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Telecommunications making distance seem to disappear

(In what ways do you participate in this process?)

a. Do you have a member of your family who is working/living outside the country?
- Yes, there is.
b. How do you communicate with each other? Video call?
- Yes, through video call and sometimes my mother will call us in our mobile
c. How many times do you communicate? Daily? Weekly? Monthly?
- We communicate regularly.
d. What was the feeling when you talk with each other?
- It is like there is no difference at all because when we talk each other, we are
talking about a lot of stuffs and all. The distance is not the hindrance to us because
we are used to it now.



1. Research and list down the criteria and characteristics of a certain place to become a
- The policy dictated that for a town’s application for city status to be accepted it
must fulfil three criteria:
i. A minimum population of 300,000;
ii. A record of good local government;
iii. A “local metropolitan character”.
- Urban mode of life is quite contrary to traditional rural life, though it has affected
rural life which is also in the process of change. Its characteristics are represented
by the terms “urbanism” and the process of its expansion is called “urbanisation”.
i. Large size and high density of population
ii. Heterogeneity
iii. Anonymity
iv. Mobility and Transiency
v. Formality of Relations
vi. Social distance
vii. Regimentation
viii. Segmentation of Personality

2. Download the top ten great/known cities of the world and know the history that made
them great/known.
i. New York – it is a center for the best financial, legal, technological,
medical and scientific minds in the world. It’s home to some finest
educational institutions in the country.
ii. Rio de Janeiro – it is best known for its landmark the rock of Sugarloaf,
towering 394 meters above the harbor.
iii. Paris – the French capital is one of the most romantic cities in Europe and
one of the world’s most visited cities. There are endless reasons to visit
Paris repeatedly. It is a beautiful and cultural city, very walkable, with
great sights and it has been a source of inspiration for many writers, artists,
and filmmakers.
iv. Istanbul – it is a major city in Turkey which is world-famous for its rich
history and culture, stunning scenery, magnificent structures, and a
plethora of aspects.
v. Tokyo – it is famous for Anime, electronics, manga, and video games.
vi. Cape Town – it is known for its harbor, for its natural setting in the Cape
Floristic Region, and for landmarks such as Table Mountain and Cape
vii. Amsterdam – it is famous for its canals, beautiful houses, coffee shops and
Red Light District, but there is plenty more to this liberal city than most
visitors realise.
viii. Barcelona – it’s city world-renowned for its architectural beauty, its
cultural character and the way it blends tradition with innovation in
Spain’s temperature northeast.
ix. Sydney – it is a vibrant city known for its yacht-studded harbor, superb
beaches and the iconic Opera House with its towering sail structure.
x. San Francisco – it is famous for its Golden Gate Bridge, steep streets,
Alcatraz and Full House.


Based on the discussion above, answer the following questions.

1. In your own understanding, what is global city?

- It is an influential city that covers the dimensions of the globalization.
2. Give the advantages and disadvantages of a global city.
- Points for exchange of information
- New labor and capital
- Sophisticated banking and financial markets
- Human resources

- High cost of living
- Noise
- Lack of space
- Lack of parking
- Higher auto insurance premiums
- Higher crime rates

3. What does global city has to do with the global economy?

- They bring economies of scale, develop markets, create jobs and encourage new
economic activities to flourish. As economies move from primary activities such
as farming, fishing and mining to industrial production and then on to services, the
role of cities in the global economy increases with each transition.
4. If you were to decide, do you want to stay in a global city? Why?
- No because I came from a poor family so when I decide to live in a global city
what will be happen to us? Most especially that we are lack in financial and my
parents do not have a stable job like others.


Direction: Research about the “Theory of Demographic Transition: Three Centuries of
Fundamental Change” by Ronald Lee and answer the following questions.

1. What is demographic transition theory of population?

- The theory of demographic transition is based on the population trends of the
advanced countries of the world. According to this theory, every country passes
through three different stages of population growth. In the first stage, the birth rate
and the death rate are high and the growth of population is low. In the second stage,
the birth rate remains stable but the death rate falls rapidly. As a result, the growth
rate of population increases very swiftly. In the last stage, the birth rate starts falling
and tends to equal the death rate.

2. What are the 5 stages of demographic transition?

Stage 1: High Population Growth Potential
Stage2: Population Explosion
Stage 3: Population Growth Starts to Level Off
Stage 4: Stationary Population
Stage 5: Further Changes in Birth Rates

3. What countries are in stage 4 of demographic transition model?

- Germany, Italy and Japan


1. Relate the Malthusian theory in relation with the demographic transition of the
Philippines. Does it have something to do with the problems in the country? Why?
- According to Drilon, Malthus was correct in predicting that population would
expand at a rate not previously imagined but the other aspects of Mathusian theory
might not hold true due to the intervention of human beings. For example, it is
hoped that the imbalanced between population growth and food production can be
minimized in the future. In the Philippines there is good reason to be concerned
about the validity of Malthusian theory. Although the country’s growth rate has
been reduced from 3.01% in 1970 to 2.6%, it is still quite high. However, the
Philippines has actually been producing sufficient food to feed its population.

2. Write an essay or a short research paper to discuss the topic: “Has the Philippines
undergone the demographic transition? Why or why not?
- The study said the Philippines has so far failed to achieve a similar demographic
transition as most of its Southeast and East Asian neighbors have. UNFPA said
studies that investigated the impact of the demographic transition on economic
growth have shown that it accounted for a sizeable portion or about one-third of
economic growth experienced by East Asia’s economic “tigers” during the 1965-
1995. The UN body described the demographic transition as a change from a
situation of high fertility and high mortality rates to one of low mortality. A
country undergoing a demographic transition experiences sizeable changes in the
age distribution of its population. These changes, coupled with the right policies,
affect economic growth. In the case of Philippines, the study noted that while
fertility rates have dropped slowly, the population growth rate for the country has
remained high compared to its neighbors in Asia. With the fertility rate of 3 in
2013, the Philippines tied with Laos for having the highest fertility rate in the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations and South Korea recorded the lowest
fertility rate of 1.2 among the countries.

Direction: Each student is asked to interview a former or current OFW (face-to-face or
online) by asking the following questions:

a. What push you to decide to work as an Overseas Contract Worker?

- To give all the needs of my children
b. Who among those people is worth spending your precious time with despite distance
- My children
c. Whenever you go home, do you feel like you are a stranger to family and friends?
- No
d. Is working abroad an instrument in achieving your goals?
- Yes
e. Have you ever think of coming home for good? Or plan of living there for good?
- I am planning to go home for good after finishing my last year contract.

There are places where tourists, migrants, foreigners frequently visit. Choose a place
where the following people would likely to visit and answer the following questions;
a. Family – Hong Kong
b. Workers - Barcelona
c. Entrepreneurs - America
d. Senior Citizen – America

A. What are the things that this people need that this place can provide?
- Helps you to learn who you are
- Creates meaningful relationships.
- Relaxation
- Build strong relationships
- Helps you to learn new language
- It can be an adventure

B. How can this place improve the number of arrivals? How can this place limit the
- Highlight the main attraction
- Create a compelling destination website
- Identify your target visitors
- Obtain and utilize data to get to know your visitors
- Use social media to promote your country
- Explore various online advertising methods
Direction: Remember a place where you recently visited and share your observation and
experience in your travel.

Before this pandemic happened, we went in Burgos, Isabela to visit my father’s

parents. While travelling I am so happy back then because finally I am going to see my
grandparents again. I felt contentment in me. But there is one thing that is very disgusting
happened, I vomited inside the van and that is the problem with me when travelling. Then my
father told me to drink water and just sleep. After which, I was shocked because we are
already in the Roxas terminal. And so, that travel is not enjoyable though I am happy. Despite
of that vomit thing I felt so glad because finally I am in that place again where it became my
home for three years.

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