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Communication is the most important element for the society in which we live. The most
common ways of communication are verbal and written, but we cannot forget communication
through signs, images, gestures, symbols, etc. We can see the importance of communication
every day in every activity of all people. The field of communication is very complex, and some
people do not know its importance.
Communication has a very strong impact on the individual, it contributes to the education
process and to the formation of everyone's culture. A series of ideas and thoughts pass through
people's minds, some of them are externalized, others are not. With the help of verbal
communication, ideas and thoughts are transmitted to other beings, and others are transmitted
through a non-verbal language. The easier a person communicates with those around him, the
more appreciated he is and the easier he integrates into that social group. By communicating,
bonds are established with those around, and due to the lack of communication, many are
The school groups cover all the actions related to the teaching-learning-evaluation process. In
school, communication acquires specific aspects and connects social relationships and strong
friendships, but it also educates us. Effective communication must meet certain conditions: the
relevant content of the messages, updated information, appropriate language, tonality, etc. We
humans are designed as sociable beings, we interact with each other every day. Communication
is needed in any situation, in moments of tension, of conflict, of happiness, of sadness.
Communicating leads to clarifying the situation, understanding it and accepting (maybe) another
point of view.
In conclusion, communication in any form is very important for the individual, regardless of how
it is done. Communication is part of our life, every being has its own way of communicating, and
interaction is indispensable. With the passage of time, I realized that communication brought me
the greatest benefits in everything I set out to do. Since childhood, socializing with my parents
helped me to differentiate between good and bad, to know how to behave with the people around
me and to communicate with them. Throughout my life I have realized that problems cannot be
solved without communicating, regardless of whether we are at school, at work or in our free

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