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Social Studies Exam Revision Guide

Family is a group of people that are related by blood, marriage or adoption.
Household is a domestic establishment where a group of people live, they share similar facilities but may not or may be relaxing by
blood, marriage or adoption.
Role is the position one has within the family household.
Responsibility is to provide care for a dependent child or for an immediate family member who is in need of care and support.
Conflict is a serious disagreement or argument between two or more persons.
Parents is a caregiver or caretaker of a child.
Parenting is the act of the mother or father to someone.
Parenthood is the state of being a parent and the responsibilities.
Parenting Styles is a psychological construct representing standard strategies that parent use in child.
Family Links is things we do to keep our families together, unified and maintaining good relationship.
Generation Gaps is the difference in opinions and understanding among people of different age groups or generation.
Family Life Education is the educational effort to strengthen individual and family life through a family perspective.
Family Laws are the laws focusing on family related issues.
Domestic Violence is violence committed by someone in the victim's domestic circle such as partners and ex-partners, immediate
family members, other relatives and family friends.
Domestic Violence Act (1996) is a law that provides enchanted protect to victims of physical and mental abuse from a person.
Characteristics of a family
 Comprised of adults and children.
 Usually there is common resemblance.
 Residence is shared
 They are related by blood, marriage or adoption.
Function of the families
 Procreation/Reproduction is sexual activities of conceiving and bearing offspring.
 Socialization is a fundamental process through which a family acquires cultural and personal identity.
 Education is the responsibility of the family to meet the basic of education need of it members, children in particular and
providing the educational material and working with the child to achieve academic success.
 Economic/ Financial function is where family members earns a living in order to meet the economic needs of the family.
 Cultural is the pass down of traditions culture or way of life to the young members of the family.
 Emotional is the sense of belonging, a feeling of protection and emotional security provides by the family.
 Religious is the encouraging members to have faith and believe in a supernatural being.
Characteristics of family laws
Family laws focusing on the:
 Relation to inheritance
 Relation to child care
 Relation to divorce
 Relation to separation
 Relation to domestic violence
Characteristics of family links
Family Links involved the following:
 The pass on of traditions culture.
 The knowing of relatives in order to prevent incestuous relationship.
 Maintaining good family relationship.
 Supporting in difficult times.
 To know what is happening within your family.
Characteristics of the influencing the changing roles
Factor that contribute to the changing roles are:
 Greater recognition of the rights of woman
 Women are no longer regarded being subordinate to men.
 Women now have the rights to do equal job and equal pay for equal pay.
 Roles of housekeeper has also changed.

 Greater choice of employment for union

 Women are no longer confined to the family.
 Traditional male jobs are now open to females.
 More women are now sharing the roles of bread winner.

 Available Technology
 Devices in the home have reduced the time women spend doing housework.
 Women now have time to take up job outside the home and to improve their education.
 Technology in the workplace can be easily operated by both women’s and men’s.

 Economic Factors
 The high of living cost some women to work outside the home to support their families.

 Increase of education opportunities

 Women now have the same access of education and training as men.

 Expansion of family life education

 Women are now having fewer children, as a result, it have given them more time to improve their quality of life.

 Greater choice of leisure activities

 Women are now sharing the same leisure activities as men and membership in the same club.
Characteristics of a good parents
 Communication Skills, so that they can talk to their children and also be able to listen to them.
 Socialization Skills, in order to teach their child values, norms, mores of the society.
 Disciplinary Skills, in order to deal with inappropriate behavior.
 Nutrition Skills, to prepare healthy meals for their children.
 Problem Solving Skills, to deal with challenges of parenting.
 Emotional Skills, to make their child feel loved.

 Nuclear Family is a family group that consists only of parents and children.

 The child has both male and female role models.
 Financially stable
 Parent may not always play their roles.
 Conflict between parent may affect the child.

 Extended Family is a family that includes in one household near relatives (such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles) in addition
to a nuclear family

 Better supervision of children.
 Contributing of finally supports.

 The family may have financial problem.
 Loss of privacy
 Single Parent Family is considered of one parent neither mother nor father living with their child or children.

Cause of Single Parent Family

 Separation or divorce of parents
 Death of parents
 Teenager pregnancy
 Choice of parents to remain single
 Abandonment by a parent

 The child is forced to become more dependent.
 Smaller family to support .
 Unsupervised of children
 Financial problem

 Sibling Household is a family where the siblings live together without the parents. Depending on the situation, some or all of
the children may be adults.

 The child lives with his own family members.
 The child imitates the moral values imbibed by his siblings and learns them.
 Conflict between siblings
 Financial problem
Family Laws
 Child Care is the law need to protect every member of the family
 Legal Separation is the separation of married couple by a direct order of the court
 Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.
 Domestic Violence is the law have been introduced to protect woman and children particularly.
 Inheritance is a gift, devise or bequest of property which a person may receive under the Will of a person who has died.
 Legal Union is a legal relationship between two people of the same sex that gives them some of the same rights and
responsibilities that married people have.
 Visiting Relationship is the relationship where the couple do not live together in the same household, but in which there are
romantic, intimate or sexual relations.
 Same Sex Union is marriage between partners of the same sex and/or gender identity.
 Common Laws is when the opposite gender are being living together for a long time and may or may not have children but
they are legal marriage.
Conflict In The Family
 Conflict between spouse
 Sexual problem
 Committed adultery
 Financial problem
 Conflict parents and children
 Generation gap
 Disobedience
 Desire of independence
 Conflict between siblings
 Siblings rivalry
 Different personalities clash
Factor Influencing The Changing Roles and their Solution
 Infidelity
 Seek professional advice
 Plan social activities together
 Generation gap issues
 Communicate as a family
 Social/educate children from an early age

 Preoccupation with career or leisure activities

 Communicate with family the demands of career and how they may assist on demanding days.

 Shared responsibilities between parent

 Discuss responsibility of each and make adjustments that is beneficial to both and the general family.

 Declined/reduced sexual relations between parents

 Arrange family time
Parenting Styles
 Authoritarian is an extremely strict parenting style.
 Authoritative is when the parents are supportive and often in tune with their children's needs.
 Permissive is a style of child-rearing that features two key traits: being nurturing and warm (which is good for kids), and.
being reluctant to impose limits (which is problematic).
 Uninvolved Parenting is a style of parenting where parents don't respond to their child's needs or desires beyond the basics of
food, clothing, and shelter.
 Effectively Parenting the ability to interact and engage with children in such a way that they learn and grow into remarkable
Domestic Violence
 Emotional
 Psychological
 Sexual
 Physical
 Economical


Role & responsibilities of the family
 Father/Husband
 The bread winner of the family.
 To love and cherish his children and wife.
 To maintain discipline in the home.

 Mother/Wife
 To love and cherish her children and husband.
 To socialize the children.
 To pass on culture.

 Children
 To assist parents with the chores around the house.

 Grandparents
 Assist parents with the children.
 Setting disputes among family members.
 Assist in passing on culture.
The traditional roles of mother and father
 Mother
 Caregiver is to take care of the children and other family members.
 Social Agent is to socialize the children.
 Economic Provider is the background, making art and craft item and etc.
 Decision Taker is to accept decision made by the spouse.
 Home Maker is to do all the household chores.
 Counsellor is to dealt with family emotional and religious needs.
 Father
 Disciplinarian is to discipline the child.
 Bread Winner to earn money to supply the family economic needs.
 Decision Maker is make all the important family decision
 Protector is to protect the family as male are socialized to be leaders.
The changing roles
 How does the changing roles affect the family
Role changes may cause anxiety, producing emotional and physical stress on the caregiver, as well as affect relationships with
the person with stroke. Roles change in many different ways. Each of these examples may cause stress and changes that affect
roles and relationships.

 How the changing roles affect both men and women

 Marginalization of the male
 Identify crisis for males
 Women enjoy equal pay for equal work
 Sharing decision making in the family with male partner

 What will happen if a parent is not adequately prepared
 Physical Stress
 Conflict
 Financial problem
 Unrealized goals
 Emotional stress

 Why couple delay having their first child

 Be unemployed.
 Want to purse further studies.
 May not be earning enough money.
 Needed more time.

 What can parents do to delay parenthood

 Avoid situation that are conceive to intimate and sexual activities.
 Abstain form sexual intercourse.
 Use pregnancy prevention methods.
 Learn to control sexual urges.

It occur in the period of adolescence between children and parents.
 Types of music
 Types of dressing
 Choice of friends
 Level of freedom
 Choice of recreation
Effect of Generation Gap
 Conflict and disagreement
 Lack of communication
 Broken relationship
Minimizing of the effect of generation gap
 Communicate - talk with your parents.
 Express yourself respectfully say how you feel.
 Let them know your friends

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