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Who is telling the story of this film, and why?

The story of the film is told by the musicians presented in the documentary. Their story is
basically the history of how Ethiopian music made it out of Ethiopia.

What is the overarching message of this film?

The documentary does cover a lot of the history of Ethiopian music but I think the overarching
message would probably highlight Ethiopian music and also show how difficult it is to make it as
a musician in the states.

Are there multiple viewpoints that are held by the subjects of the film? Are they represented
equally? Is such a "balanced" approach possible and/or appropriate?

I don’t think that there were multiple viewpoints in the film but I also think it's worth mentioning
that all the people involved in the initial tour to the U.S. weren’t there to tell it but it probably
wouldn’t be practical to travel to Ethiopia to find them.

In terms of music, how could you describe the sounds that you hear? What is unique and what
can be meaningfully compared to music from other contexts?

The instrumentation and genre of music was similar to other popular music in the U.S. with the
exception of a few instruments. I think what is unique about this music is the scales they use.
They sound minor but on the brighter side and remind me of a harmonic minor scale and the
inflection of the voices remind me of the same kind of inflection of a blues.

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