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Why Gre*n is the

worst color
a deep dive into the repulsive nature of this
forsaken excuse of a color
It is ugly
Look at it.
It Defies Color Logic

Warm Colors

Cold Colors
Green doesn’t feel like a warm color or
a cold color. It only exists to fill me with
a burning rage and agony.

It simply does not belong anywhere,

yet at the same time it is everywhere,
because chlorophyll decided to be
I know some people say green
is actually a “cold color”, but I’m sorry…
when I think of cold, I think of Elsa. I
think of the freezing lakes that cover
Canada… I think of amethyst
gemstones gleaming in the evening

What I don’t think of...

Maybe it is a subconscious thought that the brand who makes the sparkling water also
happens to be gre*n

Things that give me the same energy as

Sparkling water and torture
Now, green just give me no vibes at all. It’s not even bad vibes,

because then at least there would be vibes, at least there would

be SOMETHING, but no. Green is just there… a whisper of a soul

that never came to be.

Now, I am a person of science

When I say green gives me absolutely

nothing, I mean it… take a look at this pH
chart for example.
Do you See It? GrEEn is the color of a

neutral pH. The thing isn’t acidic, it isn’t

alkaline.. It’s just THERE breathing, offering

nothing to the conversation, A Parasite to

It is not even worthy of my view.
When my brains sees green, it
Global Warming is GReEn being Canceled. simply autocorrects it to another colour to
protect my sanity.
The only fatal flaw of nature is the color of
That’s right, my body immediately
chlorophyll. It just further shows how
went through genetic evolution within my
nothing is perfect, not even the pigment
13 years of life. All my future kids and
used not even the pigment used to create
grandkids (if i ever have them) will slowly
energy in plants.
lose their ability to see green, and they
Pathetic.. #sad
WILL thank me for It.
You see I’m not saying that our
Now listen, I’m not making any biology is a genetic mutation to occur
claims, I’m not saying anything, but isn’t
where people
it just funny that the most common type
of colorblindness is this one? see green as red because it’s an ugly
colour and this is an act of self-defense
for the body. But I’m juSt saYIN-

Autumn and Winter are my

favorite seasons.

This is because in Autumn

the grEen chlorophyll breaks
down and the leaves turn brown

And in Winter.. They Die.

Some Evidence
Here are some things that rhyme with GReEn
Attack Submarine (It’s American too, pick a struggle)
Fifteen (The worst age to be)
The Han-Xiongnu War
lime green Now, onto the topic on lime green...

What in Queen Elizabeth’s name is this?

It looks as if yellow got left on the
shelf for way too long.
It looks like if green tried to become yellow
but didn’t have enough stamina and will to
do so.
It looks like Mike Wazowski if he
stopped seeing the sUN-
G: government
R: repulsive
E: Ew
E: Ew*2
N: no
And also frogs can be accepted
because they are frogs. If they choose to
The only exceptions to green be green to survive natural selection, so
be it.

This color of green I actually quite like.

It is soft and friendly.
Would I still burn it and end its bloodline of
colours? Of course I still would, but this is
the one green that has found a place in my
heart and is stopping me from doing so.

I also like this shade of green.

Mostly because it looks like blue.
One more exception.
Thank you.

Remember this is all light-hearted. If

Now take a look at these beautiful colors that do not have the
you like green that’s good for you. This is just
color green in them yet still prevail to be beautiful.
me trying to help you see the light.

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