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Prompt #1: 

In Module 1, you watched "Invictus," a clip from the movie "Gandhi,"

and a 60 Minute Segment on Mindfulness.  The idea was to have you look at attitude
and a mental model about conflict, review the attitudes of two powerful leaders, and
consider your own approach to conflict.  Did this Module help set a foundation upon
which to develop the rest of the course?  What worked and didn't work?

I think that the movie Invictus was an excellent choice and it set the theme of
leadership in the midst of conflict for this course. I think you should keep this in the
course. Similarly, the Gandhi and 60 Minutes clips each help establish the course. It
think it all worked well and I wouldn’t change a thing about module 1.

Prompt #2:  In Module 2, you were introduced to the martial art, Aikido.  The
purpose of this module was to use a martial art that deals with "physical conflict" in
a different way, a way that provided a metaphor for how to deal with conflict in the
workplace.  What did you take away from this Module?  Did you see a connection
between the principles of Aikido and the principles of dealing professionally with
workplace conflict?  

Aikido is a fantastic metaphor for this course. I think your design of this course does
a god job in connecting the metaphor and drawing examples into conflict resolution.
I don’t believe any changes are necessary for module 2.

Prompt #3:  In Module 3, you were introduced to the first conflict transformation
skill, "Spitting Out the Hook."  Did you learn the skill?  Will it help you deal with
conflict?  Was this quiz (and were the quizzes} fair, too hard, or too easy?  Did the
quizzes help you gain more from the text?

This module was adequate at teaching the skill of Spitting Out The Hook and I
learned from it. The quiz was fair. Not too hard and not too easy. I enjoyed the text
immensely and I thought the quizzes were well designed. You have to read the text
in order to do well on the quiz, which is important. The constructive criticism I can
give on this module is that the skits were a little weak. I think that a better
designed, richer skit could have driven the point home more. Also, the use of a
movie clip or other external example may help reinforce the lessons of module 3. As
it is, the module is adequate, but I also think there is potential for improvement

Prompt #4: In Module 4, you were introduced to the second conflict transformation
skill, "H.E.A.R."  Did you learn the skill?  Will it help you deal with conflict?  Some of
you already use an active listening skill; was learning H.E.A.R. too redundant or was
it valuable to review?

Like module 3, I feel module 4 was adequate at teaching the skill of H.E.A.R. I
learned the skill. I don’t feel that anything was overly redundant, but I do think that
the skits need some work. You may consider finding other external resources to
illustrate those points. As it stands, module 4 works as is. However, I think that
there is room to make this module better.

Prompt #5: In Module 5, you were introduced to the third conflict transformation
skill, "BURN CLEAN."  Did you learn the skill?  Will it help you deal with conflict?
Will it help you express your "wants" without throwing out hooks?

I liked module 5. I thought the lecture was good. Not too long and was a good
marriage with the text. I felt I learned the objectives of this module and I can make
no recommendations for improvement here. Well done.

Prompt #6: In Module 6, you were introduced to the fourth conflict transformation
skill, "SAY YES."  Did you learn the steps in this skill?  Will you be able to use it to
help you transform conflict?  How confident do you feel about using the SAY YES

I also like module 6 very much. Again, I thought the lecture was spot on. I like the
personal accounts of mediation you alluded to in that lecture. I felt it gave weight to
the SAY YES principles. The text has been good throughout and I think your quizzes
are well designed. I learned the skills of this module and I feel confident in using
them in the real world.

Prompt #7: Is there something you wish you had learned or some topic we needed
to spend more or less time on?  Add any final thoughts you think would be helpful in
improving this course.  Overall, was the workload fair and manageable, light or too

I thought the workload was great. I felt that the class had a good premise, the
metaphor of Aikido is spot on, the strategies are sensible and relevant. The method
of reading, quizzes, lectures, discussions, and other supporting aides were all
blended well.

I came to this class as a pretty accomplished mediator and conflict resolver. I feel I
am weak at aggressive negotiation and win/lose scenarios. This class took the
stance that most people approach conflict aggressively and that the objective of the
class is to teach conflict resolution skills and strategies. I would be curious to see an
example of how to positively and effectively handle an aggressive situation with an
aggressive response. Is there ever a time to respond in such a manner? Perhaps
there is not. Nonetheless, assertiveness and aggression are tactics that are used in
the world out there. The strategies taught in this class are highly valuable. I’m just
curious if there are other strategies that are worthwhile.

In closing, I think the class is well designed and certainly a worthwhile and valuable
class to have taken. I thank you for it.

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