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10.30-11.30 AM

Rajendra Singh
Sinusoidal Waves

The sinusoidal one is written as:

k is the wave number; it is related to the wavelength λ by the equation

As time passes, the entire wave train proceeds to the right, at speed v. At any fixed
point z, the string vibrates up and down, undergoing one full cycle in a period

angular frequency

A sinusoidal oscillation of wave number k and (angular) frequency ω traveling

to the left would be written

Euler's formula
The Wave Equation for E and B

for electric field E and magnetic field B are:

So Maxwell's equations imply that empty space supports the propagation of
electromagnetic waves, traveling at a speed

which is precisely the velocity of light, c.

Electromagnetic Waves in Matter

Auxiliary Field H and

Electric displacement D
for homo-genious matter

Maxwell’s eqns reduce to

Here, permitivity and permeability of free space ( ε0, μ0) are replaced by those of the matter i.e. ε and μ.
Speed of propagation may be written as:

n is the index of refraction of the material. For most materials,

μ0 is very close to μ , so

where ϵr is the dielectric constant . Since ϵr is almost always greater than 1, light
travels slowly through matter than free space
Using Maxwell’s equations, show that the electro-magnetic waves travel slower in a matter than free space.

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