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Culture and Art

Article · October 2019

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1 author:

Emrullah Çelik
Middle East Technical University


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Culture and Art

Whether culture influences art or art shapes culture is a long-discussed topic. Answering that
question is not straightforward because they are firmly connected with each other. To understand the
relation between them, initially one must comprehend the term culture thoroughly. After grasping the
idea behind culture, its association with art will be apparent. The aim of this essay is to illustrate that
cultural norms orient and shape artistic work. By comparing and contrasting Turkey’s and Germany’s
culture and their art around religious norms, that argument will be solidified.

According to Tylor “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,
laws, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (as cited in
“Culture”,2013). Owing to the fact that culture is a term which encloses all aspects of life, giving a simple
definition will not be sufficient. Therefore, elaboration is needed to explain the main characteristics of it
(“Culture”,2013). Initially, conveying culture from one generation to another one is not possible by
biological means. Because culture is a concept which is learned by new members of society from former
practicer. Secondly, an isolated or individual culture does not exist by reason of culture being a formation
which emerged from social and reciprocal interaction within a group of people. Involvement of different
people may cause different conventions; thus, culture is unique for every different community. Moreover,
culture is not static it’s subject to non-stopping change through time. Since it evolves around core
principles of society such as religious doctrines, ever-changing cultural norms are interrelated and
coherent with its past(“Culture”,2013). Lastly, culture and art are interrelated. As human being, we are
part of society. Culture of the society we live in affects how we think, behave and interpret life. Since
artists are also a member of the society their work cannot be considered independent from their culture.
Indeed, before trying to understand a piece of art one needs to have a fair knowledge about the era it was
crafted otherwise this ignorance will prevent a person from understanding details and elegance about
that artwork. Because an artist, generally, tries to find out creative, original and ingenious ways to convey
cultural signs and norms; therefore, artistic work and cultural environment it emerged from are
inseparable (“The Relationship Between Art and Culture”, 2004). Meanwhile, art is highly influenced by
culture, art has a crucial role in preserving and conveying cultural heritage. Due to culture’s depth,
inspecting its effect on artistic work while considering all cultural elements surpasses the scope of this
essay. By reason of that concern just the effects of religion, which is a crucial part of a culture, on artistic
work will be considered.

Different societies have their own unique culture. Since culture influences artistic work
thoroughly, unlikeness and variation arise between the different craft of communities. Variation of artistic
work between Germany and Turkey is a plausible example. Germany is located in Central Europe and it
has a border with the Baltic sea. In Germany accepted faith is Christianity since the 6th century
(Filotas,2015). From the 9th century in Christian communities, Christian art was embraced so in Germany
(Williamson, p14,2004). On the other hand, Turkey is placed between Europe, Asia, and Africa also known
as Anatolia. Islam is the prevalent religion among Turks. Indeed, mentioned cultural norms have significant
effects on countries’ artistic work. Williamson (p. 69, 2004) states that prior to press, illustrated

Apocalypse printed and distributed in Germany. People with artistic ability ornated Holly Bible with
paintings. Since in Christianity portrait of important figures is welcome, so one can find a substantial
amount of Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary and angel portraits in this Bible’s. Similarly, in Turkey book ornament
is also an important artifice, but in contrast to Germany, one can never find portraits of any spiritual
person in them. Especially religious books in Turkey are decorated just with motifs dissimilar from Bible’s
in Germany. Because Islam deters people from promoting spiritual facts through art which portrays
human figures. (Hogarth, p. 13, no date). Due to above-stated religious concern painting did not make
much progress in Turkey. However, without contradicting Islamic principle alternative art areas such as
miniature, paper marbling, which can be thought as an option for painting, welcomed and improved. In
miniature perspective is not applied, it is two dimensional. Size of objects in miniature usually shows their
relative importance. Since German’s did not have such religious concerns, they applied perspective to
their paintings but, they don’t have profound meaning in them like miniature. Also, in both countries,
architecture is well developed. Owing to the fact that most of the Germans are Christian, one can find
enormous and captivating churches and cathedrals in Germany. But in Turkey, big mosques and around
mosques social complex are built.

To summarize, culture is an extensive term which includes every aspect of society. It affects how
we perceive and interpret the world around us. Since artists are member of society, they are affected
from culture. Their artistic works have signs of the culture they emerged from. Germany and Turkey are
good examples in order to understand how culture specifically religion affects art. In Germany art is
shaped around Christian doctrines whereas In Turkey art is a reflection of Islamic belief.


• (2013, 05). Culture Retrieved 05, 2013, from

• (2004, 10). The Relationship Between Art and Culture Retrieved 10, 2004,

• Does Art Influence Culture, or Does Culture Influence Art. (2016, May 16). Retrieved

• Filotas, B. (2005). Pagan Survivals, Superstitions and Popular Cultures In Early Medieval Pastoral
Literature, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.

• Williamson, B. (2004). CHRISTIAN ART: A Very Short Introduction. New York, US: Oxford
University Press Inc.

• Hogarth, B. & Kao, S. (n.d.). Islam and the Arts of the Ottoman Empire. Asian Art Museum
Education Department.

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