Separata Ingles Semana 01

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READING COMPREHENSION 3. Which of the following ideas is not stated in

the text?
PASSAGE 1 A) Many young people don't know how to
How many young people know how to cook? cook.
Well, there aren't many, according to a B) Nowadays, people do not cook too much.
survey in the UK 49% of 18-24 years old C) Often we aren't aware of what we are
don't know how many minutes it takes to eating.
boil an egg! But is this change in cooking D) When we cook, we're more aware of what
habits a problem? we eat.
Jean-Michel Cohen, a French doctor, thinks E) Dr. Cohen thinks takeaway food is very
we have quite a lot of health problems today healthy.
because not many people cook enough. He
says that when we buy ready-made meals, 4. The passage implies that
takeaway food, we don't really think about A) people aren't very careful when they
what we are eating. This means we often decide to cook.
eat a lot of food-more than we need. But B) buying fresh ingredients makes food
when we buy the ingredients, e.g. healthier to eat.
vegetables, meat, fish and then fry, bake or C) takeaway food is a reason for people to
boil them, we think more carefully about gain weight.
what we're eating. And when we think about D) British people shoudn't fry but cook their
the ingredients, we usually eat healthy meals.
meals and we eat well. E) takeaway food is easy to get at any
So perhaps the answer to some of the restaurant.
health problem is not ‘eat less’⎯ it's ‘cook
more’! 5. The author suggests that
Hughes, J. and Wood, K. (2015) Navigate A) people should eat more takeaway food.
Coursebook A2 Elementary. Oxford B) people need to be warned of what they
University Press. eat.
C) people should teach their children to
1. Which of the following statements cook.
corresponds to the problem described in D) people should prepare their own food.
the text? E) some takeaway meals must be
A) British people usually eat a lot of prohibited.
takeaway food.
B) Cooking habits in Great Britain are very
varied. PASSAGE 2
C) Many British young people don't know The best way to learn something is to make
how to cook. mistakes first. Thomas Edison, who
D) People often eat more than they need to invented the light bulb, told his colleagues:
live. «Of the 200 light bulbs that didn’t work,
E) Cooking habits can be dangerous for every failure told me something I was able
people. to incorporate into the next attempt».
Benjamin Franklin, the US statesman and
2. The term TAKEAWAY best refers to food. scientist once said: «I haven’t failed, I have
A) you eat at the restaurant. had 10 000 ideas that didn’t work».
B) you buy for your parents. Both these people understood that failures
C) you don't need to buy. and false starts are the condition of
D) you take to eat at home. success. In fact, a surprising number of
E) which makes people fat. everyday objects had their beginnings in a
mistake or a misunderstanding. Post-it
notes, packets of crisps and even bread are



all unexpected inventions. In 2600 B.C., a 9. It can be inferred from the text that
tired Egyptian slave invented bread when A) all mistakes are necessary for inventing
the dough rose during his sleep. And crisps new and useful things.
were first cooked by a chef in the US when B) successful people make mistakes every
a customer complained that his potatoes day of their lives.
were not thin enough. C) humans are not perfect, and we can
Successful businesspeople have often always make mistakes.
made big, expensive mistakes in their past. D) the more mistakes you make the more
When an employee of IBM made a mistake success you will achieve.
that cost the company $ 600 000. Thomas E) both Edison and Franklin made just a few
Watson, the chairman, was asked if he little mistakes.
would fire the man. «Of course not» he
replied. «I have just spent $ 600 000 10. Which of the following statements would
training him. I’m not going to let another the author agree with?
company benefit from his experience». A) Mistakes should always be avoided.
Adapted from Clare, A. and Wilson, J. B) Failures are part of human experience.
(2006). Total English Intermediate. C) Teachers must punish students’
Students’ Book. Pearson Education mistakes.
Limited. D) Errors are irrelevant for learning
6. What is the main idea of the text? E) Only inexpert people often make
A) Mistakes make the learning process mistakes.
more difficult.
B) Scientists do not like the idea of making
mistakes. PASSAGE 3
C) Mistakes are important for the learning One of the ways to learn about an enemy’s
process. plans is from spies. But there are many
D) Companies lose lots of money because dangers in relying on spies. As the British
of mistakes. Double Cross System showed, spies can be
E) To make mistakes is an unnatural human «turned», sending false information
sign. supplied by the enemy. For example, one
major spy network in the Netherlands sent
7. SUCCESS is close in meaning to the British a great deal of information that
A) dangerous event. was in fact created by the Gestapo, the
B) unexpected event. German secret police.
C) difficult results. There are two ways to use spies in
D) satisfactory outcome. determining the accuracy of information.
E) unpredicted result. One way is to employ spies who do have
access to important military or political
8. Which of the following is not stated in the leaders in the enemy country. This is the
text? image of the secret agents whom people
A) Only geniuses never make mistakes. have learned about from spy novels and
B) Failures are part of the process to movies. A second way is to employ a large
succeed. number of spies, each sending back small
C) Many inventions resulted from mistakes. bits of information. When all the pieces are
D) Mistakes contribute to getting put together and analyzed, an accurate
experience. picture unfolds.
E) Successful people have made mistakes Bigelow, B. (2000). World War II: Almanac.
before. UXL.



11. What is the topic of the reading?

A) The false information sent by the
German gestapo
B) The lack of information obtained through
C) The veracity of information obtained
through spies
D) Spies and their sources of information in
the world
E) Ways to use the false spy information

12. The word TURNED connotes

A) changed.
B) manipulated.
C) discovered.
D) killed.
E) awarded.

13. It is incompatible to affirm that the spy

A) is always false or inaccurate.
B) has to be carefully analyzed.
C) can be changed by enemies.
D) can be used in different ways.
E) allows to know the adverse plans.

14. It is possible to infer that people who

receive the spy information have to
A) evil
B) military
C) political
D) suspicious
E) confident

15. If in the Second World War Germany had

strictly believed in all the information sent
by its spies
A) it would have been wrong in many of its
B) it would have won the war in one or two
C) Hitler would not have committed suicide
in Berlin.
D) France would have been able to defeat
E) the war would have lasted much longer
in Europe.


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