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Term of Reference

Call of Expression of Interests (EoI)

Pool of Talent 2023-2024 - Writers for Proposal Development


Oxfam has been working in Indonesia since 1957 and its contribution is to find lasting solutions to end
poverty. In close collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs, and with the support of local and
national partners in many parts of the country, Oxfam works to reduce inequality particularly in times of
economic shocks or natural disasters by, for example, ensuring women's rights to sustainable livelihoods
and access to essential social services. Oxfam currently implements a wide range of sustainable
development and disaster preparedness initiatives across seven provinces and in 25 districts. The name
'Oxfam' comes from the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, founded in Britain in 1942.

Oxfam's vision is for the people of Indonesia to live equitably and free from the injustice of poverty, to
enjoy their rights, and to be resilient in times of disaster. Oxfam in Indonesia believes in a world without
poverty and Oxfam can have a meaningful impact in Indonesia when we link up with strategic allies that
are capable of empowering poor women and men and their organizations become frontrunners in
overcoming poverty, vulnerability and inequality. Oxfam in Indonesia and its partners are part of a global
movement that can create lasting solutions for poverty and inequality. Women and girls are at the heart
of all we do, and Oxfam strategically supports them. We believe that women together with young people
can be the champions of change in their own lives, in that of their families, communities and in the society
as a whole.

Oxfam’s Program in Indonesia are set up in three thematic pillars: economic justice, gender justice, rights
in crisis with its objectives as below:
 Economic justice program: to promote equality and end of poverty through reaching and improve
economic empowerment, building social cohesion, and climate resilience for women small-holders
farmers, women small-scale entrepreneurs, farmers and fishermen, women workers, young women
and men who are living in rural and prone to climate-change affected areas through strengthened
civil society space, promotion policy on decent jobs, greater voice of marginalize group, and enable
inclusive green growth.
 Gender Justice Programme: to promote gender equality by challenging the social norms that hinder
the opportunity of women and girls to claim their rights where women and girls are having control
over their body and their lives, economically independent by having control and access over
resources, and participate in decision-making that affects their lives.
 Right in Crises Program: to ensure that vulnerable men, women, boys and girls able to exercise their
rights during disasters, shock and uncertainty due to climate change and humanitarian crisis and
receive high-quality humanitarian assistance, resilience building support, capable to recover from
crises situation, and improve well-being.

We welcome you to learn more about Oxfam in Indonesia at

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To help the organization grow and achieve its goal and vision then Oxfam in Indonesia is looking for a
pool of technical experts and qualified individual consultants who can deliver professional services on a
short-term technical assistance during the proposal development. These pools of experts will:
 be informed regularly about what are in the organization pipelines to allow them to get ready for
assignment, so availability with short notice is a must.
 require at least (but not limited to) 5 to 10 working days in average per proposal development.
 be remunerated with daily rate.
 work closely with Program Development and Partnership Manager to develop concept note and/or
proposal including having discussion with Oxfam team and partners.


Technical assistance in the thematic areas outlined will be provided through a consultancy framework
agreement between a consultant and Oxfam. In response to an identified need, opportunity, or request,
experts from the pool of consultants will be requested. Experts will be engaged based on the specific
demand for technical assistance that best matches their demonstrated expertise. The consultant will be
expected to confirm his/her desire to undertake the assignment.

Selected consultants from the respondents to this request for EOI will be placed in a prequalified technical
consultant pool for a period of one year. Within the year, Oxfam will hire consultants based on the
availability of project requests. The consultant/s will be subjected to periodic review over the valid period.
In light of the foregoing, the pool of consultants will be updated periodically.


Economic Justice Proposal Development Talent

 Bachelor or Master’s degree in the social and economic field (such as international development,
program evaluation, sociology, social welfare, economy, and other relevant field) that understand
project cycle in development sector
 Minimum 6 years (for Master’s degree) and 10 years (for Bachelor’s degree) of research experience,
significant experience in leading, planning, designing and leading on quantitative and qualitative
research, participatory action research and/or monitoring and evaluation in research institution,
university, or NGO, government, with preference for prior experience on at-scale and/or multi-
sectoral program evaluations or research in Indonesia.
 Experiences in one or more of the following topics under economic justice:
o Sustainable value chain and food security. Small-scale food producers, in coastal and
small island areas of Eastern Indonesia in adapting to climate change, increase their
resilience to food insecurity and set up viable and sustainable enterprises in selected
value chains
o Land Governance and Inclusive natural resource management. Poor and marginalised
rural communities in Eastern Indonesia in the sector palm oil areas have better access
and control over land by promoting better land governance and inclusive natural
resource management.
o Private Sector Role in Human Rights Due Diligence. Private sector in Indonesia shows
greater respect for the rights of labourers, fisher folks, small holders and communities
affected by their operations in certain value chains.

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Scalable social entrepreneurship. Urban women and young people promote social and
environmentally sound consumption and engage in social entrepreneurship to help
combat poverty and inequality.
o Fiscal Justice. People having the space, voice and agency to exercise their rights and to
use this to influence and monitor fiscal systems to tackle inequality and reduce poverty.
o Sustainable Financing. Monitoring, enabling, and influencing financial institutions to
improve their policies and practices for a more sustainable, environmentally friendly
investment and transparent financial sector.
 Experiences working with high level government agencies, civil societies, NGOs and academics on
issues related to Oxfam technical areas are desirable
 Experience working on donor-funded projects in Indonesia or other developing countries with similar
 Masterful analytical skills, including the ability to distil useful findings from a body of data, relating
findings to external factors and context, and unearthing patterns of findings, discerning which are
 Excellent written and oral communication skills including proven success in ability to present ideas
and concepts effectively and persuasively
 Good interpersonal skills, networking, flexibility, and innovativeness
 Demonstrated expertise communicating with and managing relationships with external research

Gender Justice Proposal Development Talent

 Bachelor or Master’s degree in gender studies, or other related field (such as international
development, program evaluation, sociology, social welfare, international relations among others)
that understand project cycle in development and humanitarian sector
 Minimum 6 years (for Master’s degree) and 10 years (for Bachelor’s degree) of research experience,
significant experience in leading, planning, designing and leading on quantitative and qualitative
research, participatory action research and/or monitoring and evaluation in research institution,
university, or NGO, government, with preference for prior experience on at-scale and/or multi-
sectoral program evaluations or research in Indonesia.
 Experiences in one or more of the following topics under gender justice:
o Unpaid Care Work and Care Economy. Understanding how this care work underpins all
economies and valuing it accordingly. Decreasing the amount of time for caregiver to
perform the bulk of unpaid care work activities. Redistributing the unpaid care work
among key providers (family, public, and private sectors), and between male and female
within families.
o Prevention Violence Against Women and Gender-based Violence. More women and
girls will be living free from violence and the threat of Gender-Based Violence More men
and male-dominated organizations make efforts to promote women leadership and
reduce Gender Based Violence. This also includes prevention of child-marriage.
o Awareness of Gender Equality. Increased gender awareness, capacity and effectiveness
amongst organized women and girls in the community; by-laws that have negative
impact on women rights are reviewed; customary laws, regulations and policies that
promote gender equality enacted.
 Experiences working with high level government agencies, civil societies, NGOs and academics on
issues related to Oxfam technical areas are desirable
 Experience working on donor-funded projects in Indonesia or other developing countries with similar

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 Masterful analytical skills, including the ability to distil useful findings from a body of data, relating
findings to external factors and context, and unearthing patterns of findings, discerning which are
 Excellent written and oral communication skills including proven success in ability to present ideas
and concepts effectively and persuasively
 Good interpersonal skills, networking, flexibility, and innovativeness
 Demonstrated expertise communicating with and managing relationships with external research

Rights in Crisis Proposal Development Talent

 Bachelor or Master’s degree in environmental, humanitarian, or other related field (such as
international development, program evaluation, sociology, social welfare, international relations
among others) that understand project cycle in development and humanitarian sector
 Minimum 6 years (for Master’s degree) and 10 years (for Bachelor’s degree) of research experience,
significant experience in leading, planning, designing and leading on quantitative and qualitative
research, participatory action research and/or monitoring and evaluation in research institution,
university, or NGO, government, with preference for prior experience on at-scale and/or multi-
sectoral program evaluations or research in Indonesia.
 Experiences in one or more of the following topics under Rights in Crisis
o Disaster Management Cycle. Increase resilience for vulnerable groups in disaster prone
area through disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, disaster emergency
response, and disaster recovery.
o Humanitarian Financing. Increase funding access for vulnerable groups in disaster
prone areas.
o Just Energy Transition. Reducing the creation of new injustices of energy transition that
accommodate vulnerable groups aspiration and needs.
o Climate Change Adaptation in Agricultural Sector. Climate resilience and food security
of vulnerable groups.
o Climate Financing for Loss and Damage. Influence and increase funding access for
vulnerable groups that is impacted by climate change.
 Experiences working with high level government agencies, civil societies, NGOs and academics on
issues related to Oxfam technical areas are desirable
 Experience working on donor-funded projects in Indonesia or other developing countries with similar
 Masterful analytical skills, including the ability to distil useful findings from a body of data, relating
findings to external factors and context, and unearthing patterns of findings, discerning which are
 Excellent written and oral communication skills including proven success in ability to present ideas
and concepts effectively and persuasively
 Good interpersonal skills, networking, flexibility, and innovativeness
 Demonstrated expertise communicating with and managing relationships with external research

This call for EOIs is open to nationals, however, foreign experts are welcome to apply and shall follow the
tax treaty in Indonesia. All consultants must have an excellent command of the English language (reading,
writing, and speaking).

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As part of application requirements, interested candidates and/or teams are asked to submit a proposal,
which includes the following:

 A motivation letter (maximum 2 pages):

- Explaining your motivation for applying
- Clearly indicating methodology expertise, service offering(s) based on the scope of works. Given
the interlinkages between the service groups please indicate all which apply
- Outlining your relevant experience, qualifications, and skills
 A Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Résumé outlining the details of relevant experience, qualifications,
achievements, and skills.
 Contact details for two (2) project references for whom you have performed similar work
 Sample of three (03) winning proposals that applicants have won previously, and any documents
deemed to support the application (maximum 5 pages).
 Indicated work timeline and confirm proposed daily rates.
 All components of proposal packages must be legible (font size 11 or larger), clearly formulated and
drawn up in English.

All submission must be completed in electronic form and sent to mention the
position(s) and thematic pillar to which you are applying in the subject line by 20 January 2023 the latest.
Oxfam can provide assurance that the documents will not be disclosed for other purpose and only use
for assessment.


Applications will be reviewed by Oxfam Evaluation Committee against the minimum qualification
requirements defined above. Applicants will be called upon only if meeting requirements and when
suitable assignments are determined by Oxfam leadership.

The following evaluation matrix will be used to assess EOIs:

Criteria Score
Minimum education qualification met 10
Relevant experience with the service(s) indicated 20
Relevant experience with the methodology(ies) 20
Good knowledge on donor-funded projects 15
Submission presentation and professionalism 05
Maximum Score 70


 Calls for Expressions of Interest under this process shall not be considered a formal offer of work by
Oxfam and can be canceled at any time
 The consultant commits to not disclose confidential information, neither before, nor during, nor
after the delivering of the service. Signing of a confidentiality agreement may be required
 All results must be provided to Oxfam in digital editable version and must follow prescribed
corporate or other design standards specified by Oxfam
 Reasonable changes during an assignment will be agreed in writing in advance between the
consultant and the responsible person within Oxfam.

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