Perimeter Fence Phase 2 - Specs - Posting

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Section VI.




SECTION VI. SPECIFICATIONS ….….................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………..…………...................................................................................................... ii
OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION .................................................................. iv
I. INTENT AND APPLICATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION .............................................. iv
II. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ………………............................................. v
GENERAL ……………..……..………..................................................................................................... vi
DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................................... vii
SPECIAL PROVISIONS ……..…………….……………………………………….……….......................................... viii
CONSTRUCTION SAFETY GUIDELINES …….……………………………….………………................................. viii
A. PRIOR TO DEPLOYMENT …………….………………………….………………............................................. viii
B. DURING TO DEPLOYMENT ……………….………………………………………………………............................. ix
IV. MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT .......................................................................................... xiii
V. PENALTIES ................................................................................................................................. xiv
VI. EFFECTIVITY .............................................................................................................................. xiv

PART A: FACILITIES FOR THE ENGINEER ….……………..................................................................... 1

A.1 REQUIREMENTS …………………………………………………………………............................................................................... 1
A.1.1 Field Office, Laboratories and Living Quarters (NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT) ……………………………………………. 1
A.1.2 Vehicles ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
A.1.3 Assistance to the Engineer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1

PART B: OTHER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ……………..................................................................... 3

B.1 TEMPORARY FACILITY (BARRACKS & ISOLATION FACILITY) ……............................................................................... 3
B.5 PROJECT BILLBOARD / SIGNBOARD ........................................................................................................................ 4
PART 1: GENERAL SCOPE ………………….…….………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………..... 7
PART 2: PROJECT REQUIREMENTS ………………………………..……….…………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
PART 3: APPLICABLE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ………..……….…………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
B.7 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM ................................................................................................ 8
B.8 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
B.9 MOBILIZATION / DEMOBILIZATION ..................................................................................................................... 17
B.14 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................................................................................. 18
PART 1: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING …….………………………………………………………………………………... 18
PART 2: PROVISION OF TWO (2) UNITS PORTABLE TOILET ................................................................................................. 21

OTHER INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRACTOR ................................................................................................ 22

1. Photographs and Contract Documentation ........................................................................................................... 22
2. Water and Electrical Charges ................................................................................................................................ 22
3. Material Testing and Documentation …………………………......................................................................................... 22
4. Construction As-stake & As-built Plans .................................................................................................................. 26

PART C: EARTHWORKS ................................................................................................................. 27

DIVISION I: CLEARING WORKS ………………..……...................................................................................... 27
ITEM 100 – CLEARING AND GRUBBING ……..................................................................................................................... 27
ITEM 101 – REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS ……................................................................................... 29
DIVISION II: EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL ….…...................................................................................... 30
ITEM 803 – STRUCTURE EXCAVATION ……....................................................................................................................... 30
ITEM 804 – EMBANKMENT …………………………………………………….…................................................................................... 32

PART D: CONCRETE AND MASONRY WORKS …............................................................................ 34

PART 1: GENERAL SCOPE ………………….…….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 34

PART 2: APPLICABLE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ………..……….……………………………………………………………………………………….. 34
ITEM 900 – STRUCTURAL CONCRETE …….…..................................................................................................................... 34
ITEM 902 – REINFORCING STEEL …………..…..................................................................................................................... 36
ITEM 903 – FORMWORKS AND FALSEWORKS …………..…................................................................................................. 37
ITEM 1046 – MASONRY WORKS …………...…..................................................................................................................... 38
ITEM 1027 – CEMENT PLASTER FINISH ..…...................................................................................................................... 40

PART E: STEEL WORKS ….............................................................................................................. 42

PART 1: GENERAL SCOPE ………………….…….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 42
PART 2: APPLICABLE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ………..……….……………………………………………………………………………………….. 42
ITEM 604 – FENCING ……………………..….….…..................................................................................................................... 42
ITEM 1032 – PAINTING, VARNISHING AND OTHER RELATED WORKS …………………………………………………………………………. 44

PART F: OTHER WORKS ............................................................................................................... 50

PART 1: GENERAL SCOPE ………………….…….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 50
PART 2: APPLICABLE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ………..……….……………………………………………………………………………………….. 50
ITEM 604 – FENCING ……………………..….….…..................................................................................................................... 50
ITEM 1032 – PAINTING, VARNISHING AND OTHER RELATED WORKS …………………………………………………………………………. 51
ITEM B.16 – SBMA SIGNAGES AND LOGO ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………. 53






A. The Scope of Work covered within these Specifications is the complete construction for
the PERIMETER FENCE PHASE 2, Location is from Kalayaan Gate to Bangal
Gate, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines.

B. This section is prepared in a concise manner, the intention of which is to save time and
effort in locating important contents within these Specifications.

C. Execution of this Section shall be coordinated and harmonized to each corresponding

elaborated section of these same specifications.

D. In case discrepancies exist between this Section and its corresponding elaborated
sections, notify the Procuring Entity immediately for clarification; their decision
shall be final.

E. The Contractor shall bear the responsibility of checking all the numbers and units as
indicated in the Bill of Quantities. It is understood that the Contractor shall supply and
install the required units in accordance with the Plans and the Specifications.

F. In their bid proposal, the bidders may propose materials or equipment or makes other than
those specified in the BOQ and/or Specifications, provided they are of equivalent
specifications and functionalities.

G. During project implementation, the winning bidder/contractor may propose substitution of

materials or equipment or makes other than those specified in the Contract documents
shall be subject to the approval of the Procuring Entity for the following reasons only:

1. That the materials or equipment proposed for substitution is equal or superior to the
materials or equipment specified in construction efficiency and utility provided that any
and all costs relative thereof shall be shouldered by the Contractor.

2. Or that the materials or equipment specified cannot be delivered to the job site on
time to complete the work of the other Contractors due to conditions beyond the
control of the Contractor.

3. In case of a price difference, the Procuring Entity shall receive all benefits of the
difference in cost involved in any substitution and the Contract shall be altered by
Change Order to credit the Procuring Entity with any savings so obtained.

H. To receive consideration, request(s) for substitution shall be accompanied by

documentary proof of equality or difference in price and delivery, if any, in the form
of certified quotations and guaranteed date of delivery from suppliers of either the
proposed substituted materials or equipment.




The execution of this Specifications, Plans, and other related Contract Documents shall be
subjected to the rules and regulations as provided in the General Conditions of the Contract.
The Plans and Specifications shall be interpreted by the Procuring Entity and or his/her
representative. The Contractor is enjoined to confer with the Procuring Entity on items for
clarification before submitting his bid. No excuses shall be entertained for misinterpretation of
the Plans and specifications after the award of contract. All work as deemed required by the
Procuring Entity shall be carried out properly by the Contractor.

A. The Contractor shall consult the Procuring Entity on portion of the work not mentioned in the
Specification and not illustrated on the Plans. He shall not work without proper instruction or
detailed plans approved by the Procuring Entity, otherwise he shall be responsible for the in
acceptance of the work done without details. In such case, the Contractor shall make good the
work at his own expense.

B. No alteration or addition shall be allowed without the consent and proper documentation
approved by the Procuring Entity, even such change is ordered by the Procuring Entity. The
Contractor shall bring the case to the Procuring Entity. Request for approval of such changes,
alteration, deviation of work shall not be done without the consent of the Procuring Entity.
Changes may be presented to the Procuring Entity in the form of shop drawings.

TWO (2) SET of clean Plans and Specifications shall always be kept at the jobsite to be
available to the Procuring Entity or their representative upon his request during the

1. Equivalency of Standards and Codes

Whenever reference is made in the Contract to specific standards and codes to

be met by the goods and materials to be furnished, and work performed or
tested, the provisions of the latest current edition, or revision of the relevant
standards and codes in effect shall apply, unless otherwise expressly stated in
the Contract. Where such standards and codes are national or relate to a
particular country or region, other authoritative standards that ensure a
substantially equal or higher quality than the standards and codes specified, will
be accepted subject to the Engineer’s prior review and written consent.
Differences between the standards specified and the proposed alternative
standards shall be fully described in writing by the Contractor and submitted to
the Owner’s Representative at least 28 days prior to the date when the
Contractor desires to use them for the Owner’s Representative consent. In the
event the Owner’s Representative determines that such proposed deviations do
not ensure substantially equal or higher quality, the Contractor shall comply with
the standards specified in the documents.

2. The Standard Specifications

The Standard Specifications applicable to this Contract shall be the Republic of

the Philippines, Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) “Standard
Specifications for Public Works Structures” (Buildings, Ports and Harbors, Flood
Control and Drainage Structures, and Water Supply Systems), Volume III 2019 or
latest edition and orders of the department. “Item” herein refers to the item
number with the Standard Specifications.

3. Special Specifications

To supplement the Standard Specifications, reference should be made to the

attached Special Specifications for the special item of works and the
Environmental Special Specifications.

For pay items with Lump Sum unit of measurement having itemized quantities of
deliverables specified in the technical specification, note that the said itemized
quantities will be accounted per actual quantities and deficits (only) shall be
deducted accordingly to the periodic Statement of Work Accomplishment.

The Implementing Unit may withhold advance and/or progress payments due to
non-delivery of any item listed under Lump sum and Set units as detailed and
specified herein, Special Specifications.

4. Other Generally Accepted Principles and Practices in Civil Engineering

The generally accepted principles and practices in Civil Engineering are hereby
adopted in so far as they do not run-in conflict with established specifications.

Whenever the following terms are used in these specifications, the intent and meaning shall be
interpreted as follows:

AASHTO The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the successor
association to AASHTO.

ASTM The American Society for Testing and Materials

BS British Standard Institution.

BRS Bureau of Research and Standard

DOST Department of Science & Technology

DTI Department of Trade & Industry

CONTRACT The written agreement covering the works to be performed. The Contract shall include,
but is not limited to: The Contract Agreement, the Conditions of Contract, the Contract
Specifications, drawings, plans and other legal requirements as may be required.

CONTRACTOR The party or parties on whose behalf the Bid was submitted including its or their
respective permitted assignees and where the Contractor comprises more than one
party and the context so requires, each and every such party.

PROJECT SITE The project site refers to the whole road network including related structures within the
Subic Bay Freeport Zone


Any person, firm or company appointed by the owner, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority
(SBMA) to perform the duties set out in the Conditions of Contract.

LABORATORY The official testing laboratories of the Contractor as required.

MATERIALS Any substance specified or required for use in the construction of the Contract work.

NIC Not included in the Contract.

PLANS The official drawings or exact reproductions which show the location, character,
dimensions, and details of works to be done.

WORK The furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary or
convenient to the Contractor’s performance of all duties and obligations imposed by the

SPECIFICATIONS The meaning as identified on the Contract conditions and requirements.

For additional Definition of Terms and interpretations, please refer to clauses

applicable in the Conditions of Contract.



Pursuant to DPWH Department Order No. 30, Series of 2021, which effectively amended DPWH Department
Order No. 39, Series of 2020, the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) hereby adopts the following:



1. Most-at-risk population (MARP) for COVID-19 in the workplace (e.g., senior citizens, pregnant
women, individuals with underlying health conditions) and those below 18 years of age shall
continue to observe work-from-home arrangements. Should they be needed to occasionally report
to work, they may be allowed to, provided a Certificate of Fit to Work is secured from the
Occupational Health Personnel (qualified first aider, nurse, dentist, or physician engaged by the
employer to provide occupational health services in the establishment, project, site, or workplace).
They must stay in the workplace only for a specified number of hours and must limit physical
contact inside the premises.

2. Employers are encouraged to collaborate with the national and/or local government testing efforts
and follow the expanded testing strategy and rules, as provided in DOH DM No. 2020-0258, DOH
DM No. 2020-0258-A, and other relevant issuances.

3. Should mandatory testing be implemented by the employer, it should not constitute as an added
cost to the employee. All individuals who are at risk of contracting COVID-19 shall be tested, and
these include the following groups1: (1) suspect cases, (2) individuals with relevant history of travel
and exposure (or contact), whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, and (3) healthcare workers
with possible exposure, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic.

4. Testing of Symptomatic and Close Contacts2.

a. All employees experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and those who are close contacts must
undergo RT-PCR testing. Employers shall inform SBMA and the LGU/s having jurisdiction over
the workplace and the respective residence/s of the symptomatic employees and close
contacts before testing for monitoring purposes.

b. Symptomatic employees with close contact exposure shall undergo fourteen (14) days
quarantine. Upon its completion and prior to resumption of work, the employee shall present
a Certificate of Quarantine Completion from the step- down care facility or local health office,
per Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Disease (PSMID) Guidelines on Return-
to-Work. A step-down care facility refers to a DOE or LGU identified facility, such as
Temporary Treatment Mega Facility (TTMF), for recovering COVID-19 patients who have been
hospitalized but have not yet been certified as COVlD-free and transferred to the TTMF.

1. Case definitions shall be based on DOH Administrative Order No. 2020-0013 dated 09 April 2020.
2. Close contact exposures are those that have happened two (2) days before or within fourteen (14) days from onset of symptoms of a
confirmed or probable case, includes: (1) face-to-face contact with a confirmed case within one (1) meter and for more than fifteen (15)
minutes, (2) Direct physical contact with a confirmed case, (3) Direct care for a patient with probable or confirmed Covid-19 disease
without using proper personal protective equipment. Indiscriminate RT-PCR testing beyond close contacts of a confirmed Covid-19 case
is not recommended.

5. Testing of Asymptomatic Employees Returning to Work.

a. RT-PCR or antibody-based or antigen tests are NOT required for asymptomatic employees
returning to work.
b. Employees physically reporting to work shall be screened for COVID-19 symptoms, including
fever, cough, colds, and other respiratory symptoms, and/or determination of travel or
exposure to COVID-19 cases within the last 14 days.

6. Asymptomatic employees, prior to physically returning to work, may be cleared by the local health
officer or Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) physician.

7. Rapid antibody-based or antigen test kits shall not be used as stand-alone tests to definitively
diagnose or rule out COVID-19, as these must be used in conjunction with RT-PCR. COVID-19 testing
shall be in accordance with DOH DM No. 2020-0258 and DOH DM No. 2020-0258-A.

8. Concessionaires, contractors, and subcontractors shall ensure that their projects are compliant with
DOLE D.O. No. 13, Series of 1998. Cost of COVID-19 prevention and control measures such as, but
not limited to, testing, disinfection facilities, hand sanitizers, PPEs, signages, and proper orientation
and training, as well as the provision of finance, transportation, food, and other services, as needed,
shall be provided and be for the account of the employers/contractors. For private construction
projects, the provisions of DOLE Labor Advisory No. 18-20 shall apply.

9. Concessionaires, contractors, and subcontractors shall provide disinfection facilities at their

respective project sites, in compliance with pertinent DOH and IATF Guidelines, to be placed at
strategic locations to ensure the safety and welfare of all personnel. The use of disinfection tents,
misting chambers, or sanitation booths for individuals is strictly prohibited.

10. Proper information dissemination regarding COVID-19 construction protocols, on top of existing
construction safety practices, shall be conducted by Safety Officers on all personnel.


1. Bona fide IDs issued to employees by construction companies, concessionaires, contractors, and sub-
contractors allowed to operate during the relevant community quarantine classification shall
constitute as sufficient identification and pass for persons/workers/employees of said permitted
establishments/offices, pursuant to IATF Resolution No. 106-B, Series 2021, dated 28 March 2021,
and relevant IATF guidelines.

2. Construction workers are likewise exempt from the uniform curfew hours imposed by SBMA and
LGUs, pursuant to Section B (15) of IATF Resolution No. 106-B, S. 2021.

3. Back offices of construction companies, concessionaires, contractors, and sub- contractors

permitted to operate during the relevant community quarantine classification, being necessary for
the efficient and coordinated implementation of priority public and private construction projects,
may adopt skeleton workforce or alternative work arrangements permitted under ECQ and MECQ,
subject to pertinent rules that may be provided therefor by DOLE.

4. Company policies on prevention and control of COVID-19 should be aligned with existing minimum
public health standards and guidelines issued by DOH and other regulatory agencies.

5. The employer shall conduct an inventory of works for the construction sequencing to be followed
and undertaken to uphold the required social distancing.

6. All persons are mandated to wear full-coverage face shields together with face masks, earloop
masks, indigenous, reusable, or do-it-yourself masks, or other facial protective equipment which
can effectively lessen the transmission of COVID-19, whenever they go out of their residences (and
to be worn at all times in the workplace), pursuant to existing guidelines issued by the national
government, subject to fair and humane penalties or punishments that may be imposed by SBMA,
LGUs or implemented by law enforcement agencies, respectively, and in accordance with the rules
on face masks and face shields provided under DTI-DOLE Point Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A.

7. All employees must be subjected to temperature checks prior to entering the building/site/office
spaces. Proper referral to the appropriate facility shall be done in cases of symptomatic

8. All employees, upon entering the building premises/workplaces, shall be required to accomplish
the Health Declaration Form (ANNEX "A-1” of DTI-DOLE Point Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A),
or any digital iteration thereof. The security staff or other responsible personnel shall immediately
screen the accomplished form and perform a temperature check (ANNEX “B” DTI-DOLE Joint
Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A).

a. If “Yes” to any item is answered or if with a T > 37.5 degrees Celsius, the employee shall be
denied entry and referred to the workplace isolation area for further evaluation by the Safety
b. If “No” to all items are answered and temperature is < 37.5 degrees Celsius, the employee
shall be permitted entry.
c. The security staff or other responsible personnel on duty shall immediately give the
accomplished health declaration form to the company’s Human Resources (HR) Department
for appropriate action and storage.
d. Should an online health declaration form be used, the form should be electronically
submitted to HR.

e. The Health Declaration Form shall be handled and processed in accordance with the Data
Privacy Act and related issuances to ensure that:

i. Data collected should only include such necessary data proportional to the purpose of
contract tracing;
ii. The processing of personal data shall be transparent, and the data subjects shall be
apprised of the reasons for such collection;
iii. Reasonable and appropriate security measures and safeguards shall be implemented to
protect the personal data collected;
iv. The personal data collected shall be considered highly confidential; and
v. The personal data shall be stored only for a limited period and shall be disposed of
properly after thirty (30) days from date of accomplishment.

Employers shall direct symptomatic individuals through appropriate health system entry points
such as the primary care facility (e.g. Barangay Health Center, Infirmaries, Private Clinics / hospitals)
or telehealth consultation. Referral networks shall be established.

Employers may contact the DOH through its hotline 1555 for guidance on the handling and
referring of symptomatic employees.
9. All personnel must practice respiratory etiquette at all times. They must use tissue or the inner
portion of the elbow to cover the nose and mouth when sneezing/coughing. Proper disposal of
tissue after use should be observed.

10. Flexible dining policy shall be adapted (e.g., staggered breaks). The number of workers who can eat
in the pantry/dining area at a given time should be limited. Eating alone by workers in their
respective workstations is highly encouraged.

11. Employers shall provide their employees with psychosocial support, especially those presenting
mental health concerns. If this is not available, a referral system to mental health specialists must
be in place, either through establishing a network with an accredited health facility, through
telemedicine services, or through the National Center for Mental Health Crisis Hotline. Further,
employers shall promote work-life balance, especially in these trying times, through proper
scheduling of activities and workforce rotation.

12. Employers classified as large and medium-sized private establishments (i.e., those with total assets
above PHP15M) are encouraged to provide shuttle services to their employees. Minimum public
health standards should be enforced in the shuttle services. All vehicle types, as long as not
expressly prohibited by the Department of Transportation (DOTr) through an issuance, may be used
for shuttle services.

13. As smoking is a risk factor for COVID-19, smoking and the use of e-cigarettes or vaping are strictly
prohibited in the workplace/construction sites and premises.

14. As COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets, spitting in public places can contribute to the
transmission of COVID-19. Employers shall implement policies and other applicable guidelines
which prohibit spitting.

15. All personnel must wash their hands with soap and water regularly or use hand disinfectants.
Employers should place hand-washing stations with soap and water, hand sanitizers, and/or
dispensers with an alcohol-based solution in all entrances, exits, and areas with high foot traffic.
Employers must ensure daily monitoring and availability of hand soaps, sanitizers, and disinfectants.

16. Employers must ensure disinfection and routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces and
objects using 0.5% bleach solution (100mL bleach, 900mL water) at least once a day. Disinfection is
encouraged between shifts. Disinfection shall be in accordance with DOH DM Nos. 2020-0157 and
2020-0157-A on disinfection protocols.

17. Physical distancing of at least one (1) meter apart from each co-worker should always be practiced
in the construction site, if possible. Employer may install temporary barriers, where applicable.

18. Face-to-face meetings should be limited, as much as possible. Tool box or gang meetings for safety
should still be conducted but following minimum public health standards.

19. Employers classified as large and medium-sized private establishments (i.e., those with total assets
above PHP15M) shall provide for employees’ temporary lodging or quarters for the duration of the
project. The minimum public health standards and protocols enshrined in DOH AO No. 2020-0015
and other relevant issuances shall be also implemented within the temporary lodging or quarters. If
the employer is unable to provide for his employees’ temporary lodging or quarters, the returning
employees shall be subjected to the pre-deployment procedures upon every entrance into the
workplace/construction sites and premises. This shall in no way be construed as a right by the

employer to limit or prevent his employees’ from leaving the work premises, to access essential
goods or otherwise, subject to the conduct of pre- deployment procedures upon the employees’
return or upon every entry by said employees into the work premises.

20. Field offices, employees’ quarters, and other common areas shall be regularly maintained, including
the daily disinfection of such facilities.

21. Employers shall establish Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Committees in accordance with
Republic Act No. 11058, its IRR, and DOLE Department Order No. 198, Series of 2018, which took
effect on 25 January 2019. The OSH Committee and/or Safety Officer of the workplace shall
oversee enforcement and monitoring of the minimum public health standards for COVID-19
prevention in the workplace and of DTI-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A.

22. Large and medium private establishments (i.e., with total assets of above PHP15M) are mandated
to designate an isolation area of one room for every 200 employees, which must be situated near
the entrance/s or in a nearby facility, for employees needing further assessment due to elevated
temperature, presence of flu like symptoms, any “yes” answer to the Health Declaration, or
exposure history to a COVID-19 case or probable case.

23. The designated isolation area shall have adequate ventilation and shall have sufficient provision of
PPEs for the health personnel and symptomatic patients (e.g., face shields and medical-grade face
masks). The isolation area shall be provided with chairs and must have a dedicated restroom. It
shall be disinfected once every two (2) hours and/or immediately after any infected or confirmed
COVID-19 employee leaves the area.

24. Private establishments unable to establish an isolation area may make arrangements with SBMA, a
temporary treatment and monitoring facility nearby or with the Barangay Local Government Unit,
for immediate referral of employees who fulfill the criteria for isolation.

25. For off-site employees’ quarters, transport service, duly disinfected before and after use, shall be
provided, and social distancing shall likewise be observed therein at all times.

26. Should employees leave the construction site and return, they shall be subject to the necessary and
applicable pre-deployment procedures, in line with the established minimum public health
standards and protocols.

27. Sharing of construction and office equipment is discouraged. However, if necessary, the shared
equipment must be disinfected in between transfers amongst personnel.

28. All material and equipment delivery and disposal shall be conducted by a specific team of personnel
on an isolated loading/unloading zone while limiting contact with the delivery/disposal personnel.
All material and/or equipment entering the construction site shall be duly disinfected as much as

29. Non-essential personnel, visitors, and the general public shall be restricted from entering the
construction site, isolation site, employees’ quarters, and field offices. Otherwise, all personnel
entering the construction site premises on a temporary basis (e.g. delivery truck drivers, inspectors
etc.) shall be properly logged and checked for symptoms. Gatherings, liquors, and/or merry-making
are strictly prohibited within the construction site premises.

30. Clustered and staggered deployment of employees within the construction site shall be observed to
minimize personnel contact and for easier contact tracing.

31. Proper waste disposal shall be provided for infectious waste, such as PPEs and other waste
products coming from outside the construction premises.

32. If one confirmed case of COVID-19 is detected in the construction site/workplace, such place shall
be disinfected with an appropriate disinfectant solution (0.5% bleach solution). The conduct of a
comprehensive disinfection by specialists is recommended.

33. The site must be locked down for 24 hours prior to disinfection to lessen transmission to sanitation
personnel. During the disinfection process, all doors and windows should be opened to maximize
ventilation. The site may only be opened 24 hours after the disinfection process.

34. Employers shall ensure that the temporary closure of their establishments for disinfection purposes
will be done in accordance with the National Task Force Against COVID-19 Memorandum Circular
No. 2 dated 15 June 2020 on the Operational Guidelines on the Application of Zoning Containment
Strategy in the Localization of the National Action Plan against COVID-19 Response.

35. Reporting of COVID-19 test results to the DOH shall be done in accordance with DOH
Administrative Order No. 2020-0013, entitled “Revised Guidelines for the Inclusion of COVID-19 in
the List of Notifiable Diseases for Mandatory Reporting to the Department of Health.”

36. Employers shall ensure strict compliance with the protocols established by the DOH and LGUs for
contact tracing of employees in close contact with a COVID- 19 case, as specified in DOH
Memorandum No. 2020-0189 entitled, “Updated Guidelines on Contact Tracing of Close Contacts
of Confirmed Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Cases”.

37. Other applicable provisions of DTI-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A or the “DTI and
DOLE Supplemental Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19”, issued on 15
August 2020, are hereby deemed incorporated in these Guidelines.


A. For SBMA implemented projects and private construction projects, the head of the concerned
Implementing Office (IO) shall monitor compliance with these Guidelines.

B. For infrastructure projects implemented by other national government agencies, Government-Owned

and Controlled Corporations (GOCC), and other government instrumentalities, the head or
representative of the agency, GOCC, or government instrumentality concerned shall monitor
compliance with these Guidelines.

C. Concessionaires, contractors, and subcontractors shall submit to the SBMA IO, or Implementing
Government Agency, GOCC, or Instrumentality, as the case may be, a certification under oath that they
have complied and shall continue to comply with the provisions of these Guidelines within fifteen (15)
days from commencement of work. (A copy of the certification is attached hereto as Annex “A”).

D. The allowed government and private construction projects are subject to the visitorial and
enforcement powers of the DOLE and the DTI in order to ensure compliance with the provisions on
minimum health standards and protocols in accordance with the Omnibus Guidelines.

E. The SBMA Building Permit and Safety Department (BPSD) shall conduct inspection in order to
ensure strict compliance with these Guidelines. In case of violation of minimum health standards
and protocols, the BPSD shall report such violation to the SBMA Public Health and Safety
Department (PHSD), SBMA concerned departments, DOLE, DTI, or other relevant agency.

Violation of any provision of these Guidelines shall be subject to the following penalties, without
prejudice to the imposition of additional administrative sanctions as the internal rules of SBMA may
provide and/or further criminal action that may be filed against such erring concessionaires, contractors,
subcontractors, and suppliers, its responsible officers, directors or employees, which may include, but
shall not be limited to the following:

1. Termination of contract for breach thereof resulting to default pursuant to Item Ill(A)(2)(c)(i),
Annex I of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184 in relation to Section
37.2.3 of the same, which provides that bidding documents requiring bidders to know and be
familiar with all existing laws, decrees, ordinances, acts, and regulations, including pertinent
Orders of DPWH, shall form part of the contract awarded, and refusal or failure to comply with the
valid instruction of SBMA, as the procuring entity, shall justify the contract's termination;

2. Contract termination/rescission under Section 12.21(b) of the Implementing Rules and Regulations
of Republic Act No. 6957, as amended by Republic Act No. 7718 (BOT Law);

3. Referral to the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board of any such violation by the
contractor/sub-contractor, which shall constitute as prima facie case of construction
malperformance of grave consequence due to negligence, incompetence, or malpractice
contemplated under DOLE D.O. No. 13, Series of 1998 and DPWH D.O. No. 56, Series of 2005 in
relation to Republic Act No. 4566 (Contractors' License Law);

4. Section 9 (d) or (e), as the case may be, of Republic Act No. 11332, otherwise known as the
“Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act”, and
its Implementing Rules and Regulation; and

5. Cancellation/Revocation of Building Permit issued.

These guidelines may be amended, modified or revised as the circumstances may warrant or should the Subic Bay
Metropolitan Authority, Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases or the Office
of the President issue new rules pertinent to these matters.

These Guidelines hereby supplements previously issued Revised SBMA Construction Safety Guidelines
(2020) and amends provisions that are inconsistent herewith.

These Guidelines shall take effect immediately.



A.1.1 Field Office, Laboratories and Living Quarters


A.1.2 Vehicles

A.1.2.1 Description

The Contractor shall provide within 30 calendar days upon issuance of the Notice to Proceed (NTP), the
vehicles listed in the Contract for the exclusive use of the Engineer. The vehicles shall be able to transport
personnel or equipment, supplies, products and materials. A provision in the Contract shall be provided
that when the project duration exceeds 24 months, the service vehicles being rented shall be turned over
to the Government after the completion of the project while the operation and maintenance of the
vehicles shall be the responsibility of the Contractor until it is being turned over. For pure rental, in no
instance shall the cumulative rental payment exceed the total cost of the vehicles.

All vehicles shall comply in all respects with all relevant Philippine national or local laws statutes and
regulations. All vehicles shall carry or be fitted with the accessories as may be prescribed by laws and have
comprehensive insurance. The vehicles on delivery shall be new and shall be driven by a competent,
qualified and experienced driver who shall be under the direct order of the Architect/Engineer in Charge.

The Contractor shall maintain the vehicle in good running condition and shall be supplied with appropriate
fuel and lubricants at all times. He shall provide equivalent substitute vehicles during any period when the
specified vehicles are taken out of service for maintenance, repair or any other reason. Unless otherwise
specified, the vehicle shall at the end of the Contract become the property of the Government.

A.1.2.2 Pickup Type Service Vehicle

The pickup shall be a four-wheel compact truck with a low sided open cargo hauler, and a passenger cab
(regular/single or extended/crew cab type) accommodating up to six (6) passengers including the driver
seat on split and/or bench seats with two (2) or four (4) side doors. The pickup shall be able to carry both
passengers and cargoes. The engine displacement shall not exceed 2,500 L for gasoline and 3,000 L for
diesel and/or shall not have an engine exceeding four (4) cylinders.

A.1.3 Assistance to the Engineer

A.1.3.1 Description

The Contractor shall at all times during the duration of the Contract provide for the use of the Engineer all
equipment, instruments and apparatus, all information and records. Such equipment, instruments and
apparatus shall include those listed in the Contract.

The Contractor shall provide qualified and experienced office, survey and laboratory staff/personnel for
the assistance to the Engineer. The personnel/staff so appointed by the Contractor to manage the office,
survey and laboratory shall be well experienced in the type of work to be undertaken and shall be subject
to the approval and direct supervision of the Engineer. The y shall work full time and shall be responsible
to the Engineer for all works carried out. The Contractor, if requested by the Engineer, shall be
immediately replace assigned personnel/staff for reasons arising from misconduct and/or unsatisfactory

A.2 Method of Measurement

1. The quantities for the provision of laboratory personnel for the assistance to the Engineer shall be
duration of the Contract. The unit of measurement is “month”.

2. The quantities for the provision on rental basis of the vehicles shall be for the time the Engineer is
supplied thereof until the end of Contract. The unit of measurement is “month”.

A.3 Basis of Payment

The quantities determined as provided above shall be paid for at the appropriate Contract Unit Price, for
each of the particular pay items shown in the Bill of Quantities which price and payment shall constitute
full compensation for furnishing and maintaining such items.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Unit of

No. Measurement





B.1.1 Description

The Contractor shall provide for their personnel/workers the necessary welfare facilities and amenities,
such as employees’ quarters for board and lodging, ensuring compliance with social distancing, proper
hygiene, etc.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain such temporary quarters or housing accommodations and
quarantine/isolation facility as are necessary. These shall be located in the Contractor’s compound,
distinct and separate from the Engineer’s compound. The location, dimensions and layout of such
buildings and places shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall not be
permitted to erect temporary buildings or structures on the site without the specific permission in writing
of the Engineer including approval of the dimensions of such buildings or structures. Before the
commencement of the period of Warranty, the Contractor shall fence off the Contractor’s store area from
the rest of the Site. By the end of the Period of Warranty, the Contractor shall remove this fence, clear all
the buildings and grade the area as required by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall also provide isolation facilities and oxygen tanks for emergency purpose.

B.1.2 Construction Requirements

Provision of three (3) units Pre-fabricated 20-footer Container Van (TO BE PURCHASED) with 2 ceiling fan,
furniture, COVID-19 Compliant including, but not limited to the following:

1. Concrete pedestal and steel footing

2. Fully insulated roof and wall panels

3. PVC tiled floor

4. 2 sets Sliding window with grilles

5. 1 set steel door with lockset

6. Electrical rough-ins and fixtures:

a. two (2) ceiling fans

b. two (2) lighting fixtures

c. two (2) 2-gang electrical switch and outlet

d. one (1) main switch breaker

i. The above items and/or quantities shall be the minimum requirement. If the project will require, the
Contractor shall provide additional items/quantities as necessary with no additional cost but will be
considered as a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other Contract Items.
ii. The Contractor shall provide proof of purchase of all items listed above.
iii. The Contractor shall remove all temporary facilities from the site and turnover to SBMA-PPMD. The
project site shall be cleared and graded or as required by the SBMA Architect/Engineer In-Charge.

B.1.3 Method of Measurement

The quantities for the provision of temporary facility (barracks and quarantine facility) on purchase basis
shall be for the duration of the Contract. “Lump Sum” shall be used as unit of measurement.

B.1.4 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribe above, shall be paid for at the contract unit price, for the
pay item listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities, which price and payment shall constitute full
compensation including all other incidentals necessary to complete this item.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Unit of

No. Measurement


B.5.1 General Requirements

The Contractor shall install one (1) Project Information Signs at/or near the beginning of the project or
upon the discretion of the Architect/Engineer in Charge.
The Project Billboard/Signboard shall be a tarpaulin signboard that must be suitably framed for outdoor
display at the project location and shall be posted as soon as the award has been made.
Upon completion of the work, all signs installed shall be removed from the site.

B.5.2 Material Requirements

1. Sign Panel

The panel for the project informational signboard shall be the standard 8 ft. x 8 ft. white tarpaulin
suitably framed. The design and format of the tarpaulin, as shown in the drawings, shall have the
following specifications:
Resolution : 70 dpi
Font : Helvetica
Font Size : Main Information – 3”
: Sub-Information – 1”
Font Color : Black

2. Posts and Frames
The post and frames shall be hard wood of the specie indicated on the drawings.
3. Hardware
All hardware shall be of the kind and size specified on the drawings or as approved by the Project-in-
Charge for SBMA.
B.5.3 Construction Requirements
1. Location
The project information signs shall be installed at the area designated by the Project-in-Charge for
2. Excavation and Backfilling
Holes shall be excavated to the required depths of the bottom of the posts as shown on the
3. Erection of Posts
The posts shall be erected vertically in position at the locations identified by the Project-in Charge for

4. Installation of Sign Panel

The sign panel shall be erected in accordance with the details shown on the drawings. Any chipping
or bending of the sign panel shall be considered as sufficient cause to require replacement of the
panel at the expense of the Contractor.

See detail drawing below for reference.

B.5.4 Method of Measurement

All expenses incurred in the furnishing/installation/illumination of the signs shall be paid for each billboard

B.5.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as provided in Section B.5.4, Method of Measurement shall be paid for
at the Contract Unit Price of the Pay Item listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. The unit
price shall cover full compensation for all related services necessary to complete the Item.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Description Unit of

No. Measurement




The Items under this Section include the following scope of works:

ITEM B.7(1) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Safety Personnel;

ITEM B.7(2) Warning Signs;
ITEM B.7(3) Construction of Temporary Project Perimeter Fence and Other Temporary Facilities (Kitchen
& Shower Room);


All items shall conform to respective manufacturer’s specifications and standards and to the requirements
specified in this Specification.

Below are the minimum requirements for this project:

ITEM B.7 (1) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Safety Personnel

The Contractor shall provide the required PPE for all its workers needing such equipment. All other
persons entering the construction site must wear the necessary PPE. The following PPE required for the
project is listed below:

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

a. Safety Helmet 50 Pcs
b. Safety Shoes 50 Pairs
c. Safety Gloves 50 Pairs

In addition, the Contractor shall provide the following in compliance with pertinent DOH and IATF
Guidelines, to be placed at strategic locations to ensure the safety and welfare of all personnel:

a. Face Mask (NIOSH approved / Covid-19 Compliant) 500 Pcs

b. Covid-19 Test (any available FDA approved) 50 Each
c. Hand Sanitizer (500 ml/bottle) 100 Bo.
d. Alcohol Disinfecting Solution (500 ml/bo.) 100 Bo.
e. Gas, Oxygen, Medical Grade, 5.66 cu.m/
9.10 KG/CY @ 1800 psi / CY (contents only) 5 Cylinder
f. Oxygen Tank only (for above requirements) 5 Cylinder
g. Medical Regulator
complete with Nose Cannula 1 Set
h. Vitamin C Capsule 1,200 Each
i. First Aid Kit (for Construction) 2 Set

2. Safety and Health Officer/Personnel

a. Part-time Safety Practitioner 80 Man-hours
b. Full-time Certified First Aider/Reg. Nurse 1,200 Man-hours

ITEM B.7 (2) Warning Signs

a. PPE with COVID-19 Compliant Signage (4’ x 8’) 4 Set

b. Safety First (4’ x 4’) 4 Set
c. Warning Signs (3’ x 2’) 4 Set
d. Caution Tape (1000 ft) 1 Roll

ITEM B.7 (3) Construction of Temporary Project Perimeter Fence/Kitchen & Shower Room

a. Temporary Perimeter Fence with main gate and emergency gate

(Pre-painted metal cladding on steel framing) 200 Linear Meter

b. Temporary Kitchen Shed 9 Square Meter

(Pre-painted metal roofing/cladding on steel framing)

c. Temporary Shower Area (including fixtures) 3 Square Meter

(Pre-painted metal roofing/cladding on steel framing)

i. The above items and/or quantities shall be the minimum requirement. If the project will require, the
Contractor shall provide additional items/quantities as necessary with no additional cost but will be
considered as a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other Contract Items.
ii. The Contractor shall provide proof of purchase of all items listed above.
iii. Also, the Contractor shall provide and submit records (i.e., DTR) that will show it conforms to the
minimum safety and health officer/personnel requirement.

iv. The Contractor shall remove the fence and all temporary structures and turnover all salvageable
materials including the safety signages to SBMA-PPMD. The project site shall be cleared and graded or
as required by the SBMA Architect/Engineer In-Charge.




B.7.1 Description

This Item covers the implementation of construction safety in all stages of project procurement (design,
estimate, construction and maintenance), requirements, provisions, and instructions for the guidance of
the Engineer.

B.7.2 Construction Safety and Health Program (CSHP)

Every construction project shall have a suitable and approved Construction Safety and Health Program
(CSHP) as required in all projects regardless of amount, funding source and mode of implementation
which shall comply with the minimum safety and health requirements as specified in the Occupational
Safety and Health Standards.

The required CSHP shall include but not limited to the following:

I. Composition of the Safety and Health personnel responsible for the proper implementation of CSHP.
2. Specific safety policies which shall be undertaken in the construction site, including frequency of and
persons responsible for conducting toolbox and gang meetings.
3. Penalties and sanctions for violations of the CSHP.
4. Frequency, content and persons responsible for orienting, instructing and training all workers at the
site with regard to the CSHP which they operate.
5. The manner of disposing waste arising from the construction.

B.7.3 Construction Safety and Health Personnel

At the start of the project, the Contractor shall establish construction safety and health committee
composed of the following personnel:

1. Project Manager/Project Engineer

The Contractor must provide for a full time Project Manager/Project Engineer, who is tasked to observe,
monitor and supervise if the enforcement of CSHP was being followed strictly and correctly.

2. General Safety Engineer/Officer

The General Contractor (under which are a number of subcontractors) must provide for a full time Officer,
who shall be assigned as the CSHP to oversee and enforce full time the overall management of the CSHP.
Furthermore, deployment of part-time or full-time safety man depending on the number of workers shall
be complied in accordance with Rule 1033 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) and
applicable provisions under Section 7.0, Safety Personnel of Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
Department Order (D.O.) 13 Series of 1998.

3. Health Personnel

The Contractor's health personnel may be full time or part time certified first-aider, registered nurse,
physician and dentist depending on the total number of workers conforms to Section 8.0, Emergency
Occupational Health Personnel and Facilities or DOLE D.O. 13, Series of 1998.

4. Safety Practitioner

The Contractor must provide a full time or part time Safety Practitioner, shall initiate and supervise safety
and health training for employees.

B.7.4 Supervision, Control and Monitoring

Overall supervision, control and monitoring of the implementation of CSHP for projects undertaken by
administration/contracts shall be under the Implementing Office.

B.7.5 Construction Safety and Health Training

The Construction Safety and Health Seminar (COSH) shall be a 40h training course as prescribed by the
DOLE-Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC). All safety personnel involved in a construction project shall be
required to complete such basic training course.

The Contractor shall provide continuing construction safety and health training to all technical personnel
under his organization. Continuing training shall be a minimum of 16 h per year for every full-time safety

B.7.6 Construction Safety and Health Reports

The Contractor shall be required to submit a monthly construction safety and health report to the DOLE
Regional Office concerned. The report shall include a monthly summary of all safety and health committee
meeting agreements/ a summary of all accident investigations/reports and periodic hazards assessment
with the corresponding remedial measures/action for each hazard.

In case of any dangerous occurrence or major accident resulting in death or permanent total disability, the
concerned employer shall initially notify the DOLE Regional Office within 24 h from occurrence. After the
conduct of investigation by the concerned construction safety and health officer, the employer shall
report all permanent total disabilities to DOLE Regional Office on or before the 20th of the month
following the date of occurrence of accident using the DOLE Employer's Work Accident Illness Report.

B.7.7 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Devices

The Contractor shall furnish his workers with protective equipment for eyes, face, hands and feet, lifeline,
safety belt/harness, protective shields and barriers whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous work
process or environment, chemical or radiological or other mechanical irritants of hazards capable of
causing injury or impairment in the function of any part of the body through absorption, inhalation or
physical agent.

All PPE and Devices shall be in accordance with the requirements of the OSHS and should pass the test
conducted and/or standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC).

For General Construction Work, the required basic PPEs for all workers shall be safety helmet, safety
gloves and safety shoes. Specialty PPEs shall be provided to workers in addition to or in lieu of the
corresponding basic PPE as the work or activity requires. Workers within the construction project site shall
be required to wear the necessary PPE at all times. Moreover, all other persons who are either authorized
or allowed to be at a construction site shall also wear appropriate PPEs.

Furthermore, the Contractor must include provision of any available FDA approved COVID-19 test (Refer
to Revised SBMA Construction Safety Guidelines for the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects During
the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis).

Lastly, if applicable, construction workers who are working from unguarded surfaces 6 meters or more
above water or ground, temporary or permanent floor platform, Scaffold or where they are exposed to
the possibility of falls hazardous to life or limb, must be provided with safety harnesses and life lines.

B.7.8 Signages and Barricades

Construction Safety Signages and Barricades shall be provided as a precaution and to advice the workers
and the general public of the hazards existing in the worksite. Signages shall be posted in prominent
positions at strategic location and as far as practicable, be in the language understandable to most of the
workers employed. For road projects, it shall be in accordance with the DPWH Road Works Safety Manual.

B.7.9 Facilities

The Contractor shall provide the following welfare facilities in order to ensure humane working conditions:

1. Adequate supply of safe drinking water.

2. Adequate sanitary and washing facilities.
3. Suitable living accommodation for workers and as may be applicable for their families.
4. Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for men and women workers.
The services of a full-time registered nurse, a full-time physician, a dentist and an infirmary or emergency
hospital with one (1) bed capacity when the number of employees exceed 300. In addition, there should
be one (1) bed capacity for every 100 employees in excess of three hundred (300).

B.7.10 Costing

The cost for the implementation of construction safety and health shall be integrated to the overall
project cost under the prescribed pay item. In consideration of the cost involved of providing the
necessary safety equipment and manpower for an effective implementation of safety in the workplace/
the following shall be used as a guide:

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The PPEs shall be provided by the Contractor, and its cost shall be duly quantified and made part of the
overall cost of Item B.7, Occupational Safety and Health. The use of PPEs shall conform to Section B.7.7
Personal Protective Equipment and Devices.

2. Clinical Materials and Equipment

Clinical materials and equipment such as medicines, beds and linens, other related accessories shall be to
the account of the Contractor implementing the project and shall be in accordance with the Occupational
Health Services of OSHS.

3. Signages and Barricades

The quantities and cost of signages and barricades necessary for a specific item of work shall be quantified
and made part of that particular pay item of work. For general signages and barricades not included in
specific pay item of work but necessary for promoting safety in and around the construction site, the
quantities and cost shall be a separate pay item and included in the overall cost of Item B.7, Occupational
Safety and Health.

4. Facilities

Facilities such as portable toilets, waste disposal, sanitary and washing facilities, convenient dwellings and
office, adequate lighting, and other facilities related to construction safety and health shall be in
accordance with OSHS and previously approved guidelines of the Department and shall be quantified and
the cost thereof be made a separate pay item under "Facilities for the Engineers" and "Other General
Requirements" as required in the DPWH Standard Specifications.

5. Salaries

Labor cost for the medical and safety personnel actually assigned in the field shall be included in the
overall cost of Item B.7, Occupational Safety and Health. Manpower cost shall be established based on the
cost of labor in the area. Duration Of employment shall be based on project duration of the particular

6. Safety and Health Training

Cost associated for the provision of basic and continuing construction safety and health training to all
safety and technical personnel shall be made part the indirect/overhead cost of the project.

B.7.11 Safety on Construction during Heavy Equipment Operation

In relation to heavy equipment operation in all construction sites, the following are required in the
different phases of the project.

1. Pre-Construction

The Contractor must ensure that appropriate certification is obtained from DOLE duly accredited
organizations for the following:

a. All heavy equipment operators assigned at the project site must be tested and certified in
accordance with a standard trade test prescribed by Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA) in coordination with its accredited organization.
b. All heavy equipment must be tested and certified in accordance with the standards prepared by
DOLE or its recognized organization prior to commissioning of said equipment.

2. During Construction

The Contractor must ensure that the following conditions are met or complied with:

a. For mobilization or transport of heavy equipment, load restrictions, height and width clearances
as imposed by Department for all roads and bridges to be utilized during transport. Moreover,
only duly certified operators are allowed to load and unload heavy equipment to low-bed trailer.
b. During erection and set-up of heavy equipment, existing hazards must be avoided. Standard
checklist of steps and procedures must be observed. List of necessary equipment, tools and
materials must be available and properly utilized.
c. In the interest of accident prevention, duly certified mechanics and operators shall conduct daily
routine inspection of all heavy equipment deployed at the site in accordance with standards set by
TESDA in coordination with the Association of Construction Equipment Lessors (ACEL Inc.). During
routine inspection, all equipment which do not comply with the minimum safety standards for
equipment certification shall be immediately removed from the work site for restoration or repair
until they meet said standards or requirements. The Contractor and the equipment owner shall
maintain a separate logbook for data on maintenance, repair, tests and inspections for each heavy
equipment. Such logbook shall be used as a necessary reference during the conduct of equipment

3. Post Operation and Post Construction

The procedures for dismantling and demobilization of heavy equipment shall follow the same
requirements as listed under provisions of mobilization or transport of heavy equipment and erection and
set-up of heavy equipment.

B.7.12 Violations and Penalties

The Construction Safety and Health Seminar (COSH) shall be a 40h training course as prescribed by the
DOLE-Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC). All safety personnel involved in a construction project shall be
required to complete such basic training course.

B.7.13 Method of Measurement

Occupational safety and health program shall be measured by lump sum.

B.7.14 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section B.7.13, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price or for the pay item listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. Such
payment shall cover full compensation for Occupational Safety and Health Program.

Payment shall be made under:

Description Unit of
Pay Item No.




B.8.1 Description

This work consists of traffic control devices (all signs, signals, markings, and other devices used to regulate,
warn or guide traffic) which control and protect public traffic adjacent to and within the project.

It shall conform to the applicable requirements of DPWH Manuals (Part 1: Road Safety Design Manual and
Part 2: Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual) and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for
Streets and Highways (MUTCD).

B.8.2 Material Requirements

The minimum required units of construction safety signs and device necessary for the duration of the
project are as follows:

a) Road Closed (Road Sign) 2 sets

b) Detour (Road Sign) 4 sets

c) Temporary Hazard Marker 4 sets
(Road Sign/Marker)
d) Barrier 2 sets
(Road Barrier with flasher light)
e) Traffic Cones 21 sets
h) Slow Down (Road Sign) 4 sets

B.8.3 Construction Requirements

B.8.3.1 Accommodating Traffic During Work

Traffic shall be accommodated in accordance with the MUTCD, contract traffic control plan, and this
section. An alternate traffic control plan may be submitted for approval to the Engineer. Alternate traffic
control plans shall be submitted at least 30 days before intended use.

Work should be performed in a manner that ensures the safety and convenience of the public and
protects the residents and property adjacent to the project. Accommodate public traffic on roads adjacent
to and within the project until the project is accepted.

B.8.3.2 Maintaining Roadways During Work

Maintain roadways as follows:

1. Diversion roads and bridges shall be constructed and removed as required by the traffic control plan;
2. Intersections with trails, roads, streets, businesses, parking lots, residences, garages, farms, and other
features shall be maintained;
3. A dust-free carriageway shall be maintained such that visibility and air quality are not affected and a
hazardous condition is not created;
4. Accumulations of soil and other material shall be removed from the carriageway;
5. Water to pond on the carriageway shall not be allowed; and
6. Roadway, detours, and diversions shall be maintained in a safe and acceptable condition.

B.8.3.3 Maintaining Roadways During Non-Work Periods

The Contractor shall maintain roadways and traffic control for public traffic during periods when work is
not in progress.

B.8.3.4 Limitations on Construction Operations

When the roadway is open to public traffic, restrict operations (where applicable) as follows:

1. Operate equipment in the direction of traffic, where practical;

2. For shoulder drop-offs of 75 mm or less, "Low Shoulder" warning signs shall be provided. For
shoulder drop-offs in excess of 75 mm, a 1V:3H fillet with "Shoulder Drop-Off” warning signs shall be
provided. The construction of shoulders adjacent to traffic lanes to the same elevation shall be
completed within 14 days;
3. A minimum lane width of 3 m shall be provided. Barricades, drums, or other acceptable devices shall
be used to delineate traffic lanes through areas where the edge of pavement or intended path has
been obliterated by construction operations;
4. Staging areas shall be located at least 9 m from the carriageway or behind acceptable traffic barriers.
Approval of the location and access to staging areas shall be obtained. Unused traffic control devices
shall be stored at staging areas;
5. Equipment shall be parked at least 9 m from the carriageway or behind acceptable traffic barriers;
6. 6. Parking areas for employee's personal vehicles shall be provided in approved areas;
7. Uninterrupted two-way communications shall be provided between flaggers and pilot cars unless
flaggers are able to see each other and communicate. communication devices approved by the
Engineer shall be used. Citizen band radios shall be unacceptable, Communication devices shall be
available to the Engineer as necessary;
8. Where switching traffic to a completed lane, adequate personnel and equipment shall be provided to
set or relocate traffic control devices;
9. Construction-caused delays to public traffic shall be limited to a maximum of 30 min per passage
through the project; and
10. Existing guardrails, barriers, and bridge railings shall be maintained until removal is necessary for
construction. Temporary barrier or appropriate channelizing devices shall be used while the
guardrails and bridge rails are absent. Permanent barriers, guardrails, and bridge rails shall be
installed as soon as possible to minimize risk to the public.

B.8.3.5 Night Time Operations

Perform construction operations during the hours of daylight (30 min after sunrise to 30 min before

Where night operations are permitted/ submit a night lighting system for approval. Include the light types,
locations, and the manner in which the lights will be moved. Submit the proposed system at least 14 days
before use. Use an independent source other than vehicle headlights. Do not use incandescent lights.
Furnish and install the approved system to illuminate the entire work area. Position the lights so they do
not shine directly at motorists traveling from any direction. If the operation is moving, move the lighting
with the operation. Provide lighting at each flagger location. Equip vehicles with an exterior flashing yellow
dome light.

B.8.3.6 Traffic Control Supervisor

The Contractor shall provide a traffic control supervisor. Furnish the traffic control supervisor's name,
address, and 24 h telephone numbers at the preconstruction conference. During the Contract, including
periods of suspensions and work stoppages, perform the following:

1. Traffic control plan shall be implemented.

2. Traffic control operations shall be coordinated, including those of subcontractors and suppliers.
3. Ensure the condition, position, and applicability of traffic control devices in use.

4. Traffic control deficiencies shall be corrected immediately.

5. Traffic control maintenance operations shall be coordinated with the Engineer.
6. Coordinate and ensure that traffic control devices are furnished, installed, maintained, removed,
stored, replaced, relocated, and cleaned. Ensure unused traffic control devices are properly handled
and stored.
7. Weekly traffic safety meetings for construction workers shall be conducted and invite the Engineer to
these weekly meetings.
8. Submit a weekly certification that inspections and reviews were conducted and that the traffic
control devices meet contract requirements. Include the number and types of devices in use. Report
with the weekly certification, changes or corrective actions taken to ensure the safe passage of public
traffic through the project.
9. Traffic control devices shall be inspected, including those in staging, storage, material sources, and
disposal areas, as follows:
a. Daily during daylight hours when daylight work is being performed;
b. Daily during hours of darkness when nighttime work is being performed;

10. Weekly during:

a. Daylight hours and hours of darkness when work is suspended for periods of more than one (1)

11. Additional inspections, day or night, as directed by the Engineer; and

12. Reports of inspections shall be submitted in an acceptable format within 2 days.
13. Temporary flagging assistance shall be provided.

B.8.4 Method of Measurement

All expenses incurred in the furnishing/installation/illumination of all traffic management plan and control
devices shall be paid for in lump sum.

B.8.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as provided in Section B.8.4, Method of Measurement shall be paid for
at the Contract Unit Price of the Pay Item listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. The unit
price shall cover full compensation for all related services necessary to complete the Item.

Payment shall be made under:

Unit of
Pay Item No. Description


B.9.1 Description

Mobilization shall mean the transport to the project site of the Contractor’s personnel, construction plant
and equipment as stipulated in the proposal and Contract of the project while demobilization shall be
their subsequent removal from the site after the completion of the project. The Contractor shall secure
approval of the Engineer should he opted to demobilize any of the major plant and/or equipment before
the completion of the project.

The minimum major equipment requirements are the following:


Item No. Equipment Description Capacity No. of Units
1 Backhoe 0.8 cu.m 1
2 Backhoe with Breaker 0.8 cu.m 1
3 Pay Loader 1.5 cu.m 1
4 Mini Dump Truck 1
5 One Bagger Mixer 4.0 - 6.0 cu. ft/min 1
6 Concrete Vibrator 5 HP 1
7 Cargo Truck 10T 1
8 Gen Set 1
9 Welding Machine 1
10 Water Truck 1
11 Cutting Outfit 2

B.9.2 Method of Measurement

Mobilization/demobilization shall be paid by lump sum.

B.9.3 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section B.9.2, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price or for the pay item listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. Such
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing, maintaining and ensuring against loss of the

Payment shall be made under:

Unit of
Pay Item No. Description



B.14.1 Scope

Environmental Management Plan (EMP), specifying the impacts mitigation plan, areas of public
information, education and communication, social development program proposal, environmental
monitoring plans (with multi-sectoral public participation for Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) -
based projects) and the corresponding institutional and financial requirements/ arrangements.

The Contractor shall take all necessary measures and precautions to ensure that the execution of the
Works and all associated operations are carried out in conformity with statutory and regulatory
environmental and social requirements of the Government of the Philippines (GOP). The Contractor shall
be required to develop an EMP and environmental mitigating measures during construction of the bidding
document and shall comply with the Contract Specifications.

The Contractor shall be required to develop or update their EMP to comply with site-specific requirements
and other mitigating measures (if any) identified in the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) issued
by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Environmental Management Bureau

In the event of serious or repeated violations of the conditions stipulated in the ECC, EMP and the
Contract Specifications, the Engineer reserves the right to withhold payments and/or stop construction.

In addition to the environmental mitigation measures specified in the ECC and the bid documents, the
Contractor shall implement corrective and/or additional measures to avoid/ mitigate or compensate for
adverse environmental impacts due to construction works and other project-related activities performed
by the Contractor.

B.14.2 General Requirements

A. Waste Disposal

1. The Contractor shall provide for its workers adequate and appropriate sanitary facilities, i.e. provision
of portable toilet in accordance with guidelines to be provided by the Ecology Center, and ensure
that all sewage is disposed of, if and as necessary, by a SBMA accredited sewage disposal company.

2. The Contractor shall ensure that oil and grease and other related hazardous wastes, such as paints,
concrete epoxies admixtures, etc., which are generated during Contract implementation shall be
properly contained, handled and disposed of outside SBMA Secured Area in accordance with
provisions of Chapter VII of DAO 29 (IRR of RA 6969, otherwise known as the Toxic Substances and
Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990). Disposal shall be done by a DENR and SBMA
accredited hauler and transporter, who shall advise the disposal site.

3. The Contractor shall provide the Ecology Center with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), to be
supplied by the materials suppliers, for hazardous chemicals it intends to use (painting, coating,
termite control, soil poisoning, etc.). These shall be properly stored, handled and disposed of in
accordance with provisions of DAO 29 (see 2. above).

4. The Contractor shall ensure that recyclable items such as metal scraps shall be stored in an
appropriate manner and reused to the fullest extent feasible. All materials remaining after
completion of the Project shall be either recycled or disposed of in SBMA approved disposal site. The
designated disposal site is at the Olongapo City Landfill.

5. The Contractor is prohibited from maintaining a garbage dump within its leased premises.
Construction debris and spoils such as excess and/or broken concrete, hollow blocks, tiles, etc. shall
be disposed of in SBMA approved Landfill (see 4. above). All wastes shall be properly contained and
disposed of in this landfill. The Contractor shall secure a dumping permit for each truckload of waste
to be disposed of in SBMA approved disposal site. Cost and requirements for disposal are the

a. Hauling by the Contractor

• Tipping Fee of Php 1,800 for every two (2) tons or one (1) dump truck load.

• Requirements to be processed by the Contractor:

i. Certification from the end user/implementing department of the project,

which is the SBMA Engineering Dept.
ii. Clearances from the (i) Solid Waste Management Division of the SBMA
Maintenance and Transportation Department, (ii) SBMA Procurement and
Property Management Department and (iii) the Bureau of Customs in the Subic
Bay Freeport Zone.

b. Hauling through the SBMA’s Maintenance Services

• Service Charge of Php 4,500.00 for every two (2) tons or one (1) dump truck load.

• Requirements and/or clearances will be processed by the Solid Waste Management

Division of the SBMA Maintenance and Transportation Department.

6. For debris and spoils which are unacceptable in SBMA approved Landfill because of their size, such as
large metal and concrete scraps/sections, the Contractor shall dispose of these in a site located
within the Secured Area of SBMA to be identified by the Engineering Department and/or Ecology

B. Protected Areas:

1. No trees may be cut, pruned unless a joint inspection with the Proponent and the Ecology Center is
done and a permit to do so has been issued by the Ecology Center. Hence, the Proponent shall
comply with the SBMA Guidelines for Allowable Tree Cutting and Trimming within Subic Bay Freeport

2. The Contractor shall minimize effect of construction activities to mangrove areas. In case it is really
necessary to touch portions of these areas, contractor shall submit a Mangrove Rehabilitation
Program of the EC for approval prior to infringement of these areas.

3. All construction and related activities shall be limited to the identified right-of-way (ROW), unless
approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not create trails and the like outside of the
designated ROW and laydown areas, especially in forested areas, unless approved by the Engineer.

Likewise, Contractor shall ensure light and other electrical equipment are kept away from trees and
grasses. The Contractor is liable for fully restoring any area scarred or damaged outside of
designated ROW’s.

4. The Contactor shall ensure that no fishing, hunting, or collection of wild plants and animals is
undertaken by his staff or the staff of his Sub-Contractors on or adjacent to the site. The Contractor
shall be fully penalized as provided for by law.
C. Environmental Quality:

1. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to DENR standards on dust and smoke emissions as provided for
in Section 62 of DAO 14. The Contractor shall also follow noise standards as provided for in Section78
of PD 984. SBMA shall reserve the right to refuse entry into the Freeport at any vehicle which fails to
comply with such standards. The Contractor shall be penalized for vehicles failing to comply with

2. The Contractor shall ensure that all trucks use tarpaulins (spill catchers) to cover their top loads in
order to prevent construction debris from falling on the roads. In the event of falling debris, the
Contractor must take all necessary actions to recover the same. He shall be responsible for keeping
the roads within the Freeport used by the Contractor’s construction vehicles free from dirt and
debris. Failure to do so will result in the imposition of necessary fines and penalties.

3. The Contractor shall ensure cleanliness of his leased premises and construction site at all times. This
means that all construction materials shall be properly stored. He shall also ensure regular
maintenance of trucks, vehicles and equipment. Failure to do so shall result in the imposition of
necessary fines and penalties.

4. The Contractor shall conduct his construction activities so that they shall not be a nuisance and/or
safety hazard to the public. A Traffic Management Plan shall be prepared by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer.

5. Contractor shall provide its personnel appropriate personal protective equipment including, as
deemed necessary, eye and face protective devices, hard hats, safety shoes, electrical protective
devices, respirators, gloves, ear plugs/muffs, etc. The appropriate protective devices must be worn
as necessary. Mandatory safety provisions in accordance with standard industry practice must be
strictly observed. The Contractor shall prepare a Health and Safety plan for approval and
appoint/designate a Safety Officer to oversee the implementation of all safety requirements and

6. The Contractor shall conduct monthly effluent monitoring of water bodies, potentially affected by the
project including parameters such as color, temperatures, TSS, oil and grease and BOD as mandated
with provisions of Section 5 of DAO 35.

7. Throughout the Contract period, the Contractor shall provide for adequate temporary drainage at all
locations along the project to prevent damage from rainfall and flooding in the form of erosion, loss
of strength, contamination, etc. to adjacent pavements, water bodies/streams, etc.

B.14.3 Method of Measurement

Payment for the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), during construction and any associated
construction measures shall not be paid separately and should be considered as subsidiary obligation of
the Contractor under other Contract Items.

B.14.4 Description

This item shall consist of provision of two (2) units portable toilet on rental basis including cleaning and
disposal services including but not limited to:

1. Tissue Paper, Deodorizer (Blue Tablet), Trash Bag

2. Delivery, Installation and Pull out
3. Signages
4. Repair and Maintenance if Required
5. Cleaning and Disinfecting of Portable Toilets
6. Siphoning of Human waste at specified schedule

The Contractor must ensure that portable toilets are to be compliant with all applicable codes,
regulations, and industry standards, including proper disposal.

The Contractor and service provider agreement shall be in satisfaction to the Architect/Engineer in
Charge in accordance with the Environmental Management Program required for the duration of the

B.14.5 Method of Measurement

Provision of portable toilets shall be paid by the duration of the Contract. The unit of measurement is

B.14.6 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section B.14.5, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price or for the pay item listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. Such
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and maintaining such service.

Payment shall be made under:

Unit of
Pay Item No. Description


1. Photographs and Contract Documentation

Provide necessary documents as stipulated in the contract and as required by the Project-in-Charge
for SBMA including photographs taken at the jobsite at the specified stages of the contracted work
or as again directed by the Project-in-Charge for SBMA.

At all instances requiring progress photograph presentation, the following guidelines must be

- Size : 5R

- Type: Smooth surface, glossy print, single weight paper with white base mounted on
muslin or on double weight glossy paper.

- Photographs and prints must be of professional quality; clear, in focus, with high resolution
and sharpness, and with minimum distortion.

- Photographs must be of the same view position of the works to show continuous progress of
the works until the works are completed or as directed by the Project-in-Charge for SBMA.

- Photographer should identify each photograph location or by such other means as

acceptable to the Project-in-Charge for SBMA, to enable future photographs to be taken
from the same location and position.

Progress photographs shall not be measured and paid but shall be considered part of
necessary documents to be provided as stipulated in the contract and as required by the Project-in-
Charge for SBMA.

2. Water and Electrical Charges

A. Scope of Work

SBMA shall provide assistance for necessary coordination for the provision of water and electrical supply
for project related activities by the Contractor during the duration of the contract.

Necessary temporary connections/extensions, etc. (labor and materials) shall be provided by the
Contractor upon identification by the Project-in-Charge for SBMA of the source/tapping point for water
and electrical supply to be used for the project. The Contractor shall dismantle all temporary
connections/extensions, etc., and restore to original state the sources of the utility supplies upon project

In case no source/tapping point can be found within the site, the Project-in-Charge for SBMA and the
Contractor shall agree with any means that will satisfy the needs for water and electrical supply for the
duration of the project.

Note that all expenses incurred, tapping, consumption and restoration, for this item shall be shouldered
by the Contractor.

3. Material Testing and Documentation

A. Scope of Work

Material Testing

Seven (7) days upon receipt of the notice to proceed, The Contractor together with the Materials Engineer
of SBMA shall jointly undertake sampling and testing of all material requirements of the contract, the
Contractor intends to use for this project. The Materials Engineer of SBMA will see to it that extra sample
be set aside in his/her office for future reference purposes.

All tests shall be normally carried out on the site, except that certain special tests may, subject to the
approval of the Materials Engineer for SBMA, be carried out at an approved independent accredited
testing laboratory. The Contractor shall, if so approved, make all necessary arrangements for the supply
and delivery of samples to, and collection of samples from such independent Laboratory. Unless
otherwise specified, the Contractor shall arrange for one (1) copy of the independent testing laboratory’
test certificate to be delivered to the Materials Engineer for SBMA not less than three (3) days before the
materials covered by the relevant test certificate are incorporated in the Works, and test certificates shall
be relatable to the materials from which the sample was taken.

Accredited Testing Laboratory

Testing of materials shall be carried out, conducted or be performed at testing laboratory accredited by
the Bureau of Research and Standard (BRS) of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and
Department of Science and Technology (DOST).



Removal of Structures & None


Clearing and Grubbing None

Structure Excavation If excavated materials are incorporated into the work:

For every 1500 cu.m. or fraction thereof:
If excavated materials are wasted,
the volume involved shall be 1-G, Grading Test
reported so that Quality Control 1-P, Plasticity Test (LL, PL, PI)
requirements may be adjusted 1-C, Laboratory Compaction Test
For every 150 mm layer in uncompacted depth:
Submit Project Engineer 1-D, Field Density
Certificate of Waste
Embankment For every 1500 cu.m. or fraction thereof:
1-G, Grading Test
1-P, Plasticity Test (LL, PL, PI)
1-C, Laboratory Compaction Test
For each 500 sq. m. of each layer of compacted fill or
fraction thereof at least one group of three in-situ
density tests. The layers shall be placed not exceeding
200 mm in loose measurement or based on the result
of compaction trials.

Subgrade Preparation For every 1500 cu.m or fraction thereof:
1-G, Grading Test
1-P, Plasticity Test (LL, PL, PI)
1-C, Laboratory Compaction

Masonry Units Test:

1–Q, Quality Test for every 10,000 units or fraction

Structural Concrete * This item shall consist of furnishing, bending, and

placing and finishing concrete in all structures except
Quantity: (40 kg/bag)
Class A ---------- 9.0 bags/cu.m. of concrete
Class B ---------- 8.0 bags/cu.m. of concrete
Tests: For every 2000 bags or fraction thereof
1-Q, Quality Test
B. Fine Aggregate
Quantity: cu.m./cu.m. of concrete
For Rounded For Angular
Class A ---------- 0.50 ---------- 0.54
Class B ---------- 0.45 ---------- 0.52
Class C ---------- 0.53 ---------- 0.59
Tests: For every 1500 cu.m or fraction thereof
a. For a source not yet tested or failed in previous
quality test
1-Q, Quality Test for: Grading, Elutriation (Wash), Bulk
Specific Gravity, Absorption, Mortar Strength,
Soundness, Organic Impurities, Unit Weight, % Clay
Lumps and Shale
b. For a source previously tested and passed quality
1-Q, Quality Test for: Grading, Elutriation (Wash), Bulk
Specific Gravity, Absorption, and
Mortar Strength
For every 75 cu.m. or fraction thereof:

C. Coarse Aggregates
Quantity: cu.m./cu.m. of concrete
For Rounded For Angular
Class A ---------- 0.77 ---------- 0.68
Class B ---------- 0.82 ---------- 0.73
Class C ---------- 0.70 ---------- 0.68
Class P ---------- 0.68 --------- 0.65
Tests: For every 1500 cu.m or fraction thereof a. For a
source not yet tested or failed in previous quality tests:
1-Q, Quality Test for: Grading, Bulk Specific Gravity,
Absorption, Abrasion, Soundness and Unit Weight
b. For a source previously tested and passed quality
1-Q, Quality Test for Grading, Absorption, Bulk Specific
Gravity and Abrasion
For every 75 cu.m. or fraction thereof:
1-G, Grading Test

D. Water
1-Certificate from Project Engineer
1-Q, Quality Test, if source is questionable
E. Premolded Filler for expansion joints
1-Q, Quality Test on each thickness of filler for each
F. Steel Reinforcement
1-Q, Quality Test for every 10,000 kg or fraction
thereof for each size
G. Concrete
Compressive strength test on concrete cylinder
samples. 1 set consisting of 3 concrete cylinder
samples shall be taken from each day’s pouring and to
represent not more than 75 cu.m of concrete or
fraction thereof

Metal Structures
This work shall consist of steel structures portions of
composite structures, constructed in reasonably
close conformity with the lines, grades and

1-Q, Quality Test or Mill Test Certificate for each
type of materials used
1-Inspection Report for each type and shipment of
metal used

1-Q, One 20-L can for every 100 cans or fraction
thereof or
1-Q, one 4-L can for every 100 cans or fraction

All Quality/Material Testing requirements shall not be measured and paid separately but shall be
considered integral with the other pay items of the contract.

4. Construction As-stake & As-built Plans

Within seven (7) calendar days upon receipt of Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall initiate joint as-
stake survey with the Project-in-Charge for SBMA to make certain the work scope and quantities as
originally proposed for the contract, the Contractor shall provide qualified quantity surveyor with
necessary protective equipment, safety gears, tools, and gadgets to perform the work safely and

The Contractor shall provide and maintain equipment necessary for this purpose.

During and after each phase of work, joint surveys shall be done which will serve as basis to every
interim payment certificate being submitted by the contractor.

The Contractor is responsible for the production of the plans, and presentation of the survey data as
designed and approved by the Project-in-Charge for SBMA.

As the work progresses, the Project-in-Charge for SBMA may instruct additional site inspection that
may or may not be included in the project and which the Contractor must be willing to comply.

As-built plans will be based on the compiled summary of all of the individual surveys for all of the
completed work items.

As-Built Drawings

Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall submit two sets of prints with all as-built changes
shown on the drawings in a neat workmanship manner. Such prints shall show changes or actual
installation conditions of the plumbing system in comparison with the original drawings

The Item shall not be measured and paid separately but shall be considered integral with the other pay
items of the contract.

- end of Part B -




100.1 Description

This Item shall consist of clearing, grubbing, removing, and disposing all vegetation and debris as
designated in the Contract, except those objects that are designated to remain in place or are to be
removed in consonance with other provisions of this Specifications.

100.2 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 800.2 of ITEM 800 – Clearing and
Grubbing (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest)
and specified in this Specifications.

100.2.1 General

The Engineer will establish the limits of work and designate all trees, shrubs, plants and other things to
remain in-place. The Contractor shall preserve all objects designated to remain in-place. Paint required for
cut or scarred surface of trees or shrubs selected for retention shall be an approved asphaltum base paint
prepared especially for tree surgery. Earth fill, stockpiling of materials, vehicular parking, and excessive
foot or vehicular traffic shall not be allowed within the drip line of vegetation designated to remain in-
place. Vegetation damaged by any of these or similar actions shall be replaced with viable vegetation of
the same species, similar condition, and like size unless otherwise approved by the Architect/Engineer in

100.2.2 Clearing and Grubbing

All surface objects and all trees, stumps, roots and other protruding obstructions, not designated to
remain, shall be cleared and/or grubbed, including mowed as required.

Except in areas to be excavated, stump holes and other holes form which obstructions are removed shall
be backfilled with suitable material and compacted to the required density.

In areas where Hand Clearing as directed by the Architect/Engineer in Charge, no requirement of wheels
or trucks shall be used. Care shall be taken to ensure that the grass, moss cover, or the natural ground in
not disturbed.

The materials shall be properly disposed in accordance with the Environmental Compliance Certificate
(ECC) requirements.

Materials and debris may be disposed of by methods and at locations approved by the Architect/Engineer
in Charge, on or off the project. If disposal is by burying, the debris shall be placed in layers with the
material so disturbed to avoid nesting. Each layer shall be covered or mixed with earth material by the

land-fill method to fill all voids. The top layer of material buried shall be covered with at least 300 mm of
earth or other approved material and shall be graded, shaped and compacted to present a pleasing
appearance. If the disposal location is off the project, the Contractor shall make all necessary
arrangements with property owners in writing for obtaining suitable disposal locations which are outside
the limits of view from the project. The cost involved shall be included in the unit bid price. A copy of such
agreement shall be furnished to the Architect/Engineer in Charge. The disposal areas shall be seeded,
fertilized and mulched at the Contractor’s expense.

100.2.3 Temporary Erosion Control

Prior to the beginning of clearing and grubbing activities, the Contractor shall inspect the area to
determine if these activities are likely to cause damage or require access to adjacent private property.
Typical damage that may occur to adjacent properties include cutting through tree roots, pushing
excavated material onto adjacent lands, and damaging septic systems or public utilities. Erosion may
become a problem after ground cover is disturbed. The Contractor shall install erosion control devices or
procedures to protect the project limits, the environment, and private property. These operations shall be
in accordance with the Plans or as directed by the Architect/Engineer in Charge. Temporary Seeding and
Silt Fences are some of the temporary erosion control methods that can be used prior to the clearing and
grubbing activities.

100.3 Method of Measurement

Measurement will be by Individual Unit Basis. The diameter of trees will be measured at a height of 1.4
meters from the ground. Removal of trees less than 150 mm in diameter are subsidiary in clearing and

Clearing and grubbing work shall not be paid separately and should be considered as subsidiary to the
other pay items in the contract.

100.4 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 800.3, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price or lump sum price bid for each of the Pay Items listed below that is included
in the Bill of Quantities which price and payment shall be full compensation for removing and disposing of
obstructions, including materials, labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work
prescribed in this Item. The price shall also include backfilling, salvaging of materials removed, their
custody, preservation, storage on the right-of-way and disposal as provided herein.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Unit of

No. Measurement




101.1 Description

This item shall consist of the removal wholly or in part, and satisfactory disposal of building structures and
any other obstructions which are not designated or permitted to remain, except for the obstructions to be
removed and disposed of under other items in the Contract. It shall also include the salvaging of
designated materials, and filling the resulting trenches, holes and pits.

101.2 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 801.2 of ITEM 801 – Removal of
Structures and Obstructions (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book
2019 or the latest) and specified in this Specifications:

101.2.1 General Requirements

The Contractor shall perform the work described above, within and adjacent to the construction site, on
Government land or easement, as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Architect/Engineer in Charge.

All salvable material shall be removed, without unnecessary damage, in sections or pieces which may be
readily transported, and shall be stored by the Contractor at specified places on the project or as
otherwise shown in the Special Provisions. Salvaged material which are damaged thru negligence shall be
replaced or restored at the Contractor’s expense.

Waste material may be disposed of by the Contractor in Government-owned sites as shown in the Special
Provision or permitted by the Architect/Engineer in Charge. Otherwise, the Contractor shall arrange
disposal of waste at no expense to the Government and shall be in accordance with the requirements for
disposal site selection and hauling activity stipulated in the Contract.

Perishable material shall be handled as designated in Subsection 800.2.2, Clearing and Grubbing of Item
800, Clearing and Grubbing. Nonperishable material may be disposed of outside the limits of view from
the project with written permission of the property owner on whose property the material is placed.

Copies of all agreements with property owners shall be furnished to the Architect/Engineer in Charge.
Basements or cavities left by the structure removal shall be filled with acceptable material, approved by
the Architect/Engineer in Charge, to the level of the surrounding ground and, if within the prism of
construction, shall be compacted to the required density.

There shall be no separate payment for excavating for the removal of structures and obstructions, or
filling and compacting the remaining cavity.

Structures that are designated to be relocated shall be moved to a new location specified by the
Architect/Engineer in Charge and shall be restored to its original condition with all connections properly
made, all in accordance with the Contract and Plans.

101.2.2 Removal of Portions of Existing Structure

1. Removal of Portions of Existing Structure

Removal of portions of building structures, pavement, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and similar structures
shall be undertaken with sufficient care as to avoid breakage or damage to the portion of the structure
designated to remain.

The portion of structure shall be removed from an existing joint, cut, or sawed and chipped, to a true line
with a vertical face.

2. Repair of Remaining Structure

The Contractor shall provide sufficient support (steel plate, expansion bolts and other necessary materials)
on the part or portion of the structure to remain.

In case of damage to the remaining structure, it shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor’s expense.

101.3 Method of Measurement

Where the Contract stipulates that payment will be made for the removal of specific items on a unit basis,
measurement will be made by the unit stipulated in the Contract.

Whenever the Bill of Quantities does not contain an item for any aforementioned removals, the work will
not be paid for directly, but will be considered as a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other
Contract Items.

101.4 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 801.3, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price or lump sum price bid for each of the Pay Items listed below that is included
in the Bill of Quantities which price and payment shall be full compensation for removing and disposing of
obstructions, including materials, labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work
prescribed in this Item. The price shall also include backfilling, salvaging of materials removed, their
custody, preservation, storage on the right-of-way and disposal as provided herein.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Unit of

No. Measurement




803.1 Description

This Item shall consist of the necessary excavation for foundation of buildings, culverts, underdrains, and
other structures not otherwise provided for in the Specifications. Except as otherwise provided for pipe
culverts, the backfilling of completed structures and the disposal of all excavated surplus materials, shall
be in accordance with the Plans and this Specification.

It shall also include furnishing and placing of approved foundation fill material to replace unsuitable
material encountered below the foundation elevation of structures.

No allowance shall be made for classification of different types of materials encountered.

803.2 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 803.2 of ITEM 803 – Structure Excavation
(Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specifications.

Prior to starting excavation operations in any area, all necessary clearing and removal works in that area
shall have been performed in accordance with Pay Item 800 and 801.

Utilization of Excavated Materials

All excavated materials, so far as suitable, shall be utilized as backfill or embankment. The surplus
materials shall be disposed of in such manner as not to obstruct the stream or otherwise impair the
efficiency or appearance of the structure. No excavated materials shall be deposited at any time so as to
endanger the partly finished structure.

803.3 Method of Measurement

The volume of excavation to be paid for shall be the number of cubic meters measured in original position
of material acceptably excavated as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer, but in no case,
except as noted, shall any of the following volumes be included in the measurement for payment:

1. The volume outside of vertical planes 450 mm outside of and parallel to the neat lines of footings and
the inside walls of pipe and pipe-arch culverts at their widest horizontal dimensions.

2. The volume of excavation for culvert and sections outside the vertical plane for culverts stipulated in
(1) above.

3. The volume outside of neat lines of underdrains as shown on the Plans, and outside the limits of
foundation fill as ordered by the Architect/Engineer in Charge.

4. The volume included within the staked limits of the excavation, contiguous channel changes, ditches,
and the like, for which payment is otherwise provided in the Specification.

5. Volume of water or other liquid resulting from construction operations, and which can be pumped or
drained away.

6. The volume of any excavation performed prior to the taking of elevations and measurements of the
undisturbed ground.

7. The volume of any material rehandled, except that where the Plans indicate or the Architect/Engineer
in Charge directs the excavation after embankment has been placed and except that when installation
of pipe culverts by the imperfect trench method specified in Subsection 1718.3.7, Imperfect Trench of
Item 1718, Pipe Culverts and Storm Drains is required, the volume of material re-excavated as directed
will be included.

8. The volume of excavation for footings ordered at a depth more than 1.5 meters below the lowest
elevation for such footings shown on the original Contract Plans, unless the Bill of Quantities contains a
pay item for excavation ordered below the elevations shown on the Plans for individual footings.

803.4 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 803.3, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price for each of the particular pay items listed below that is included in the Bill of
Quantities. The payment shall constitute full compensation for the removal and disposal of excavated
materials including labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in
this Item.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Unit of

No. Measurement


804.1 Description

This Item shall consist of the construction of embankment using suitable materials of various
composition and compacted in accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the lines,
grades, and dimensions shown on the Plans or established by the Architect/Engineer in Charge.

804.2 Material Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 804.2 of ITEM 804 – Embankment
(Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specifications.

1. Backfill Material

The works under this Item consist of backfilling and compaction of scoured portion of the road.

Utilize material on site.

2. Gravel Bedding

Provide 3/4" crushed gravel where gravel bedding is required.

Gravel fill shall consist of crushed, partially crushed, or naturally occurring granular material.

The gravel fill material grading requirements shall conform conform to Table 804.1 (Refer to DPWH
Blue Book 2019, page 131).

804.3 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 804.3 of ITEM 804 – Embankment
(Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specifications.

804.4 Method of Measurement
The quantity of embankment/backfill and gravel fill/bedding to be paid for shall be the volume of material
compacted in place, accepted by the Engineer, and formed with material obtained from an approved

Material from site which is used in embankment/backfill of scoured road and accepted by the Engineer
will be paid under Pay Item 804(1)b, BACKFILL/COMPACTION OF SCOURED ROAD. Such payment will be
deemed to include the cost of excavating, hauling, stockpiling, and all other costs incidental to the work.

804.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 804.4, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price for each of the Pay Items listed below that is included in the Bill of
Quantities. The payment shall constitute full compensation for placing and compacting all materials
including labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Unit of

No. Measurement



- end of Part C -



The Items under this Section include the following scope of works:

1. This Item shall consist of furnishing, placing, and finishing concrete in building and related structures
in accordance with this Specification and conforming to the lines, grades, and dimension shown on
the Plans;

2. This Item shall consist of furnishing, cutting, bending, fabricating, welding, and placing of steel
reinforcement with or without epoxy coating of the type, size, shape, and grade required in
accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the requirements shown on the Plans;

3. This Item also covers the furnishing, fabrication, installation, erection, and removal of forms and
falseworks for cast-in-place concrete;

4. This item shall consist of furnishing of all necessary materials, tools, equipment, and labor necessary
to complete the execution of the masonry works (load bearing concrete blocks) as shown on the

5. This item shall consist of furnishing all cement plaster materials, labor, tools, and equipment required
in undertaking cement plaster finish in accordance with the Plans and this Specification.

See drawings and details for sizes and location of work requirement.




900.1 Description

900.1.1 Scope
This item shall consist of furnishing, placing and finishing concrete in buildings and related structures,
flood control and drainage, ports, and water supply structures in accordance with this Specification and
conforming to the lines, grades, and dimension shown on the Plans.

900.1.2 Classes and Uses of Concrete

Refer to Subsection of ITEM 900 – Structural Concrete (Standard Specifications for Public Works
Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and specified in this Specifications.

900.2 Material Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 900.2 of ITEM 900 – Structural Concrete
(Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specifications.

All structural materials shall conform to the requirements of the latest edition of the National Structural
Code of the Philippines (NSCP 2015).

All Concrete shall develop a minimum compressive strength at 28 days with corresponding maximum
slump and maximum size aggregate as follows:


Column Footing, Tie
17.24 MPa (2,500 PSI) 100 mm (4”) 19 mm (3/4”)
Beams and Columns

900.3 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 900.3 of ITEM 900 – Structural Concrete
(Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specifications.

1. Column Footing (Refer to Plans – Sheet No. C1 & C2)

a. Dimension: 800 mm (L) x 800 mm (W) x 250 mm (T)

b. Reinforcement: 6 pcs – 12 mm dia. (along L)
6 pcs – 12 mm dia. (along W)

2. Beams/Tie Beams (Refer to Plans – Sheet No. C1 & C2)

a. Dimension: 150 mm (W) x 200 mm (D)

b. Reinforcement: 2 pcs – 12 mm dia. (top bars)
2 pcs – 12 mm dia. (bottom bars)
10 mm dia. (stirrups) with 1@50 mm, rest @150 mm O.C.

3. Columns (Refer to Plans – Sheet No. C1 & C2)

a. Dimension: 200 mm (W) x 200 mm (L) x Height (varies; refer to plans)

b. Reinforcement: 4 pcs – 12 mm dia. (vertical bars)
10 mm dia. (lateral ties) with 1@50 mm, rest @150 mm O.C.

900.4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of concrete to be paid shall be the number of cubic meters placed and accepted in the
completed structure.

No deduction will be made for the volume occupied by the pipe less than 101 mm outside diameter nor
for the reinforcing steel, anchors, weephole(s) or expansion materials.

900.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 900.4, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price for each of pay items listed in the Bill of Quantities of structural concrete
and/or reinforced concrete completed in place as indicated on the Bid Schedule.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item No. Description Unit of Measurement




902.1 Description

This item shall consist of furnishing, cutting, bending, fabrication, welding, and placing of steel
reinforcement with or without epoxy coating of the type, size, shape and grade required in accordance
with this Specification and in conformity with the requirements shown on the Plans.

902.2 Material Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 902.2 of ITEM 902 – Reinforcing Steel
(Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specifications.

All reinforcing steel bars shall conform to ASTM A615M Grade 40 for 12 mm diameter and smaller bars.

902.3 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 902.3 of ITEM 902 – Reinforcing Steel
(Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specifications.

902.4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of reinforcing steel to be paid for will be the final quantity placed and accepted in the
completed structure as shown on the Plans.

902.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Section 902.4, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price for reinforcing steel which price and payment shall be full compensation for
furnishing and placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Unit of
Pay Item No. Description


903.1 Description

This Item covers the furnishing, fabrication, installation, erection, and removal of forms and falseworks
for cast-in-place concrete.

903.2 Material Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 903.2 of ITEM 903 – Formworks and
Falseworks (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest)
and specified in this Specifications.

903.3 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 903.3 of ITEM 903 – Formworks and
Falseworks (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest)
and specified in this Specifications.

903.4 Method of Measurement

Forms installed for the cast-in-place concrete in accordance to shop drawings and design calculations shall
be measured in square meters or when the contract stipulates that the payment for formworks and
falseworks will be on lump sum basis, the Pay Item will include all materials and components used for
furnishing, fabrication, installation, erection, and removal of forms. The quantity to be paid for shall be the
square meters of formwork used and accepted by the Engineer or the lump sum bid price in the Contract.

903.5 Basis of Payment

The quantity measured as prescribed above shall be paid for at the Contract Unit Price or lump sum price
bid for the pay item listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. The unit price shall cover full
compensation for all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and related services necessary for the design,
construction and removal of formwork and falsework. Properly supported members as required until the
concrete is cured, set and hardened is also part of the Contract Unit Price.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item No. Description Unit of Measurement




1046.1 Description

This item shall consist of furnishing of all necessary materials, tools, equipment and labor necessary to
complete the execution of the masonry works as shown on the Plans.

1046.2 Material Requirements

1. Hydraulic Cement

Hydraulic Cement shall conform to the applicable requirements of Subsection 900.2.1, Portland Cement of
ITEM 900 – Structural Concrete (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book
2019 or the latest).

2. Aggregates

Aggregates shall conform to the applicable requirements of Subsection 900.2.2, Concrete Aggregates of
ITEM 900 – Structural Concrete (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book
2019 or the latest).

3. Water
Water shall conform to the applicable requirements of Subsection 900.2.3, Water of ITEM 900 – Structural
Concrete (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest).

4. Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing steel shall conform to the applicable requirements of ITEM 902 – Reinforcing Steel (Standard
Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest).

5. Mortar for Concrete Hollow Blocks and Louver Blocks

Mortar shall consist of sand, cement and water conforming to the requirements of ITEM 902 – Reinforcing
Steel (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest), mixed
in the proportion of one (1) part cement to three (3) parts sand by volume, and sufficient water to obtain
the required consistency.

6. Concrete Hollow Blocks

Width, height and length of concrete hollow blocks and louver blocks shall be ± 3.20 mm from the
specified dimension as shown on the Plans.

a. Load Bearing Concrete Hollow Blocks

Concrete blocks, unless otherwise specified shall be load bearing with 140 mm thick and with minimum
compressive strength of 2500 PSI (17.24 MPa).

b. Non-load Bearing Concrete Hollow Blocks (for False Columns used in SBMA Signage and Logo)

Concrete hollow blocks, unless otherwise specified shall be non-load bearing with 150 mm thick and with
minimum compressive strength of 500 PSI (3.45 MPa).

1046.3 Construction Requirements
This shall conform to the applicable requirements of Subsection 1046.3 of ITEM 1046 – Masonry Works
(Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specification.

1046.3.1 Concrete Hollow Blocks

1046.3.1.1 Installation

1. All masonry work shall be laid true to line, level, plumb, and neat in accordance with the Plans.

2. Units shall be cut accurately to fit all plumbing ducts, opening for electrical works, and all holes shall
be neatly patched.

3. No construction support shall be attached to the wall except where specifically permitted by the

4. Masonry unit shall be sound, dry, clean and free from cracks when placed in the structure.

5. Proper masonry units shall be used to provide for all window, doors, bond beams, lintels, plasters
etc., with a minimum of unit cutting.

6. Where masonry units cutting is necessary, all cuts shall be neat and true to line.

7. Units shall be placed while the mortar is soft and plastic. Any unit disturbed to the extent that the
initial bond is broken after initial positioning shall be removed and re-laid in fresh mortar.

8. Mortar shall not be spread too far ahead of units, as it will stiffen and loose plasticity, especially in
hot weather. Mortar that has stiffened shall not be used. ASTM C270, Standard Specification for
Mortar for Unit Masonry required that mortar be used within 2 ½ hours of initial mixing.

1046.3.1.2 Reinforcement for Concrete Hollow Blocks

Reinforcement shall be done in accordance with the structural Plans as to size, spacing, and other
requirements of Section 902.3, Construction Requirements of Item 902, Reinforcing Steel.

Reinforcement shall be clean and free from loose, rust, scales, and any coatings that will reduce bond.

1. Reinforcement Requirements

a. Reinforcement shall comply with ASTM A-615 with the following grades:

Reinforcing Steel Bars 12 mm diameter and smaller - Grade 40

b. Use 12 mm dia. deformed steel for dowels, vertical and horizontal bars on concrete blocks:

Vertical Bars : 600mm O.C.

Horizontal Bars : along the 1st, 4th, 7th, 9th and 11th layer

1046.3.1.3 Sampling and Testing for Concrete Hollow Blocks

Method of Sampling for Quality Test shall be as follows:

1. One (1) Quality Test for every 10,000 units or fraction thereof.

2. Six (6) specimens shall be submitted for one (1) quality test in which three (3) specimens for
Compression Test and the remaining three (3) for Moisture Content and Water Absorption.

Units shall be tested in accordance with ASTM C140, Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing of
Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units and ASTM C426, Standard Test Method for Linear Drying
Shrinkage of Concrete Masonry Units.

1046.3.1.4 Storage and Handling of Masonry Works

The blocks shall be stockpiled on planks or other supports free from contact with ground and covered. The
blocks shall be handled with care and damages units shall be rejected.

1046.4 Method of Measurement

The work to be paid for under this Item shall be the number of square meters of masonry units that are
satisfactorily completed and accepted.

1046.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Section 1046.4, Method of Measurement shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price for Masonry Works which price and payment shall include the cost of
furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item No. Description Unit of Measurement



1027.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing all cement plaster materials, labor, tools and equipment required in
undertaking cement plaster finish in accordance with the Plans and this Specification.

1027.2 Material Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 1027.2 of ITEM 1027 – Cement Plaster
Finish (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specifications.

Manufactured materials shall be delivered in the manufacturer's original unbroken packages or container
which are labeled plainly with the manufacturer's name and trademark.

1027.3 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 1027.3 of ITEM 1027 – Cement Plaster
Finish (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest) and
specified in this Specifications.

All masonry wall surface to be applied with plain cement finish shall be cleaned and evenly wet slashed
with a wash of neat cement and sand followed by 1:3 cement mortar mix 10 mm (3/8”) thick which shall
be applied with wooden float.

1027.4 Method of Measurement

All cement plaster finish shall be measured in square meters for work actually completed and accepted by
the Engineer.

1027.5 Basis of Payment

The work quantified and determined as provided in the Bill of Quantities shall be paid for at the Contract
Unit Price which price constitutes full compensation including labor, materials, tools and equipment and
incidentals necessary to complete this Item.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item No. Description Unit of Measurement

1027(1) PLASTERING WORKS Square Meter

- end of Part D –



The Items under this Section include the following scope of works:

1. This Item shall consist of furnishing and constructing perforated angle bars and barbed wire fence in
accordance with the details, and at the locations, shown on the Plans, or as required by the Engineer;

2. This work shall consist of furnishing, fabricating, hauling, erecting, welding, and painting of metal
structures (steel gates) and accessories constructed in accordance with the Plans and this

3. This Item shall consist of furnishing all paint materials, varnish and other related products, labor,
tools, equipment required and undertaking the proper application of painting, varnishing and related
works in accordance with the Plans and this Specification.

See drawings and details for sizes and location of work requirement.




604.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing and constructing perforated angle bars and barbed wire fence in
accordance with the details, and at the locations, shown on the Plans, or as required by the Engineer.

604.2 Material Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 604.2 of ITEM 604 – Fencing (Standard
Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume II, Blue Book 2013 or the latest) and specified in this

604.2.1 Barbed Wire

Barbed wire shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 121, Class I. The barbed wire shall consist of 2
strands of 12.5 gauge wire, twisted with 2 points, 14 gauge barbs spaced 100 mm apart.

604.2.2 Structural Steel Sections

All Structural Steel shall be of tested quality. The Material Specification shall conform to standard of ASTM
Grade 36 unless otherwise specified on the Plans.

Wherever the material is procured by the contractor, the Contractor shall submit the test certificated
conforming to the said standards of all steel materials used for fabrication. All structural steel shall be free
from blisters, rust, scales, seams, lamination, cracks, fissures, and other surface defects.

a. Security Grills
Angle Bar: L - 2” x 2” x ¼” (vertical members)

b. Steel Gates
Tubular Steel: 2” x 3” x 1.5 mm thick (schedule 40) – for outer steel frame
Tubular Steel: 2” x 2” x 1.5 mm thick (schedule 40) – for inner steel frame
Steel Plate: 4’ x 8’ x 1.2 mm thick Galvanized Iron – for covering
Flat Bar: 2” x 1/4" thick

c. Hardware and Accessories

Tension Rod: 25 mm diameter round bar with thread

Turn Buckle: HG-266 1-1/4" x 12
Steel Hook: 10 mm diameter round bar
Hinges: Cylindrical Gate Hinges or any approved equivalent (heavy duty)
Gate Stopper: 16 mm diameter round bar
Hardware: Nuts, bolts, washers, and other associated hardware shall be galvanized
after fabrication as specified in ASTM 153.

604.2.3 Concrete Posts

Concrete posts shall be made of Class A concrete in accordance with Item 405, Structural Concrete. The
posts shall be cast to a tapered section 3 m long, or to the length shown on the detailed Plans, and shall
have a smooth surface finish.

604.3 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 604.3 of ITEM 604 – Fencing (Standard
Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume II, Blue Book 2013 or the latest) and specified in this

The Contractor shall perform such clearing and grubbing as may be necessary to construct the fence/gates
to the required grade and alignment.

Fence shall generally follow the contour of the ground. Grading shall be performed where necessary to
provide a neat appearance.

The Contractor shall construct metal fence gates of the type and size as indicated on the Plans, and in the
location shown or ordered by the Engineer.

604.3.1 Erection of Post

The post shall be erected vertically in position inside the formwork of the foundation block prior to the
placing of concrete and shall be adequately supported by bracing to prevent movement of the post during
the placing and setting of the concrete. The posts shall be erected to the height and location shown on
the Plans, or as directed by the Engineer.

604.4 Method of Measurement

1. The quantity to be paid for Security Grills with Barbed Wire shall be the number of linear meters
measured center to center of posts of fencing erected in place and accepted.

2. The quantity to be paid for Steel Gates shall be the number or sets/units constructed, fabricated,
installed and accepted. The unit of measure is “Each”.

604.5 Basis of Payment

The quantity, as determined in Section 604.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract
price per unit of measurement respectively for each of the particular items listed below and as shown in
the Bid Schedule, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item No. Description Unit of Measurement





1032.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing all paint materials, varnish and other related products, labor, tools,
equipment required and undertaking the proper application of painting, varnishing and related works in
accordance with the Plans and this Specification

1032.2 Material Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 1032.2 of ITEM 1032 – Painting,
Varnishing and Other Related Works (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue
Book 2019 or the latest) and specified in this Specification (as applicable).

1032.2.1 Paint Materials

Paint material shall conform to the requirements of the following Specifications:

Table 1032.1 Paint Material Specification Requirements

Material PNS Code Description Application

Flat Latex Paint PNS 139 Specification for Latex Paint (white and light Properly prepared plaster, masonry and
tints for exterior and interior use) primed wood and other architectural

Semi-gloss Latex Paint PNS 463 Specification for Semi-gloss Latex Paint Properly prepared plaster, masonry and
(white and light tints for exterior and primed wood and other architectural
interior use) surfaces

Semi-gloss Enamel PNS 225 Specification for Alkyd-based Semi-Gloss Properly prepared plaster, masonry and
Paint Enamel Paint (white and light tints for primed wood and other architectural
exterior and interior use) surfaces

Enamel Paint PNS 226 Specification for Alkyd-based Gloss Enamel Wood, metal, and other architectural
Paint (white and coloured for exterior and surfaces
interior use)

Alkyd-based Metal PNS 366 Specification for Alkyd-based Metal Primer Ferrous metal
PNS 2113 Specification for Epoxy Metal Primer Ferrous metal
Epoxy Metal Primer

Flatwall Enamel Paint PNS 227 Specification for Alkyd-based Flat Enamel Wood
Paint (white and light tints for exterior and
interior use)

Gloss Latex Paint PNS 462 Specification for Gloss Latex Paint (white Masonry
and light tints for exterior and interior use)

Water Based Gloss Roof PNS 612 Specification for Water Based Gloss Roof Concrete, metal, wood, and other
Paint Paint paintable roofing materials

Elastomeric Wall PNS 2116 Specification for Elastomeric Wall Coating Plaster, masonry, and other
Coating architectural surfaces

Epoxy Enamel PNS 2118 Specification for Epoxy Enamel, white and Concrete, wood, metal, and other
coloured architectural surfaces

Roof Paint (water- PNS 464 Specification for Roof paint (water-based, Paintable roofing materials
based, flat) flat)

Roof paint (Portland PNS 465 Specification for Roof Paint (Portland Paintable roofing materials
Cement) Cement)

1032.2.2 Tinting Colors

Tinting colors shall be first grade quality, pigment ground in alkyd resin that disperses and mixed easily with
paint to produce the color desired. Same brand of paint and tinting color shall be used to effect good paint

1032.2.3 Acry-colors

It shall be high strength tinting colors for water-based coatings that are specially formulated form the finest
blend of pigments combined with pure acrylic latex vehicle that is easy to dispense, fast drying, odorless, and
gives maximum color retention.

1032.2.4 Concrete Neutralizer

Concrete neutralizer shall be first grade quality concentrate diluted with clean water and applied as surface
conditioner of new interior and exterior walls thus improving paint adhesion and durability.

1032.2.5 Silicon Water Repellant

Silicon water repellant shall be transparent water shield especially formulated to repel rain and moisture on
exterior masonry surfaces.

1032.2.6 Patching Compound

Patching compound shall be fine powder type material like calciumine that can be mixed into paint that will
produce a putty consistency, with oil base primers and paints to fill minor surface dents and imperfections.

1032.2.7 Varnish

Varnish shall be a homogeneous solution of resin, drying oil, drier and solvent. It shall be extremely durable
clear coating, highly resistant to wear and tear without cracking, peeling, whitening, spotting, etc. with
minimum loss of gloss for a maximum period of time.

1032.2.8 Lacquer

Lacquer shall be any type of organic coating that dries rapidly and solely by evaporation of the solvent. Typical
solvent are acetates, alcohols, and ketones. Clear gloss lacquer shall be in accordance with the requirements of
PNS 368, Specification for Clear Gloss Lacquer.

1032.2.9 Shellac

Shellac shall be a solution of refined lac resin in denatured alcohol. It dries up by evaporation of the alcohol.
The resin is generally furnished in orange and bleached grades.

1032.2.10 Sanding Sealer

Sanding sealer shall be quick drying lacquer, formulated to provide quick dry, good holdout of succeeding
coats, and containing sanding agents such as zinc stearate to allow dry sanding of sealer. It shall be in
accordance with the requirement of PNS 367, Specification for Lacquer Sanding Sealer.

1032.2.11 Oil Wood Stain

Oil-based stain shall be a penetrating stain for interior doors, windows, trim and furniture. It rejuvenates and
transforms interior timber. Oil-based stain penetrates deeply and adds color without raining the grain. Oil-
based stain is best used to rejuvenate old or used timber.

1032.2.12 Glazing Putty

Glazing putty shall be alkyd-type product for filling minor surface unevenness.

1032.2.13 Natural Wood Paste Filler

Wood paste filler shall be quality filler for filling and sealing open grain of interior wood. It shall produce a level
finish for following coats of paint varnish/lacquer and other related products.

1032.2.14 Schedule

Refer to the applicable requirements in Subsection 1032.2.14 of ITEM 1032 – Painting, Varnishing and Other
Related Works (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest)
and specified in this Specification.

1. Metal two (2) coats Epoxy Primer with catalyst

two (2) coats Quick Dry Enamel Paint

1032.2.15 Containers and Markings

It shall be in accordance with the requirements of PNS 140, General Requirements for Packaging, Packing and
Marking of Paints and Other Protective Coatings.

All paints, varnishes, and other related products shall be shipped in strong, substantial containers marked in
prints distinctive color of the label or in letters clearly visible to the naked eye with the following information:

1. Type of Paint
2. Brand or Trademark
3. Name and address of manufacturer
4. Net Volume and/or mass in metric units
5. Directions for use
6. Safety precautions
7. Batch or lot number

Any package or container not so marked will not be accepted for use under this Specification.

1032.3 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 1032.3 of ITEM 1032 – Painting, Varnishing and
Other Related Works (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the

Prior to commencement of the painting, varnishing and related work/ the surfaces to be applied shall be
examined in order not to jeopardize the quality and appearances of the painting, varnishing and related works.

1032.3.1 Surface Preparation

All surfaces shall be in proper condition to receive the finish. Woodworks shall be hand-sanded smooth and
dusted clean. All knot-holes pitch pockets or sappy portions shall be sealed with natural wood filler. Nail holes,
cracks or defects shall be carefully puttied after the first coat, matching the color of paint.

Interior woodworks shall be sandpapered between coats. Cracks, holes of imperfections in plaster shall be filled
with patching compound and smoothed off to match adjoining surfaces.

Concrete and masonry surfaces shall be coated with concrete neutralizer and allowed to dry before any
painting primer coat is applied. When surface is dried/apply the first coating. Hairline cracks and unevenness
shall be patched and sealed with approved putty or patching compound. After all defects are corrected apply
the finish coats specified on the Plans (color scheme approved).

Metal shall be clean, dry, and free from mill scale and rust. Remove all and oil from surfaces. Wash, unprimed
galvanized metal with etching solution and allow it to dry. Where required to prime coat surface with Red Lead
primer same shall be approved by the Engineer.

In addition, the following shall be undertaken prior to painting, varnishing and other related works:

1. Voids, cracks, nick, and other wood imperfections will be repaired with proper patching material and
finished flushed with surrounding surfaces.
2. Marred or damaged shop coats on metal shall be spot primed with appropriate metal primer.
3. Painting and varnishing works shall not be commenced when it is too hot or cold.
4. Allow appropriate ventilation during application and drying periods.

5. All hardware will be fitted and removed or protected prior to painting and varnishing works.

1032.3.2 Application

Paints when applied by brush shall become non-fluid, thick enough to lay down as adequate film of wet paint.
Brush marks shall flawed out after application of paint.

Paints made for application by roller must be similar to brushing paint. It must be non-sticky when thinned to
spraying viscosity so that it will break up easily into droplets.

Paint is atomized by high pressure pumping rather than broken up by the large volume of air mixed with it. This
procedure changes the required properties of the paint.

1032.3.3 Mixing and Thinning

At the time of application paint shall show no sign of deterioration. Paint shall be thoroughly stirred/ strained
and kept at a uniform consistency during application. Paints of different manufacture shall not be mixed
together. When thinning is necessary, this may be done immediately prior to application in accordance with
the manufacturer's directions, but not in excess of one (1) pint of suitable thinner per gallon of the paint.

1032.3.4 Storage

All materials to be used under this Item shall be stored in a single place to be designated by the Engineer and
such place shall be kept neat and clean at all times. Necessary precaution to avoid fire must be observed by
removing oily rags, waster etc. at the end of daily work.

1032.3.5 Cleaning

All cloths and cotton waste which constitute fire hazards shall be placed in metal containers or destroyed at the
end of daily works. Upon completion of the work/ all staging, scaffolding and paint containers shall be
removed. Paint drips, oil/ or stains on adjacent surfaces shall be removed Paint drips, oil, or stains on adjacent
surfaces shall be removed and the entire job left clean and acceptable to the Engineer.

1032.3.6 Workmanship in General

1. All paints shall be evenly applied Coats shall be of proper consistency and well brushed out so as to show a
minimum of brush marks.
2. All coats shall be thoroughly dry before the succeeding coat is applied,
3. Where surfaces are not fully covered or cannot be satisfactorily finished in the number of coats specified,
such preparatory coats and subsequent coats as may be required shall be applied to attain the desired
evenness of surface without extra cost to the Owner.
4. Where surface is not in proper condition to receive the coat, the Engineer shall be notified immediately,
Work on the questioned portion(s) shall not start until clearance be proceed is ordered by the Engineer.

5. Hardware, lighting fixture and other similar items shall be removed or protected during the painting
varnishing and related work operations and re installed after completion of the work.

1032.4 Method of Measurement

Painting of Steel Structures and other related works shall not be measured and paid separately but shall be
considered integral with the other pay items of the contract.

- end of Part E –



The Items under this Section include the following scope of works:

1. This Item shall consist of furnishing, placing, and finishing concrete in building and related structures
in accordance with this Specification and conforming to the lines, grades, and dimension shown on
the Plans;

2. This Item shall consist of furnishing, cutting, bending, fabricating, welding, and placing of steel
reinforcement with or without epoxy coating of the type, size, shape, and grade required in
accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the requirements shown on the Plans;

3. This Item also covers the furnishing, fabrication, installation, erection, and removal of forms and
falseworks for cast-in-place concrete.

4. This item shall consist of furnishing of all necessary materials, tools, equipment, and labor necessary
to complete the execution of the masonry works (load bearing concrete blocks) as shown on the

5. This item shall consist of furnishing all cement plaster materials, labor, tools and equipment required
in undertaking cement plaster finish in accordance with the Plans and this Specification.

6. This Item shall consist of furnishing all paint materials, varnish and other related products, labor,
tools, equipment required and undertaking the proper application of painting, varnishing and related
works in accordance with the Plans and this Specification.

7. This Item shall consist of furnishing and constructing perforated angle bars and barbed wire fence in
accordance with the details, and at the locations, shown on the Plans, or as required by the Engineer;

8. This Item shall consist of furnishing all materials, hardware, tools, labor and services necessary for
complete fabrication and installation of stainless build-up letter signage and logo of the type and size
in accordance with the Plans and this Specification.

See drawings and details for sizes and location of work requirement.




604.1 Description

Refer to Part D: Concrete and Masonry Works and Part E: Steel Works.

604.2 Material Requirements

Refer to Part D: Concrete and Masonry Works and Part E: Steel Works.

604.3 Construction Requirements

Refer to Part D: Concrete and Masonry Works and Part E: Steel Works.

604.4 Method of Measurement

The work to be paid for under this Item shall be the number of square meters of masonry units that are
satisfactorily completed and accepted

604.5 Basis of Payment

The quantity, as determined in Section 604.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the contract
price per unit of measurement respectively for each of the particular items listed below and as shown in
the Bid Schedule, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all
materials and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item No. Description Unit of Measurement



1032.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing all paint materials, varnish and other related products, labor, tools,
equipment required and undertaking the proper application of painting, varnishing and related works in
accordance with the Plans and this Specification

1032.2 Material Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 1032.2 of ITEM 1032 – Painting,
Varnishing and Other Related Works (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue
Book 2019 or the latest) and specified in this Specification (as applicable).

Painting Schedule

Refer to the applicable requirements in Subsection 1032.2.14 of ITEM 1032 – Painting, Varnishing and Other
Related Works (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the latest)
and specified in this Specification.

1. Concrete/Masonry two (2) coats Flat Latex (Primer)

two (2) coats Semi-Gloss Latex (Top Coat)

1032.3 Construction Requirements

This shall conform to the applicable requirements in Subsection 1032.3 of ITEM 1032 – Painting, Varnishing and
Other Related Works (Standard Specifications for Public Works Structures Volume III, Blue Book 2019 or the

Prior to commencement of the painting, varnishing and related work/ the surfaces to be applied shall be
examined in order not to jeopardize the quality and appearances of the painting, varnishing and related works.

1032.3.1 Surface Preparation

All surfaces shall be in proper condition to receive the finish. Woodworks shall be hand-sanded smooth and
dusted clean. All knot-holes pitch pockets or sappy portions shall be sealed with natural wood filler. Nail holes,
cracks or defects shall be carefully puttied after the first coat, matching the color of paint.

Interior woodworks shall be sandpapered between coats. Cracks, holes of imperfections in plaster shall be filled
with patching compound and smoothed off to match adjoining surfaces.

Concrete and masonry surfaces shall be coated with concrete neutralizer and allowed to dry before any
painting primer coat is applied. When surface is dried/apply the first coating. Hairline cracks and unevenness
shall be patched and sealed with approved putty or patching compound. After all defects are corrected apply
the finish coats specified on the Plans (color scheme approved).

Metal shall be clean, dry, and free from mill scale and rust. Remove all and oil from surfaces. Wash, unprimed
galvanized metal with etching solution and allow it to dry. Where required to prime coat surface with Red Lead
primer same shall be approved by the Engineer.

In addition, the following shall be undertaken prior to painting, varnishing and other related works:

1. Voids, cracks, nick, and other wood imperfections will be repaired with proper patching material and
finished flushed with surrounding surfaces.
2. Marred or damaged shop coats on metal shall be spot primed with appropriate metal primer.
3. Painting and varnishing works shall not be commenced when it is too hot or cold.
4. Allow appropriate ventilation during application and drying periods.
5. All hardware will be fitted and removed or protected prior to painting and varnishing works.

1032.3.2 Application

Paints when applied by brush shall become non-fluid, thick enough to lay down as adequate film of wet paint.
Brush marks shall flawed out after application of paint.

Paints made for application by roller must be similar to brushing paint. It must be non-sticky when thinned to
spraying viscosity so that it will break up easily into droplets.

Paint is atomized by high pressure pumping rather than broken up by the large volume of air mixed with it. This
procedure changes the required properties of the paint.

1032.3.3 Mixing and Thinning

At the time of application paint shall show no sign of deterioration. Paint shall be thoroughly stirred/ strained
and kept at a uniform consistency during application. Paints of different manufacture shall not be mixed

together. When thinning is necessary, this may be done immediately prior to application in accordance with
the manufacturer's directions, but not in excess of one (1) pint of suitable thinner per gallon of the paint.

1032.3.4 Storage

All materials to be used under this Item shall be stored in a single place to be designated by the Engineer and
such place shall be kept neat and clean at all times. Necessary precaution to avoid fire must be observed by
removing oily rags, waster etc. at the end of daily work.

1032.3.5 Cleaning

All cloths and cotton waste which constitute fire hazards shall be placed in metal containers or destroyed at the
end of daily works. Upon completion of the work/ all staging, scaffolding and paint containers shall be
removed. Paint drips, oil/ or stains on adjacent surfaces shall be removed Paint drips, oil, or stains on adjacent
surfaces shall be removed and the entire job left clean and acceptable to the Engineer.

1032.3.6 Workmanship in General

1. All paints shall be evenly applied Coats shall be of proper consistency and well brushed out so as to show a
minimum of brush marks.
2. All coats shall be thoroughly dry before the succeeding coat is applied,
3. Where surfaces are not fully covered or cannot be satisfactorily finished in the number of coats specified,
such preparatory coats and subsequent coats as may be required shall be applied to attain the desired
evenness of surface without extra cost to the Owner.
4. Where surface is not in proper condition to receive the coat, the Engineer shall be notified immediately,
Work on the questioned portion(s) shall not start until clearance be proceed is ordered by the Engineer.
5. Hardware, lighting fixture and other similar items shall be removed or protected during the painting
varnishing and related work operations and re installed after completion of the work.

1032.4 Method of Measurement

Painting of Concrete/Masonry (Pre-Cast Modular Fence) and other related works shall not be measured and
paid separately but shall be considered integral with the other pay items of the contract.


B.16.1 Description

This Item shall consist of furnishing all materials, hardware, tools, labor and services necessary for
complete fabrication and installation of stainless build-up letter signage and logo of the type and size in
accordance with the Plans and this Specification.

B.16.2 Material Requirements

The materials shall consist of Ga. #18 and Ga. #20 stainless plate mirror finish including all other materials
necessary to complete the works.

B.16.3 Construction Requirements

The signage shall be in accordance to the size, shape and location of the letters and framings as indicated
on plans or as shown below.

B.16.4 Method of Measurement

SBMA Signage and Logo shall be measured by each unit placed, installed, and accepted at the proper

B.16.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as provided in Section B.16.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid
for at the Contract Unit Price of the Pay Item listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. The unit
price shall cover full compensation for all related services necessary to complete the Item.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item No. Description Unit of Measurement


- end of Part F -



Planning Assistant (Architect) PDD Consultant (Civil Engineer)


Engineer III (Civil Engineer), PDD Engineer IV (Civil/Structural), PDD

Checked and Reviewed by:

Division Chief III, Project Development Division

Recommended by:

Manager III, Engineering Department

Approved by:

Deputy Administrator for PWTSG


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