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Answer Sheet

Group Discussion
“Literary Approaches”

Group No. :
Title of Article : Formalistic Analysis of the Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connel
Names of Members : 1.
Fill it with the 2.
complete names and
respective students’
registry numbers. 4.
Class :

Result of Discussions
No. Questions Answers
1. What are the reasons for conducting “ Attempt to apply a school of formalism method to a short story
the research?
This is usually the arguments under the part
“Background” that argue why it is important
to do this analysys.
2. What is the subject of the research? : “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connel
Subject of a research is the source of the
data, for example, if a study analyzes a novel,
then the subject of the research is the novel.
3. What is the object of the research? : The genre, characterization, and style of writing of “The Most Dangerous Game” by
Object of a research is the elements that are Richard Connel
being analyzed in the research. For example,
a research analyzes a film to see the
characterization of the main characters.
Then, the object of the research is the
characterizations of the main characters in
that novel.
4. What is the purpose of the research? : The purpose of the research is to apply formalist theory of criticism to the story and
The purpose of the research is related to the analyze different aspects of the story.
problems of the research. This is the specific
topic that is discussed or analyzed in the
research related to the object of the research
and the theory that is applied in the research.
5. What is the theory applied in the : Formalism theories
The theory that is applied in an analysis is
the perspective used to discuss the objects in
a research. For example, a research can apply
perspective from historical biography,
formalism, structuralism, feminist theories,
Marxist theories, psychoanalysis, post-
colonialism, or post-structuralism like
Deconstructivist theories, semiotics or
semiology, multiculturalism, etc.
6. What is the method used? : The method of the research is formalistic analysis and close reading
The method of a research is the design that is
used in conducting the research. It can be
survey, it can be textual analysis, it can be
inter-textual, close reading, hermeneutics,
structural, deconstruction, semiotics, etc.
Sometimes, the theories and/or the method
are not explicitly mentioned. Sometimes the
theory and the method is the same, which
means that the theory that is used has its
own methods.
7. What are the research procedure? : 1. Preliminary observation
Research procedure are the step-by-step 2. Data Collection
stages that are taken during the analysis. In 3. Data Analysis
general, any research consists of the
following steps:
4. Conclusion drawing
1. Preliminary observation which
includes the first observation or the
first reading of the text or the
phenomenon that is being observed.
This is then followed by reading
previous research on the same topic,
and books/articles about theories
that can be used to analyze the
2. Data Collection: this is initiated with
close observation of the text as the
research subject, by reading,
watching, streaming, listening, etc.
This is then followed by recording,
that is taking note about all the
objects of the research that appear
in the text. For example, if the
research is on the form of a poem,
then the objects of the research are
the stanzas, the lines, the rhymes,
the repetitions, the figurative
languages, and so forth.
3. Data analysis, that is the step when
the data collected are then analyzed.
This stage is initiated wit
categorization of the data, for
example in a research that analyzes
the characterization of a novel, the
characterizations of Character No. 1
in that novel are put together in one
table, and so are all the
characterizations of Character No. 1,
and so forth. After the data
categorized, they are analyzed
further by using the theory that is
applied by the research. In this case,
the next steps in the Data Analysis
depend on the theory that is applied.
4. Conclusion Drawing: this is the part
where the conclusion is derived
from the analysis.

8. What are the Results of the Research? : By approaching the story in a formalism way, it doesn’t give consent to the author’s life,
This is the part of the research that elaborate background story, and only based on what is presented in the novel. This makes a pure
the analysis in the research. In most literary form of analysis of the elements in the story just as a great story. The genre of the story is
study, the result and discussions are placed
under the subchapter “Analysis”.
categorized as adventure fiction since it has three merging plots: gothics, action, and
horror. The characterization is using both direct and indirect method. Due to the genre
and the characterization, the style writing of this story is very unique and not stick to one
style of writing.
9. What are the Conclusions? : The genre of the story is adventure fiction. The characterization is defined through direct
This is the part where the results of the and indirect method and the style of the writing is combining three nodes of story writing
analysis are summarized, hence, concluded. which are action adventure, gothic, and horror.
It usually answers the questions that are
posed related to the object of the study.

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