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Wk 2
Portfolio Assignment #2 = 100 points

 Set your professional learning goals. You need to first assess your current skill level.
1. Locate a self-assessment instrument and use it to assess your ability to achieve the ISTE
Standards for Educators or the technology standards required by Michigan. Include the name of
the assessment and the results of the assessment in your portfolio. Based on your self-
assessment, identify several areas that you would like to learn more about.

I know Basic Technology Skills


Manage documents: save, locate, and organize files on a local computer and remote
network spaces.

Resolve commonly occurring technology problems (e.g. printer jam, toner cartridge
replacement, and frozen computer screen).

Use the editing and formatting features of a word processing program (e.g. centering,
changing fonts, setting margins, copy and paste, spell check).

Create an original spreadsheet, entering simple formulas.

Use databases and spreadsheets for analysis and decision-making.

Use email to communicate with students, staff, parents, and the community.

Create an address book in an email program (e.g. FirstClass).

X Manage network resources to share information: create a FirstClass workspace and assign

Use presentation tools (e.g. PowerPoint) to communicate with students, staff, parents and
the community.

Create a simple multimedia presentation using a design template,

As a Leadership Skills
EDUC 350 Integrating Technology into 21st Century Learning Environments

"The e-portfolio is the central .and common point for the student experience. It is a reflection of the student as a
person undergoing continuous personal development, not just a store of evidence."
~ Geoff Rebbeck, e-Learning Coordinator, Thanet College
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leader I

Maintain currency and competency in the use of technology in order to model these
practices for the staff.

Support and work toward providing equitable access (across the district/within the school
building) to technologies that enhance student learning and facilitate staff productivity.

Support and work toward providing high quality professional development opportunities
and ongoing support to promote the use of technology in instruction and to increase
student technology literacy.

Make informed budget decisions that consider technology needs.

Assess and evaluate staff technology use for teaching and learning, communication, and

Support the use of technology to collect and analyze data to improve instructional practice
and student learning.

As a Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues

leader I

Support technology acceptable use policies, addressing issues such as online safety, access
to inappropriate sites on the Internet, copyright law, etc. Communicate these policies to
staff and students and ensure that they adhere to these policies.

Ensure that staff and students adhere to the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
regulations through the monitoring of student technology use by staff.

Uphold policies and procedures to protect the rights and confidentiality of students and

Ensure equitable access to technology activities so that every student engages in

technology-rich learning experiences.

Develop a plan for lifelong learning and self-renewal.

1. Reflect on how you have learned about technology in the past and how those prior experiences
will influence your learning in the future.

EDUC 350 Integrating Technology into 21st Century Learning Environments

"The e-portfolio is the central .and common point for the student experience. It is a reflection of the student as a
person undergoing continuous personal development, not just a store of evidence."
~ Geoff Rebbeck, e-Learning Coordinator, Thanet College
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a. In the past I have learned technology through practicing using different tools, as well as
receiving lectures and taking notes on the functions and tools available through
different technology means such as website coding, word processor programs,
spreadsheet programs, etc. I feel that the best way to learn about technology and
technology tools is to get a walkthrough of how to use the different components of a
tool and then practice using that tool, which is mostly how I have learned to use
different technologies in my prior learning experiences.
2. Identify several specific ways in which you plan to:
a. Develop a plan to continue learning about creative applications of technology to
improve student learning & stay current with research in innovative uses of technology
to support student learning
i. Firstly, I think it’s important to stay up-to-date about the different technological
tools that can be applied to the classroom by following educator groups and
newsletters as well as collaborating with peers in the profession.
ii. Secondly, it is important to practice using different technological tools so that I
can become relatively proficient in using the applications and programs and etc.
to make incorporating them into the classroom more seamless and effective.
iii. When creating learning activities utilizing technology, I will make sure to
consider the possible pros and cons of using different tools as well as the
different ways tools can be beneficial.
Add this to your portfolio

Integrated Technology: Self-Assessment Tools

1. Massachusetts Technology Self-Assement Tool
2. Rubric Self-Assessment - From Westford Public Schools, a tool to help teachers assess their
competencies related to technology.
3. Sample Administrator Technology Self-Assessment Tool  - The purpose of developing this
sample tool is to assist superintendents, principals, and other administrators in their leadership
role of implementing appropriate technology in their schools.
4. Tech Application Survey - four page survey developed by Patsy Lanclos   
5. Technology Self Assessment Tool - Quia site. Online assessment, but it is sent to the person that
created the test. A good use of this would be to print out the test per teacher.
6. Technology Self-Assessment Questionnaire - from WikiEducator
7. Technology Skills Assessment - Online self-assessment of technology skills.

EDUC 350 Integrating Technology into 21st Century Learning Environments

"The e-portfolio is the central .and common point for the student experience. It is a reflection of the student as a
person undergoing continuous personal development, not just a store of evidence."
~ Geoff Rebbeck, e-Learning Coordinator, Thanet College

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