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An Adaptive PMU-based Fault Location

Estimation System with a Fault-Tolerance and
Load-Balancing Communication Network

Conference Paper · August 2007

DOI: 10.1109/PCT.2007.4538486 · Source: IEEE Xplore


9 35

5 authors, including:

Cheng-Long Chuang Yung-Chung Wang

Intel National Taipei University of Technology


Chia-Pang Chen Ying-Tung Hsiao

National Taiwan University National Taipei University of Education


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Ying-Tung Hsiao
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 18 September 2016
Paper No.:540 PowerTech2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-5 July 2007, PES, IEEE

An Adaptive PMU-based Fault Location Estimation System with a

Fault-Tolerance and Load-Balancing Communication Network

Cheng-Long Chuang, Student Member, IEEE, Joe-Air Jiang, Member, IEEE, Yung-Chung Wang,
Chia-Pang Chen, and Ying-Tung Hsiao, Member, IEEE

the power feeding. Therefore, to ensure the reliability of the

Abstract—Modern fault detection/location technique for an transmission lines is crucial. Once an occurrence of fault is
EHV/UHV transmission network usually works based on the happened in the transmission network, a fault detection and
data measured by Phasor Measurement Units (PMU). The location systems estimate the fault location of transmission
synchronized voltage and current phasors measured by PMU
are transmitted to a monitoring center for analysis. Global
lines, then a transmission line protection system isolates the
Positioning System (GPS) receivers are also equipped with PMU, fault region from the entire transmission network by cutting
which is called GPS-PMU, to increase the accuracy of fault the power feeding at some relaying points around the fault
detection/location by tagging all of the measured data with time region. Any reason that causes the response times of the fault
stamps. Once a fault was occurred in the transmission network, detection/location/protection system failing to response
the time of those measured data transmitted to the monitoring promptly, more transmission lines will be affected, and fi-
center is crucial. Therefore, a high-quality communication
nally, the entire transmission network collapses [7]-[8].
network is required to reduce the response time of the fault
detection/location algorithm. In this study, an evolutionary According to the previous description, there are two pri-
routing algorithm is developed to handle guarantee the minimal mary issues have to be investigated: 1) fault detec-
data transmission delay, and also robust against faults in tion/location/protection technology, which detects faults of
communication system itself. The proposed routing algorithm transmission network, and 2) adaptive communication net-
has been tested through two kinds of experimental simulations, work, which is responsible to send measured data to moni-
and the result shows that the proposed algorithm can provide
toring center, and have to be robustness against heavy traffic
minimal transmission delay by balancing the traffic over the
communication network, and while the network topology has and fault of network connection links. In this study, an
been changed, the proposed routing algorithm can adapt to the adaptive computer network has been developed, and also
new topology in a very short time without seriously affect the been integrated with a fault location method, which is one of
response time of the transmission network fault detec- our previous work [9]-[10], to form a complete a complete
tion/location algorithm. robustness fault location estimation system.
In this work, a phasor measurement unit (PMU) based
I. INTRODUCTION system along with a computer network routing protocol is

I N POWER systems, the importance of fault detec-

tion/location of power transmission lines is dramatically
increasing in recently decades. EHV and UHV transmission
presented. Usually, PMU based approaches are installed at
the both ends of the power transmission lines. Voltages and
currents of three phases at installed sites are measured.
network plays essential roles in transmitting electrical power However, if the sampling time of all PMU is not synchro-
from the generating plants to the end users. Any occurrences nized, the result of fault detection/location might be seriously
of fault in transmission network usually cause multimillion affected. To overcome such problem, a global synchronism
dollars losses to the economic [1]-[6]. To avoid such event, clock generators (GSCG) is installed to each PMU to provide
power providers have to guarantee the quality and stability of accurate and reliable external reference clock signal. Each
measured data is transmitted to a monitoring center, and each
data is tagged with a time stamp generated by GSCG for
C. L. Chuang is with the Bio-Industrial Machatronics Engineering De-
partment and Biomedical Engineering Institute, National Taiwan University, further analysis. There is another critical issue in this system:
Taipei, 106, Taiwan (e-mail: the communication network. The response times of the fault
J. A. Jiang is with the Bio-Industrial Machatronics Engineering Depart- detection and location systems, as well as the transmission
ment, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106, Taiwan (corresponding
author to provide phone: +886-2-3366-5341; e-mail: line protection system, deeply depend on the quality of the
Y. C. Wong is with the Electrical Engineering Department, National communication network. This problem can be solved by
Taipei University of Technology, 106, Taiwan (email: yc- build up a star-topology network that links all PMU to
C. P. Chen is with the Bio-Industrial Machatronics Engineering Depart-
computers of monitoring center. However, the cost of
ment, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106, Taiwan (e-mail: su- building up such network is too expensive when the number of PMU is large.
Y. T. Hsiao is with the Computer Science Department, National Taipei
In this study, conventional computer network is utilized to
University of Education, Taipei, 106, Taiwan (e-mail: yth- transmit measured data to the monitoring center. In this way,
Paper No.:540 PowerTech2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-5 July 2007, PES, IEEE


(a) (b) Fig. 2. Configuration of adaptive PMU based fault detection/location system
Fig. 1. Illustrations of (a) star-topology and (b) mesh-topology computer for EHV/UHV transmission line.
networks, where blue spots represent monitoring center and white spots are
PMU measuring locations.

a lot of cost of maintenance of the communication network

can be significantly reduced. Computer networks using
star-topology and mesh-topology are drawn in Fig. 1 for
comparison. For the star-topology as shown in Fig. 1(a), each
of the nodes of the network is connected to the monitoring
center using a point-to-point direct link. All measured data
are transmitted to the monitoring center directly without any Fig. 3. A single-phase faulted transmission line.
active device to relay them. In Fig. 2(b), a network with
mesh-topology is demonstrated. Mesh-topology has two transmission lines to estimate the location of fault. Consider a
kinds of connection styles, which are fully connected and normally working single-phase transmission line. The vol-
partially connected. The fully connected type is that each tage and current of the transmission line are both measured at
nodes of the network is connected to each of the other nodes a distance x km from receiving end obey the partial differen-
in the network with a point-to-point link. However, this kind tial equations:
of network is like an extension of star-topology, which is ∂v ∂i
= Ri + L (1)
even more costly and complex. In this study, all PMUs are in ∂x ∂t
partially connected style as drawn in Fig. 2(b). Nodes in the ∂i ∂v
network are connected to one or more nodes of the network = Gv + C (2)
∂x ∂t
with point-to-point link. It provides some redundant links where R, L, G, and C are resistance, inductance, conductance
without increasing the complexity of the network. In this and capacitance of the transmission line per unit length, re-
work, we try to develop a routing algorithm that provides spectively. Eq. (1) and (2) can be converted in to two linear,
features of traffic-balance and fault-tolerance to the commu- second-order, homogeneous differential equations by subs-
nication network, so the PMU-based fault location estimation tituting ∂ ∂t by jω , and the solutions are:
system can react in a short time to protect the power trans-
mission network when a fault is occurred. V = Aeγ x + Be−γ x (3)
This paper is organized into four sections, the first of which
is introduction. In the Section II, an overview of an adaptive
I = Ae γx
+ Be −γ x
) Zc (4)

fault detection/location algorithm based on PMU technique is where Z c = ( R + jω L ) ( G + jωC ) , whose units are Ω
presented. An adaptive routing algorithm for is introduced in
Section III. In the last section, preliminary experimental (surge impedance), and γ = ( R + jω L ) ( G + jωC ) , whose
results are presented, and conclusions are given with discus- units are m-1 (propagation constant of the transmission line),
sions. The constants A and B can be determined by boundary con-
dition at the sending and receiving ends of the transmission
II. ADAPTIVE FAULT DETECTION/LOCATION ALGORITHM line. In Fig. 3, suppose that a fault occurred in the middle of
The overall diagram of the adaptive PMU based fault de- the transmission line at place F, where is x km away from
tection/location technique is shown in Fig. 2. The phasor receiving end R on the transmission line SR, and L and D are
measurement units (PMU) are installed at both ends of the total length of the transmission line and per unit distance from
transmission line. The voltages and currents of three phases receiving end to the fault, respectively. If two sets of meas-
are measured by PMU, simultaneously. The Global Syn- ured data (VS, IS) and (VR, IR) are putted together on the same
chronism Clock Generator (GSCG) has been equipped to- reference position x = 0 with boundary condition on both ends,
gether with PMU to provide accurate and reliable external then the voltage on the fault position x km can be expressed
reference clock signal, it can synchronize the sampling time as:
V + ZC I S ) e DL + e ( S C S )e− DL (5)
of each PMU to an accuracy of better than 1 μ-sec. 1 1 γ L V −Z I
γL ( S
VF =
The fault detection/location index utilized in this work uses 2e 2
the synchronized voltage and current samples at both ends of
Paper No.:540 PowerTech2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-5 July 2007, PES, IEEE

V + Z R I R DL VR − Z R I R − DL works are the primary sources of transmission delay. When

VF = R e + e (6)
2 2 the scale of the network becomes larger and more complex,
Eq. (5) and (6) represent the post-fault voltages at fault point more data packets might be transmitted through the same
which are expressed in terms of measured sending and re- node of the network, and once the capacity of the node is
ceiving data (VS, IS) and (VR, IR), respectively. Since VF is the saturated, a hot-spot could be produced. Moreover, if one or
voltage at the same point F, therefore, the results of Eq. (5) more links encounter technical difficulties and break down,
and (6) should be identical. The fault detection/location index how to route data packets to their destination node through
D yields: redundant links of the network is an essential task. Therefore,
D = ln ( N / M ) 2γ L (7) in this work, to ensure the reliability of the PMU-based
transmission line fault location estimation system, we de-
where velop an adaptive communication network with dynamic
V − ZC I R VS − ZC I S γ L
N= R − e (8) management strategy to balance the traffic loading of links of
2 2 the network.
and The definition of the network model is given as follows:
V − ZC I S −γ L VR − ZC I R For a given network N(Γ, Λ), where Γ is the set of nodes and
M= S e − (9)
2 2 Λ is the set of links. Π denotes the set of all possible paths,
After the fault detection/location index D is obtained, fault and Π(s,d) denotes the set of all possible paths start from
location can be estimated by multiply D by the total length of source node s to destination node d. Let Πl be the set of all
the transmission line between two PMU nodes L as follow: possible paths share the same path l. Let π be a generic path,
x = DL (10) and πi(s, d) represents the ith link in a journey from source
where x is the estimated fault location distanced from the node s to destination node d.
receiving end of the transmission line, whose units are km. Let Φ(π) be a generic cost function associated to a desig-
The index described in above is a single line version, but it nated path π. Φ(π) can be the delay time θ(π) for a packet
can be expanded to three-phase cases, and all simulations are transfers through a path π, or the number of hops ε(π), even a
on-line demonstrated, and conducted a very well performance hybrid function combined both of them. For two or more
in the 161 kV substations of Taipower system using EMTP paths conducted the same cost, we consider them as
generated data. In order to simulate the error caused by Φ-equivalent.
technology limitations in the measurement procedures, As the definition given in above, it is clearly shown that
Gaussian noise signals were added into the EMTP generated computer network apparently is a graphical model. The de-
data during the simulation. Besides system noises, hardware tailed structure of the mesh-topology network is defined in a
errors, harmonics, and system frequency fluctuation problem connection matrix. Connection matrix (commonly named
have been considered in the simulation. The accuracy of fault routing table, but still a few different from the generic ones)
location estimation achieved can be up to 99.9% for most of is denoted by Ts = [ts,d], where Ts is a array that registers all
the simulation cases. The required computational time is outgoing links of node s, and ts,d determines weather node s
1-cycle of the system frequency, which is around 16 ms. For has a outgoing link connected to node d or not, whose value is
the simulation results regardless of communication network, 1 represents nodes s and d are connected by a point-to-point
please refer to [3]-[4]. However, such short response time link, and 0 represents nodes s and d are not directly connected.
doesn’t consider about the delay time cause by communica- Let Bs,d denotes the utility rate of bandwidth of link from node
tion network of the system. In order to minimize the delay s to node d, whose value is 1 represents the bandwidth of the
time and building cost of the communication network, an link is fully utilized, and 0 represents that the link is idle. The
adaptive routing algorithm is utilized and introduced in the value of Bs,d usually falls in an range from 0 to 1. The prob-
next section. ability matrix is denoted by Es,df = [es,df,j], where Es,df deter-
mines the probability table of a packet at node s been trans-
III. ADAPTIVE ROUTING ALGORITHM FOR COMMUNICATION ferred passing through node j to its destination node df, and
NETWORKS Σj(es,df,j) = 1. With the notations given in above, the proportion
In network-based applications, minimizing the delay time of choosing node j as the next node for transferring the packet
of data packets transmitting from source node to its destina- while the node is queued at node s is
α β
tion is critical, especially when the application is related to ts , j ⋅ ⎡es ,d f , j ⎤ ⋅ ⎡⎣1 − Bs , j ⎤⎦ (10)
design of protective devices. In this study, we consider the ⎣ ⎦
fault detection/location/protection system as one of the ap- The probability of choosing node j as next node of the
plications that requires a reliable communication network to package can be defined as follow
α β
become fully functional. The primary objective of this algo- t s , j ⋅ ⎡ es , d f , j ⎤ ⋅ ⎡⎣1 − Bs , j ⎤⎦
rithm is to maintain the measured data flow through the ps , j = ⎣ ⎦ (11)
α β
computer network from PMU to monitoring center smoothly. ∑h ts,h ⋅ ⎡⎣es ,d f ,h ⎤⎦ ⋅ ⎡⎣1 − Bs ,h ⎤⎦
Generally, links, routers and servers in the computer net-
Paper No.:540 PowerTech2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-5 July 2007, PES, IEEE

The load-balance feature of the proposed routing algorithm is

done in Eq. (11). This equation contains the rate of bandwidth
utility (Bs,j). The higher rate of bandwidth utility it is, the
lower visibility of es,df,j it will be. Therefore, the proposed
routing scheme is capable of preventing from sending more
packets passing through routes with hot-spot nodes.
In this study, once the packet reaches to its final destination
node through a path π, the cost function of the path can be
defined as follow
Φ ( π ) =θ ( π ) (12)
where θ(π) represents the transmission delay of a packet
Fig. 4. Network architecture of CARIN topology.
transferring through a path π. The possibility of selecting a
path π(s, d) to transfer a package from node s to node j is
updated by the following equation
⎧ Q
⎪ if ( s , j ) ⊂ π
Δ es , d f , j = ⎨ Φ ( π ) (13)
⎪ 0
⎩ otherwise
Therefore, we can update the probability matrix Es,df ac-
cording to the following equation
( )
∀ s , d f , j , es ,d , j = ρ ⋅ es ,d , j + Δes ,d , j
f f f
In order to keep the probability matrix Es,df constantly nor-
malized, every time after Es,df has been modified by Eq. (14),
we have to normalize Es,df using
es ,d f , j Fig. 5. Network architecture of Cubic topology.
es ,d f , j = (15)

∑ es,d f ,h lines.
Thus, elements in Es,df will be remained in an interval ranging The format of transferring a measured data packet was
from 0 to 1 without expanding into huge numbers. Without specified in IEEE Standard for Synchrophasors for power
performing normalization, it might lead to troubles if the systems [11]. Each data packet generated by a PMU contains
values of the elements become unreasonable large. 6 primary values, which are voltages and currents measured
on each phase of power transmission lines. The size of data
IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS packet can be 48 bytes by conservatively estimate. The sam-
In this work, three mesh-topology networks with different pling rate of measuring the voltages and currents of power
architectures are utilized to test the performance of the pro- transmission lines is 32 times per cycle. Therefore, in our
posed routing algorithm. Among these networks, the archi- simulations, the service request rate of each PMU is 32 × 60 =
tectures of the two networks are fixed ones; one is CAIRN 1920 requests per second.
topology, and the other is Cubic topology. The third network For the simplicity of the simulations, some parameters and
is a random generated mesh-topology network encompasses constraints are applied during the simulation is proceeding:
with 20 nodes. The CAIRN topology is a real research 1) Link capacity: the link capacity is the maximum data
backbone network that has been widely used to evaluate the transmission rate of a point-to-point directly connected link.
performance of newly proposed routing algorithms or com- In this study, the proposed routing algorithm has been tho-
munication protocols. More detailed information about roughly tested using 10, 100 and 1000 Mbps link capacities.
CAIRN topology can be found on the web site 2) Queuing Model: The queuing model of each node is
( The M/M/K queue, because there are several ways for a packet to
Cubic topology is a network that consists of 8 nodes. Its reach to its destination node, therefore, M/M/1 queue is not
internal interconnected nodes and edges correspond to the suitable in this algorithm.
vertices and edges of a three-dimensional cube. The topolo- 3) Propagation Delay Time: The propagation delay time is
gies of CARIN and Cubic networks are depicted in Fig. 4 and a fixed delay added between the transmission and reception
5, where node 10 and node 4 are selected to be the monitoring of a packet. In this study, the propagation delay time is set to
center (which is the control center of the PMU-based fault 10 ms.
detection and location system), and the rest of the nodes in the 4) Average Processing Delay Time: The average
network are the locations where PMUs are installed to processing delay time is the time requirement for every node
measure the voltages and currents of the power transmission to process a packet arriving from other nodes. In this work,
Paper No.:540 PowerTech2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-5 July 2007, PES, IEEE

the average process time is set to 100 us. 1.8
x 10

First, we apply the proposed routing algorithm to CAIRN

network topology, and node 10 is selected to be the location
of the transmission lines monitoring center. The simulation 1.4
results are demonstrated in Fig. 6. We can see that the pro-

Averaged Delay Time (s)

posed routing algorithm can transmit the packets from PMUs
to the monitoring center (node 10) with lesser than 1.6 ms. 1

Transmission delays for packets generated at node 8 and 9 are 0.8

significantly lesser than ones from other nodes, because they
have point-to-point link directly connected to node 10. 0.6

The same simulation was conducted using Cubic network 0.4

10 Mbps
topology, and node 4 is selected to be the location of the 100 Mbps
transmission lines monitoring center. The simulation results 1000 Mbps

are demonstrated in Fig. 7. We can see that the delay times of 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
packets from node 2, 6 and 7 are larger than other nodes due Source Nodes
to long transmission distances. However, the maximum delay Fig. 6. Simulation results of all PMUs constantly sending measured data
time of the network is still bounded in a 2 ms range. packets to the monitoring center (node 10) using CAIRN network topology.
The third simulation is conducted using a random gener-
ated mesh-network with 20 nodes and 40 point-to-point links, -3
x 10
and node 10 is the location of the power transmission lines
monitoring system. The simulation results are demonstrated 1.8

in Fig. 8. The performances of 100 and 1000 Mbps networks 1.6

are almost identical. For 10 Mbps network, the bound of 1.4
maximum delay time is still below 1.7 ms. This result means Averaged Delay Time (s)
that the proposed routing algorithm is generic enough to be
applied to networks with nonspecific topology. 1

In order to test the fault-tolerance feature provided by the 0.8

proposed routing algorithm, CAIRN topology is used to
simulate the situation when a link is suddenly disconnected
from the network. In this simulation, the point-to-point link 10 Mbps
100 Mbps
between node 2 and 3 is set to disconnect from the network at 0.2
1000 Mbps
500 ms of the simulation time. The simulation results are 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
demonstrated in Fig. 9. The result shows that the average Source Node
transmission delay for packets transferring to node 2 in- Fig. 7. Simulation results of all PMUs constantly sending measured data
creases to 1.6 ms at simulation time 505 ms, and the proposed packets to the monitoring center (node 4) using Cubic network topology.
routing algorithm adapted to the changed topology in lesser
than 25 ms after the event occurred. Thus, it demonstrates that -3
x 10
the fault-tolerance feature provided by the proposed algo-
10 Mbps
rithm is very useful, and requires a very short time to adapt to 2
100 Mbps
the new network topology (high learning performance). 1000 Mbps
By accumulating the response time of the PMU-based fault
Averaged Delay Time (s)

location estimation system and the transmission delay of the 1.5

communication network, the response time of the entire

system is conservatively estimated to be lesser than 20 ms.
Thus, the PMU-based fault detection/location/protection
system will react in 20 ms (approx. 1.2-cycle) after a fault
occurs in power transmission network, which is sufficient to
prevent the power system from large scale break down.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
In this study, a system combines an adaptive PMU based Source Node
fault detection/location approach and an adaptive computer Fig. 8. Simulation results of all PMUs constantly sending measured data
network routing algorithm is presented. The fault detec- packets to the monitoring center (node 10) using random generated network
tion/location index D, and its factors M and N are also com-
puted to serve as fault detector and locator simultaneously.
Paper No.:540 PowerTech2007, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-5 July 2007, PES, IEEE

Fault-Tolerance Demonstration [2] S. H. Horowitz and A. G. Phadke, Power System Relaying, second
1.8 edition, Research Studies Press, Ltd., London, 1995.
Avg. delay time [3] W. A. Elmore, Protective Relaying Theory and Applications, ABB
1.6 Std. Power T & D Company Inc., Florida, 1994.
Averaged delay time (milliseconds) [4] A. T. Johns and S. K. Salma, Digital Protection For Power System,
Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1995.
1.2 [5] Power Engineering Education Committee and the Power System Re-
laying Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society, Advance-
1 ments in Microprocessor Based Protection and Communication, IEEE
Tutorial Course, 1997.
0.8 [6] Z. Q. Bo, M. A. Redfern, and G. C. Weller, ”Positional Protection of
Transmission Line Using Fault Generated High Frequency Transient
Signals”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No.3, July
[7] T. Takahi, Y. Yamakoshi, J. Baba, K. Uemura and T. Sakaguchi, “A
0.2 New Algorithm for an Accurate Fault Location for EHV/UHV Trans-
mission Lines: Part I-Fourier Transformation Method,” IEEE Trans-
0 actions on Power Approatus and Systems, vol. PAS-100, no. 3, pp.
425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650
Time (milliseconds) 1316-1323.
[8] T. Takahi, Y. Yamakoshi, J. Baba, K. Uemura and T. Sakaguchi, “A
Fig. 9. Simulation result when a fault occurs in the communication network. New Algorithm for an Accurate Fault Location for EHV/UHV Trans-
mission Lines: Part II-Laplace Transform Method,” IEEE Transactions
The data used to verify the proposed system in the simulation on Power Approatus and Systems, vol. PAS-101, no. 3, pp. 564-573.
[9] J.A. Jiang, J.Z. Yang, Y.H. Lin, C.W. Liu, and J.C. Ma, “An Adaptive
are generated by EMTP. Hardware errors, system noises are PMU Based Fault Detection/Location Technique for Transmission
also considered in the simulation. Different types of fault, Lines, Part I: Theory and Algorithms”, IEEE Transactions on Power
different fault resistances, different synchronization errors, Delivery, vol. 15, no.2, April 2000, pp. 486-493.
[10] J.A. Jiang, Y.H. Lin, J.Z. Yang, T.M. Too, and C.W. Liu, “An Adaptive
various power flow conditions, and inception angles of the PMU Based Fault Detection/Location Technique for Transmission
fault occurrence were considered. In the simulation, a 345 kV, Lines, Part II: PMU Implementation and Performance Evaluation”,
100 kilometers transposed transmission line is simulated. The IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 15, no.4, Oct. 2000,
required computational time is 1-cycle of the system fre- [11] Working Group H-8 of Relay Communications Subcommittee of the
quency, which is around 16 ms regardless of delay time IEEE Power System Relaying Committee, “IEEE Standard for Syn-
caused by communication network. Because each GPS-PMU chrophasors for Power Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol.
device generates data packets to the communication network 13, No. 1, January 1998, pp. 73-77.
very rapidly, higher network traffic loading causes longer
transmission delay for the measured data to reach to the
monitoring center. Consequently, the fault detection/location
system takes longer time to calculate the location index D.
The cooperative adaptive network routing algorithm is also
integrated with the fault detection/location algorithm to test
the response time of the enhanced fault detection/location
system. Various numbers of monitoring nodes with different
network topologies were used in the simulation. The simula-
tion results show that the maximal delay of the communica-
tion network sized 20 nodes was lesser than 2 ms. Even if the
some links in the communication networks were suddenly
disconnected from the network, the adaptive routing algo-
rithm can converge to another optimal routing table in the
matter of about 25 ms, which provides a very efficient and
stable communication platform for GPS-PMU based fault
detection/location algorithm to indicate the location of the
faults in a very short time.

The authors are grateful to the National Science Council of
the Republic of China for financially supporting this research
under contract no. NSC 94-2213-E-002-120.

[1] A. G. Phadke and J. S. Thorp, Computer Relaying For Power System,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988.

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