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FlowFit Certification

ACADEMY Preparation
FLOWFIT Level 1 Certification – academy 2021

Welcome to the Academy!

You are starting a preparation process to be a FlowFit instructor, the “REVOLUTIONARY SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM
Becoming a “certified FlowFit Instructor” means understanding people’s needs and “real goals”. And these goals,
more than just getting stronger or leaner, are really detected when they answer the question: “I want to be fit, but, fit
for what?”
People want to be pain free, want to be able to do the physical tasks and activities they encounter without fear, want to
enjoy movement on their full range of motion, want to feel they can perform with poise and grace, to live better,
longer, healthier and happy… “To die young as late as possible.”. They want FLOW in their lives.
As fitness professionals, our goal is to help them achieve their goals. Understanding movement on its complete
concept, detecting weaknesses, restrictions, limitations and threats, and teaching and applying strategies to fix them,
this should be our commitment and purpose.
Within the ACADEMY we want to help you through the process of becoming a good movement instructor, and the
first stage to reach is experiencing movement.
Here you will find a 6 weeks training plan to prepare you for the certification and its test, but more importantly, to
help you understand how to progress and regress on movement, so you will be able to adapt any exercise for yourself
or your clients. You will have a set of resources which will complement and increase your toolbox as an instructor,
boosting your career into the fitness and health industry

This training plan is divided into two main blocks:

● FLOW Training Block: every week we provide you with a flow taught by one of our Team Leaders, so you
can apply the improvements you achieve and also practice and learn different sequences with different
● TEST Preparation Block: to be certified in FlowFit you will have to repeat the FlowFit sequence for 14’,
doing a minimum of 15 rounds. You will need specific preparation on technique and conditioning. We
recommend you do this specific workout at least once a week, and maximum 2 times per week, because we
don’t want to stress your system too much.
With these two workouts you have a minimum preparation for the certification and its test, but the recommendation
will be to repeat those workouts you need more and, if needed, adapt or integrate one of the supplemental training
modules included in the Academy (General Preparation).
In addition, we recommend reading, and periodically going back to it, through the entire FlowFit Manual as it will
give you an overview of the science behind the how and why of both our daily life and athletic/high stress
Now it is the time to learn, not just the movements, not just the sequences and the progressions and regressions, to
learn how to do and how to teach, to learn how to be a better coach.
Enjoy the process and welcome to the LEGION!!

Created 2021 by - Néstor Serra Verdaguer - Master Trainer - TACFIT

Revised 2022 by - Juan David Méndez - International Education Director - TACFIT
FLOWFIT Level 1 Certification – academy 2021


This is your guide to prepare yourself for the certification, and, more importantly, for improving your ability to move
freely and without pain throughout your entire range of motion.
The objective of this preparation plan is to improve the way we move in the 6 Degrees of Freedom:

Translation in three perpendicular axes:

● Surge: forward / backward
● Heave: Up / Down
● Sway: Left / Right

Rotation about three perpendicular axes:

● Yaw: vertical axis
● Pitch: transverse axis
● Roll: longitudinal axis

You will need to increase your anatomical mobility, joint stability, strength, proprioception, and coordination.
For this end we provide you with a simple, but very effective, preparation plan, divided into two main blocks, which
covers the need to free your structure, releasing those forces that are locking your joints and boosting the muscles that
will drive the movement.
Block 1 - Weekly Flows
Block 2 - Test workout.
FLOWFIT Level 1 Certification – academy 2021

Flow of the week (FOW)

To improve the way we move into the 6 degrees of Freedom we will need to increase our structural mobility and
Mobility depends on the joints and all structures attached to them, but above all, depends on the motor cortex and the
way it manages voluntary movements.
Stability will affect motor control and its mobility.
Progressing basic movements into complex exercises, their combination and through different variations creates
movement wealth.
Every week a new Flow session designed by one of our Team Leaders will be provided. This flow will cover specific
needs of the week, mainly focused on the weekly objectives.

Positions (among others) Objectives

Squat Hip Mobility

week 1 Front Plank Spine Extension
Quad position Scapular Stability

Mountain Climber
Hip Flexion
Lateral Plank
week 2 Spine Extension
Anti-Lateral Flexion
Front Lunge

Lateral Lunge - Cossack Hip Extension

Scorpion Hip Internal-External Rotation
week 3
Spinal Roll Ankle-knee-hip Stability
1 Leg Balance Breathing Pattern

Quad Cross stance Stability CORE Stability

1 Leg Squat - Lunges Leg Strength
week 4
Front Plank Spine Anti-rotation
Down Dog Breathing Pattern

Spine Rotation
Spinal twist
Shoulder flexion
week 5 Down Dog
Posterior Chain activation
Breathing Pattern

week 6 Compensation for FlowFit test

You will receive a Flow session structured in different parts:

● Positions: postures to be maintained for 30”-60” (each side if unilateral), trying to stabilize joints in active
● Movements: transitions between postures to be repeated 10 times, trying to increase Range Of Motion in
each repetition
FLOWFIT Level 1 Certification – academy 2021

● Combinations: compound movements to be repeated 5 times, trying to find the correct moment to inhale
(expansion) and exhale (compression)
● Full Flow: the whole sequence to be repeated for 10’ minimum, non-stop, using respiration as an intensity

Warmup and the cool down will be optional, but we suggest an activation warmup in those parts of the body in which
you feel restrictions. You can also use the included Intu-Flow Mobility or bonus General Preparation blocks for
warm-up and to release these restrictions.
FLOWFIT Level 1 Certification – academy 2021

Test Preparation:
The original FlowFit test is a sequence of 7 movements-exercises, repeated through time and executed with grace and
technique. Scott Sonnon developed 4 different FlowFit levels, the first one is used for rehabilitation, the second one as
a regression for the different drills and entry level students, the standard/test level for instructors and advanced
students, and finally a progression level sequence with added complexity. In the Academy you will find tutorials for
the latter three ‘training’ levels. The complete sequence requires working in the 6 degrees of freedom of the human
body, being a complete and full-body workout
Training the FlowFit sequence helps us to reach 4 main and consecutive objectives:
1. If we do the moves with correct technique, we can detect restrictions and lack of stability.
2. If we repeat the different moves increasing volume, we can detect weaknesses through effort.
3. If we train the sequence with focus on technique, we can increase mobility and strengthen weaknesses
4. Once all 3 previous goals are accomplished, we can improve efficiency.
For testing you will have to repeat the FlowFit Sequence for a minimum of 15 rounds in 14’ and keep the Heart Rate
at 80% of your HRMax or even below.
⇒ Squat Series: Trinity Squat
Feet shoulder distance apart, squat down below parallel (hips must be below your knees) keeping neutral spine, once
reach parallel exhale to go deeper rounding your back. Knees must track the second toe, arms going parallel as well in
front of shoulders. Inhale in your extension.
⇒ Quad Series: Quad Press Hopping
Squat Down on a deep squat exhaling down, put the weight forward (on toes) and fall to the quad position (shoulder
width on hands (middle fingers parallel) and feet (vertical), hands at 1-2 palms distance from knees, trunk horizontal,
Core activated and pelvis in posterior tilt)
Exhale when absorbing down and press to your hopping quad press, lifting hands and feet from the ground, inhaling
on top position, absorbing down again exhaling before going back to the squat position. Return to standing position
squatting up.
⇒ Leg Swoop Series: Leg Thru Half Swoop
Squat Down on a deep squat, put the weight forward (on toes) and fall to the quad position, turn to the side to your sit
thru extended, knee locked, do the swoop exhaling when landing with feet on ball of foot. Return to the quad press
and repeat to the other side. Return to standing position squatting up.
⇒ Mountain Climber Series: Mountain Climber Twist
Squat Down on a deep squat, put the weight forward (on toes) and fall to the mountain climber position on your ball
of feet, with one leg at quad press position and the other one on plank position (knee locked in extension). Turn
pulling the hip of the knee extended towards the heel of the bent one sitting on the floor close to the heel. Sit tall, pull
belly to tight, grabbing the knee exhaling. Place hands on the floor to return to the mountain climber position and
switch to the other side to repeat the movement. Return to standing position squatting up.
⇒ Tripod Series: Springing Tripod Single
Squat Down on a deep squat inhaling down, place one hand back going to your tripod exhaling when absorbing.
Inhale before springing to the other side and exhale when absorbing. Return to the squat position and repeat to the
other side. When finished, return to standing position squatting up.
⇒ Dog Series: Jump Up Dog
Squat Down on a deep squat exhaling down. Place hands between feet and jump back to the Up Dog position inhaling
and pressing back with heels, weight on toes. Return to the squat position exhaling and stand up.
⇒ Rock Series: Pike Spinal Rock
Squat Down on a deep squat inhaling down, round your back and exhaling go to the pike position with knees locked
and placing toes on the floor. Arms forearms and palms of the hands on the floor. Inhale as you roll back down and
exhale when doing the squat again before returning up.
FLOWFIT Level 1 Certification – academy 2021

To prepare the test you will need to learn and execute with the correct technique and to increase your performance, so
you also have weekly specific Test Workouts (in addition to the FOW) designed for you.

Test Workout
Every week you will have to do a specific workout in which you will learn how to keep technique through effort at a
controlled and specific speed.

30” of work followed by 30” or Easy paced, focus on

Week FlowFit 30/30*7
rest for each drill, performed in synchronizing breath with
1 regression 3 rounds
a circuit fashion; 3 rounds movement.
20” work, 10” rest, alternate Fast paced; goal is not to lose
Week FlowFit (20/10*8 +60) x4
drills in a circuit fashion; final breath-movement
2 drills sets 1-7 drill - set 8 Flow
set is full sequence. 4 rounds synchronization.
Week < 60" pace
3 3:1 rounds x 3

Week < 55" pace Building up endurance/work volume in preparation for test.
4 4:1 rounds x 4 Increase pace every week without losing breath-movement
Week < 50" pace
5 5:1 rounds x 3
FlowFit Work on regression, goal is to keep neuromuscular pathways
Week < 55" pace
regression engaged going into test weekend, but without the physical stressor
6 15 rounds
(deload) of the drills.

⇒ Use the timer to track the rhythm.

⇒ Try to keep the same speed during the whole workout
⇒ When technique is OK focus on breathing to make the movement more efficient
⇒ Use video recordings to help you detect mistakes, weaknesses and details to fix.

Before these workouts, warm-up to prepare you for the sessions.

You can do the mobility program included (Intu-Flow Mobility 101).
*You can also use the bonus General Preparation workouts included to prepare you for the session.
FLOWFIT Level 1 Certification – academy 2021

Support Material:

General Preparation:

You need stability and mobility, you need control and proprioception, you need to open your body in its full range of
human movement, with structural alignment and synchronizing breath to create intuitive awareness and become
unbound in all degrees of freedom. One session per week will be the recommended minimum to achieve it, but you
can repeat it up to three times per week.
This is a non-specific workout, designed to unbound the body and prepare it for free movement.
You can organize your weekly schedule according to your preferences, possibilities and needs. Here you are 2
different examples of how you can organize a week, the first one in 3 trainings and the second one in 5 trainings:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

General Prep. 1   General Prep. 2   General Prep. 3
Option 1 General Prep. Mob   Weekly Flow   Test workout
General Prep. 1 General Prep. 2 Weekly Flow General Prep. 3 Test workout
Option 2
General Prep. Mob General Prep. Mob   General Prep. Mob  

We divide the block in Activation and Mobility

1.- Activation Training.

Before increasing mobility, we need to activate those muscles responsible for each important joint movement.
We provide three workouts, which can be done in the same training session or separately. We recommend repeating
those workouts in which we have more restrictions or less stability.

Workout 1: Upper Body Workout 2: Trunk (mid-section)

L-Spine - Pelvic Tilt Anterior –
Flexion – Extension
Pelvis: Posterior
Shoulder: Rotation Internal – External Flexion – Extension
(Scapulohumeral Joint) Horizontal Abduction –
T-Spine: Rotation Left – Right
Abduction - Adduction Side Flexion Left - Right
Elbow: Flexion Flexion – Extension
C-Spine –
Forearm: Pronation – Supination Rotation Left – Right
Flexion – Extension Side Flexion Left - Right
Deviation Radial – Ulnar
Fingers: Flexion - Extension Workout 3: Lower Body
We also work on the connection with Trunk with the
Flexion – Extension
Scapulothoracic joint
Rotation Internal - External
Abduction - Adduction
Knees Flexion
Tibia Rotation Internal - External
Ankles DorsiFlexion – Plantar
FLOWFIT Level 1 Certification – academy 2021

Pronation - Supination
Toes Flexion - Extension

We focus this training on releasing and stabilizing, so it is a precise workout, activating our movers on isometric and
closed positions on joint movements. We will isolate the joints and work on all planes of motion they can move.
Before we start training find your Active Range Of Motion (ROM) in each of the joints you will work, and in all the
Planes Of Motion you will be doing the exercises.
We will speak in terms of muscle length, always in active movements (no outer forces applied to the joint), being 0%
= maximum length (full joint opening, longer muscle length) and 100% = minimum length (maximum joint closing,
shorter muscle length)
We will also speak in terms of Maximum Voluntary Activation (MVA), being 0 = no activation and 10 = maximum
activation (related to that specific position of the joint)
Attention! will be optional doing a Fascia Release before the workouts
FLOWFIT Level 1 Certification – academy 2021

Each workout will have 3 parts:

Part 1: Isometric activation workout
⇒ This will be the first part of the session, activating muscles.
⇒ We will do isometric training at 90-95% of the A-ROM and 3-4 of MVA
⇒ Do 2-3 sets of 10 seconds in each of the positions
Part 2: Isometric strength workout:
⇒ After the activation part we will work on strength.
⇒ Isometric training at 50-60% of the A-ROM and 8-10 MVA
⇒ Do 3-5 sets of 5 seconds in each of the positions
Part 3: Dynamic strength workout:
⇒ In this part we will work on full A-ROM and at the shortest muscle length we can help the contraction
increasing the ROM with a passive movement (optional depending on the possibilities)
⇒ Tempo will be 4”-5” concentric contraction and 4”-5” eccentric contraction, we can pause in closed position
for 2”-4”. Speed must be constant when moving.
⇒ Resistance is possible higher at 50% of the A-ROM and lower as we close or open the joint. At the maximum
closed position resistance should be 0, so we can use Manual Resistance to help the movement.
Attention! We recommend using a partner to apply Manual Resistance, but if not possible, then use a “Slinga”, a
rope or a strap. For the Dynamic Strength part, you may use resistance bands, pulleys or even an external load.

2.- Mobility Training

To increase Range Of Motion on dynamic movements we will do a specific workout, using full body and focusing on
the Ankles, Hips, T-spine, Shoulder and Wrists joints.
We suggest going over the Intu-Flow Mobility program to prepare for this part, you can use the program as a
complement, warm-up or even a training by itself. If you feel restricted in any joint, focus your work on it.
Here you have the workout divided into three exercises and different applications-progressions of them.
⇒ Squat position
⇒ Lateral Lunge position
⇒ Shoulder mobility using a kettlebell (or any light weight, don’t go over 10kg)

Exercise Exercise
Swinging Squat 10 reps Lateral lunge 5 reps x side
Side to Side Deep Squat 5 reps x side Cossack Squat Flat foot – Toes 3 reps x side
T-Spine rotations 5 reps x side Cossack to Front Lunge 3 reps x side
Sky Reaches 5 reps x side    
Squat Bows 30"x 2    

Exercise Exercise
30" reps x
Shoulder Bridge 10 reps Kettlebell Arm Bar
Shoulder Bridge Reach 10 reps x side Kettlebell Bent Arm Bar 5 reps x side
    Kettlebell Shoulder Flexion 10 reps

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