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Intern Name: Jocelynn Davila


Lesson Title Language Arts
(Subject, Grade Level, Topic, Theme
Length of Lesson) 4th Grade
Standards of ELA.4.5.9 Identify the theme(s)
Learning Targets I can determine a story’s theme by naming thematic topics and
summarizing supporting details.

Necessary Prior Ability to read and understand text


Pencil, White board, highlighter, and a partner

Student Materials
Teacher Materials Slide show, Article
Activate Prior Review slide on the definition of theme.
The FBI needs your help. It is urgent. They have a missing part to their case.
The theme is missing and they need your help figuring it out. Use your clues
and prior knowledge to figure out what the theme may be.

We will read a short story called Little Things by Sara Roberts. During this
time I will read the story out loud once all of the way through. Then we will
read each paragraph again out loud. While reading each individual paragraph
we will figure out the theme for each paragraph. Students will write their
theme at the side of each paragraph. At the third or fourth paragraph they will
try to figure out the theme on their own. We will discuss what their
Instructional conclusions were and move on.
Activities & Strategies

Key Vocabulary or Theme, Draw conclusions, infer, support, thematic topic

I will observe the students ability to read over the text and figure out the
Closure theme for each paragraph.
Read out loud, highlighter
Language Art book
Resources used while
planning this lesson

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name:

1. What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit your lesson?
I discussed information with my cooperating teacher. We planned this lesson together and I got lots of advice
and help from her. I also came up with ideas and information on my own then got it approved by my
cooperating teacher.

2. What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?

The FBI lesson went perfectly! I expected it to go smoothly and easily and it definitely did.

3. What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began?

To start the lesson there was a little bit of confusion with the students. So I would've started the lesson
differently to make the transition smoother.

4. How well did you anticipate the materials needed? Did you realize you needed more or less as you taught
your lesson?
I didn't need many materials so I had everything I needed. I definitely didn't need less or more material than I

5. To what degree do you feel that this lesson was a success? What evidence do you have for the success of
the lesson? (Hint: Student learning is the key to a lesson’s success!)
The beginning was hard to transition the students from what they were doing prior to the lesson. Another thing
was that at the beginning I was nervous because there were three other teachers in the room. So that definitely
was a distraction for me. The students were able to understand what the theme was after the lesson so the
lesson objective was a success. After the lesson during small groups they would bring up the theme out of
nowhere and they understood it very well.

6. If you could do this lesson again with the same students, would you do anything differently? If so, what?
Honestly I don't think I would do anything differently because it went so perfectly. The students loved the
lesson and understood the information.

7. Any last comments/reflections about your lesson?

I am just really happy that my lesson went the way I wanted it to. I was super nervous because I felt
pressure from so many teachers being in the room. After I focused on the students I felt more confident
and had fun with the lesson.

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