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90min lesson plan

- Serves as a warmup, if the class is talkative, just let the 5-10 mins
General conversation flow
conversation - If the conversation is not flowing, introduce a speaking
game – as a class create a fictional character and talk about
its experiences in the past week
- By the end start asking questions involving a past perfect
Revision - When revising a certain tense, try to have the grammar 5mins
displayed behind you
- try to get the class to dictate the grammatical structure of the
tense to you, but don´t push it
- In the end, something like this will be displayed on the
board, so that the students feel more comfortable when using
the tense:

Pres. Perf Liar, liar, pants on fire! 10mins

game 1 - Very similar to two truths, one lie, but here the students
observe each other’s expressions and based on that call
somebody out on their bluff by exclaiming the phrase “Liar,
liar, pants on fire!”
Grammar - Students are divided into groups (based on the number of 10mins
focus students in the class)
- Each group selects the “teacher”, who is going to be
marking another group
- The teacher cuts this exercise into strips (as indicated)
- Each group receives the first strip, which they fill out and
bring over to the “teacher” to mark. If they filled out
everything correctly, they receive another strip. If not, they
must find the mistake and correct it.
- The first group to finish the whole exercise wins
Pres. Perf - The students get a worksheet such as this one 15mins
game 2 (accommodated to the number of students in the class)

- The goal of the game is to find a student, whose answers are

the most like yours
- The students are encouraged to ask questions and share
Conversation - Using the last three questions in the worksheet, the class 15mins
discusses why these incidents may occur
- After a while, the teacher introduces the term “generation
- The students discuss the meaning of this term, their
experiences, reasons why this may be a problem etc.
- Together, they create a mind map
Reading - Every student gets their own worksheet 10mins

- Read the texts, write any unknown vocab on flashcards,

stick it on the board, the students or the teacher explain the
- The students try to swap the unknown vocab in the text with
synonyms, so that they understand the stories fully
- Give them time to read over the text once again
- Ask questions:

o Has anything similar ever happened to them?

o Who, in their opinion, was wrong in the situation?
Conversation - Put the students in pairs and have them ask each other 10mins
questions from this sheet

Pres. Perf. - Have you been following your teacher? : 10mins

Game 3 - Students test each other on what has happened since the
beginning of the class, e.g. “In today’s class, has anyone’s
dictionary fallen on the floor? / How many times has the
teacher coughed?”
30min lesson plan
General 5mins
Pres. Perf. Pres. Perf. Questions association game 5mins
Game 1
Pres. Perf. Asking (and answering) questions relating to picture 5mins
Game 2

- The most creative question wins

Conversation The teacher asks a few questions leading to opening 5mins
a conversation about generation gaps:
- Do you get along with your grandparents?
- Do you spend a lot of time with them?
- What do you usually talk about when you’re
- Have you ever argued because of your different
views on something?
- Do you hear a lot of statements from them
starting: Back in my day… what do they follow
it up with?
- How would you describe the differences
between your two generations?
Reading Worksheet below 10mins
comprehension + possible homework material
17-year-old Kiran Ali asks her Pakistan-born parents if she can go out with her friend, who happens to
be a boy. Their response is "No." Once again, Kiran is frustrated with the disparity between her
parents' ideas and her ideas, her parent's culture and America's. First-generation Americans are
struggling with the need to adapt to American life while trying to please their parents. "I try to take
advantage of living in America, being an American teenager," said Kiran, But at the same time, I
know I am Pakistani and I feel an obligation to keep up with the traditions of my family."
Maria Gonzalez, who moved from Cuba to Miami in 1962, said she wants her daughter Madelyn to
take advantage of all this country has to offer. "In Cuba, we were under Castro's law," she said. "But
here my daughter has more freedom to do what she desires." Madelyn said: "My parents are unaware
of the typical American culture. They do not understand why people do certain things or what the
point is, “My parents never let me sleep out ...I would not exactly say they are strict, but compared to
my American friends they are a little bit more conservative.
Answer questions:
1. What creates misunderstanding?
2. Why don’t parents know many of modern technologies?
3. Why is Kiran frustrated?
4. What does Kiran feel as a Pakistani?
5. Why does Maria want her daughter to take advantage of the country she lives in?
6. Why does Madelyn think that her parents are a bit more conservative?
Find words in the text of the same meaning
Very old in age
No longer valid
Opposed to change or innovation

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