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Hawassa university Emerging technology


1. Online learning and the right to education: Technology is becoming a

major asset in the pathway to ensuring a quality education for all.

2. Big data and human rights: There is a now a vast amount of data available
on environmental conditions, migration and conflict situations thanks to social
media, crowd-sourced data and tracking devices on vehicles, mobile phones and
other sensors. Cloud computing and big data analysis can use this data to analyze
key trends and provide early warnings for critical issues before they occur, aiding
the prevention and rapid response to humanitarian disasters.

3. Protecting human rights in the supply chain : Modern-day slavery still

exists in the supply chains of many corporations. An estimated 30 million people
are currently in forced labor in supply chains across multiple industries from
electronics to fishing. Blockchain is an authentication mechanism that can enable
transparency in supply chains from sourcing through to the customer purchase.

4. The right to privacy by using encryption technology: One of the key ways
in which people can protect their data—whether in the cloud, on a hard drive, or
in transit—is by using encryption technology. Encryption is the process of
encoding messages so only those authorized to view it are able to do so.


1.The Internet of Things and the right to privacy

The Internet of Things is perforating domains that were previously private. As a

result, the distinction between private and public spheres is blurring and the
individual’s right to privacy is being threatened.

2.Automation and the right to fair and decent work

The increasing use of AI and automation is disrupting the global jobs market and
significantly impacting the right to fair and decent work.

Hawassa university Emerging technology

2. The five basic principles in professional ethics are;

 Integrity
The principle of integrity imposes an obligation on all professionals
to be straightforward and honest in professional and business
relationships. Integrity also implies fair dealing and truthfulness. 
The principle of objectivity imposes an obligation on all professionals
not to compromise their professional or business judgment because
of bias, conflict of interest or the undue influence of others.
 Professional Competence and Due Care
The principle of professional competence and due care imposes the
following obligations on professionals;
 To maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level
required to ensure that clients or employers receive
competent professional service; and
 To act diligently in accordance with applicable technical and
professional standards when providing professional services.
 Confidentiality
The principle of confidentiality imposes an obligation on
professionals to refrain from:
 Disclosing outside the firm or employing organization
confidential information acquired as a result of professional
and business relationships without proper and specific
authority or unless there is a legal or professional right or duty
to disclose; and
 Using confidential information acquired as a result of
professional and business relationships to their personal
advantage or the advantage of third parties.

Hawassa university Emerging technology

 Professional Behavior
The principle of professional behavior imposes an obligation on
professionals to comply with relevant laws and regulations and
avoid any action that may bring discredit to the profession. This
includes actions which are reasonable and informed third party,
having knowledge of all relevant information, would conclude
negatively affects the good reputation of the profession.

3. What are the challenges with respect to professional ethics that are
posed as a result of the raise of emerging technology?
In many cases ethical issues are only recognized when the technology is already
on the market and problems arise its widespread use.

Ethics can then become a tool to clean up a mess that might have been avoidable,
it is probably not contentious to say it would be desirable to have ethical input at
the earlier stages of technology design and development.

There are ethical theories and approaches that explicitly aim at an early
integration of ethics into the technology life cycle.

One central problem of this type of approach is that the future is unknown. By
definition we do not know with certainly what will happen on the relies on future
development needs to be answer the question of how it decides which
technological development to pursue.

Ethics has traditionally not been well equipped to deal with issues of uncertainty
and particular, future uncertainty.

Technology can threaten individual autonomy, violate privacy rights and directly
harm individuals financially and physically.

Technology can also be morally contentious by “forcing deep reflection on

personal values and societal norms”

Hawassa university Emerging technology

Misuse of personal information – one of the primarily ethical dilemmas in our

technology empowered age revolves around how business use personal
information. As we browse through the internet, make online purchases, enter
our information on website or participate on social media, we constantly
providing personal details.

Lack of over sight and accountability

Most companies operate with a hybrids tack comprised of a blend of third party
and owned technology, as a result, there is often confusion about where
responsibility like when it comes to governance, use of big data, cybersecurity
concerns and managing personal information.

There are also challenges regarding the use of AI, autonomous technology

Harmful action: loss of ownership, destruction of information and undesirable,

substantial impact. Any un authorized person is considered as threat so sometime
it’s equipment intentionally destruct or alter into when authorized person tries to
an access it.

Patent the patent holder has to reveal the full details of a program to a
programmer for building a programmer which means tacking big risk.

4.The common ethical rules that must be applied in all technologies

a Contribute to society and to human well-being, acknowledging that all
people are stakeholders in computing.

b Avoid harm.

c Be honest and trustworthy.

d Be fair and take action not to discriminate

e Respect the work required to produce new ideas, inventions, creative

works, and computing artifacts.

Hawassa university Emerging technology

f Respect privacy.

g Honor confidentiality

5.Mention and discuss about specific professional ethics related to

augmented reality, artificial intelligence and internet of things.

Digital privacy is the protection of personal or business information that is

collected from respondents through information collection activities or from
other sources. It is a collective definition that encompass three sub- related
categories: information privacy rights in digital spheres and it typically used in
opposition to the business practices of many e-markers/business/ companies to
collect and use such information and data.
Information privacy – In the context of digital privacy information privacy is the
individuals should have the freedom or right to determine how their digital
information, mainly that pertaining to personal information is collected and used
by companies. Some of those laws are written to give agency to the preferences
of individuals / consumers in how their data is used. In other process like in the
United States, privacy law is argued by some to be less developed in this regard,
for example some legislation or lack of allows companies to self- regulate their
collection and dissemination practices of consumer information.
Communication privacy- in the context of digital privacy, communication privacy
is the notion that individuals should have the freedom or right to communicate
information digitally with the expectation that their communications are secure
meaning that messages and communications will be accessible to the senders
original intended recipient. However, communications can be intercepted or
delivered to other recipients without the sender’s knowledge in multiple ways,
communications can be intercepted directly through various hacking methods
this is explained up on further below. Communications can also be developed to
recipient’s unknowns to the sender due to false assumptions made regarding the
platform or medium which was used to send information.

An example of this is a failure to keep one to assume their communication is

protected when it is in fact not. Additionally, companies frequently have been

Hawassa university Emerging technology

known to lack transparency in how they use information, this can be necessarily
requiring consideration of technological methods of protecting information/
Communication in digital models. The effectiveness and ineffectiveness of such
methods/systems and the development/ advancement of new and current
Individual privacy- in the context of digital privacy is the notation the individuals
have a right to exist freely on the internet, in that they can choose what types of
information. They are exposed to and more importantly hat unwanted
information should not interrupt them an example of a digital breach of individual
privacy would be an internet user receiving unwanted ads and spams or a
computer virus that forces the users to take actions they otherwise wouldn’t. in
such cases the individua, during that moment, doesn’t exist digitally without
interruption from unwanted information. Thus, their individual privacy has been
violated. Some of the digital privacy principles are
 Data minimizing
 Transparency
 Security

Accountability and trust when emerging technology creates far reaching and
repaid change it can also bring new risks. Understanding and mitigating them will
help to build confidence. The obligation of an individual to account for his
activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in transparent
manner. It also includes the responsibility for money or entrusted property.

6.The challenges of using emerging technologies such as big data,

Artificial intelligence and Internet of Things with respect to
professionalism and ethics

Challenges in using Big Data

● Almost all the technologies mentioned, have some relation to Big Data. The
huge amount of data being generated on a daily basis has the potential to
provide businesses with better insight into their customers as well as their
own business operations.

Hawassa university Emerging technology

● Although data can be incredibly useful for spotting trends and analyzing
impacts, surfacing all this data to humans in a way that they can understand
can be challenging. AI will play a role here.

Challenges in using Artificial Intelligence

● AI is only as good as the data it is exposed to,

● which is where certain challenges may present themselves,

● AI is its potential to replace human workers. As machines become more

“intelligent” they could begin to replace experts in higher-level jobs.

● AI also has the potential to take the burden of laborious and time-
consuming tasks from these people, freeing up their time and brainpower
for other things.

Challenges in using the Internet of Things

● As more and more connected devices (such as smart watches and fitness
trackers) join the Internet of Things (IoT) the amount of data being
generated is increasing.

● Companies will have to plan carefully how this will affect the customer-
facing application and how to best utilize the masses of data being

● There are also severe security implications of mass connectivity that need
to be addressed.

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