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CSA ae LS TTT COUTANT LAME), PEL Rea mt a Power factor 0.99 - meets IEC 555 2 W 85V-265VAC wide range input M Wieets UL1950, CSAEB 1402C,, EN60950, BS6301, 887002 approvals” RF to VDEO871 curve B 37% smaller than industry standard case «ocaw) Input Output continued input valage Tange input frequency rush eurrent| input protection ‘Thermal shutdown Harmonic cistrtion of mains Output ‘Main channel Rating (fan cooled) Minimum load Line regulation (high tine = low ine) Load regulation (20 t 100% Cross reguiation Hold up (mind PARD Temperature coefficient Overioad protection BEDE AG wide range 47-832 <20A pk (2000) O00W (+600W for ausliary OFFS) SOW total 10% (none for auxiliary Ps) 0.1% 0% 0.1% 20mS from 95VAC full oad greater of 100mV oF 2% of set volts ooze constant current iit. Set point adjustable trom 105 $5 120% vervaltage protection Remote sense Output adjust range. 8V nom 12V.r0m 24V nom 48V com ‘Transient response (25% 10 75% load change} Stert up rise time agjustzble mull tum pot shut down of channel or psu Standard 0.5 ov. 115-16 0 230-300 45.0-60.0V +<10% deviation, recovery to 1% typically 100mS '50mS {marotonie tse) GOUTANT ME Auxiliary Outputs (Specifications nominal unless stated) [iniay du are corinoon fe lbwng MOBI (taxi aun comer 603% Module Type aise Heel @HEPEEOSTTHT REECE FTP oF Sostwanetmouey SSS iaeeereraiiet Cupuvoiageiereset = SY yey Law IY ty Bawaay aay awe Pcie ange av 26 SAS IRV ESN EIB Te2ev 2540 S5y Outpt cars| Gh A RATA GH tk 358 15A ow aad epiation (100% loosed 1% 01% 01% 01% osm! CIR O1¥ OSKE OLR OSw Aauseret Multum potter for sach tat ‘Setng comes he les vlogs fspeeset Tempeare etien ose Line epiten| 0.1% 2.20% ot oma mses Noss are pre (PAR) SOnVor 1% whcheres pear (ABC DFG}, 2% (GH, wn OP) News Teasentrespnee {25%-75% lac) Vac deiaon <10% cst cts esreing 02% tin 300 micas car rion Feliock rom 110% t 60% 30 ots (ABCC) (26 pst: 1108 977% constr cunere EH nO) enetage proton juste, mui porteret ae per put sh incu etre emote ene 1.5 vee (Nolon EHH) (uur itin soo De tograun 1. Vounur of Sot wie alate aula outs 2. 10% 100% bes 23. Toa curert shred beeen th uous 44 Faas OVP on in OF, masas EH 8K 0m upta Salonen On upto Lateran 6, Pinar spcteabon lable (2/82 mie 5Y 1008 3 a, General Environmental continued Efficiency 370% Storage temperature TBF cconsuit Technical Sales with "3782 AO to 85 Cetals of operating Operating humici envionment (romemninsing) 10% wo 9554 Islsionvotoge: storage nary input tout 3.040 RMS iron eandersing) 10% 1 90%RH input - ound 1.54 RMS Gage Cutput- ground ABV RMS Eola 1030-680m0 (-500" Powe i standard on OMS 1000 5 te 10000) OHM maces Option any meets VDE 0871 8 - on oe: mss 68 Option eee he) radiated Environmental paring emoeTtue warge ote 700 Dering 100% a1 50 75% at 60°C % at 70°C ( eli) eee ORS el ee TSS SS se ec ae en eae? fanaa, oaet Gee Hina Sav Power bee Quo Output 2 Output oupurs Outputs Watts _Volts_Ampe Vols _fmos__Volts Amps Volts_Amps” Vots Amps ous 10005 000 —~—«1osD SSS fms 100012 30001000 as coms 100028 3000-1000 24a. 100048 1000 ©1000 oMisoowi 1500 1600S 20k ommisoow2 1500 ©1500 $200 eo Onmisoows 1500 ©1500 Sag BR wm go0wa 1500 1600S 2002 a 212 QWWis00ws 1500 sos 200s? ote Ose ter fut linggse oe 2. ut 25 re ahaa vt ramets me Neraseatre Serer Si one ary Ga str Se cesar eae soe ea ‘sees hon ho ae trate ea er OF Soe, iar fired heal O° toner oat arta S823 ee some ese: Oneness te 2 ft Sot, aoe isco {S23 Okan ener Or oper nn it io 10K ak en PL Bae eer ee arcu! Configured (Modular) Units ‘Seconcary options not avaiable on standard OMM models) If you cannot find a standard Omega 1600 unit whieh fully meets your requirements, the Coutant Lambda tear will create 2 customised modular unit utlising the standard modules, If your requirements are straightfoward you can even configura the unit yourset ‘There are our basic rules to observe. 1. Maximum output power of main cutput is LOOOW. 2, Maximum total output power of auxiliary outputs is 600W, 3. Maximurn overall output powers 1500. 4, Maximurn number of ‘slots’ that can be occupied by auniliary output modules is 6. 1. First select the main channel output voltage required from the fellowing ranges: 56.0V 2228 max 115-160V — 87Amax 23.0-300V 4A max 45.0-60.0V 2A max ‘Overall power limit LOCOW max. 2. 5.0V 2008) 2. Next list alt he required auxiliary output voltages {and current ratings. (Because all outputs are fully floating, polarity can be ignored), Multicy the voltage and curent together to calculate power in watts for each cutput. Adc togeter all of the output powers to arrive at te total wattage, In this example, the fotal Power outputs £71¥. This is within the total Permissible auxiliary output power of 600W. Wate 196 125 20 8 72 am ie (Ci 2 cw conta sr ad Oot) =" 3. Now refer to the madule table and select a unit to ‘mest the requirements of the fst output. In the example, this is 28 volts at 7 amgs, so a ‘0 module would be sultabe. Prefix this with the required voltage (in this case 28). This gives madule specication as 280. 4. Refer again to the module selection table and select mocuies to meet the requirements of eacn of the remaining outouts. Prefix each module with the voltage requires. in the exernpe, the complete list would read as follows. Vos Ames Wate __‘Wodule Width in Sots aD, iss 5 2 Bk 58 2 2 2 4 @ oc Peer mo 1 ‘Total number of slots occupied is 5 which Is the maximum aiowee, 5. Now construct the part number as fllows:= 22, Basic model number OMM 1500, , Add mein charm output voltage 6, OMIM 1509 5. ©. Add the auxiliary output moduies selected in descending order of curent rating e., OMM 1500 § 58 280 5B 12¢ 240. 6. In dition, there are options availble for ether the convettar or e2ch of the modules separately CConsut the options table for datas. I you nec the ‘mains fail option enter an'X' aft: the basic model ‘number, i.e, OMM 1500 XS. if you need a Starpoint paralieling option on the 28 volt outeut, enter ¥5 after ‘that module, Le, OMM 1500 5 58 280 VS. Remember, the Technical Support Team are availble to configure the outputs you require Primary Options Standard on OMS 1000 6 and Standard OM models) Mains fa iated signal from opto-coupler. Qutput signal can sink @ maximum of 10mA, To allow a 5 mili-seconds hold-up from activation of mains fal sigral until the power supply output crops out of Tit Power supply inhibited ty applying 7.5 mA. through an opioisoiated input NB. itis also possibie control the power suppiy ord off by pulse control consult the Technical Support Team Converter intlbit at Coutant Lambda for more details ‘Secondary options (Main channel) Power good PG Starpoint parallel (sp) Output inhibit con Output enable (OE) Remote programming RP) Margin control Mey ‘Secondary options (Auxiliary outputs) Starpoint paraleling” Single wire interconnect forces paralicied modules 10 share current at greater than 25% load, modules share within 2% of current determined by current iit, setting. Detects outout votage high ‘oF low (99) from set output volts. Open collector, grounded for outgut OK. Power good CLD ee ee) SSS Secondary options continued innibivenabe Factory configurable for ule Inhibivenabie - high ‘or low. Pin is connected to O vals or + VE output to effect contol Outout connections are via 4 deway Molex connector located above output terminals, Consult the Technical Support Team at Coutant Lambda for more detals, Unit Options Reverse air TRAY Low nolse fan (UNF Order Cod Primary options Mains aivpower soppy Ini Add suff % to basic model numer g,, OMS 1000 x 24 Secondary Options (Main Channel) Adi orcer code suffix to ‘main channel output e.g (OMM 1500 8SP 240 for Starpoint paralia, Secondary Options (Auxliay outputs) (Not avaiable on twin output €, H, K modules.) Sufix Function ¥5 ‘Starpoint, ‘paralleling & ‘module good! signal for parallel reduncant applications ye "Power good! "inhibit (active high and tow) wr "Power Good, Enable! (octive righ) vg "Power Good! Enable! (ective ow) Suffix added to individual madule descriptions, i.e AYE = 5 volts ‘A’ module with Power Goos and Inhibit Unit options [AGA otder code suffix to ‘basic model number 5g, OMS 1000 RA 24 for reverse ai LAMBDA/\, LAMBDA CASE 1000 "| (00 om & me | ae CASE 1500 otteomstee en oeee 8-2 cone avi coeeces ran pba aay pe te ry He as eee 0271 864894

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