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There have been many great khans in our history who have made a significant

contribution to the development of our khanate. This is an analysis of the

greatest of them.

Khaknazar Khan
Khaknazar was noticeably successful in the political and military field. His main
achievements: the annexation of the Nogai territories; the occupation of
Mangystau; the transition of Semirechye to the Kazakh Khanate.Haknazar has
defeated Koshim more than once. This did not go unnoticed in Moscow. Ivan the
Terrible sent envoys to start cooperating with the khan. Already in 1570, it was
possible to establish political as well as trade ties. The Prince of Moscow also
thought about creating a military alliance. Ivan Vasilyevich noted that with the
help of this agreement it will be possible to eliminate Koshim. In reality, the
motives were much more prosaic: he intended to gain access to Asia, using the
support of Khaknazar, as well as to get Siberi
Relations with the Mongols of Abd ar-Rashid and the Oirats were unsuccessful.
The eastern part of Semirechye was ruined and lost. And the Siberian Khanate
periodically disturbed the northern borders. After the collapse of the Nogai
Horde, Russians became our neighbors. And after our help to the Cossack
ataman Ermak Timofeevich in conquering the capital of Siberia, the city of
Kashlyk, Khan Kuchum stopped bothering at all. Over time, many Siberian tribes
will become part of the Kazakh Khanate.

Taukel Khan
Taukel was the last khan of the Independent Kazakh Khanate. The main
direction of his political activity was the strengthening of the Kazakh statehood
and the khan's power.
The results of the implementation of his intention consisted in the tactics of
conducting foreign and domestic policy of the state. The main points of
implementation of domestic policy were the establishment of "Zhety Jargy"
(definition of the basic principles of law and order and the state structure).
They played an important role in establishing order and a relatively
unprecedented calm before his reign. The Council of Biys was created. Its
creation was aimed at solving acute situations that could result in
intergenerational clashes, revenge for which traditionally passed from
generation to generation.
Such a decision greatly strengthened the integrity of the Khanate, relieved of
forced fragmentation and frequent internal conflicts. A striking indicator of
foreign policy activity was the establishment of good-neighborly relations with
other states, which contributed to the revival and rise of economic and
economic ties.
Moreover, such a decision contributed to the unification into a single state. The
overall results of his political activity were a number of reforms, which
subsequently strengthened the government
During the war with Kuchum, Tauekel's nephew was captured by the Russian
tsar Fyodor Ivanovich (1584-1598). The Khanate has weakened. And now the
Russian tsar offered not cooperation, but patronage. The diplomats did not
come to a single political decision, but the caravan trade continued actively.

Yesim Khan ruled from 1598 to 1628 .

Yesim was actively interested in the internal politics of Mogulistan. He
supported one of the sides of internal conflicts in the struggle for power over
the territory of East Turkestan. So, in alliance with the Kyrgyz, Yesim undertook
two long military campaigns (in the 1610s-1611s and 1617s-1620s) to those
lands. He supported Abd ar-Rahim, the son of the ruler of Moghulistan, and
helped him to retake the cities that he claimed. At the same time, the
Mogulistan Khan Abd al-Latif did not recognize Yesim as khan. Tursun, claiming
the khan's throne, took advantage of this. Under Yesim Khan, Tursun ruled in
Tashkent. Although the city was considered the patrimony of Kazakhstan, the
rebellious khan was belligerent. Not wanting to aggravate the conflict on this
territory, Yesim resigned himself to the fact that Tursun founded the Tashkent
Khanate and became its head. The Bukhara Khan Imam-kuli also claimed the
city. And in 1611, he even undertook a military campaign, which was interrupted
for unexplained reasons. The campaigns made by the Imam-kuli to Tashkent in
1613 and in 1621 were repulsed, and he later refused to raid, conspiring with
Tursun. Yessim's foreign policy was based on the expansion and protection of
the borders of the Kazakh Khanate. In response to the frequent raids of the
Dzungars, the Khan's army moved out in 1627 to campaign against them. The
military actions ended in success for the Kazakhs: the Kalmyks were defeated
and thrown back behind the Dzungarian Mountains.

Zhangir Khan (1610-1652)

Zhangir Khan was a visionary statesman and an outstanding commander . Even
during his childhood , he was nicknamed impressive .
During his reign , internecine strife took place in the Kazakh Khanate .Every
representative of the Genghisids wanted to gain power .
Constant political struggle constantly hindered the political growth of Zhangir
Khan . therefore , he always had to prove his inherited right to power . He paid
special attention to trade , the development of crafts and education. He was be
first Kazakh enlightened ruler, whose main hobby was science, and the meaning
of a short life was enlightenment.
The exhausting Kazakh-Dzungarian war began. During the onslaught of the
Dzungars and internal strife, the people were waiting for a hero who dared to
take a risky and bold step - he would not be afraid to take responsibility for the
country in such a difficult period.

Tauke Khan 1680-1715

Tauke made the first serious change in the system of power relations. In an
attempt to establish a balance between the various factions, Tauke granted the
Biya councils additional powers, in particular: 1. Adoption of important state
and political decisions; 2. Execution of judicial functions; 3. Implementation of
diplomatic and peacekeeping initiatives. Collectively, the Biya Soviets performed
military, political and ideological functions. At the same time, this measure was
aimed at limiting the political influence of the Genghisids. As a rule, Tauke Khan
held annual consultations with biy on topical issues of politics and economy in
the town of Kultobe

Tauke Khan's reforms also affected the legal system. It was under him that
significant additions were made to the customary law of the Kazakhs. A set of
laws called "Zhety Jargy" ("Seven regulations") it was developed with his direct
participation. According to folk traditions, Tauke gathered the biys of three
zhuzes in Kultobe, who, based on the old regulations of Kasym Khan and Yesim
Khan, developed and adopted a new set of laws, including seven main sections:
1. The Land Law ("Zher dauy"), which discussed the resolution of disputes about
pastures and watering holes.
2. The Family and Marriage Law, which established the procedure for the
conclusion and dissolution of marriage, the rights and obligations of spouses,
the property rights of family members.
3. Military law regulating the administration of military service, the formation of
units and the election of military leaders.
4. The regulation on the trial, discussing the outcome of the trial.
5. Criminal law, which establishes penalties for various types of crimes, except
6. The Kuna Law, which establishes penalties for murder and grievous bodily
7. The Law on Widows, regulating the property and personal rights of widows
and orphans, as well as the obligations towards them of the community and
relatives of the deceased

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