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How do the values exemplified by the stories affect our actions as Filipino citizens?

Generally, the values that are discussed in each stories immensely influence our gestures as
Filipino citizens since the stories demonstrated proper values that we can apply within ourselves
to able to grow and develop individually which will eventually have a positive effect to our
relationships. In a particular aspect, the first story which was entitled “The House of Life”,
exemplified the value of having the respect for our lives. In my perspective, this moral has that
impact for us to respect the lives that was given to us as well as the lives of others around us. If
we apply this value as a Filipino citizen, we may become a better contributor to the lives of

In the second story which has the title of, “Father’s Mistake- No Time”, the father was so
absorbed by his goals of giving his family everything they want that he was constantly working
and eventually didn’t have time for his family, hence, them leaving him. This story would make
people realize that sometimes we are so occupied with reaching goals and dreams in life for the
future, that we forget the present and the ones who are in it with you, especially your family.
This value of would inspire us to make more time and appreciate our loved ones even more that
we are doing right now. On the other hand, the poem, “The Truth About Lies”, explained to us
the importance of telling the truth and how telling lies would just make the matters worst. This is
an essential value not only for being a Filipino citizen but also as human being. It will not benefit
anyone with the lies we are speaking. And of course, at the end, the truth will always prevail.

The next two stories, in my opinion, are somehow extremely related. I believe that there is no
justice if equality is not practiced and vice versa. These values, if properly observed, would have
a great effect in or actions as citizens of our nation, especially in the political aspect of our
society. If there is equality, and justice is served for everyone, there would be no one that could
experience such harsh occurrences in their lives, which no one even deserves. If only these
values are existing as of right now, our nation would be far off from where we are currently.

Similarly, the morals of the last two stories somehow connected with each other since the first
one is about having a concern for others and the last one is regarding ones involvement for the
betterment of the environment. These values teach us how to be selfless and have a care about
everyone and everything around us. As with the other values, these two would also have a
positive effect in our action as citizens of the Philippines because it would be of great help if
each and every one of us are not selfish and actually have a concern for the welfare of others and
the environment we are living in. Thus, the values exemplified in each stories would certainly be
beneficial, if applied in our actions, to our whole being as a person and also for the country we
are all calling home.

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