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Office of Admissions and Financial Aid

HKEX Foundation Scholarship for Biotechnology and Innovation 2022/23

Information Sheet

HKEX Foundation Scholarship for Biotechnology and Innovation will be awarded to candidates
demonstrating achievement or potential in the area of biotechnology and innovation.

Number and Amount of Award

There will be one non-renewable scholarship of HK$50,000.

To be eligible, the applicants must:
- be local full-time undergraduate students from the Faculty of Engineering or Faculty of
- be studying a discipline which is related to Science, Engineering, Technology or Bio-Science;
- be pursuing their first degree during the tenure of the Scholarship;
- be within their normative study period when applying for the Scholarship; and
- demonstrate achievement or potential in the area of biotechnology, innovation and creativity.

The scholarship recipient is NOT allowed to concurrently hold other scholarships/awards. If he/she
has already received other scholarships or awards in the academic year 2022/23, he/she must
relinquish the relevant awards when accepting the HKEX Foundation Scholarship for
Biotechnology and Innovation.

Application Procedures
1. Information on the Scholarship and the application form can be downloaded from the website
of the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at (Financing
Your Studies > Scholarships > Open for Applications).
2. Please read all the application documents carefully and follow the instructions strictly.
3. Completed application form together with all requisite documents should be submitted
to the Faculty of Engineering or Faculty of Science (depending on which Faculty you are
affiliated to) on or before 13 February 2023. Please check with the Faculties concerned
for the submission method. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Please refer to the Notes for Applicants attached to the application form for the requisite
documents to be submitted by the applicants.
4. The University Selection Panel will shortlist suitable candidates for final selection by the
5. The awardee will be selected by the donor through an interview.
6. The decisions of the University Selection Panel and the donor are final and not subject to
review, and the reasons for shortlisting, nominating, granting or refusing to offer an award
will not be given.

Please contact the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at or 3943 7209.

16 January 2023
OAFA Website
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid

HKEX Foundation Scholarship for Biotechnology and Innovation 2022/23

Notes for Applicants

I The following documents must be submitted to the Faculty of Engineering or Faculty of

Science (depending on which Faculty you are affiliated to) on or before 13 February 2023.
Please check with the Faculties concerned for the submission method. Any applications
submitted to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid will not be processed or

1. The completed application form which should be typed in English, unless otherwise
specified, and signed. Handwritten form will NOT be accepted. If the item(s) in the
form is/are not applicable, “N/A” should be marked.

2. A copy of your CV (NOT exceeding two A4 pages)

3. A list of achievement in the area of biotechnology, innovation and creativity OR a list

summarizing the experience on biotechnology, innovation and creativity (e.g. research
project you are participating / have participated before. Your role / contribution to the
projects, etc.)

4. A photocopy of academic transcript from Undergraduate Year 1 to Term 1 of 2022/23.

A copy of academic transcript obtained from the Chinese University Student

Information System (CUSIS) is also acceptable.

5. Photocopies of academic transcript with Explanation Notes of Grading System on an

Exchange Programme during your undergraduate studies (if applicable). Any
downloaded transcripts are not accepted.

II One confidential letter of recommendation from a teacher of your major programme

elaborating nominee’s achievement and potential in biotechnology, innovation and creativity.
The letter must be addressed to HKEX Foundation Limited (Attn: Mr. Matthew Lee).
The letter should be sent by your referee or his/her delegate to the Faculty of Engineering or
Faculty of Science (depending on which Faculty the applicant is affiliated to) on or before 13
February 2023. Please check with the Faculties concerned for the submission method.

III Documents other than those listed above will NOT be accepted.

IV Please do NOT use digital camera or smart phone to take snapshot of the supporting
documents. Otherwise, these supporting documents may be considered invalid.

V Any non-English supporting documents should be issued in the original language and
accompanied by an English translation.

VI Please note that the Scholarships and Financial Aid Section of the Office of Admissions and
Financial Aid and/or the donor will request applicants to submit other supporting documents
for information, if deemed necessary.

VII The decisions of the University Selection Panel and the donor are final and not subject to
review, and the reasons for shortlisting, nominating, granting or refusing to offer an award
will not be given.
16 January 2023
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid

HKEX Foundation Scholarship for Biotechnology and Innovation 2022/23



1. Please fill in this questionnaire and submit it together with your scholarship
application before the application deadline.

2. This form will be kept anonymous and the information provided is for our internal
record only.

Question: How did you learn about the “HKEX Foundation Scholarship for
Biotechnology and Innovation 2022/23?

(Please put a ‘’ in appropriate box(es).)

☐ Email from the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA)

☐ Website of OAFA

☐ Poster in CUHK

☐ Your College

☐ Your Faculty / Department / Division

☐ Others, please specify:

Thank you for your sharing.

No. _________

HKEX Foundation Scholarship for Biotechnology and Innovation 20222/23

Application Form
1. The information gathered will be used for Scholarships/Awards-related purposes in the University. It may be accessible to offices, committees or
persons involved in Scholarships/Awards matters. Records of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed when no longer required.
2. This form should be typed in English, unless otherwise specified, and signed. Handwritten form will NOT be accepted. If the item(s) in the
form is/are not applicable, “N/A” should be marked.

Personal Data

Name CU Student ID No.

(In BLOCK LETTERS, SURNAME FIRST) (In Chinese) (10 digits)
Gender Major / Programme of Study
Current Year Expected
Minor College of Study Yr. Graduation in ν / 20 (MM/YYYY)
Date of
h / / (DD/MM/YYYY) Residency Local / Non-Local * Citizenship
Home Address
Telephone Mobile
E-mail Address (CUHK) / (Personal)
@ Please provide the full programme title, e.g. BA in Fine Arts.
ν* Please follow the expected graduation date printed on your student card.
Please delete whichever is inappropriate.

Admission Channel (Please put a ‘’ in an appropriate box.)

☐ JUPAS (HKDSE) ☐ Non-JUPAS (Local)
Educational Qualifications Since Secondary Education
Month / Year School / Institution Attended Qualifications Obtained ^
^ e.g. Form 6 (HKDSE), Grade 12 (GCE A-level)
Academic Results at this University
Cumulative Grade Point Average (up to Term 1, 2022/23): (in 3 decimal places)
Awards / Academic Achievements in Recent Three Academic Years (i.e.2020/21 – 2022/23)
Academic Year Name of Award Amount (HK$)
Extra-curricular Activities in Recent Three Academic Years (i.e.2020/21 – 2022/23)
Year Student Organization/Activities Post / Contribution
Declaration and Undertaking
I hereby declare that the information provided in this form is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I
authorize the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to obtain
any information from other units of the University which OAFA considers necessary and relevant to the
administration and assessment of my application for the captioned Award.
I also undertake to inform OAFA, as soon as practicable, of any awards/scholarships/prizes conferred to
me for the academic years 2022/23 after submission of this form.

Signature of Applicant: Date:

Note: All the data provided by the applicants should only be used for the purposes related to the award of
scholarships/ bursaries. Data users must comply with the requirements of the HKSAR Personal Data (Privacy)

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