Infografía de Línea de Tiempo Timeline Progreso Con Números Multicolor Moderno Creativo

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Made by : Andrik segura - Cesar Carpio - Sebastian Huerta

Aristotle 384-322 BC 1 IMPORTANT

Tried to establish
general principales SCIENTIST
that ruled the
behaivior of the
Arechimedes 287-212 BC
natural bodyes
2 Is considered one
ofrece the greatest
mathemathicians he
wasw the frist to aply
math to physical
phenomena and
Galileo galilei 1564‐1642
father of hidrostatics
Is considered the
father of modern
phisycs he made
saudíes of motion of
4 isacc newton 1642-1726

he stablished the
motion laws that now
they have his last
name and also the
gravitation principles
james clerk maxwell 1831-1879
formulated the
theory that unifies
the concepts of
electricity and
magnetism known to
that time. 6 Marie Curie
she winned 2 nobels
and Discovered
radioactivity and
Niels Bohr 1885-1962
developed the
modern idea of an
atom, which has a
nucleus at the centre Erwin Schrödinger
with electrons
revolving round it. established the wave mechanics
formulation of quantum
mechanics which, in contrast to
Werner Heisenberg’s matrix
formulation, allowed a degree of
visualization he showed that his
wave and Heisenberg’s matrix
formulations, although
superficially different, were

Richard Feynman
9 mathematically equivalent. In
his later years, Schrödinger
became unhappy with quantum
mechanics and is famous for the
Schrödinger’s cat thought
played a key role in the
experiment, in which he
development of quantum attempted to show the
electrodynamics, the theory absurdity of the Copenhagen
that describes how light and interpretation of quantum
matter interact and also mechanics.
contributed to the fields of
quantum computing and
nanotechnology and was a
10 James Watson 1928-Present

member of the Rogers is an American

Commission that lambasted molecular biologist,
Nasa over the destruction of geneticist, and
space shuttle Challenger in zoologist. In 1953, he
1986 co-authored with
Francis Crick the
academic paper
proposing the double
helix structure of the
DNA molecule.
11 Robert Langlads 1936-Present

is a Canadian
mathematician. He is
best known as the
founder of the
Langlands program
Stephen Hawking 1942-2018
was an English
theoretical physicist,
cosmologist, and
author who, at the
time of his death
13 Brian Cox 1968-Present

is an English physicist
and former musician
who is a professor of
particle physics in the
School of Physics and
Astronomy at the
University of
Manchester and The
Royal Society
Professor for Public
Engagement in

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