Lect 13

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12.30-1.30 PM

Rajendra Singh
The Divergence and Curl of B
The magnetic field for general case of a volume current by Biot-Savart law:

This gives the magnetic field at a point r = (x, y, z) in terms of an integral over the current
distribution J(x' , y', Z'). As shown in fig.,

The integration is over the primed coordinates; the divergence and the curl are to be taken with respect to the
unprimed coordinates.
Applying the divergence to B,


Using the product rule,

J does not depend on x, y, z so the term involving derivatives

of J are dropped

Where δ is Dirac delta function, and the value is obtained after changing the
divergence into surface integral form and using spherical co-ordinate system.
In fact is a diverging function whose solution requires approximation by δ as the
function has zero value everywhere except near origin where it surges to infinity.

This derivation is not restricted to straight-line current only and this is called Ampere's Law

It can be converted to integral form by the usual device of applying one of the
fundamental theorems-in this case Stokes' theorem:


Comparison of Magnetostatics and Electrostatics

the boundary condition E ͢ 0 far from all charges, Maxwell's

Again, together with the boundary condition B ͢ 0 far from all
equations determine the field, if the source charge
currents, Maxwell's equations determine the magnetic field:
density p is given
Maxwell's equations and the force law is written as:

Electric field lines originate on positive charges and terminate

on negative ones; magnetic field lines do not begin or end
anywhere-to do so would require a nonzero divergence. They
either form closed loops or extend out to infinity.
To put it another way, there are no point sources for B, as there both in the production of a magnetic field
are for E; there exists no magnetic analog to electric charge. (Biot-Savart) and in its detection (Lorentz) it
This is the physical content of the statement .B = O. is the current (charge times velocity) that
enters, and we can compensate for a smallish
Electric forces are enormously larger than magnetic ones. velocity by pouring huge quantities
of charge down the wire.

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