Dialogo de Ingles

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Angie: Hi girls!

Alo: Hi!!

Aura: Hi!

Kass: Hi!!

Angie: What will you do this weekend?

Alo: I do not know.

Aura: I have no plans.

Kass: I will stay at my house.

Angie: I want you to invite you to a party.

Alo: Oh really? And what will you celebrate?

Kass: And what day will it be?

Angie: My sister’s quince on Friday.

Aura: And where will it be?

Angie: In front of my house.

Alo: Ok! I know where it is.

Kass: What is your sister name?

Angie: Her name is Karla.

Aura: Oh! I know her.

Alo: I know her too, I have seen her with you.

Kass: Me too.

Angie: Yeah she is in this school.

Kass: In which semester is she?

Angie: She is on First semester.

Aura: What group is she?

Angie: She is in C.

Alo: I tough she was with my brother class.

Aura: And in wich grade is your brother?

Kass: He is in the same that my cousin, on third semester.

Angie: And your brothers are in this school?

Aura: No, they are in a different school.

Alo: And do you have brothers?

Kass: I have a brother but he is older.

Alo: I have seen him.

Aura: Alondra, Do you have more siblings?

Alo: Yes, I have an older sister.

Kass: Oh, I don’t know her.

Alo: Angie, and do you have more sisters?

Angie: Yes, I have others two elder sisters.

Aura: I don’t know them.

Kass: And you have an older sister, right?

Aura: Yes, I think you know her.

Kass: OH! I remember.

Alondra: I don’t know her.

Angie: I have seen her.

Aura: She is so tall.

Alo: I am shorter than my sister.

Angie: My sister is taller than me too.

Kass: My brother is tall too.

Aura: OH, What a coincidence.

Angie: Oh, I have to go.

Alondra: See you later I hope to see you at your party.

Kass: I hope my parents let me go.

Aura: I hope so too.

Angie: I hope you all can go.

Kass: Bye Angie, See you later.

Aura, Alo: See you later!

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