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1. Our Constitution guarantees freedoms that allow citizens to do what?

Monitor and influence the government

2. 3 groups of people influence our government

- __________individuals ______________: One or more people acting together informally

- Interest Groups:
A group of people trying to influence polices in government.

- __media__________________: Communication channels and news sources by which citizens

receive news

3. What are some ways that individuals can monitor the government?
Staying informed

4. What is the biggest way an individual can INFLUENCE the government?

** Other ways Individuals can influence government:
-Petitioning (1st amendment rights)
-Running for office themselves, etc.**

Interest groups: Private groups devoted to one or more particular issues. There are a couple

5. ________economic interest
seek economic benefits for members they represent
 Large businesses try to hire Lobbyists to ______talk to government officials to about
issues that affect their industry _______________________________________.

6. Non-Economic Interest groups that fight for specific causes, but not material or
financial. What are some examples of Non-Economic Interest Groups below.

Common cause, EDF, and the AARP.

7. Different roles of Media

- Watchdog-
Exposes scandals and/or problems.

- Setting the Public Agenda-

8. Explain how reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein both monitored and
influenced the government of the United States.

 Monitored:
They proved that the president and the citizens don’t have the same amount of rights which is

 Influenced:
Exposed Richard Nixon possibly changing people's beliefs

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