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Name: Guillin Morales Byron Xavier Class: MCER A2-1 Date:13/04/2020

Check this example:

0. ANIMALS: / hippopotamuses  elephants  whales (BIG)

Hippopotamuses are big animals. Elephants are bigger than hippopotamuses, but whales are the biggest animals.

1. COUNTRIES: Ecuador  Suriname  The Vatican (SMALL)

Ecuador is a small country. Suriname is a smaller country than Ecuador, but the Vatican is a city and therefore it is even

2. CAR BRANDS: Mitsubishi  Mercedes Benz  Ferrari (EXPENSIVE)

Mitsubishi is an expensive car. Mercedes Benz is a car most expensive than the Mitsubishi, but the Ferrari is even most
expensive than the previous two.

3. SOCCER PLAYERS: Antonio Valencia  Eden Hazard  Leo Messi (GOOD)

Antonio Valencia is good for football. Eden Hazard is even most good at football that Antonio Valencia, but most good in world is
Leo Messi.

4. CITIES: Manta  Loja  Cuenca (BEAUTIFUL)

Manta is a beautiful city. Loja is more beautiful than Manta, but Cuenca is even more beautiful than the two previous cities.

5. INSECTS: mosquitoes  spiders  scorpions (DANGEROUS)

Mosquitoes are dangerous insects. Spiders are more dangerous than mosquitoes, but scorpions are more dangerous than the
two previous insects.

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