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Courtney Smith

OGL 340

Module 1: Writing Assignment 1 - Reflections on Mindfulness

As I took a moment for meditation earlier, I struggled to shut off my thoughts. I kept thinking
about the homework I needed to complete and the emails I had to respond back to. When I fully
committed to being present in the moment, I noticed how tense my shoulders were and that I
had been clenching my jaw all week. I was able to relax, focus, and take a moment to focus on
my breathing. Even in a short 5 minute meditation, I was able to take the space to relax and felt
prepared to dive into my homework. In the Anderson Cooper’s 60 Seconds segment, we learn
that Google implements a minute of silence and mindfulness before meetings. I can see how
this would greatly benefit the employees because it allows them to connect with themselves and
have a moment of calm in their day. I believe that this would be effective in promoting employee
engagement, creativity, and productivity as well as promote well-being. The same benefits apply
directly to me as someone who has a demanding schedule and is constantly in meetings. It is
important to practice being mindful and present so you can focus on the health of your mind,
body, and spirit without getting too lost in a digital world.

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