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Time: 1 hour M.M: 30
Q1 to Q3 carries 2 marks each.
Q4 to Q7carries 3 marks each.
Q8 & Q10 carries 4 marks each.
Q1 A tree breaks down and the broken part bends down making an angle of 300 with the ground.
The distance between the foot of the tree and the top where it touches the ground is 8 m. Find
the height of the tree. (2)
Q2 The wheels of a car are of diameter 80 cm each. How many complete revolutions does each
wheel make in 10 minutes when the car is travelling at a speed of 66 km per hour? (2)

Q3 Solve for x: √𝟐𝐱 + 𝟗 + 𝑥 = 13 (2)

Q4 How many natural numbers between 100 and 200 are divisible by 2 or 5? Also find their sum. (3)

Q5 In what ratio does the line x-y-2=0 divide the line segment joining the points (3,-1) and (8,9). (3)

Q6 If a circle touches the side BC of a triangle ABC at P and extended sides AB and AC at Q and R,
respectively, prove that AQ = 𝟐 (BC + CA + AB) (3)

Q7 On dividing 3x3 + x2 + 2x + 5 by a polynomial g(x) the quotient and remainder were 3x – 5

and 9x + 10 respectively. Find g(x). (3)

Q8 8 women and 12 men can complete a work in 10 days while 6 women and 8 men can complete the
same work in 14 days. Find the time taken by one woman alone and that one man alone to finish the
work. (4)

Q9 A ladder rests against a wall at an angle 𝜶 to the horizontal. Its foot is pulled away from the wall
through a distance a, so that it slides a distance b down the wall making an angle 𝜷with the horizontal.
𝒂 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜶−𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜷
Show that = 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜷−𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜶 (4)

Q10 Water is flowing at the rate of 2.52 km/hr. through a cylindrical pipe into a cylindrical tank, the
radius of whose base is 40 cm. If the increase in the level of water in the tank, in half an hour is 3.15m,
find internal diameter of the pipe. (4)


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