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Ms. Metlewsky
English First Peoples
Inquiry Project Reflection #2
After learning what our final project was, and that it had to be displayed publicly in a

digital platform, I thought a website would be my best option for success. I have had a bit of

experience with Weebly before and I like the idea of a website being a interactable, large poster.

In my project I went over, my personal connection and interest, what the 94 Calls to Action are

and certain calls that apply to the legal world, a few Indigenous voices who have faced

discrimination based on race specifically in the legal field, and how the Canadian government

created a support fund to help communities stay stable during and after pandemic times. I think I

was really successful in showing the challenges Indigenous people face and connecting it with

my interest. I feel my Indigenous voice portion of the project is strong and informative, it also

shows that this is a global issue since the article I based my writing on was from Australia. Aside

from the actual content, I had an easy time navigating the website builder and the creation went

smoothly. Nothing seemed to go too unexpected as I had a solid plan going into the final so

everything seemed to fall into place. After finishing this project, I learned that no matter where

you are or what you are doing, racism and prejudice will be apparent. Within this project,

discrimination against Indigenous peoples was focussed on, but these ideas are transferable to a

variety of races and genders. I learned that I am even submissible to this treatment in my area of

study just because I am a woman which a learned after doing research for the Indigenous voice

category. Some challenges I faced when creating this is figuring out what I wanted to do for my

non-Indigenous voice portion of the project. On the criteria sheet, there was a list of prompts to
get us going based on our areas of interest and I noticed the Glaude Report was related to mine. I

had never heard of it before, so I thought it could be a good option to expand my knowledge and

add for my non-Indigenous voice header. Once I did some research, I had a tough time

understanding the concept and could not grasp enough information to go in depth and teach

others about it. This meant I had to make a change to my plan and overcome the problem by

choosing a new topic which ended up being the Indigenous Community Support Fund. This

project and experience will have an impact on me after high school because, as I previously

mentioned, I could potentially face discrimination which is something I have never thought

about. During my research, it taught me to be prepared to have to fight for equality, and

understand that the people around me could be in the same boat. The most memorable part of

this assignment is the little amount of progress that has been achieved on the 94 Calls to Action.

I was shocked that this action was started back in 2015 yet a minuscule fraction of calls have

actually been completed. Looking only at the justice portions progress was disappointing as zero

have been completed. Being able to connect our curriculum to something outside in the real

world is beneficial as in the presentation part of the final, everyone cane share the different

issues they learned about making members in our class more informed on real issues. Having

education on these areas can lead to positive change and we can see a difference in our lifetimes

with racism. It is exciting to see the variety of potential interpretations on this assignment. I

learned that a large number of non-Indigenous people can be extremely closed minded, blunt,

and straight up rude against this culture. Individuals will say to these peoples faces that they have

life handed to them due to compensation as if they do not know the traumatic past First Nations

peoples have endured. The lack of education is frightening, and I hope newer generations can be

more informed as we learn much more in school about this subject.

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