Mis Study Plan Chapter 1

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Mis study plan chapter 1

1-If you include hardware, software, networking, and necessary management

consulting, this amounts to over ________ in 2017 in the United States.
$3.6 trillion

2- Apple's iTunes and a traditional music store have very different business
___________ with regards to how they produce and deliver products to

3- After you purchase a product through a retailer's website, you receive a

customer satisfaction survey. The retailer's survey primarily relates to which
business objective?
Customer and supplier intimacy

4- Which business objective is illustrated when one online coin shop offers a
free app to detect fake coins, and all other online stores adopt the same strategy
to avoid going out of business?

5- _____ is output from an information system that is returned to key people to

help them evaluate or refine inputs for the system.

6- Which term refers to all of the hardware and software that a firm needs to use
to achieve its business objectives?
Information systems

7- All of the following are information technology tools that managers use to
cope with change and complexity EXCEPT ________.
business processes

8- Which statement about information systems is FALSE?

Customers and suppliers are considered important elements of the information
system as they provide key data.

9- What are the steps of the problem-solving process?

Problem identification, solution design, solution evaluation and choice, and
10- What are the four elements of critical thinking?
Maintaining doubt and suspending judgment; being aware of different
perspectives; testing alternatives and letting experience guide; and being aware
of organizational and personal limitations

11- The problem-solving model consists of problem identification, solution

design, solution evaluation and choice, and ___________.

12- The problem-solving model phase where you determine a performance

discrepancy that might be caused by an outdated system is the ________ phase.
problem identification

13- Regarding dimensions of business problems, a lack of properly trained

employees is considered a ______________ dimension.

14- All of the following are examples of the technology dimension of business
problems EXCEPT ________.
outdated business processes

15- _________ is when a company transfers tasks of the firm to other firms that
operate in low-wage countries, possibly reducing job opportunities within the

16- Which of the following statements about the use of offshore outsourcing is
Innovative new products, services, and systems are commonly outsourced

17- Because so many business transactions occur over the Internet today,
______________ has been impacted by information systems.

18- _________________ has been impacted by information systems as things

like traditional guest comment cards are transformed into online guest comment

19- Outsourcing of _________ can reduce IS development costs for U.S.

production programming
20- Expansion to global markets requires more coordination of resources for a
firm to create their goods. This has transformed the need for information
systems for the field of ________________.
operations management

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