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I- Replace the words in brackets by a single adverb of equivalent meaning,
making any necessary changes in punctuation and word order.

1- I have almost finished my work, and I shall be with you (very soon).

2- He expressed his point of view (in very few words).

3- Church organs, which used to be pumped (by hand), are now pumped (by

4- His novel ideas are (time and again) getting him into trouble with his more
conservative colleagues.

6- This machine is out of order (for the time being).

7- When asked why he had been absent from school, the boy replied, (in a
manner lacking all respect), that he had gone fishing instead.

8- England is (by reputation) a land of everlasting rain and fog.

9- The motion was carried (with the agreement of all).

10- The room has been furnished (in a manner showing good taste).

11- He won the first prize three years (one after another).

12- He could see, (looking back over the past), where he had gone wrong.

13- The farmer found that his crops were, (in comparison with those of other
farmers), undamaged by the heavy rainstorm.

14- Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliner that had crashed must
have died (at the very moment of the crash).

15- A thousand pounds was given to the Cancer Research Fund (without the
name of the donor being made known).
II) Underline all the single-word adverbs and adverbial phrases in the
following passage. Classify them into adjuncts, disjuncts or conjuncts.

In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers unwisely

introduced the European rabbit.

This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes; consequently, it multiplied

with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits.

Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was apparently

susceptible to a fatal virus disease.

As a consequence, it was found that there was a type of mosquito which acted
as the carrier of this disease and passed it on to the rabbits. It effectively
spread the disease all over the continent and drastically reduced the rabbit

Ironically, Europe, which had bequeathed the rabbit as a pest to Australia,

acquired this man-made disease as a pestilence.

III- Underline each of the adverbial clauses and phrases in the following
sentences and identify their semantic category (time, place, condition,
reason, etc)

a) Whenever I phone them up, they all pretend to have emigrated to

b) Because schizophrenia is a brain disorder, it’s nobody’s fault, she says.
c) I haven´t been there since I was a kid.
d) If I were you, I wouldn´t have told her
e) Some performance curves will now be presented to show the main
differences between practical and ideal cycles
f) He sat there as if he were deliberately waiting me out

IV- Find out the sentences where the adverb is in a wrong position and
write down a right form. If the sentence is correct, write down a “C”.

1- Invariably, the background was the same: dirt and poverty.

2- The food was local simply cheese accompanied by bread.

3- Often climbers found shelter wherever they could.

4- Progress of a particular kind actually is taking place around us and is becoming

more and more manifest.

5- Lack of rain has affected adversely the crops.

6- He arrived last week and has been here ever since.

7- The ship reportedly lost last week was found today.

8- A passenger had cuts in his face and was bleeding heavily.

9- He tied conceivably up his victim before killing it.


1- It has been thrown away. (carelessly)

2- We are working on our theses. (still)

3- They tried to save what was left. (desperately)

4- I shall believe what they say. (never)

5- They were responsible for the accident. (largely)

6- I try to do as much work in the evening as possible. (generally)

7- You can excuse yourself for that reason. (hardly)

8- Her mother approved her choice of husband. (wholly)

9- He understands the problems we have. (little)

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