Roleplay 3º Año Vanessa Afonso

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República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación.

U.E.P. “Colegio Cruz Carrillo”.
Área: Ingles y otras lenguas extranjeras.


Profesor: Leemak Campo. Nombres y Apellidos:

Vanessa Afonso y Bernaded Khazne.
C.I: V-31.377.364.
3º Año.

El Marques, 16 de enero de 2021.


A: Hey how was your vacation it?

B: Was very fun.
A: Oh where did you go?
B: I went to the beach.
A: Who did you go with?
B: I went with my father, mother and older sister.
A: Did you a house at the beach?
B: No we stayed at a hotel.
A: Which hotel did you stay at?
B: It’s called the Imperial.
A: Have you stayed there before?
B: Yes we’ve been going there for years.
A: Must be very nice.
B: Yes it’s very nice and not too expensive.
A: Did you play in the water?
B: Yes, I went swimming and I rode the banana boats.

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