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VECTORS OF ATTACK UNDER THE PROGRESSIVE GRADUALISM PARADIGM OF WARFARE America, WE THE PEOPLE have failed to account for the paradigm shift in the methods of warfare that US Progressive [ummubang ei Globalists adopted more than 100 years ago. Ihave warned (Kae Sooo CIS) many times that the Vectors of Attack, strategies, tactics, and subdue the CR eee! enemy without appear very different than that of the former, traditional fighting." paradigm of warfare. We must learn to recognize these new vectors of attack, & adapt & adopt effective counter-measures jainst them. A primary strategy, tactic & Vector of attack Gradualism Warfare utilizes is to Peacefully & Covertly Permeate the institutions, infrastructure, & processes of the target society's government. 3 instances of one example of this Permeation vector of attack & what the tactics, strategies & battles look like in this new paradigm of warfare & revolution follow: PERMEATION & INFILTRATION 1) In the 1990s, Progressive President Clinton replaced all of the US Attorney's in the Department of Justice with Progressive Globalist Loyalists. (see Cite link in article) 2) While president, Progressive Barack Ohama, fired almost 200 Military Generals & Commanders from 2009 - 2013 & replaced them with Progressive Globalist Loyalists. (cee Cite link in article), 3) For the last decade, Figurehead Progressive Leader George Sores has been “buying”, Federal & State Attorney Generals, County Attorneys, & other Law Enforcement. (see Cite link in article)), Please note that in each instance, it did not look like nor did the masses perceive these as evidence of warfare(revolution/Coup) signaling them of a need to defend themselves by taking up arms, nor mount a counter-revolution. Please also note that these disparate vectors of Gradualism Warfare occurred years apart, making it even more difficult for generations of Americans to “connect the dots”. In each instance outlined here, these Progressive Glabalist led Government Departments now work to advance the Progressive Globalist Agenda, protect their allies & punish those whe expose & oppose them. Do you now understand how dire the consequences are to the American masses for failing to recognize the new strategies, tactics & battles resulting from this new vector of at under the Gradualism paradigm shift in the methods of warfare, revolution & coups? No? Let me further explain... ee ae

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