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1 Background

This project's goal is to convert sensor reading information to the internet for
cloud computing and categories the data using ammonia capacitance readings. All
humans depend on water as a natural resource. However, accelerated construction
initiatives and human activities have contaminated the water supplies. Today's
technology relies on operators performing the task of taking a sample of the water
resources a few times each day, and then performing the testing for the sample in a
lab. Due to the fact that this technique only monitors the water supplies at specific
times of the day, it is laborious and time-consuming. Additionally, this may result in
issues if a contamination happened when testing wasn't being done. The Internet of
Things (IoT) technologies offer a solution to this problem since they can
continuously monitor water quality and produce data that can be analyses in real time
on the cloud. If a contamination were to occur, this device might offer an early
warning system.
In Johor there is a place called Laman Alam Jaya which have ten different
ponds that it uses for farming in seaweed and oysters inside. the owner of this pond
wants to do a water quality monitoring system to know the difference between each
one and make all the ponds like the best pond to get the good quality of seaweed and

2.5 cm
Figure 1.1-1: ponds google maps picture

1.1 Motivation

One of the most prevalent and crucial natural resources in the biosphere for
the support of life on earth is water. The growth of pollutants in water resources is a
serious public concern that is caused by the implementation of urbanization and
industrialization plans[1]. Around 250 million instances of illnesses infections are
recorded each year owing to factors associated to water pollution worldwide[2].
Because of this, creative approaches to monitoring and reducing water pollution are
needed to accomplish the sustainable development goals for the environment. More
complex methods are now being developed by environmental engineering experts for
real-time monitoring and evaluation of the quality of water that is observable by the
human population in diverse places[3]. Many modern technology and apps are made
feasible thanks to the internet. A number of recently created digital and information
technologies are combined to form the Internet of Things (IoT)[4].
The Internet of Things is being used in many anthropogenic activities, both
domestically and commercially[5].This would include operations and transportation,

healthcare, and workplaces and residences using smart technology[1] , water quality
evaluation[3], [6], aquaculture, climatology, sports, tourism, and a variety of other
Monitoring water quality using IoT-enabled AI is very important for
sustainable development. The sixth (6th) sustainable development target is
fundamentally dependent on there being clean water available to mankind. Without
regular monitoring of the water quality, it would be difficult to determine whether
bodies and sources of water are genuinely safe to consume. Additionally, any
possible water contamination resulting from a point source or non-point source is
rapidly recognized and prevented thanks to the use of IoT-enabled AI. IoT-enabled
AI for Water Quality Monitoring will guarantee that the quality of water does not fall
below threshold detrimental to the existence of aquatic flora and fauna for the 14th
sustainable development, which emphasizes the necessity to safeguard life below

1.2 Problem Statement

Monitoring water quality is important because, according to the program for

the World Water Assessment, 2 million metric tons of human excrement are disposed
of in waterways every day. The practice has main goals at its foundation. The
findings are then utilized to identify any alterations or patterns that develop in water
bodies throughout time. These could not be lengthy advancements.
The most significant of these are: the rise in lake pollution rates, salinity,
illegal and overfishing. Many issues and risks still pose a threat to the production of
fish wealth in the lakes and contribute to the fish's lack of self-sufficiency and the
lack of expansion of its export abroad.
Since they serve as a home for migrating birds, salt lakes play a significant
role in biodiversity. Lakes are prone to significant shrinkage as a result of exposure
to serious environmental issues, human intervention that would alter the delicate
ecosystem's nature by using the salty lakes' waters for various human uses, as well as
a reduction in water flows into the lakes brought on by climatic changes and
environmental factors.
In Johor there is a place called laman alam Jaya which there are 10 ponds
there it works in seaweed and oyster. The owner of this ponds wants to have a water
quality monitoring system to measure the quality of each pond and to get the best
quality of water in each one.

Figure 1.2-1: picture of pond before filtering having oyster

Figure 1.2-2: picture of pond after filtering having seaweed

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of this research focused on the points that are related to the
water quality monitoring system, these points are as follows:
1. To design the suitable IoT system for monitoring the pond water
2. To develop the Water Quality Monitoring system.
3. To analyze the reliability of the developed system.

1.4 Scope of the project

The scope of this research focused on several points that are related to water
quality monitoring system, these points are summarized as follows:
1. to create an intelligent system with IoT connectivity that can monitor
water quality in a pond in real-time. This project is split into two

components the first part focuses on designing the system's hardware,
and the second portion integrates IoT by building a graphical user
interface (GUI) that allows users to examine data and operate specific
2. The project's constraint is the price of the sensors. This is so that other
factors, include free chlorine and the potential for oxidation-reduction
(ORP), may be examined to determine the quality of the water.
Budget restrictions led to the choice of pH, salinity, and temperature
as the sensors.
3. This project's restriction is the efficient transfer of data between the
two RF modules.

1.5 Study's Contribution

The study's contribution is to make it possible for anglers to use

Internet of Things (IoT) technology to wirelessly monitor the water quality of
a pond and make any required adjustments to the system settings.

1.6 Report's general structure

The backdrop of the monitoring system was described in Chapter 1. To keep

the project on track, problem statements were included in this report along with a
defined target and set of objectives. The study's scope and limitations were also
stated to aid in future advancement.


2.1 Water Quality Monitoring System

Numerous systems for measuring water quality have been created. Each
system was created to satisfy a unique set of needs or applications. These systems
may be set up either indoors or outside. Specifically indoor monitoring systems were
covered in this section.
a multiple-robot system for keeping an eye on mariculture along the seashore.
It was a three-jointed fish-shaped robot that could imitate a fish's swimming motions.
For navigation and water detection, sensors such infrared (IR) sensors, ultrasonic
range sensors, GPS sensors, and water pressure sensors were included. This robot
was created to gather data on the underwater environment, including pH, EC, and
temperature. As seen in Figure 2-2-1, the system's design involved buoy robot acting
as the supervisor and multi-agent robot serving as the customers. A multi-agent
system was created using this technique to efficiently monitor and cover a wide area
of seashore. Buoy robot has two options: it may either take measurements from
clients or give them orders. In order to accept missions and gather data, it is capable
of simultaneous communication with an offshore control center[8].

Figure 2.1-1: Multi-agent robot (clients) command through buoy robot [8]
The water quality monitoring system monitoring node makes it possible to remotely
gather and store information from multi-sensor processors (temperature, pH,
conductivity, and turbidity levels). The aquaculture field parameters are sent into the
database and displayed on the website using the LoRa gateway and Raspberry Pi.
Without often entering and exiting the aquaculture site, users can keep track of
changes in water quality and make prompt modifications thanks to the remote
monitoring screen.[9].

Figure 2.1-2:The water quality monitoring system monitoring node

As shown in Figure 2-2-3, Billah and his team Create a system to track the
water quality of fish farms in real time. The Internet of Things (IOT) platform is
integrated with a dissolved oxygen sensor, a pH sensor, and a water temperature
sensor to create a method for remotely monitoring water quality in real-time. The
microcontroller used in this system is the CC3200 Launchpad. The system is made to
effectively keep track of the water requirements required for catfish habitats in a
freshwater fish farm. The system is evaluated using water that is simulated to be like
the water quality in the catfish habitat rather than actual catfish farms.

Figure 2.1-3: real-time water quality system to monitor fish farm

2.2 Hardware

In this I am going explain about components that are commonly used in the
systems. Sensors for monitoring many aspects of water quality, such as pH,
temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity, It can be a part of this.
You may also want to consider other hardware components such as data loggers,
communication devices (e.g., cellular modems, Wi-Fi), and power supplies.


The permanent chapter aims to summarize and present previous research work
from an open literature review relevant to a water quality monitoring system. The
water quality monitoring system is an important tool for managing the pond. The
system can provide information about the water quality, including levels of
pollutants and contaminants. This information can be used to monitor the health of
the pond and provide early warnings of problems. The Internet of Things (loT) can
be used to provide this type of information. I will discuss the requirements for a
water quality monitoring system and how it can be monitored using loT devices. I

will also describe some example systems that could be used to monitor the pond
Monitoring the water quality is important for managing a pond. It provides
important information about the status of the pond and the general health of the fish.
This information is used to manage waste and water in the pond and remove excess
nutrients and other harmful substances that could damage the fish or the
This data can be obtained through a loT-based water quality monitoring system
by gathering data from the pond and wirelessly transmitting it to a monitoring
facility. The pond status can be determined by analyzing and using this data.
Additionally, it can be used to spot possible issues that should be fixed before they
harm the pond or its aquatic inhabitants. A system for monitoring the quality of the
water must meet a number of parameters. It must deliver precise and trustworthy data
regarding the pond's water quality. Additionally, it must be able to run for a long
time with little to no maintenance. A system for monitoring the quality of the water
must meet a number of parameters. It must deliver precise and trustworthy data
regarding the pond's water quality.
After evaluating several research publications, a generic method for monitoring
water quality has been condensed into the hierarchy structure The first step is to test
the water quality using sensors. The parameters utilized vary on the application but
are often temperature, turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity.

2.3.1 Board Embedded

There are study used the ATmega 328 from Arduino as the main controller.
To upload data to the cloud, An ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is interfaced with the
Arduino Uno development board. Due to the sensors' requirement for an input
voltage of 5 V Sensors for flow (YF-S201), turbidity (TSW-20M), and temperature
(DS18B20),, Arduino Uno was utilized instead of external voltage regulators.
Additionally, Arduino is open source and offers a large number of online libraries
with a variety of helpful sample programs that might significantly cut down on
development time[7]. The other study used the Arduino Pro Mini, which has a
smaller form factor than Uno and only a 3.3 V regulator on board. Utilizing a LoRa
module, They created the LoRaWAN communication protocol, which is excellent for

long distance transmission and battery-operated systems with very low power
consumption. [10].
Next, The ESP8266 microcontroller's built-in Wi-Fi chip is used to transmit
data from sensors (temperature, pH, humidity, CO2, dissolved oxygen, and soil
moisture) to the Firebase cloud. NodeMCU supports the TCP/IP protocol and may be
created and programmed using the ESPlorer IDE (Lua language) and Arduino IDE
(C/C++ language). Arduino requires an ESP8266 or Arduino Ethernet Shield,
whereas NodeMCU can be used as both the main embedded board (data processing
center) and a gateway module to connect to the cloud.[11].
Additionally, there is a study that utilized the ESP8266EX-based WeMos D1
Mini development board. It is capable of processing up to 80 or 160 million
instructions per second at clock rates of 80 MHz or 160 MHz While WeMos only has
one analogue input pin and runs at 16MHz, Arduino has eight. This implies that if
more than one analogue water quality metric is required, more than one WeMos
board is necessary[12]. In addition, the primary controller for the system in the other
investigation was a Raspberry Pi 3 B. It was chosen because it contains 26 GPIO
pins, which can be used to connect five sensors, a motor, and a solenoid valve to
control flow. Since Raspberry Pi is a capable computer with built-in Bluetooth and
Wi-Fi, it may be configured as an entrance to send sensed data straight to the server
for analysis. Additionally, it may be programmed in Ruby, C++, Java, Python.
Contrary to Arduino, Its purpose is to execute operating systems, hence it requires
more power and takes longer to start up[13].

Table 2-3-2-1: Comparing embedded boards' benefits and drawbacks.

Board Embedded Advantages Disadvantages

Arduino board (Uno, nano, - Widely available - Limited processing power.

Pro, Mini) - relatively inexpensive. - Limited connectivity
- Easy to use. options

ESP8266 NodeMCU - Integrated Wi-Fi module - Less libraries are available
-simple to program. - the operational voltage is
just 3.3 V.

WeMos D1 Mini -Arduino and NodeMCU - One analogue input pin

combined. only.

- Easy to write.
- Wi-Fi module built-in

Raspberry Pi 3 -Wi-Fi module and Bluetooth - Prolonged startup time.

constructed. - Power consumption is
-Accepts a variety of languages. high.
- Enables multitask and difficult

2.3.2 Multiparameter sensor

Multiple water quality parameters may be sampled and measured using

different multiparameter sonde sensors that are available on the market. These
sondes, which are used at industrial scales for long-term deployment and need huge
data storage, are quite costly. The Aqua TROLL 600 is a multiparameter probe that
can detect dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, turbidity, pH, and oxidation
reduction potential (ORP) and log the data to an internal SD card or upload it to a
Wi-Fi server through the Modbus protocol via the Rs485 serial connection.
Therefore, an external development board is not needed for this system[14]. Along
with detecting temperature, conductivity, TDS, salinity, DO saturation, and pH, the
YSI 600R sensor is also available. They processed and sent data gathered into a

MQTT database using the Raspberry Pi 3 and SQLite and MQTT are two protocols.
2.3.3 Temperature sensor

Since the LM35 is not waterproof and cannot be submerged in water, it is

used to measure the temperature of the environment. Since its output voltage is
linearly proportional to temperature (℃), it does not require calibration in contrast to
other linear temperature sensors that measure temperature in Kelvin. It has a large
measurement range of approximately 1 ℃, from 55 ℃ to 150 ℃[16].
The DS18B20 is used to gauge water temperature. It is a waterproof, direct-
to-digital sensor with a temperature range of 55 to 125 degrees Celsius and a
temperature accuracy of 0.5 degrees Celsius (Maxim Integrated, 2002). Especially
noteworthy, it is perfect for IoT remote water quality monitoring systems because to
its programmable capabilities and 9- to 12-bit resolution[17].
Basic, inexpensive digital temperature and humidity sensor, the DHT22
sensor. It measures the humidity in the air using a thermistor and a capacitive
humidity sensor, and it outputs a digital signal on the data pin (no analogue input
pins needed). Although reasonably easy to operate, data collection needs precise

Table 2-3-2: Benefits and Drawbacks of a Temperature Sensor reviewed

Temperature sensor Advantages Disadvantage

LM35 - Directly calibrated within - Not watertight

-Need signal conditioning mechanisms
- low current draw
- affordable

DS18B20 - Impervious to water. - ADC-capable microcontroller is

- broad range of temperatures.
- Digital interface (one wire).

DHT22 - Low energy usage. - not watertight.
- Wide range of temperatures.
- High precision. - Long-term stability of capacitive
humidity sensing is restricted.

2.3.4 Turbidity sensor

TSD-10 water turbidity test. Turbidity is a measure of a solution's optical

clarity that may be measured in turbidity units (NTU) (water and turbidity, n.d.).
TSD-10 is suited for the study's target audience in the residential community because
it is often used in washing machine and dishwasher wash water. When it comes into
contact with suspended particles, it measures the quantity of light that is transmitted
and scattered to calculate turbidity. It has a large operational temperature range of
10°C to 90°C and a test range of 0 NTU to 4000 NTU[18], [19].
Sen0189, an analogue turbidity sensor, uses turbidity levels to determine the
water's quality. The amount of total suspended solids (TSS) in the water affects the
light's transmittance and scattering rate, which may be used to identify suspended
particles in the water. With an increase in TSS, the turbidity level increases.
Response time is less than 500 ms, and it runs on 5V DC. It sends Arduino the
measured values for further processing[20].
Table 2-3-3: Benefits and Drawbacks of the Review Turbidity Sensor

Turbidity sensor Advantages Disadvantage

TSD-10 - low-priced. - Cannot immerse in water.

-A broad working temperature - have limited accuracy and
range. precision.
-Wide NTU measurement

Sen0189 - Can be set to operate in - Cannot immerse in water.

analogue or digital mode. - require specialized
- Easily accessible in the calibration.

2.3.5 pH sensor
pH sensor This is a low-cost device that measures the acidity of the water. It
can detect pH levels as low as 0 and as high as 14. This range includes neutral and
alkaline solutions, which are common in ponds and lakes. Most fish and plants grow
in slightly acidic conditions that are between 6 and 8 on the pH scale, Fish and plants
that grow in more alkaline conditions can be damaged if the gets too high[21].
PH-4502C analogue pH sensor was used. The sensor operates in the range of
0 to 60 ℃ and measures a pH range of 0 to 14. The probe's output in mV is affected
by variations in the relative hydrogen ion concentration between the glass bulb's
interior and outside. (Omega, n.d.). The breakout board of the device features a
connector for attaching the probe via BNC, as well as a port specifically for
connecting the temperature sensor, DS18B20, in order to record the temperature [22]
Using analogue pH meter SEN0161 made specifically for Arduino
microcontroller. It is supplied by a 5 V battery and has a measurement range from 0
to 14 pH with a 0.1 pH resolution as well as a measuring range of 0 to 60℃ for
temperature. Additionally, it has a BNC connection, and each time it is used, it needs
to be recalibrated in buffer solution[23].
To detect the acidity of water, the majority of researchers utilize pH sensor
probes. BNC connector was required since the sensor couldn't be connected to the
Arduino controller directly for it to be able to interact with it.

Table 2-3-4 Benefits and Drawbacks of the Reviewed pH Sensor

pH sensor Advantages Disadvantages

PH-4502C - Low price - require specialized
- Has a connector to calibration.
connect to DS18B20 on - not be suitable for use
the breakout board in extreme environments
(Temperature sensor).
- Quick response time (5

SEN0161 - High accuracy (± 0.1 - Slower response time
pH) (≤ 60 s).
-have a longer lifespan -require specialized

2.3.6 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

Dissolved oxygen (DO) may be detected using electronic and chemical
methods, according to Fowler et al. (1994). A DO probe is simply submerged in the
water when using the electrical approach. The term "DO probe" refers to a gold or
platinum element that is encircled by a reagent solution. The passageway where
oxygen will react with the element of gold or platinum is separated from the water by
a membrane, and the produced voltage may be used to determine the amount of
oxygen present. However, the probe is pricey, and upkeep is often costly[24].

Galvanic dissolved oxygen sensors were utilized by Rao et al. (2013) to

monitor the DO level. Two electrodes make up the galvanic sensor: the negative
electrode (cathode), which can be made of silver or platinum, and the positive
electrode (anode), which can be made of lead, zinc, or iron. Due to the spontaneous
nature of oxygen reduction, the sensor can self-polarize (Hargreaves and Tucker,
2002). This DO sensor can accurately measure DO concentration between 0 mg/L
and 20 mg/L and can function at temperatures as low as 50 °C. It may also be
connected to an Arduino Mega controller[25], [26].

In Simbeye, Zhao, and Yang's (2014) study, a DO3000 dissolved oxygen

sensor is used to measure the water's amount of dissolved oxygen. The DO3000 has
automated range switching and can test between 0 mg/L and 20 mg/L. Additionally,
it has a resolution of 0.1% and supports temperature adjustment from 0 to 60 degrees
Celsius. This sensor makes use of a data recording mechanism to capture long-term,
unattended data. The sensor's body is weatherproof and resistant to hostile

environments. Because it is simple to configure and gather data using a personal
computer, the DO3000 is user-friendly[27].

Dissolved oxygen sensor Advantages Disadvantages

DO probe - highly accurate. -temperature sensitivity.
- Easy to use. -Limited depth range.
- Wide range of -Expensive.

galvanic -highly accurate. -sensitive to temperature

-Long shelf life. changes.
-Wide range of -Limited depth range.
applications. - Short lifespan.
DO3000 -Easy to use. - Temperature sensitivity.
- Wide range of - Limited depth range.
applications. - Requires calibration.
-made of durable

2.3.7 Ammonia Test Method

Total ammonia, expressed in mg/L, can be used to determine the ammonia

content in water. Using an ammonia probe or a colorimeter, ammonia may be
measured. Ammonia probes of the ion-selective electrode (ISE) variety comprise a
thin membrane sandwiched between two electrodes. Measuring the potential
difference between the two electrodes yields information about the amount of
ammonia present in the solution. Utilizing a colorimeter is the second way for
determining the ammonia content. One or more reagents are added to the sample, and
ammonia will react with the reagent to change the solution's color intensity. The
colorimeter is then used to measure color absorption. The sample absorbance data is
used to create a standard curve, which is then converted to ammonia

It has been demonstrated that the ISE approach makes it simpler to assess
ammonia levels than the colorimeter method does. The probe may be dipped into
water and used to continually capture data in a culture tank. However, because
ammonia sensors are exceedingly costly and this project had a tight budget, ammonia
was not detected.

2.4 Software

A software component of a water quality monitoring system is a crucial

aspect of the project, as it is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and
communicating data on water quality.

The software component of a water quality monitoring system might include

a variety of different software tools and technologies, depending on the specific
needs of the project. For example, the software might include:

• Data collection and storage: The software might include tools for
collecting and storing data from the sensors and other hardware
components, such as database management systems or cloud-based
storage solutions.

• Data analysis and visualization: The software might include tools for
analyzing and visualizing the data collected by the system, such as
statistical software or data visualization tools.

• Machine learning: In some cases, the software might include machine

learning algorithms to analyze and interpret the data collected by the

• Communication and reporting: The software might include tools for

communicating the results of the water quality monitoring system to
stakeholders, such as policymakers, environmental organizations, or
the general public. This might involve creating reports, visualizations,

or other materials to help people understand the data collected by the

Overall, the software component of a water quality monitoring system plays a

critical role in collecting, analyzing, and communicating data on water quality. By
developing a robust and reliable software component, you can ensure that your water
quality monitoring project is successful and effective.

2.4.1 Protocol for transmission of data with the relevant hardware for
A protocol for communication is a set of guidelines that let two or more
network nodes to exchange data or information for communicational purposes. IoT
devices can use a variety of low-power wireless communication protocols including
ZigBee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), LoRa, Sigfox, and Thread, as well
as high-power protocols like Wi-Fi and 3G/4G cellular.
In order to show the water quality metrics on a WWW web page created
using PHP and Java SQL, Dandekar et al. (2018) used 2G/3G connectivity to convey
the data. With a data rate of 56 kbps to 114 kbps and the ability to enable wireless
internet applications for smart devices as well as point-to-point (P2P) service, the
GPRS module or gateway utilized was the SIM800L[29].
In Liu et al(2018) .'s study, LoRa modules were utilized to wirelessly transmit
end-node sensor data packets to the gateway, which subsequently sent those packets
across a LoRaWAN communication layer to the main server. LoRa is appropriate for
outdoor Internet of Things applications that need low power and long range
Wi-Fi was implemented by Pasika and Gandla (2019) using an ESP8266
module, which features a microcontroller chip and a Wi-Fi chip with a TCP/IP stack.
It gets information from the Arduino Mega (central processor) and transmits
information to the Internet of Things application through Wi-Fi using Rx and Tx
serial transceiver pins[30].

Because it is inexpensive and uses minimal power at 2.4 GHz with a data rate
of 250kbps, Faustine et al. (2014) employed a wireless sensor network (WSN) RF
transceiver based on Zigbee communication. By using a Digi XBee Pro Series 2
module, It is possible to establish a wireless connection between WSN sensor nodes
and WSN gateway nodes. Due to the minimal latency between the gateway node and
remote WSN sensor nodes, A point-to-multipoint topology is used for operation [31].
Because it is a particular kind of modem that accepts a SIM card and runs
through a subscription to a mobile operator, exactly like a mobile phone, S.
2.4.2 Cloud Server
Gokulanathan (2019) utilized a GSM modem. There is a new version of SMS
that allows the use of Android phones as GSM modems for SMS and MMS message
sending and receiving. Mobile voice and data services are sent using GSM, an open
and digital cellular technology, which operates in the 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz,
and 1900MHz frequency bands[32].
The Thing Speak server, used by Pasika and Gandla (2019), uses the
ESP8266 to get information from end node sensors and demonstrate it on the
application. It enables the evaluation of data for MATLAB code interpretation and
software-based historical data analysis[30].
Data was sent from the gateway to the MongoDB cloud database using the
MQTT Broker protocol, according to Liu et al. (2018). Node.js serves as the backend
network, and HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Bootstrap were used to create the cloud
database design [10].
To make it possible for this database to receive data using MQTT protocols,
Budiatri et al. (2019) built a Python-based MQTT2DB programmed. To display
graphs of real-time sensor data, to create a web-based user interface, PHP and High
Chart JavaScript were used. [15].


3.1 Introduction

The methodology for the Water Quality Mentoring System project would be a
clear and structured plan for achieving the project's goals and objectives. This
includes identifying the resources and strategies that will be required to address any
issues related to water quality in the area of focus, as well as considering the
potential impacts of the project on the local community and environment.

It would be gathered as much information as possible about the current state

of water quality in the area of focus. This may include conducting water quality
assessments, analyzing data from previous studies, and consulting with local experts
and stakeholders. This information will help to identify any problems or challenges
that need to be addressed as part of the project.

Next, it would be developing a plan for addressing these issues, including

identifying specific targets and benchmarks for improvement. This may involve
implementing new technologies or practices, such as installing filtration systems or
implementing water conservation measures.

It is also important to involve relevant stakeholders in the planning and

implementation process, such as local governments, NGOs, and community groups.
This will help to ensure that the project is aligned with the needs and goals of these

Finally, establishing a system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness

of the project, in order to identify any areas that may need to be adjusted or

improved. This may involve collecting data on water quality, as well as soliciting
feedback from local stakeholders.

Overall, a clear and well-planned methodology is essential for ensuring the

success of the Water Quality Mentoring System project, and will help to ensure that
the project is able to achieve its goals and objectives in a sustainable and effective

3.2 Diagram of the Program

Figure 3.2-1: flowchart for a water quality monitoring system

3.3 Research Design

Figure 3.3-1: Flowchart of sensor subsystem

Figure 3.3-2: Flowchart of receiver subsystem

The system is composed of two subsystems, each of which is managed by an
individual microcontroller, an Arduino Mega or an Arduino Uno, respectively. This
is due to the fact that the subsystem in charge of measuring the parameters affecting
water quality will be installed in a remote area where a wired Internet connection is
not feasible. The sensor subsystem oversees using sensors to collect data on water
quality metrics. It then uses wireless radio frequency communication to transfer the

data to the reception subsystem. The Ethernet shield for Arduino would serve to
function as a portal for uploading the received data to a cloud server platform., and
the receiver side subsystem would be installed indoors close to a router.
The microcontroller for the sensor subsystem is an Arduino UNO, Moreover,
four sensors will be used: TDS, turbidity, pH, and temperature sensors to record the
water quality metrics, as well as a voltage sensor to Verify the batteries' voltage.
those energies the system. Two 3.7V lithium-ion rechargeable batteries are
connected in parallel to power this subsystem. A boost converter is used to increase
the battery voltage to the required level of 5V, which is the working voltage for
Arduino and other sensors. The nRF24L01 (RF) module being used to transmit
information to the reception subsystem after logging all five data points. Then,
Whenever the next data cycle arrives, it will switch to writing mode and the receiver
subsystem must keep an eye out for any user requests. If the system is turned on, the
procedure will be repeated.
The microcontroller utilized in the receiving system is an Arduino Mega, and
it is coupled with a GSM shield gateway module. This shield has an SMS connection
to the router. This component constantly monitors the sensor subsystem for data, and
if it detects any, it uploads the information to the cloud platform.

3.4 Equipment and Parts

3.4.1 Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328
microcontroller. It is part of the Arduino family of open-source hardware and
software platforms, which are widely used for building electronic projects.
The Arduino Uno has several input and output pins that can be used to
connect sensors, actuators, and other electronic components to the board. It also has a
number of built-in features, such as a USB interface, a clock, and support for
programming using the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
The Arduino Uno is commonly used in a wide range of projects, including
robotics, home automation, Internet of Things (IoT) applications, and artistic
installations. It is also frequently used in education and research as a platform for
learning about electronics and programming. One of the key advantages of the
Arduino Uno is its simplicity and ease of use.
It is designed to be accessible to beginners, with a user-friendly programming
environment and a wide range of documentation and support resources available
The Arduino Uno is a powerful and versatile tool for building electronic
projects, and is widely used by hobbyists, educators, and professionals around the

Figure 3.4-1: Arduino Uno (Elektorstore, n.d.)

3.4.2 Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560
microcontroller. It is one of the many Arduino boards available in the market, and it
is particularly popular among hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts for its large number of
input/output (I/O) pins and extended capabilities.
The ATmega2560 microcontroller at the heart of the Arduino Mega 2560 has
256 kilobytes of flash memory, 8 kilobytes of SRAM, and 4 kilobytes of EEPROM.
It has 54 digital I/O pins, of which 15 can be used as pulse-width modulation (PWM)
outputs, and 16 analog input pins. The board also has a USB connector for
communication with a computer, a power jack, and a reset button.
One of the main advantages of the Arduino Mega 2560 is its large number of
I/O pins, which makes it suitable for projects that require a lot of sensors or
actuators. The board is also compatible with many shields, which are add-on boards
that can be stacked on top of the Arduino Mega 2560 to provide additional
functionality, such as Wi-Fi connectivity, motor control, or GPS tracking.

To program the Arduino Mega 2560, you can use the Arduino Integrated
Development Environment (IDE), which is a free software application that provides
a user-friendly interface for writing and uploading code to the board. The Arduino
Mega 2560 is compatible with a wide range of programming languages, including C,
C++, and Python, and it can be used for a variety of projects, such as robotics, home
automation, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
In summary, the Arduino Mega 2560 is a powerful and versatile
microcontroller board that is well-suited for a wide range of projects. Its large
number of I/O pins and compatibility with shields make it a popular choice among
hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts.

Figure 3.4-2: Arduino mega

3.4.3 Temperature Sensor

The DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor that can be used to measure
temperature in a range of -55°C to +125°C (-67°F to +257°F) with a high accuracy of
±0.5°C. It is commonly used in a variety of applications, such as temperature
monitoring and control, HVAC systems, and industrial automation.
The DS18B20 operates on a 1-Wire communication protocol, which means
that it can be connected to a microcontroller or other device using a single wire for
both power and data transmission. This makes it an attractive option for applications
where space is limited or where multiple sensors are needed.
One of the key features of the DS18B20 is its ability to operate over a wide
range of temperatures, making it suitable for use in a variety of environments. It also
has a high accuracy and resolution, with the ability to measure temperature in
increments of 0.0625°C.
The DS18B20 is available in a variety of packages, including a waterproof
version that can be used in outdoor or damp environments. It is also relatively low-
cost and easy to use, making it a popular choice for a wide range of temperature
sensing applications.
the DS18B20 is a reliable and accurate digital temperature sensor that is
widely used in a variety of applications and is an excellent choice for measuring
temperature in a range of environments.

Figure 3.4-3: DS18B20 (Ebay, 2021)

3.4.4 pH Sensor
The PH-4502C is a device used to measure the pH of a solution, which is a
measure of the acidity or basicity of the solution. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14,
with 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being the most basic. The PH-
4502C is a portable, handheld device that is designed for use in a variety of
applications, including industrial, scientific, and educational settings. It is typically
used to measure the pH of liquids, such as water, chemicals, and food products. The
PH-4502C features a digital display that shows the pH value of the solution being
measured, as well as a temperature display and several buttons for controlling the

device. It also has a built-in temperature sensor that allows for automatic temperature
compensation, which helps to ensure accurate pH readings. To use the PH-4502C,
the user first calibrates the device using pH standard solutions of known pH values.
The device is then placed in the solution to be measured, and the pH value is
displayed on the digital display. Overall, the PH-4502C is a convenient and easy-to-
use device that is widely used for measuring the pH of a variety of solutions. It is an
essential tool for a wide range of applications, including environmental monitoring,
quality control, and scientific research.

Figure 3.4-4: ph-4502c (Banggood, n.d.)

3.4.5 TDS Sensor
A TDS (total dissolved solids) sensor is a device that measures the
concentration of dissolved solids in a liquid. It is commonly used to measure the
quality of water, as high levels of TDS can indicate the presence of contaminants or
minerals. Here is a step-by-step method for using a TDS sensor:

• Calibrate the sensor: Most TDS sensors come with a calibration solution. Use
this solution to calibrate the sensor according to the manufacturer's
instructions. This ensures that the sensor is accurately measuring TDS levels.

• Clean the sensor: Before using the sensor, make sure it is clean and free of
any dirt or debris. This will help ensure accurate readings.

• Place the sensor in the liquid: Submerge the sensor in the liquid you want to
test. Make sure the sensor is fully immersed in the liquid, as this will ensure
accurate readings.

• Wait for the reading: The sensor will take a few seconds to measure the TDS
levels in the liquid. Once it has finished, it will display the TDS level on its
screen or transmit it to a connected device.

• Record the reading: Make a note of the TDS reading, as you will need it for
reference later. It is also a good idea to record the date, time, and location of
the measurement.

• Repeat the process as needed: If you need to measure the TDS levels in
multiple samples, repeat the process for each one. Be sure to clean the sensor
thoroughly between measurements to avoid contamination.

• Interpret the results: Once you have collected all your TDS readings, you can
compare them to established guidelines or standards to determine the quality
of the water. High TDS levels may indicate the presence of contaminants,
while low levels may indicate that the water is pure.

Figure 3.4-5: TDS sensor (DFRobot, 2020b)
3.4.6 Turbidity sensor
A turbidity sensor, such as the Model SEN0189 from DFRobot (2020), is a
device used to measure the turbidity, or cloudiness, of a liquid. Turbidity is an
important water quality parameter as it can indicate the presence of suspended
particles or pollutants in the water.
The Model SEN0189 turbidity sensor uses a phototransistor to detect the
amount of light that is scattered by the suspended particles in the water. The sensor
sends a beam of light through the water and measures the amount of light that is
scattered back. The more particles that are present in the water, the greater the
amount of light that is scattered, and the higher the turbidity reading will be.
The Model SEN0189 turbidity sensor is designed for use with Arduino
boards and other microcontrollers, and it is capable of measuring a wide range of
turbidity levels. It has a range of 0-5000 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) and
an accuracy of +/- 5% full scale. The sensor also includes a temperature
compensation function to ensure accurate readings across a range of temperatures.
The Model SEN0189 turbidity sensor is a useful tool for monitoring water
quality in a variety of applications, including drinking water treatment, aquaculture,
and environmental monitoring. It is an important tool for ensuring that the water we
use and consume is safe and free of contaminants.

Figure 3.4-6: Turbidity sensor (DFRobot, 2020d)

3.4.7 Voltage Sensor

A voltage sensor is a device that measures the voltage of an electrical circuit
or system. It is an important component in a wide range of applications, including
electrical power systems, automotive systems, and industrial control systems.
voltage sensor modules are electronic devices that are used to measure the
voltage of an electrical circuit or system. They typically consist of a voltage sensor
and some form of signal conditioning circuitry, which is used to amplify or filter the
output of the sensor to make it more suitable for processing or display. Voltage
sensor modules are often designed to be easily integrated into larger systems and
may have features such as digital interfaces or remote communication capabilities.
Voltage sensor modules are used in a variety of applications, including the
monitoring of electrical power systems, the measurement of electrical quantities in
industrial control systems, and the measurement of automotive electrical systems.
They are an important component in the field of electrical engineering, as they allow
for the accurate measurement of voltage in a variety of applications.

Figure 3.4-7: Voltage sensor (Osoyoo, 2018)
3.4.8 GSM shield
A GSM shield is an add-on board that can be attached to an Arduino
microcontroller board to provide cellular connectivity. It allows the Arduino board to
communicate with the outside world through a wireless network, using the Global
System for Mobile Communications (GSM) standard.
GSM is a widely used mobile communication standard that allows devices to
connect to a wireless network and exchange data. It is primarily used for voice calls
and text messages, but it can also be used for data transfer, such as sending and
receiving emails or accessing the internet.
A GSM shield typically includes a GSM modem, an antenna, and a SIM card
slot. The modem is responsible for connecting to the wireless network and
transmitting and receiving data. The antenna is used to send and receive signals from
the network, and the SIM card slot is used to store a SIM card, which is required to
access the network and identify the device.
To use a GSM shield with an Arduino board, you will need to connect it to
the board using the appropriate connectors and write a program using the Arduino
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to control the shield. The Arduino board
and GSM shield can then be used to send and receive text messages, make phone
calls, and access the internet.
GSM shields are commonly used in projects that require wireless
communication, such as home automation systems, security systems, and remote
monitoring and control applications. They are a convenient and cost-effective way to
add cellular connectivity to an Arduino project.

Figure 3.4-8: GSM Shield (HK Patel, T Mody, A Goyal)

3.4.9 Module for Radio-Frequency Transceivers
The nRF24L01 is a radio frequency (RF) transceiver module that can be used
to wirelessly transmit and receive data over short distances. It is based on the
nRF24L01+ chip, which is a low-power and high-performance RF transceiver
designed for use in 2.4 GHz wireless systems.
This module has a range of up to 100 meters (328 feet) and can operate at a
data rate of up to 2 megabits per second (Mbps). It supports several communication
modes, including point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and peer-to-peer. The module
also has a built-in hardware protocol stack, which simplifies the process of
implementing wireless communication in a project.
It also has a number of I/O pins, including a serial peripheral interface (SPI)
bus, an interrupt pin, and a chip enable pin. It can be connected to a microcontroller
or a single-board computer using these pins and can be programmed using a variety
of programming languages, such as C, C++, and Python.

A nRF24L01 module is commonly used in projects that require wireless
communication, such as remote-control systems, home automation systems, and
wireless sensor networks. It is a popular choice among hobbyists and DIY
enthusiasts due to its low cost and high performance.

Figure 3.4-9: Radio-Frequency Transceiver Module

3.5 Solution Selecting (Software)

3.5.1 Arduino IDE

Arduino is an open-source platform that allows users to easily create and

program microcontroller-based projects. The Arduino Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) is a software program that enables users to write, upload, and
debug code for their Arduino projects.

One of the main advantages of the Arduino IDE is its simplicity. It has a
user-friendly interface that allows even those with little programming experience to
get started quickly. The IDE includes a text editor for writing code, a compiler for

converting the code into a format that the microcontroller can understand, and a
debugger for troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Another benefit of the Arduino IDE is its versatility. It supports a wide

range of microcontrollers and can be used to create projects such as robots, home
automation systems, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The Arduino community
is also constantly developing new libraries and libraries, which extend the
capabilities of the Arduino platform and make it easier for users to add advanced
features to their projects. In addition, the Arduino IDE is constantly being updated
and improved by the community of developers who use it. This ensures that it
remains a reliable and powerful tool for those looking to create microcontroller-
based projects.

Overall, the Arduino IDE is a powerful and user-friendly tool that allows
users to easily create and program microcontroller-based projects. Its simplicity and
versatility make it a great choice for those looking to get started with microcontroller
programming, and its continuous development ensures that it remains a top choice
for experienced developers as well.

Figure 3.5-1: An image of the Arduino IDE

3.5.2 Proteus

A computer-aided design (CAD) program called Proteus enables users to

create and simulate electronic circuits and systems that use microcontrollers. It is
frequently utilized in the disciplines of robotics, computer science, and electrical
engineering and is especially beneficial for prototyping and testing new designs
before they are constructed and implemented in the real world.
The capacity of Proteus to replicate the behavior of electronic circuits and
microcontroller-based systems in real-time is one of its key features. Before
developing and testing their creations in the real world, users can use this to observe
how they would behave under various circumstances and make any necessary
adjustments. This can help users save a lot of time and money by allowing them to
find and solve any design flaws before they are produced.
The user-friendly interface of Proteus also makes it simple for users to build
and change their creations. Users may simply add and connect components, run
simulations, and evaluate the outcomes of their simulations thanks to a variety of
tools and features that are included. Additionally, the software comes with a library
of frequently used parts and gadgets, making it simple for users to locate the
components they require for their designs before they are produced.
Overall, Proteus is a strong and adaptable tool that is frequently utilised in the
disciplines of robotics, computer science, and electrical engineering. It is a useful
tool for individuals wishing to build and test novel electrical systems due to its
capability to simulate electronic circuits and microcontroller-based systems in real-
time, as well as its user-friendly interface and large library of components.

Figure 3.5-2 a picture of Proteus
3.5.3 Fusion 360
Fusion 360 is a sophisticated CAD and CAE software application created by
Autodesk. It is used to develop and evaluate 3D models and simulations of goods and
systems by a wide spectrum of professions, including engineers, designers, and
Fusion 360's adaptability is one of its key benefits. A one-stop shop for all
phases of product creation, it is a single platform that includes a variety of tools and
capabilities for design, engineering, and production. Users can utilize the same
software throughout the design process rather than jumping between several tools,
saving them time and resources.
The user-friendly interface of Fusion 360 also makes it simple for users to
create and edit 3D models and simulations. It has a variety of tools and capabilities
that let users build and edit geometry, use materials and textures, and simulate how
their ideas will behave in various scenarios. The software also features a library of
frequently used parts and supplies, making it simple for users to locate the
components they require for their ideas.
Fusion 360 is an all-around effective and adaptable tool that is widely
utilized in a variety of industries, including engineering, design, and manufacturing.
It is a useful tool for people wishing to develop and analyze 3D models and
simulations of goods and systems because it combines a variety of tools and
capabilities for design, engineering, and manufacturing, as well as having a user-
friendly interface and a large library of components.

Figure 3.5-3: Snapshot of Fusion 360


4.1 Chapter Overview

The findings and results of the project will be looked at and analyzed in this
chapter. The suggested technique outlined in Chapter 3 dictates how this chapter
flows. The following subtitles will be included in this chapter: In FYP 2, the initial
findings of the pH sensor, which measures the amount of alkalinity and acidity in
water and other solutions, and the temperature sensor, which measures temperature,
will be discussed.

4.2 pH Sensor Calibration and Benchmark Test

From the ponds, three water samples were gathered for analysis. By using a
pH sensor that could measure a pH range of 0 to 14, the benchmark test and pH
sensor calibration were done at the same time.

The pH sensor was initially linked to an Arduino Uno, and example sensor
code was then posted to the bulletin board. Before placing the pH meter and pH
sensor probes into the first sample, they were first cleaned with distilled water and
dried with absorbent paper. The pH sensor began to read, wavered, and then showed
a value near to.7.5 The pH meter's reading of the solution during the test was, as seen
in Figure 4.2-1. The pH sensor's value was visible on the Arduino IDE's Serial
Monitor. The microcontroller will now read the analogue signal from the pH
electrode and apply this offset value to the calculation below:

pHValue = 3.5 ∗ Voltage + Offset

Figure 4.2-1: first sample water after filter

The pH sensor and pH meter probes were cleaned before being dipped into
the second sample of water. as depicted in Figure 4.2-2. When the values stabilized,
the pH sensor's potentiometer on the breakout board was counted, indicating that the
calibration for acidic environments was complete.

Figure 4.2-2: second sample water mixed with oyster

Finally, the third sample underwent the same procedure as described earlier.
The pH result as displayed in Figure 4.2-2 Consequently, the pH sensor recorded the
potentiometer's count as stabilizing at about. The pH sensor's benchmark test and
calibration were finished

Figure 4.2-3: third sample water from the sea

4.3 Benchmark Test for Temperature Sensors:

The DS18B20 temperature sensor did not require calibration, but a

benchmark test was performed using a digital thermometer with a waterproof probe.
When both probes are submerged in ice, the sensor outputs 0.5 °C while the
temperature outputs 1 °C, as illustrated in Figure 4.3-2, because the temperature has
a lower error rate of 1 °C than the sensor (0.5 °C). As ice (freezing point) should be
at 0 °C, This proved that the sensing is more accurate than the reference
thermometer.. As illustrated in Figure 4.3-2, the thermometer registered a
temperature of 28.3 °C when testing in ambient temperature clear water, whereas the
recorded temperature was 27 °C. The 1.3 °C temperature differential resulted in a
percentage inaccuracy of 4.3%.

Figure 4.3-1: Temperature sensor benchmark test in ice

Figure 4.3-2: Temperature sensor benchmark testing in clear water at ambient



5.1 Conclusion

To summaries, this project will create a pond-based Internet of Things water quality
monitoring system that can track pH, temperature, TDS, and turbidity, among other
water quality metrics. This system may record data on these parameters in real-time
and enable users to check them whenever they choose, even when they are not
physically present at the water ponds. In open space, RF modules with a maximum
transmission range of 1 km are used, the sensor subsystem installed in the pond and
the receiver subsystem installed indoors can communicate with each other in both
directions. Due to its light weight and small size, the Arduino Nano is employed as
the microcontroller in the sensor subsystem. It may also aid in the creation of sensor
software. In contrast, the receiving subsystem uploads sensor data to a cloud server
using an Arduino Mega with a GSM shield. GSM is the IoT platform utilized for this
project since it supports SMS sending and receiving, and internet connectivity on an
Arduino board using the GSM library. By default, the system will log five sensor
readings every 20 minutes, including four measurements of the water quality and one
of the battery powers. Additional features including real-time alerts for poor water
quality, graphical previews of previous data, and user requests to limit data logging
and adjust time intervals have all been implemented successfully.

5.2 Future Works

This IoT water quality monitoring device performance and functionality may
be enhanced in the future. To enable sustainability, First proposal is to put solar
panels on the roof of the water project. To automatically notify consumers when to
inspect and thoroughly clean their water ponds, it is also advised to use machine
learning algorithms for predictive data analysis.

Thirdly, new sensors, such as ammonia, chlorine, and dissolved oxygen
sensors, might be added to the system because They are both essential in assessing
the water's protection in water ponds.


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5.3 Appendics

5.3.1 Coding

Figure 5.3-1: pH code

Figure 5.3-2: cont. pH code

Figure 5.3-3 : Temperature code

Figure 5.3-4: cont. Temperature code


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