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• Taize services are now 100% acoustic.

◦ NO microphones (for choir, readers, or for Robert).
◦ NO speakers.
◦ NO soundboard or mixer.
◦ You can leave the wheeled cart in my office.
◦ All we need is a couple of power strips/power wheels.
◦ You and I will bring the new Yamaha piano in together as soon as I arrive.
• The Connections Choir
◦ The goal is for the choir to be spread throughout the congregation, but they are not ready for
that yet.
◦ The choir will sit (for now) in the first row on both sides of the nave, and in the first two rows of
the North transept (overflow) as if they are sitting in the congregation, and their sound will mix
in with the congregation.
• The Faith@Five Musicians
◦ Billy and Dave will sit and work in the side chapel.
◦ Robert will sit in front of the side chapel angled toward the congregation. I can scootch a little
to the right closer to the eagle, but not in front of it.
◦ Robert will play the new digital piano and it will NOT be plugged into a sound system. All
sound will come directly from the instrument (acoustic). I will need a power strip wheel only.
◦ There will be NO percussion at Taize.
◦ Mari is sitting out until at least Lent for these tests to be run.
◦ If Dave is there, he must play acoustic guitar and he must be UNPLUGGED.
◦ Billy will play the Roland keyboard through a small speaker next to him pointed toward the
side chapel. He may need a power strip wheel.
• The Celebrant/Officiant
◦ Freda Marie sits in a chair just in front of the front row of the north transept seating.
• The Readers
◦ They need a lectern next to the altar table.
◦ They will project naturally, with no microphone.
• The Candles
◦ Use the same regular and larger Taize candles you are used to setting up - on window sills, the
main altar, the altar table, and a small table somewhere. No need to put out the number of
tealights we used at New Year's Eve (that was a special kind of candlelight).
◦ If you are able to put three stanchions on either side of the nave aisle, every third row, like you
did on New Year's Eve, then that would be a great setup for Taize, and would also lessen the
need for a LOT of little candles.
• The Lighting
◦ Altar light is 2/3 of the way up.
◦ Transept lights are at least half way (I think).
◦ Aisle lights are halfway up (depending on the number of candles in the aisles).
◦ We can adjust these numbers.
• Recording
◦ I am placing the iPhone near the outside door where the choir sits for regular services.
◦ I can record the audio from anywhere in the main altar/chancel area, so as long as there is a
plug close, then it will work.
• Bulletins, etc.
◦ Lectern for the reader near the altar table.
◦ Lectern half way down the nave aisle for bulletins.
◦ Music stand or lectern in the choir room at the entrance to the chapel.

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