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A ugust 2011
Presidents Message

Commanders Message

I would like to thank the Post Honor Guard for marching in the Pascos 4th of July parade. Also I would like to say thanks to every body who came to the Post Everlasting and for Richard Davis and the honor guard for their help, it went off great and a big thank you for the 2 ladys who sang for us.

I went to the American Legion Department of Washington Convention held in the Spokane Valley City, at the Mirabeau Park Hotel, it was interesting and I had fun. On July 16th on my birthday I was sworn with over 24 other officers as your 12th District Commander. On August 10th there will be a stand down at the Kennewick Work Source starting at 07:30 with breakfast and lunch provided free of charge. Post 34 Legion Riders received an award for the money they raised for the legacy fund raffling off that motor cycle last Nov. The mid Winter conference will be held in Pasco this year the first weekend in February 2012

There isnt much to report on and so you all continue to have a safe and fun summer and may God bless our troops and God bless America and most of all may God Bless you all. Carl Jensen 12th District Commander/Post 34 Commander

Fellow Legionnaires

Starting Tuesday, July 26th the Washington Senior State American Legion Baseball State Tournament will be live on the Internet. The teams playing in the tournament are the, Spokane Bandits, Twin City Titans, Hanford Flames, Spokane Blue Devils, Kennewick Bandits, Bellingham Post 7, Pacific Tech from Kelso and the host Selah Pepsi Pak. You can find out more information by visiting our baseball website at where you will also find information about other upcoming live game cast tournaments in our A and AA Divisions. If you cant attend the tournaments - log on and enjoy some baseball the winner of the Senior Tournament will go on to represent Washington State at the Regional Tournament in Billings Montana on August 4th and hopefully the World Series in Shelby North Carolina on August 12th. Don Hays, Chairman WA State American Legion Baseball

Thank you for your support to the Veterans Coalition!

Skip Novakovich, LTC, AUS, (Ret) President, CBVC, Inc.

CBVC, Inc. 1600 North 20th Avenue, Suite A, Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 545-6558 Check us out on Facebook: Columbia Basin Veterans-Coalition


August 2011

post 34 american legion officers

MEMBERSHIP We are now collecting dues for the 2012 year, I have been slammed with renewals so please bear with me in getting your cards to you. If you receive another dues notice after you have paid PLEASE DISREGARD IT. Thanks for your understanding. QUESTION OF THE MONTH Q. When is POW/MIA Remembrance Day?

Last months question: Q. When did The American Legion Boys State start and in what state? A. It was started in 1939 in Illinois. AUGUST GENERAL MEETING At the August meeting we will be approving the appointed Post Officers and committee chairman 9-11 COINS Currently we have sold about 600 coins, we have purchased 700 for a total cost of $3500 plus $15 per 100 for shipping and handling. There are still plenty of coins left, if you havent got yours yet they are still available at the bar or from Bob Trethewey (509-572-5862) for $10 each. All proceeds go to the National Legacy Scholarship Fund. CALENDAR MEETING There will be a calendar meeting for all those that wish to share their input for events for the coming month/year. All legion family are urged to have a representative there. A schedule for breakfasts will be discussed and etc, August 19, 2011 at 7 pm. CLARIFICATION There was a question as to the election of the executive committeeman that Bruce Rick was elected to, John Johnson resigned as 3 year Committeeman and Bruce Rick was elected to fill the unexpired term of that position. We elect a 3 yr committeeman each year. It goes like this the 2 year committeeman becomes the 1 year Committeeman and the three year committeeman becomes the 2 year committeeman and then a new 3 year committeeman is elected. George Warner was the two year committeeman so he becomes the 1 year committeeman. Bruce Rick was the 3 year committeeman and now becomes the 2 year committeeman and Paul Esquivel was elected as the 3 year committeeman.
If you wish to contact me about anything I can be contacted by phone (509) 783-3772; cell (509) 572-5862 or by e-mail at

Commander ............................ Carl Jensen 1st Vice Commander .............. Mike Jones 2nd Vice Commander........Jake Kovesday Adjutant............................ Bob Trethewey 3 Year Committeeman.........Paul Esquivel 2 Year Committeeman.............Bruce Rick 1 Year Committeeman...... George Warner Sgt At Arms ..............................John Ward Chaplain .................................... Ken Vails Asst Adjutant ....................Dave Mitchell Honor Guard Capt ..............Richard Davis Finance Officer....................... Joe Winters Service Officer ...............................Vacant Judge Advocate ....................Keith Lawler Historian..................................Jay Kloehn President................................ Lori Russell 1st Vice................................ Adele Lerwis 2nd Vice .........................................Vacant Sec / Treas .................... Donna Trethewey Chaplain .............................Mary Douglas Sgt.At Arms............................ Jackie Wall E-Board .............................Emma Peoples ............................................. Vicki Bowles ..........................................Evelyn Wolvert

auxiliary officers

Bob Trethewey, Adjutant

Director ...................................Bruce Rick Assistant Director................. Chris Tucker Secretary ............................Dave Mitchell Treasurer ............................Brad Langdell SGT.At Arms..........................Tim Ingram Chaplain ......................................Ken Vail Historian............................ Janie Langdell Event Coordinator ....................Joe Winter Safety Officer ..................... Joe Kovesday

american legion riders officers

We have some good news. Jim Bogart is now back in the Tri-Cities. He is living at Parkview Estates in Kennewick. We have one of our Legionnaires, Orlie Gerdes, he passed away May 26, 2011 in the Chicago area. One of our fellow Legionnaires, Ralph James lost his wife Virginia. Robert Dahlke and Doug DeFord are still in rehab and I would encourage our members to visit them. Ken Vails, Chaplain

Chaplains Corner

Commander ........................... Bob Hylton 1st Vice............................. Martin Sanders Adjutant................................. Kurt Bautch Finance .................................. Kurt Bautch Sgt at Arms........................... Ralph Grohs

sons of the american legion

Chaplain ............ Jim Reed (dual member) Advisors .........................................Vacant ................ George Coomes (dual member) ..................... Bob Wiggins (dual member)


CBVC Community Events

Monday, 1 August, 6:00-7:00 PM

August 2011

Columbia Basin Veterans Coalition General Meeting at the American Legion

1029 West Sylvester, Pasco

Tuesday, 16 August, 10:30 AM

Wagenaar-Pfister house for tranisitional veterans Open House

4601 West Grand Ronde Avenue, Kennewick (parking in Winco parking lot) Formal Dedication & program at 10:30 A.M. Featuring special guest speaker Rob McKenna, washington state attorney general open house tours & refreshments following the program until 4:00 p.m.

Thank you! Thank you!

To Habitat for Humanity, for their exceptional continued work on the Wagenaar-Pfister House! Our community for supporting Guardians of Freedom and Operation Thank You with donations of needed supplies for the Troops.


1600 North 20th Avenue, Suite A, Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 545-6558 | Columbia Basin Veterans-Coalition
Columbia Basin Veterans Coalition is a DBA of CBVC, Inc. CBVC, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.


The Guardians of Freedom Project, a group of the Coalitions, is preparing to send needed supplies to our Wounded Warriors again soon. New tennis shoes, male sizes 8-12, are needed for the US Soldiers who are wounded and currently serving in Afghanistan. These supplies are shipped directly to the Role 3 Hospital in Kandahar Afghanistan, which shares with FOB Camp Leatherneck, as well as Bagrams Role 3 Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan. Your help is needed and your financial donations are crucial to sending supplies to our Wounded Soldiers. Amy N. Withers 509-990-0563
Help Us Help Our Wounded Soldiers &


August 2011


Alcohol Servers Class 6 9 pm

Darts 7 pm

Pinochle 5 pm

ALR E-Board

Pinochle 12:30 pm

Darts 4 pm

Alcohol Servers Class 6 9 pm

Darts 7 pm

WorkSource Stand down 7:30 am - 2 pm


Legion E-Brd Meeting 7 pm



Darts 4 pm



Alcohol Servers Class 6 9 pm


Darts 7 pm



Car Club


Legion Regular meeting

Calendar Meeting 7 pm


Pinochle 12:30 pm Darts 4 pm Alcohol Servers Class 10 am 1 pm


Alcohol Servers Class 6 9 pm


Darts 7 pm




Pinochle 5 pm



Pinochle 12:30 pm

Darts 4 pm Alcohol Servers Class 10 am 1 pm



Tacos & Spaghetti 5 7 pm

Darts 7 pm



Calendar subject to change. Please check the website for updates. WWW.POST34.ORG 509-545-1200 509-544-6545


AMERICAN LEGION POST 34 1029 W. SYLVESTER ST. P.O. BOX 2571 PASCO, WA. 99302-2571 Address service requested


Articles for the August Newsletter should be to Bob Trethewey ( by Sunday, August 21, 20ll

Alcohol Server Permit Classes

August 2011

House Committee
WOW! What a fan Fourth of July. The Post was full of members, the parade was fun, and the air was full of barbeque in the morning. Many thanks to all the Riders that prepared the meal, took the money, ran the last minute errands that always occur, and made the event a total success. Thank you to the Honor Guard that set up tables and chairs for thr parade watchers. They also did the Post proud in the parade, great job. Thanks to the SALs that did the food preparation, cleanup, and helped clean the Post. Thanks to the Auxiliary for setting up the back room so everyone had a place to eat. I will remember that next year. Thanks to the staff that went all out and set records for the amount of total income in a day. Thank you to the Texley Family for their cash donation to the Post to help us carry on our programs. Wow, I just thought of why this was such a great day. Every member of the American Legion Post 34 Family made this a shining example for future events at the Post. Lets give every member a hand and remember why we are here, Job well done. The membership approved a white board to be placed in the lounge area to allow members to suggest new projects we can accomplish in the community to expand our visibility and maybe sign up some new members. Please use the board as it is intended and refrain from editorial remarks. Lets work together, expand our reach into the community and continue to be the valuable service organization that we are now, WOW! Mike Youtsey, Chairman, House Committee

1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd 6 pm to 9 pm

20th & 27th 10 am to 1 pm Call to reserve your seat: (509) 308 - 0131 $40 per student. Bring proper identification.


There will be nominations for 2nd Vice President and Historian at our general meeting, September 15th. Installing of Officers will be done in Septembers meeting. No meeting in August.

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