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Author: AppsPro
Creation Date: March 27, 2010
Last Updated: March 27, 2010
Version: 1.0
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Date Author Version Change Reference

March 27,2010 AppsPro HR Team 1.0 No previous document


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Ahmad Ghanem Key Functional Owner

Faried Hussain HR Team Leader
Project Manager


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MOBILY SELF SERVICES USER MANUAL - Class Enrollment V1.0 MOBILY/AppsPro Confidential
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Document Control...................................................................................................................2


Self – Enrollment in a Class....................................................................................................5

Open and Closed Issues........................................................................................................15

Open Issues......................................................................................................................15
Closed Issues...................................................................................................................15

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The objective of this user manual is to describe the steps and instruction for the respective users
in for handling Class Enrollment in Mobily Organization.

 Managing Class Enrollment by Employees.

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Self – Enrollment in a Class
Each user has a responsibility to access the Learner Self Service by which they can control their
Learning Management.

Path: Learner Self-Service  Learner Home.

When following this path the next screen will appear. Here you have three main Tabs (i) Home – Here
you can see Current Learning, Requested Learning and Forums and Chats. (ii) Catalog –This will
enable you to find out more about courses and to surf catalogs (that contain courses and classes). (iii)
Learning History – will allow you to keep track of your Learning History. In addition and on the Right
side of the Page, you can see the Browse Catalog box – This facilitates the access to Catalog Categories
already defined in the system. Here you and your manager can create Learning Paths for yourself. If
you have Enrolled for any class, the same will be displayed under Enrollments. Click on the “More…”
in the Browse Catalog box to view more categories as in Screenshot 1. Once you clicked, Screenshot 2
appears, click on “Oracle Applications” category to view the course(s) included in it.


Screenshot 2

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i. Once you click on “Oracle Applications” Category, you will get the following screen. This screen shows
all details of the Courses that you are allowed to enroll in under that Category. If there is more than one
Course they will be listed here. Now, click on the course name you wish to go to.

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ii. Once you click on the course, it will show the Offerings details such as the “Oracle Human Resources
Offerings”, its language, delivery mode (how the offering is delivered to the learners) etc. It also lists the
various details like Objectives, Description, Audience, Administration, Categories, and Course
Prerequisites Details. These details get defaulted from the Course. Now, click on the required

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iii. Offering will provide you with details about the duration and status of the Class. You can enroll directly
from here, or (if you wish to have full details of the Sessions and resources made available for the course
– if any –) you can click on Class Name and it will open all details. Here you will be able to see the
Courses suggested as Prerequisite, and whether they are advisory or compulsory. Competency method
is not used in MOBILY, so no competency prerequisite will be listed. Now, to be acquainted with the full
details of the “Oracle Human Resources Class”, click on it. Beside Enrollment Status, you have icon for
Enroll. By clicking you can Enroll yourself into this Class under this course.

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Class details would provide you with lots of information like Course Information – Name, Language, Delivery
mode, Class Start / End Date and Time, Enrollment Start and End Date, Duration, Training Center, Sessions
Details (To see further information about sessions – if any – click on each session individually). Location Details,
Class Resource bookings details, Course / Competency Perquisites, Forums or Chats of this course if any. Here,
you can also select Enroll to start your enrollment process to this class of this course.

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iv. Once you click on Enroll, the System will give you a warning if you have not complied with any of the
advisory prerequisites as shown below. Select yes if you still wish to enroll.

v. Once you select Yes, the system will provide you with the summary of class in which you can justify
enrollment in the Enrollment Justification field. Once, you provide the Enrollment Justification select
Review Page.

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vi. Review Page – Here you can provide comments to approver and can submit the request for approval. It
will also show you the list of approver(s) – if any –. Once you are satisfied with the results click on

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On submitting the system will give you confirmation that your request has been submitted to manager and you
can monitor your request from Requested Learning tab in the Learner Home page. See screenshot blow. Once
the request is approved it shows in Current Learning Enrollment Tab.

vii. Once you have submitted the details, the system will automatically send a notification to the Approver
regarding your enrollment. Path: Work List or you can click on the Announcements box to see the
notifications. Select Subject to see more information.

viii. Being a Manager, you can Approve, Reject, Reassign or Request for more information. You can also send
the enrollment request for correction. Being satisfied with the request you can approve it.

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ix. On approval of the request an approval notification will be sent to employee (if the approver is the final
approver, then the class will be approved, otherwise, the class enrollment is forwarded to the next
approver for approval).

x. Now, if you check in Learner Serf Service you will see your approved Enrollment in Current Learning
Page under Enrollments under Home tab.

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Open and Closed Issues

Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

Closed Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

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