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Humanitarian Relief Ops -- Exam Page 1 of 7 Enrolment Number: 14443

The Conduct of Humanitarian Relief Operations End-of-Course Examination

1. 500,000 children in the world are victims of blindness. To help these children, UNICEF conceived of prevention programs through: a. b. c. d. Wider vaccination programs Intensive nutritional assistance programs Distribution of Vitamin A Oral re-hydration therapy

2. A(n) _______________ is a type of refugee camp wherein the UNHCR and government authorities lodge families and give separate space to each individual in old buildings, barracks or abandoned factories. a. b. c. d. Individual shelter "Traditional" camp Hard shelter Prefabricated shelter

3. In order to manage solid waste in a displaced population, it is important to respect the following norm: a. b. c. d. No house should be within 15 meters of a deposit site or within 100 meters of a communal deposit site No house should be within 30 meters of a deposit site or within 200 meters of a communal deposit site No house should be within 50 meters of a deposit site or within 200 meters of a communal deposit site No house should be within 150 meters of a deposit site or within 300 meters of a communal deposit site

4. Which of the following is NOT true of Mary Anderson's Capacity-Vulnerability Diagram? a. b. c. d. It helps to establish a frame of reference for humanitarian workers, giving them insight into the daily life of a population before a crisis occurred It enables the identification of potential resources available to displaced persons or refugees in order that they may confront their new way of life It is a model of integration which serves the government before naturalizing the refugees present on their territory It is used in order to take advantage of operational synergies between operating and beneficiary groups

5. What are the elements that are normally not found in a food distribution operation? a. b. c. d. A site for immediate nutritional aid for children who have nutritional deficiencies Security personnel, preferably part of the community, to avoid hijacking Buckets, weights and funnels A female distribution committee and a register of beneficiaries

6. According to the UNHCR, the average unit of space that should be allotted each person (including space for access routes and infrastructure) is: a. b. c. d. 22 m2 45 m2 66 m2 88 m2

Humanitarian Relief Ops -- Exam Page 2 of 7 Enrolment Number: 14443 7. The NANSEN Organization created by the Society of Nations was the first to work with: a. b. c. d. Refugees Child soldiers Displaced persons Prisoners of war

8. According to the International Red Cross, how many people lost their homes because of climactic disasters in 1988? a. b. c. d. 35 million 135 million 235 million 335 million

9. In the case of emergency, the protection of the water sites should obey a basic rule: a. b. c. d. That the functions of water collection and bathing of children should be concentrated in the same area Draw water from sites far downstream from areas frequented by animals Draw water from upstream river sites That families collect water with their own containers

10. Which of the following is NOT an important precaution in a humanitarian convoy operation? a. b. c. d. To have self-defense weapons in the event of an attack To have photocopies of all essential documents To have a detailed, precise description of merchandise in the event of a border crossing To have a minimal supply of spare tires, repair parts, and water and food reserves

11. The UNHCR also has the mandate to work with the following categories of people: a. b. c. d. Asylum seekers and repatriates Prisoners of war having crossed a border and stateless persons Naturalized refugees and repatriates Repatriates and Palestinian refugees

12. A health centre or a basic hospital should have at least one doctor that can offer services: a. b. c. d. Of emergency and first aid, minor surgery, basic obstetrics, laboratory facilities and analysis for 3,000 to 5,000 people Of emergency and first aid, minor surgery, basic obstetrics, laboratory facilities and analysis for 5,000 to 10,000 people Of emergency and first aid, minor surgery, basic obstetrics, laboratory facilities and analysis for 10,000 to 30,000 people Of emergency and first aid, minor surgery, basic obstetrics, laboratory facilities and analysis for 30,000 to 50,000 people

13. Which of the following is NOT an operational model for the World Food Program? a. b. c. d. Food for Work, which consists of payment in kind for the labor contributions of men and women who work on development projects Food for Justice, whose goal is to give food to those who have been victims of social injustice Food for Growth, whose function is to give priority assistance to persons most vulnerable due to an especially critical moment in their lives Food for Life, whose goal is to rescue as quickly as possible the people affected by a humanitarian catastrophe

Humanitarian Relief Ops -- Exam Page 3 of 7 Enrolment Number: 14443 14. Only one of the following responses includes three "sustainable solutions" for refugee groups: a. b. c. d. Naturalization in the country of asylum, granting permission for temporary work, resettlement in a third country Installation of permanent camps, naturalization in the country of asylum, voluntary repatriation Voluntary repatriation, resettlement in a third country, naturalization in the country of asylum Resettlement in a third country, plan for voluntary repatriation, economic emigration with the support of the IOM

15. Which of the following is NOT true of the UN Development Program? a. b. c. d. It offers coordination and technical expertise in conjunction with national ministries when coordination a national development policy post-conflict It is a partner of national governments in the context of demobilization, demilitarization, and reintegration It is the principal political representative to developing nations, and thus coordinates with the national representatives on behalf of the UN It often has an operational role on the front lines in complex humanitarian operations

16. The attainment objective in an urgent situation is to maintain the mortality rate below: a. b. c. d. 0.5 deceased per 10,000 people per day 1.0 deceased per 10,000 people per day 1.5 deceased per 10,000 people per day 2.0 deceased per 10,000 people per day

17. The SPHERE project began in: a. b. c. d. 1951 1964 1992 1997

18. The usage of firearms by humanitarian personnel: a. b. c. d. Aids neither the humanitarian agency nor the people it hopes to serve Permits the individual to ensure his/her own personal safety Enables the humanitarian personnel to defend themselves in the legitimate completion of humanitarian activities While not approved on a collective basis, is permissible on an individual level

19. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of successful distribution procedures? a. b. c. d. The ability to distribute in calm and secure conditions Encourage the resale of goods or allotted foods in a market setting to promote the local economy A complete and detailed register of the beneficiaries of the distribution Employing females as controllers of the distribution process and recipients of the rationed provisions

20. What are the estimated daily caloric needs per person in a refugee situation? a. b. c. d. 2,000 1,800 2,100 2,400

Humanitarian Relief Ops -- Exam Page 4 of 7 Enrolment Number: 14443 21. All the following actions are part of a program of consolidation of peace in a post-conflict situation except: a. b. c. d. The training of new national police corps The establishment of new places of worship The support of the creation of new political parties The organization of a census and a voter list

22. According to international convention, the receiving State should do all that it can to: a. b. c. d. Guarantee access to universities for student refugees Enable refugees to assimilate into the host country by providing job opportunities that ensure the refugees can provide for their needs Ensure that young refugees have access to secondary schooling Apply the same national standards for primary school to refugees as for the rest of the population

23. The cause of serious health epidemics in a humanitarian crisis, "shigellosis" is: a. b. c. d. A consequence of a lack of vaccination programs among children in the refugees' country of origin A strong fever caused by a variety of tropical mosquitoes A bloody diarrhoea A consequence of nutritional diets which are not culturally adapted to the populations

24. The Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs was created by the United Nations in: a. b. c. d. 1948 1951 1967 1992

25. Which of the following is NOT a health priority in humanitarian crises? a. b. c. d. Food and nutrition; water and distribution Shelter and site installation planning Preliminary evaluation; control of contagious diseases and epidemics Insertion into the local community; stress management

26. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? a. b. c. d. The facilities are reserved so that the women can dispose of feminine products and can wash and dry their clothes during menstruation There should be approximately one latrine per 20 persons The latrines should be situated no more than 100 meters from the housing of individuals, easily accessible and out of danger, and provide at least a minimum of privacy Latrines are lit at night, to ease the washing of hands after going to the bathroom. The latrines are easily built and maintained, most frequently using local materials

27. Which of the following statements is correct? a. b. c. d. 300g of soap should be available per person per month A washbasin and dry line should be available for every 75 people There should be a minimum of one water source per 250 persons in a refugee camp The maximum distance to a water source from a resettlement site is 600 meters

28. The operation of freely consented repatriation is made impossible when: a. b. c. d. There is not a ratio of one UNHCR protection officer escort per 100 families The quasi-totality of all the refugees have been naturalized in their country of asylum The fears of persecution upon returning subsist in the country of origin The refugees have not completed a minimum of 2 years in their country of asylum in order to have the right to repatriation

Humanitarian Relief Ops -- Exam Page 5 of 7 Enrolment Number: 14443 29. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies does all of the following except: a. b. c. d. Manages wartime humanitarian operations Trains aid workers Manages public health initiatives Responds to natural catastrophes

30. International Humanitarian Law: a. b. c. d. Determines the lines of acceptable conduct when war is declared against civilians Permits the unlimited choice of weapons and methods of warfare Articulates the norms of behavior of the armed forces and treatment of civil populations, the wounded, and prisoners of war Governs the conditions of intervention of peace missions in intra-national civil conflicts

31. In the case of the disappearance of a State through merging, conquest or the failure of state structures, the UNHCR: a. b. c. d. Will find itself cleared of its international responsibility for the refugees who find themselves on that territory Will negotiate as quickly as possible with the country of origin the conditions of immediate repatriation of refugees Has the obligation to resettle as quickly as possible in a third country all the refugees who no longer qualify for its protection Will negotiate with the groups in place or the new State administration the conditions of respect for international protection of refugees

32. Only one of the following arrangements is not derived from the application of the humanitarian "Code of Conduct": a. b. c. d. Humanitarian aid should not be used in the service of political or religious convictions The respect of State sovereignty is the foundation of our operational commitments Aid must aim to eliminate future vulnerabilities as well as satisfy basic needs We must seek to found our interventions on the analysis of local capacities

33. What is a Memorandum of Understanding? a. b. c. d. An agreement between the United Nations Security Council and the host government of a refugee camp A contract between the UNHCR and its operational partners that defines the conditions of execution and allocation of assigned duties within a refugee camp A procedure of the PARINAC process governing the behavior between the Northern and Southern NGOs An accord between refugee populations and those who operate refugee camps

34. The ultimate objective of the SPHERE project is the ________________ of the operational principles of intervention in emergency humanitarian situations. a. b. c. d. Reconciliation Efficiency Normalization Standardization

35. The principal functions of the International Committee of the Red Cross as defined by the organization are, among others: a. b. c. d. Intervention, inspection, and catalyst Promotion, monitoring, and imposition of penalties Promotion, catalyst, and monitoring Watchdog, inspection and detention

Humanitarian Relief Ops -- Exam Page 6 of 7 Enrolment Number: 14443 36. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the growth of humanitarian actors and situations? a. b. c. d. The birth of new humanitarian needs An increase in the number of conflicts Changes in the nature of conflicts An increase in public financing of humanitarian NGOs

37. Humanitarian aid is often distributed in an unequal manner. Humanitarian investment of the European ECHO agency in Kosovo alone added up to: a. b. c. d. 20% of its 1999 annual operations budget 35% of its 1999 annual operations budget 50% of its 1999 annual operations budget 65% of its 1999 annual operations budget

38. Dr. Bernard Kouchner is the original founder of: a. b. c. d. The International Red Cross The NANSEN Organization Doctors Without Borders CARE International

39. The resettlement of refugees to a third country is not possible when: a. b. c. d. The host state has not signed the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol The host state has already filled its annual quota The country of asylum insists on keeping all the refugees in its territory The annual quotas fixed by the UN for the resettlement have already been filled on an international level

40. Which of the following principles is NOT a part of International Humanitarian Law (IHL)? a. b. c. d. It is forbidden to kill or to hurt an adversary who is not in combat Captured soldiers and civilians who fall under the authority of hostile forces should be disarmed and quickly repatriated to their home country In times of war, health personnel, installations, vehicles and sanitary material will be protected The people removed from combat and those not directly participating in the hostilities have the right to respect for their life and their physical and moral integrity

41. Which of the following is NOT an example of how financial actors like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund can play a role in the event of a humanitarian crisis? a. b. c. d. Institute monetary adjustment measures to help a host government meet these same needs International finance actors have no role to play in the event of a humanitarian crisis Provide loans to the country of origin as well as to the host country to finance rapid reconstruction and rehabilitation operations in close collaboration with the governments Provide emergency loans to the host government to pursue humanitarian efforts on behalf of refugees in its territory

42. Which one of the following statistics is correct? a. b. c. d. The ICRC intervenes in natural disaster situations while the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies intervenes primarily in conflict situations The ICRC has as its principle mandate coordinating the action of national societies in the cases of large natural disasters The ICRC delegates its responsibilities to the UNHCR concerning visits to repatriates put in prison in their home country The ICRC is the only agency of the Red Cross movement to deliver travel documents for repatriated or resettled persons

Humanitarian Relief Ops -- Exam Page 7 of 7 Enrolment Number: 14443 43. In calculating latrine placement in a refugee camp, the best location is: a. b. c. d. One latrine per group of 20 people situated no more than 50 meters from the living area One latrine per group of 40 people situated no more than 50 meters from the living area One latrine per group of 60 people situated no more than 80 meters from the living area One latrine per group of 80 people situated no more than 80 meters from the living area

44. Which of the following is the cornerstone of the contemporary system of international relations? a. b. c. d. Respect for International Public Law Respect for State Sovereignty Respect for at-risk populations Respect for human life

45. The use of compost latrines allows refugee camp populations to: a. b. c. d. Make use of construction material for the manufacture of bricks Recycle the residues into nutrients for livestock Recycle the residues for the manufacture of briquettes for heating fuel Make use of recyclable fertilizer for agricultural activities

46. Which of the following created the UN High Commissioner for Refugees? a. b. c. d. The UN General Assembly The International Red Cross The League of Nations The UN Security Council

47. The "Code of Conduct" for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and non-governmental organizations (NGOs): a. b. c. d. Designates "the humanitarian imperative" as an absolute priority Ascribes to the legal corpus of International Humanitarian Law Institutes gender differentiation as the best non-discriminatory approach in a complex humanitarian situation Was formally adopted by a Resolution of the UN General Assembly as a universal code

48. In a humanitarian convoy operation, it is unadvisable to: a. b. c. d. Walk around with copies of all the documents for vehicles and authorized passengers Lower the flags and other signs of recognition in order to pass incognito Travel during the day and risk endangering civil populations along the way Take extra tires which clutter up transportation space

49. The "New Peacekeeping Partnership": a. b. c. d. Is a new type of convention signed between the ICRC and the National Red Cross Societies to involve them in international actions Is a concept to develop partnerships between different actors in peacekeeping operations, including the military, humanitarians, politicians and others Is an agreement signed between the UNHCR and a country of origin so that the repatriates move back in peace Is an international partnership for resolving conflicts concluded at the Millennium Summit in New York (2000)

50. The oral re-hydration therapy used in humanitarian situations by UNICEF and NGOs consists of: a. b. c. d. Giving 3-5 litres of water in an intensive manner to dehydrated children during an exodus Administering oral re-hydration salts in order to combat dehydration caused by diarrhoea Providing mouthwash solutions for programs of tuberculosis prevention in children Performing water injections for the re-hydration of muscular tissue in children affected by extreme climate conditions

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