By
V1.0 19, 2016 Updated Ferdinand Cruz Thea Prospero Ginni Goldsberry

V2.0 July 2, Updated Benito Taguibao Sandra Cases Thea Prospero

2020 content Jr.

V2.1 August 1, Updated Benito Taguibao Sandra Cases Thea Prospero

2021 format Jr.

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