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3, Discuss why inequality and poverty matter at global level?

Shouldn’t they only be local or national matter?

First when we see the terms poverty and in equality

-poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including
food, clothing and shelter.  However, poverty is more, much more than
just not having enough money. Poverty can classified into absolute and
relative poverty
Absolute poverty -refers to when a person or household does not have the
minimum amount of income needed to meet the minimum living
requirements needed over an extended period of time. Relative poverty,
on other hand, when poverty is measured in relative terms, such as
income or consumption of other people, it is called relative poverty
-inequalities are fundamentally about relational disparities denial of fair
and equivalent enjoyment of rights ,and the persistence of arbitrary
discrepancies in worth, status, dignity and freedoms of different people.

How inequality affects poverty

- inequality is a problem it self but also a challenge to eradication of
extreme poverty.
Income inequality affects poverty directly and indirectly if the rich goes
richer and the poor goes poorer, the poor will be in absolute poverty.
- Inequality between countries influence poverty levels because countries
do not exist in isolation since the colonial era they have become
increasingly connected through various economic,political and social
ties , which have significant effect on development in developing world
- The financial in equality between countries in this globalization affects
developing countries with lower income by taking the away local
manufacturers and producers from the market. this makes the poor
countries consume more stuff than they produce.
For this matter their economy will get weaker and creates unequal
distribution of wealth between the developing countries and developed
ones. As developing countries economic growth couldn't get faster it will
make make harder on that countries work against poverty.

why poverty an inequality matter at global level

- As we know poverty and inequality is not only a matter a single country

it is a world wide problem from Africa to south America from middle
east to Asia even in developed countries to some extent have a problem
of inequality and poverty so inequality and poverty are global problems
so they need global solutions
- Ending extreme poverty is achievable but a single nation can not do it
alone rather it needs strategic and meaning full collaboration with
governments, the private sector, and civil society partners that have local
expertise, experience and connections.
-In working against poverty working on cause of it like conflicts,in
equality and marginalization,hunger ,poor health care,climate change,lack
of government support and immigration are a very tough problems to
dealt with that is another reason to work as global level
-the other point is today's world is very inter connected peoples
movement and migration around the world is so high so it is better to
work in global level.
-although gender inequality is a global issue, it made worse by poverty is
a key factor in persistence of poverty.when women and men do not have
equal access to resources or equal opportunities to take part in decision-
making ,there are direct economic and social costs. These largely affect
women but also have consequence to the world as they are fifty percent
of the world.

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