Adverbial Phrases

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Adverbial Phrases.
They modify a verb and show…
WHERE …an action
takes place.
1. Josephine teaches English
amazingly well.

It is and telling
modifying us how
“teaches” she teaches.

2. She teaches English in the evening.

And telling us
It is when she
3. She teaches English at her place.

It is
modifying and telling us
“teaches” where she

4. She teaches English to help her students.

and telling
It is us why
modifying she
“teaches” teaches.

3. Responde las últimas 8 oraciones de la infografía (ya hicimos una parte de la última
a. Tienes que leer la oración y escribir si nos dice cómo, cuándo, dónde o por qué tiene lugar la

1. Meghan eats like a crazy person. R= How.

2. He speaks to everyone in a peaceful manner. R= How.

3. Jack is working in the kitchen. R= Where.

4. I am throwing a party at my house tomorrow!! R= Where, When.

5. I play with the kids in my free time. R= When.

6. His car is parked between two palm trees. R= Where.

7. I want to earn a lot of money to help people. R= Why.

8. Do things to make you feel happy! R= Why.

Segundo. Escribe la frase adverbial que muestra si es cuándo, por qué, cómo o dónde junto a la
palabra. Ejemplo:

Los niños juegan al fútbol todas las tardes. cuando ---- por la tarde.

1. How – a crazy person.

2. How – a peaceful manner.

3. Where – in the kitchen.

4. Where and when – at my house tomorrow.

5. When – in my free time.

6. Where – between two palm trees.

7. Why – to help people.

8. Why – to make you feel happy.

4. Completa las frases de la sección más ejercicios. Tienes que escribir una frase adverbial a cada
una de las 5 frases.

More exercises.

1. I don't smoke because it hurts my body.

Why – it hurts my body.
2. Sam is playing in the park.
Where – in the park.
3. My mother cooks pasta because it is my birthday.
Why – it is my birthday.
4. They help people like good people
How – good people.
5. My school is organizing a dance competition for Monday.
When – the Monday.

5. Responde la página 19. Ejercicios 12 y 13 del Cuadernillo.


Exercise #12. Write on the line: HOW, WHERE, WHY, WHEN.

Adverbial As fast as Adverbial At home

Phrases that possible Any Phrases that Around the
Describe time Describe moon By the
_When________ Today _Where______ mailbox
Before the break Right there
After midnight

Adverbial To record a Adverbial Quite

Phrases that statement To Phrases that interesting
Describe revise thoroughly Describe Doing excellent
_Why______ To have a happy _How______ Enjoyable
marriage Very well
Quite easily
Exercise #13. Match the following:

1. My brother ___d______ to the park. a) often

2. You __g____ emails. b) is always

3. She __a____watches t.v. at nights. c) her house in the afternoons

4. My brother ____b_____at school on time. d) sometimes goes

5. They ___f____ cakes. e) often takes

6. She always cleans __c___. f) often eat

7. She __e__ the bus to school. g) never send many

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