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Code: EL323
Time allowed: 90 minutes



I. Determine whether the underlined words are formed by the process of

derivation or inflection. (1pt)
II. Add the correct prefix to make a word that fits the context. (0.5pt)
Example: The state of not being happy may simply mean that you are feeling sad
III. Add the correct suffix to make a word that fits the context. (0.5pt)
Example: The removal of women's football has received strong object__ from
other countries.

IV. Add the correct root to make a word that fits the context. (1pt)
Example: At a station, _____ers carry the passengers’ luggage. (a job) ANSWER:

V. Identify the word-formation process of the underlined word in each sentence.

Example: ANSWER:
0. I’m studying at Thang Long Uni. Clipping


I. Explain the ambiguity in each of the following sentences by providing TWO

sentences that paraphrase its two different meanings. (0.5pt)
II. For each group of the words given, state what semantic features are shared.
Write TWO sematic features for each group. (0.5pt)
Example: meatballs, chicken, pizza, steak, spring rolls. ANSWER:
[+food] , [+savory]

III. Identify the sense relation between the underlined pair of words or
expressions and classify them if possible. (2pts)
Example: ANSWER:
0. We have one hour before our appointment. Homophony

IV. Identify the transference of meaning in the following sentences as Simile,

Metaphor, Metonymy, Hyperbole or Litotes. (1pt)
Example: 0. He ran like the wind to get there. ANSWER: Simile
V. Write a notational representation of the proposition in each of the sentences
below. (1pt)
Example: 0. Ireland is to the west of Scotland. ANSWER: i WEST s

----------------------------------THE END------------------------------------

Test items Numbers

A. Determine whether the underlined words are formed by the process of
derivation or inflection. (1pt)
Q1-Q10: affixational processes (from 4-6 each
test item, total:
1. derivational process 5
2. inflectional process 5
B. Add the correct prefix to make a word that fits the context. (0.5pt)
Q1-Q5 (word forming process: prefixation) 5
C. Add the correct suffix to make a word that fits the context. (0.5pt)
Q1-Q5 (word forming process: suffixation) 5
D. Add the correct root to make a word that fits the context. (1pt)
Q1-Q5 (word forming process: checking ability to use a root in a context 5
and with cues of affixes)
E. Identify the word-formation process of the underlined word in each
sentence. (2pts)
Q1-Q10 (from 1-2 each
(may not appear in this order:) test item, total:
1. compounding 2
2. onomatopoeia 2
3. clipping 2
4. blending 1
5. conversion 1
6. reduplication 1
7. affixation 1


A. Explain the ambiguity in each of the following sentences by providing
TWO sentences that paraphrase its two different meanings. (0.5pt)
1. structural ambiguity 1
2. lexical ambiguity 1
B. For each group of the words given, state what semantic features are
shared. Write TWO sematic features for each group. (0.5pt)
Q1-Q5 (5 lists of 5 words denoting concrete, abstract things, qualities, 5
actions, processes,…)
C. Identify the sense relation between the underlined pair of words or
expressions and classify them if possible. (2pts)
Q1-Q10 (Sense relations between words in pairs) (from 1-2 each
(may not appear in this order:) test item, total:
1. synonymy 2
2. antonymy 2
3. hyponymy 2
4. polysemy 1
5. homonymy 1
6. homophony 1
7. homography 1
D. Identify the transference of meaning in the following sentences as
Simile, Metaphor, Metonymy, Hyperbole or Litotes. (1pt)
Q1-Q10 (figures of speech showing transference of meaning in (from 1-3 each
sentences) test item, total:
(may not appear in this order:) 10)
1. simile 2
2. metaphor 2
3. metonymy 2
4. hyperbole 2
5. litotes 2
E. Write a notational representation of the proposition in each of the
sentences below. (1pt)
1. simple sentence with one participant, one predicate (positive or 1
2. simple sentence with 2 participants, one predicate (positive or 1
3. simple passive sentence with ‘by’ (positive or negative) 1
4. simple comparative sentence (positive or negative) 1
5. sentence with ‘or’ (2 predicates) 1
6. sentence with ‘but’ (2 predicates) (positive or negative) 1
7. sentence with ‘and’ (2 predicates) 1
8. sentence with ‘if’ (2 predicates) (positive or negative) 1
9. sentence with an embedded clause (positive or negative) 1
10. negative sentence using ‘nor’ (1 or 2 predicates) 1

A. Determine whether the underlined words are formed by the process of derivation or
inflection. (1pt)  10 items (5 derivational + 5 inflectional)
B. Add the correct prefix to make a word that fits the context. (0.5pt)  5 items (word
formation process: prefixation

The state of not being happy may simply mean that you are feeling sad

C. Add the correct suffix to make a word that fits the context. (0.5pt)  5 items (word
formation process: suffixation

D. Add the correct root to make a word that fits the context. (1pt) 

E. Identify the word-formation process of the underlined word in each sentence. (2pts)
a. Compounding
b. Clipping
c. Blending
d. Conversion
e. Reduplication
f. Affixation
g. Onomatopoeia
h. …
A. Explain the ambiguity in each of the following sentences by providing TWO sentences
that paraphrase its two different meanings. (0.5pt)  structural ambiguity & lexical
Yesterday I ran into an old friend
 The friend I met is an aged friend
 The friend I met yesterday was my classmate
B. For each group of the words given, state what semantic features are shared. Write
TWO sematic features for each group. (0.5pt)
C. Identify the sense relation between the underlined pair of words or expressions and
classify them if possible. (2pts)
a. Synonymy (2)
b. Antonymy (2)
c. Hyponymy (2)
d. Polysemy (1)
e. Homonymy (1)
f. Homophony (1)
g. Homography (1)
D. Identify the transference of meaning in the following sentences as Simile, Metaphor,
Metonymy, Hyperbole or Litotes. (1pt)
a. Simile (2)
b. Metaphor (2)
c. Metonymy (2)
d. Hyperbole (2)
e. Litotes (2)
E. Write a notational representation of the proposition in each of the sentences below.

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