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Over ten percent of the adult population suffer from a phobia-type of disorder characterised by an intense, irrational fear of an ‘object or situation that interferes with the sufferer’s daily life. Although experts do not fully understand the cause of phobias, research jcates that heredity and triggering events are likely factors. There are a variety of treatments available for phobia sufferers. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is @ very popular, and effective method of desensitization. This approach treats the phobia's anxiety symptoms as conditioned behaviours that can, through systematic exposure to the feared stimulus, be re-learned, CBT increases exposure to the feared ‘object or situation very gradually, thereby modifying the patient's response and developing tolerance. Aless common treatments ymersion to the feared object in order to desensitize the patient. Medication is also used to treat phobias. ‘Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are antidepressants that can be prescribed to reduce panic and improve confidence, though they can hhave negative sie effects including weight gain. While phobias are ‘among the most easily treated mental health problems, less than 25% of sufferers seek treatment, If untreated, phobias can exacerbate and develop into other problems, such as depression and low self-esteem. Question 1 ‘Which n9o ofthese statements are tue? EL_Despite the high success rates of phobia treatments, most sufferers remain untreated 1 The majority of phobia sufferers run the tsk af veloping associated problems Fl Weight gain isthe main side eftect caused by ‘aking MAO inhibitors El Flooding is less effective form of therapy than cer. Over ten percent of the adult population suffer from a phobia-type of disorder characterised by an intense, irrational fear of an ‘object or situation that interferes with the sufferer’s daily life. Although experts do not fully understand the cause of phobias, research jcates that heredity and triggering events are likely factors. There are a variety of treatments available for phobia sufferers. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is @ very popular, and effective method of desensitization. This approach treats the phobia's anxiety symptoms as conditioned behaviours that can, through systematic exposure to the feared stimulus, be re-learned, CBT increases exposure to the feared ‘object or situation very gradually, thereby modifying the patient's response and developing tolerance. Aless common treatments ymersion to the feared object in order to desensitize the patient. Medication is also used to treat phobias. ‘Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are antidepressants that can be prescribed to reduce panic and improve confidence, though they can hhave negative sie effects including weight gain. While phobias are ‘among the most easily treated mental health problems, less than 25% of sufferers seek treatment, If untreated, phobias can exacerbate and develop into other problems, such as depression and low self-esteem. Question 2 ‘Which n9o ofthese statements are tue? Phobias do not affect 80% ofthe adult population El Flooding involves a high degrae of exposure to the source of dread Tl tn CBT, patients are exposed tothe Feared object or situation in small interment El CBT is more effective at treating phobias than antidopressants Over ten percent of the adult population suffer from a phobia-type of disorder characterised by an intense, irrational fear of an ‘object or situation that interferes with the sufferer’s daily life. Although experts do not fully understand the cause of phobias, research jcates that heredity and triggering events are likely factors. There are a variety of treatments available for phobia sufferers. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is @ very popular, and effective method of desensitization. This approach treats the phobia's anxiety symptoms as conditioned behaviours that can, through systematic exposure to the feared stimulus, be re-learned, CBT increases exposure to the feared ‘object or situation very gradually, thereby modifying the patient's response and developing tolerance. Aless common treatments flooding, which uses total immersion to the feared object in order to desensitize the patient. Medication is also used to treat phobias. ‘Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are antidepressants that can be prescribed to reduce panic and improve confidence, though they can hhave negative sie effects including weight gain. While phobias are ‘among the most easily treated mental health problems, less than 25% of sufferers seek treatment, If untreated, phobias can exacerbate and develop into other problems, such as depression and low self-esteem. Question 3 ‘Which t9o ofthese statements are tue? El CBr views a phobia’s symptoms as the result of condition Fl CAT ie the mast commonly used form of treatment for shobias Fl A phobias an extrome and woraliste ear EL_Research has proven that phobias are inherited Over ten percent of the adult population suffer from a phobia-type of disorder characterised by an intense, irrational fear of an ‘object or situation that interferes with the sufferer’s daily life. Although experts do not fully understand the cause of phobias, research jcates that heredity and triggering events are likely factors. There are a variety of treatments available for phobia sufferers. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is @ very popular, and effective method of desensitization. This approach treats the phobia's anxiety symptoms as conditioned behaviours that can, through systematic exposure to the feared stimulus, be re-learned, CBT increases exposure to the feared ‘object or situation very gradually, thereby modifying the patient's response and developing tolerance. Aless common treatments ymersion to the feared object in order to desensitize the patient. Medication is also used to treat phobias. ‘Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are antidepressants that can be prescribed to reduce panic and improve confidence, though they can hhave negative sie effects including weight gain. While phobias are ‘among the most easily treated mental health problems, less than 25% of sufferers seek treatment, If untreated, phobias can exacerbate and develop into other problems, such as depression and low self-esteem. Question a ‘Which no ofthese statements are tue? E)_Both COT and Rooting involve desensiicng the phobia sufferer Phobias are among the most common Frm of ‘mental heath problem Fl tn fooding,« person is gradually exposed to their source of fear El A phobia can have a negative impact on sufferer’s ally tite Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CF5)is the widespread name fora disorder that is also called Myalgic Encephalomyelits (ME), but many sufferers ‘object to the name CFS on grounds that itis does not reflect the severity of the illness, While profound fatigue is one symptom of this debilitating condition, there are many others, including muscle p headaches, and cognitive difficulties, Its nomenclature is not the only controversial aspect of CFS, Although {an estimated 17 million people worldwide have CFS, its cause is ‘unknown and a diagnostic test does not exist. Doctors must fist rule ‘out other conditions that share CFs symptoms. As there is no cure for CFS, treatment tends to focus on alleviating symptoms, which can ‘ange from mild to severe. Despite the World Heath Organisation Classifying CFS as a neurological disease, there is much disagreement within the medical community. Some scientists believe that CFS originates from a virus, others argue that it stems from genetic, predisposition, while sil others believe that itis a psychiatric condition. Because of continuing scepticism about CFS, patients welcomed a 2009, study that linked CFS and a XMIRV retrovirus. What at first appeared to bbe a major scientific breakthrough, however, was not proven by further research - and XMRV is now thought to be a lab contaminant, Question 5 ‘Which n9o ofthese statements are tue? EL_ CFS symptoms lack consensus within the medical community Fl Many patients believe the name Myalgie Encephalomyelis tvialises the condition Fl A-symptom of CFS is profound fatigue EL There are more than two controversies to CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CF5)is the widespread name fora disorder that is also called Myalgic Encephalomyelits (ME), but many sufferers ‘object to the name CFS on grounds that itis does not reflect the severity of the illness, While profound fatigue is one symptom of this debilitating condition, there are many others, including muscle p headaches, and cognitive difficulties, Its nomenclature is not the only controversial aspect of CFS, Although {an estimated 17 million people worldwide have CFS, its cause is ‘unknown and a diagnostic test does not exist. Doctors must fist rule ‘out other conditions that share CFs symptoms. As there is no cure for CFS, treatment tends to focus on alleviating symptoms, which can ‘ange from mild to severe. Despite the World Heath Organisation Classifying CFS as a neurological disease, there is much disagreement within the medical community. Some scientists believe that CFS originates from a virus, others argue that it stems from genetic, predisposition, while sil others believe that itis a psychiatric condition. Because of continuing scepticism about CFS, patients welcomed a 2009, study that linked CFS and a XMIRV retrovirus. What at first appeared to bbe a major scientific breakthrough, however, was not proven by further research - and XMRV is now thought to be a lab contaminant, Question 6 ‘Which t9o ofthese statements are tue? ELA 2009 study linking CFS with 3 retrovirus has now been discreited El World Heath Organisation classify CFS neurological disease Scientists belive that CFS originates rom a virus El_The Witer believes that CFS isa psychiatric condition Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CF5)is the widespread name fora disorder that is also called Myalgic Encephalomyelits (ME), but many sufferers ‘object to the name CFS on grounds that itis does not reflect the severity of the illness, While profound fatigue is one symptom of this debilitating condition, there are many others, including muscle p headaches, and cognitive difficulties, Its nomenclature is not the only controversial aspect of CFS, Although {an estimated 17 million people worldwide have CFS, its cause is ‘unknown and a diagnostic test does not exist. Doctors must fist rule ‘out other conditions that share CFs symptoms. As there is no cure for CFS, treatment tends to focus on alleviating symptoms, which can ‘ange from mild to severe. Despite the World Heath Organisation Classifying CFS as a neurological disease, there is much disagreement within the medical community. Some scientists believe that CFS originates from a virus, others argue that it stems from genetic, predisposition, while sil others believe that itis a psychiatric condition. Because of continuing scepticism about CFS, patients welcomed a 2009, study that linked CFS and a XMIRV retrovirus. What at first appeared to bbe a major scientific breakthrough, however, was not proven by further research - and XMRV is now thought to be a lab contaminant, Question 7 ‘Which 299 ofthese statements are tue? EL Gass symptoms are aleo attributable to other ies Fl The exact number of CFS sufferers is unknown Fl The eure for CFS i ta alleviate symptoms EL CFS stems from genetic predisposition Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CF5)is the widespread name fora disorder that is also called Myalgic Encephalomyelits (ME), but many sufferers ‘object to the name CFS on grounds that itis does not reflect the severity of the illness, While profound fatigue is one symptom of this debilitating condition, there are many others, including muscle p headaches, and cognitive difficulties, Its nomenclature is not the only controversial aspect of CFS, Although {an estimated 17 million people worldwide have CFS, its cause is ‘unknown and a diagnostic test does not exist. Doctors must fist rule ‘out other conditions that share CFs symptoms. As there is no cure for CFS, treatment tends to focus on alleviating symptoms, which can ‘ange from mild to severe. Despite the World Heath Organisation Classifying CFS as a neurological disease, there is much disagreement within the medical community. Some scientists believe that CFS originates from a virus, others argue that it stems from genetic, predisposition, while sil others believe that itis a psychiatric condition. Because of continuing scepticism about CFS, patients welcomed a 2009, study that linked CFS and a XMIRV retrovirus. What at first appeared to bbe a major scientific breakthrough, however, was not proven by further research - and XMRV is now thought to be a lab contaminant, Questions ‘Which 299 ofthese statements are tue? EL CFS affects 17 milion people worldwide El CFS nomenclature isthe main controversial aspectnot the disease [Fl CFS isthe popular name for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis EL There is continuous scepticism around CFS Although sometimes used to described a style of cooking, the term ‘molecular gastronomy wias first used in 1988 to describe the scientific study of cooking. Pioneered by the Hungarian physicist Nicholas Kurt, a keen amateur cook, molecular gastronomy investigates the chemical {and physical changes that occur during cooking. The discipline explores culinary transformations in three areas: social, artistic and technical. ‘The field differs from food science in that it focuses on home and restaurant cooking, rather than industrial food preparation and processing, Although molecular gastronomy is sometimes disparaged ‘as a pseudo-science, an understanding of scientific principles can certainly improve cooking results. For example knowing that protein nd fat react differently with air can make the difference between 3 light, ary souffle and one that fails to rse. Similarly, evaporation can ‘explain why the souffle must be heated from the bottom. Not only hhave molecular gastronomist appropriated lab equipment for kitchen se, they have also experimented with the use of chemical reactions to produce certain flavours. Molecular gastronomist have also analysed the molecular components of foods, discovery that complimentary flavours often share an aroma molecule. This has inspired some surprising but tasty lavour combinations, such as coffee and garlic. Question 9 ‘Which 299 ofthese statements are tue? 1 Food science is a discipline that deals with home ‘and restaurant cooking. Fl Anexperimental style of cooking s sometimes referred to as molecular gastronomy Fl Molecular gastronomist sometimes chemically modify the taste of certain dishes El Molecular gastronomy takes a theoretical approach to cooking Although sometimes used to described a style of cooking, the term ‘molecular gastronomy wias first used in 1988 to describe the scientific study of cooking. Pioneered by the Hungarian physicist Nicholas Kurt, a keen amateur cook, molecular gastronomy investigates the chemical {and physical changes that occur during cooking. The discipline explores culinary transformations in three areas: social, artistic and technical. ‘The field differs from food science in that it focuses on home and restaurant cooking, rather than industrial food preparation and processing, Although molecular gastronomy is sometimes disparaged ‘as a pseudo-science, an understanding of scientific principles can certainly improve cooking results. For example knowing that protein nd fat react differently with air can make the difference between 3 light, ary souffle and one that fails to rse. Similarly, evaporation can ‘explain why the souffle must be heated from the bottom. Not only hhave molecular gastronomist appropriated lab equipment for kitchen se, they have also experimented with the use of chemical reactions to produce certain flavours. Molecular gastronomist have also analysed the molecular components of foods, discovery that complimentary flavours often share an aroma molecule. This has inspired some surprising but tasty lavour combinations, such as coffee and garlic. Question 10 ‘Which n99 ofthese statements are tue? EL There are both personal and commercial plications to molecular gastronomy El The tenn molecular gestronomy was coined by the ‘Hungarian chet Nicholas Kurt Fl Molecular gastronomy isthe application of scientific principles to the understanding of food preparation EL Molecular gastronomy is just food science on 8 smaller eale Although sometimes used to described a style of cooking, the term ‘molecular gastronomy wias first used in 1988 to describe the scientific study of cooking. Pioneered by the Hungarian physicist Nicholas Kurt, a keen amateur cook, molecular gastronomy investigates the chemical {and physical changes that occur during cooking. The discipline explores culinary transformations in three areas: social, artistic and technical. ‘The field differs from food science in that it focuses on home and restaurant cooking, rather than industrial food preparation and processing, Although molecular gastronomy is sometimes disparaged ‘as a pseudo-science, an understanding of scientific principles can certainly improve cooking results. For example knowing that protein nd fat react differently with air can make the difference between 3 light, ary souffle and one that fails to rse. Similarly, evaporation can ‘explain why the souffle must be heated from the bottom. Not only hhave molecular gastronomist appropriated lab equipment for kitchen se, they have also experimented with the use of chemical reactions to produce certain flavours. Molecular gastronomist have also analysed the molecular components of foods, discovery that complimentary flavours often share an aroma molecule. This has inspired some surprising but tasty lavour combinations, such as coffee and garlic. Question 11 ‘Which t9o ofthese statements are tue? 5) Molecolar gastronomy uses chemical substitutes instead of fresh ingredients Fl Molecular analysis sometimes suggests unusual Aavour pairings Practitioners of molecular gastronomy wen lab rather than a kitchen 1 Home cooks can benefit fom knowledge of the scietie principle behind cooking processes Although sometimes used to described a style of cooking, the term ‘molecular gastronomy wias first used in 1988 to describe the scientific study of cooking. Pioneered by the Hungarian physicist Nicholas Kurt, a keen amateur cook, molecular gastronomy investigates the chemical {and physical changes that occur during cooking. The discipline explores culinary transformations in three areas: social, artistic and technical. ‘The field differs from food science in that it focuses on home and restaurant cooking, rather than industrial food preparation and processing, Although molecular gastronomy is sometimes disparaged ‘as a pseudo-science, an understanding of scientific principles can certainly improve cooking results. For example knowing that protein nd fat react differently with air can make the difference between 3 light, ary souffle and one that fails to rse. Similarly, evaporation can ‘explain why the souffle must be heated from the bottom. Not only hhave molecular gastronomist appropriated lab equipment for kitchen se, they have also experimented with the use of chemical reactions to produce certain flavours. Molecular gastronomist have also analysed the molecular components of foods, discovery that complimentary flavours often share an aroma molecule. This has inspired some surprising but tasty lavour combinations, such as coffee and garlic. Question 12 ‘Which 299 ofthese statements are tue? El Baking a soufe involves a variety of scientific Fl Achet must have working knowledge ofthe chemistry and physies involved in cooking FL Molecular gastronomy can refer to an academic lscipline as wel 5 a typeof cusine 1 Hf nwo Ravours work wol together they have an ‘aroma molecule in common @ testertrcorng gee eEngin phoroiuctCode=158dSuing=0 1250 12260 123512264 12712eeston family disagreements, set off the release of stress hormones that help ‘our bodies charge up to meet the challenge. During episodes of acute stress, stress hormones provide a protective function by activating the body's defences. However, when these same protective hormones are produced repeatedly or in excass, because of chronic stress, they Create a gradual and steady cascade of harmful physiological changes. High stress can lead to suppression of the immune system which leaves the stressed person open to infection. High stress also result in bone loss, muscular weakness and increased insulin levels that causes higher levels of fat deposits in the body, especially around the abdomen, so ‘much so that people can end up predisposed to heart disease. Even the brain can be affected, as stress may accelerate changes in the brain that can lead to memory loss. Of all the things that can be done to lower stress levels, exercise and prudent diet seem to be the most effective. Exercise breaks insulin resistance and often helps to end the vicious cycles of stress-eating, over indulging in alcohol, cigarette smoking and other unhealthy habits. However, exercise will not help everyone with stress, and other factors must be considered, Numerous studies show that the lower down you are on the socio-economic scale, the poorer your health. This is largely independent of access to health care. The stress of livingin poverty, or workingin a low level job that lacks autonomy, or residingin an unhealthy environment has an ‘enormous impact on health status Question 13 Which to of these statements are tue? Good healthcare aluays reduces sess Living simple lifestyle Is inherently stressful | Generally, poorer people are less healthy than richer people Fl_Low status Jobs can have a negative impact on bestth @ teearracorng oe crengire ph preductCode1eSuing- 0.500 12D Stressful lfe events, whether the loss af loved one, divorce or jab loss, ‘as well as the daily wear and tear of living, such as traffic jams and family disagreements, set off the release of stress hormones that help ‘our bodies charge up to meet the challenge. During episodes of acute stress, stress hormones provide a protective function by activating the body's defences. However, when these same protective hormones are produced repeatedly or in excass, because of chronic stress, thoy Create a gradual and steady cascade of harmful physiological changes. High stress can lead to suppression of the immune system which leaves the stressed person open to infection. High stress also result in bone loss, muscular weakness and increased insulin levels that causes higher levels of fat deposits in the body, especially around the abdomen, so ‘much so that people can end up predisposed to heart disease. Even the brain can be affected, as stress may accelerate changes in the brain that can lead to memory loss. Of all the things that can be done to lower stress levels, exercise and prudent diet seem to be the most effective. Exercise breaks insulin resistance and often helps to end the vicious cycles of stress-eating, over indulging in alcohol, cigarette smoking and other unhealthy habits, However, exercise will not help everyone with stress, and other factors must be considered, Numerous studies show that the lower down you are on the socio-economic scale, the poorer your health. This is largely independent of access to health care. The stress of livingin poverty, or workingin a low level job that lacks autonomy, or residingin an unhealthy environment has an ‘enormous impact on health status Question 14 Which to ofthese statements are tue? Prolonged stess can cause stomach uleers Fl Prolonged stress can accelerate the cause of ‘memoryless Fl seess will eventually cause a heart anack Prolonged excessive stress can lead to damaging ‘physical changes Stressful lfe events, whether the loss af loved one, divorce or jab loss, ‘as well as the daily wear and tear of living, such as traffic jams and family disagreements, set off the release of stress hormones that help ‘our bodies charge up to meet the challenge. During episodes of acute stress, stress hormones provide a protective function by activating the body's defences. However, when these same protective hormones are produced repeatedly or in excass, because of chronic stress, thoy Create a gradual and steady cascade of harmful physiological changes. High stress can lead to suppression of the immune system which leaves the stressed person open to infection. High stress also result in bone loss, muscular weakness and increased insulin levels that causes higher levels of fat deposits in the body, especially around the abdomen, so ‘much so that people can end up predisposed to heart disease. Even the brain can be affected, as stress may accelerate changes in the brain that can lead to memory loss. Of all the things that can be done to lower stress levels, exercise and prudent diet seem to be the most effective. Exercise breaks insulin resistance and often helps to end the vicious cycles of stress-eating, over indulging in alcohol, cigarette smoking and other unhealthy habits, However, exercise will not help everyone with stress, and other factors must be considered, Numerous studies show that the lower down you are on the socio-economic scale, the poorer your health. This is largely independent of access to health care. The stress of livingin poverty, or workingin a low level job that lacks autonomy, or residingin an unhealthy environment has an ‘enormous impact on health status Question 15 Which to of these statements are tue? Fl Divorce can be stressful Fl. Traffc Jams are major sources of stress 1 Inthe shor term, stress hormones have 3 protective effect Fl swess hormones indirectly cause trafic Jams @ teearrecorng oe ortngine ph prsucCode= 185i UD 2 125 126 zeeonlseprachceMedesL Stressful lfe events, whether the loss af loved one, divorce or jab loss, ‘as well as the daily wear and tear of living, such as traffic jams and family disagreements, set off the release of stress hormones that help ‘our bodies charge up to meet the challenge. During episodes of acute stress, stress hormones provide a protective function by activating the body's defences. However, when these same protective hormones are produced repeatedly or in excass, because of chronic stress, thoy Create a gradual and steady cascade of harmful physiological changes. High stress can lead to suppression of the immune system which leaves the stressed person open to infection. High stress also result in bone loss, muscular weakness and increased insulin levels that causes higher levels of fat deposits in the body, especially around the abdomen, so ‘much so that people can end up predisposed to heart disease. Even the brain can be affected, as stress may accelerate changes in the brain that can lead to memory loss. Of all the things that can be done to lower stress levels, exercise and prudent diet seem to be the most effective. Exercise breaks insulin resistance and often helps to end the vicious cycles of stress-eating, over indulging in alcohol, cigarette smoking and other unhealthy habits, However, exercise will not help everyone with stress, and other factors must be considered, Numerous studies show that the lower down you are on the socio-economic scale, the poorer your health. This is largely independent of access to health care. The stress of livingin poverty, or workingin a low level job that lacks autonomy, or residingin an unhealthy environment has an ‘enormous impact on health status Question 16 Which to ofthese statements are tue? ating reduces stass Fl Evereise always helps reduce stress-related problems Fl ngulin levels can be increase by chron stress Fl Exerese helps break harmful behaviour patterns @ tetearrecorng oe ortngire ph rsucCode= 1 Sing. 25 Biologics, which are medical products created from living organisms or their products, are a the cutting edge of biomedical research. While s includes a wide array of medical products such as vaccines and antitoxins, it most often refers ta medications made using biological processes. Unlike chemically produced drugs, biologics are produced using biotechnologies and consist of natural materials - such a proteins, cells, and tissues- deriving from humans, animals or micro: ‘organisms. Biologics have revolutionized a number of medical disciplines, in particular rheumatology and oncology, offering pioneering treatments for previously untreatable conditions. Some ‘experts predict that biologics will comprise half ofthe prescription drug ‘market by 2020. However the high cost of these medicines has raised ‘pharmacoeconomic concerns - especially as many of these drugs are used to treat chronic conditions. Whereas conventional medicines hhave a maximum of five years’ exclusivity before cheaper versions come to market, no such regulation exist for biologics. The generics industry wants to introduce similar regulations for biologics, and advocates believe the availability of biosimilars could result in savings (0 30% for healthcare providers. Biotechnology companies, however, 1um twelve-year period of exclusivity, to ensure 2a return on their investment and provide revenue for the development of new treatments, Question 17 Which to of these statements must be tue? Fl tetakes longer fora botechaalogy company to recoup its investment than a conventional ‘pharmaceutical eomany El. Blologie medicines are pescribed primarily inthe fields of rheumatology and oncology Fl Ablologie is not necessary @ vaccine or anitaxin Biologics are made using diferent technology than conventional medical products @ teearrecorng oe orengie ph rsucCode= Sing. 5 Biologics, which are medical products created from living organisms or their products, are a the cutting edge of biomedical research. While s includes a wide array of medical products such as vaccines and antitoxins, it most often refers ta medications made using biological processes. Unlike chemically produced drugs, biologics are produced using biotechnologies and consist of natural materials - such a proteins, cells, and tissues- deriving from humans, animals or micro: ‘organisms. Biologics have revolutionized a number of medical disciplines, in particular rheumatology and oncology, offering pioneering treatments for previously untreatable conditions. Some ‘experts predict that biologics will comprise half ofthe prescription drug ‘market by 2020. However the high cost of these medicines has raised ‘pharmacoeconomic concerns - especially as many of these drugs are used to treat chronic conditions. Whereas conventional medicines hhave a maximum of five years’ exclusivity before cheaper versions come to market, no such regulation exist for biologics. The generics industry wants to introduce similar regulations for biologics, and advocates believe the availability of biosimilars could result in savings (0 30% for healthcare providers. Biotechnology companies, however, wum twelve-year period of exclusivity, to ensure 2a return on their investment and provide revenue for the development of new treatments, slazzidavesonlsnLuprctcee Question 18 Which to ofthese statements must be tue? Biologics have produced cures for previously untreatable conditions, Manufacturers of generic medicines want ro Introduce generic biosimllars El. Biotechnology companies are fighting to retain ‘monopoly on thelr biologies The biotechnology industry is emphasising profit cover patient well-being Biologics, which are medical products created from living organisms or their products, are a the cutting edge of biomedical research. While the term biologics includes a wide array of medical products such as vaccines and antitoxins, it most often refers ta medications made using biological processes. Unlike chemically produced drugs, biologics are produced using biotechnologies and consist of natural materials - such as proteins, cells, and tissues- deriving from humans, animals or micro- ‘organisms. Biologics have revolutionized a number of medical disciplines, in particular rheumatology and oncology, offering pioneering treatments for previously untreatable conditions. Some ‘experts predict that biologics will comprise half ofthe prescription drug ‘market by 2020. However the high cost of these medicines has raised ‘pharmacoeconomic concerns - especially as many of these drugs are used to treat chronic conditions. Whereas conventional medicines hhave a maximum of five years’ exclusivity before cheaper versions come to market, no such regulation exist for biologics. The generics industry wants to introduce similar regulations for biologics, and advocates believe the availability of biosimilars could result in savings (0 30% for healthcare providers. Biotechnology companies, however, 1um twelve-year period of exclusivity, to ensure 2a return on their investment and provide revenue for the development of new treatments, Which to ofthese statements must be tue? Patents would benefit acanomi Introduction of generic biologes ly eom the Twelve years represents the minimum amount of time needed fora biologic to break even L_Blologics are more effective than conventional medicines. F_ Biologics represent less than half ofthe medications prescribed today testeentecorng gee seEngine phoTproiuctCode= (58 dSuing Biologics, which are medical products created from living organisms or their products, are a the cutting edge of biomedical research. While the term biologics includes a wide array of medical products such as vaccines and antitoxins, it most often refers ta medications made using biological processes. Unlike chemically produced drugs, biologics are produced using biotechnologies and consist of natural materials - such as proteins, cells, and tissues- deriving from humans, animals or micro- ‘organisms. Biologics have revolutionized a number of medical disciplines, in particular rheumatology and oncology, offering pioneering treatments for previously untreatable conditions. Some ‘experts predict that biologics will comprise half ofthe prescription drug ‘market by 2020. However the high cost of these medicines has raised ‘pharmacoeconomic concerns - especially as many of these drugs are used to treat chronic conditions. Whereas conventional medicines hhave a maximum of five years’ exclusivity before cheaper versions come to market, no such regulation exist for biologics. The generics industry wants to introduce similar regulations for biologics, and advocates believe the availability of biosimilars could result in savings (0 30% for healthcare providers. Biotechnology companies, however, wum twelve-year period of exclusivity, to ensure 2a return on their investment and provide revenue for the development of new treatments, Question 20 Which to ofthese statements must be tue? 1] Because they come from natural sources, belogies are healthier than conventional pharmaceuticals, The length of proposed exclusivity period on biologics isa contentious Issue Cites oppose biologics on the grounds of cruelty teanimals The davelooment of a new biologic requires high level of investment

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